WTY_RAP - Warranty RAP Messages

The following messages are stored in message class WTY_RAP: Warranty RAP Messages.
It is part of development package LO_WTY_MODEL in software component LO-WTY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Warranty claim processing Next Gen Odata/CDS Modelling".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Invalid claim.
002You are not authorized to perform this action.
003Invalid combination of sales org., distribution channel, and division.
004Error while creating a new incoming claim version.
005Supplier response received; new incoming claim version is created.
006Enter a supplier.
007Enter a plant.
008Enter an object type.
009Enter the purchasing organization.
010Enter an object.
011Invalid object value &.
012Enter a quantity for each item.
013Object &1 does not belong to object type &2.
014Warranty dates for &1 - &2 are not maintained.
015Specified partner &1 is not setup in sales organization &2
016Claim validated.
017Error while validating the claim; view the log.
018Enter the repair date.
019Part causing damage cannot be flagged for multiple lines.
020Claim status is changed to - &.
021Claim has status - Error in validation. Cannot be sent to supplier.
022Claim has status - Error in validation. Status is not set to Created.
023Customer is not maintained for the Supplier &.
024Enter a valid currencycode.
025Invalid item key value.
026Claim canceled.
027Claim rejected.
028Claim created.
029Cannot reject. Set the decision code to Rejected.
030Enter a valid supplier.
031Enter a valid responsible person.
032Enter a valid plant.
033Enter the material.
034Enter a valid sales organization.
035Enter a valid distribution channel.
036Enter a valid division.
037Enter a valid purchase organization.
038Enter the damage date.
039Enter currency code.
040Enter a valid material number.
042Set the decision code to Canceled.
043Claim sent to supplier.
044Claim category must be 'OV' for the action "Receive supplier response."
045Cannot post to finance. Claim not approved.
046Version &1 is not approved.
047Claim posted to finance.
048No email ID found for supplier &1.
049Your claim could not be sent. Contact technical support.
050Enter a repair start date that is before the repair end date.
051Enter a damage date that is before the repair start date.
052Error in validation; maintain warranty details for the object &.
053Object & does not exist.
054Error in validation; repair start date is before the warranty start date.
055Error in validation; repair start date is after the warranty end date.
056Enter the sales organization.
057Enter the distribution channel.
058Enter the division.
059Claim closed.
060Cannot determine company code or purchase organization from claim.
061Cannot find pricing data for claim &1 version &2.
062Item &1 does not belong to version &2
063Maintain warranty details or registration date.
064Damage date should be after the warranty start date.
065Damage date should be on or before the warranty end date.
066Maintain part causing damage for at least one material.
067Maintain part causing damage only for one material.
068Maintain at least one item for further processing.
069Maintain person responsible for further processing.
070Maintain country/region for &1.
071Maintain email address for &1.
072Requested amount cannot be zero. check pricing details.
073Enter a valid number range
074External number range is not supported
075Enter a valid claim type
076Error in validation. Check alerts for details.
077Cannot reject the claim. Amount already approved.
078Select claim source from list.
079Select object type from list.
080Invalid unit of measure.
081Error while posting accounting document.
082Enter the item type.
083Purchase organization &1 is not assigned to plant &2.
084Supplier &1 is not maintained for purchase organisation &2.
085Condition Type &1 already exist. Update selected one
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