WV - Messages about Sales Price Calculation

The following messages are stored in message class WV: Messages about Sales Price Calculation.
It is part of development package WVKP in software component LO-RFM-MD-RPC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IS-R: Sales pricing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** General messages **********************************************
001No selection possible
002Enter a valid date
003Please enter a valid list variant
004Position cursor on a valid line
005Data was saved
006Function code &1 not defined
007"Valid from" date must be before "Valid to" date
008Prices could not be calculated
009Please enter a valid list group
010Data can only be displayed as it is blocked by user &1
011System error: Data could not be locked
012Final screen reached
013First screen reached
014The function you have chosen is not available
015The sales price calculation log contains entries; please check error log
016The sales price calculation log does not contain any entries
017Items with status &1 cannot be &2
018No class type exists for application &1
019Data could not be saved
020*** Messages for company code *******************************************
021Company code &1 does not exist
022Valuation area &1 does not exist
023Valuation area &2 associated with plant &1 is not available
024Company code &2 associated with plant &1 is not available
025No currency has been entered for company code &1
026Sales unit &1 is not available
030*** Messages for material ***********************************************
031You did not limit material selection
032Material &1 cannot be used with selection criteria &2 &3 &4
033No materials exist in season &1
034No materials available in season year &1
035No materials exist in annual season &1 &2
036Season &1 does not exist
037Material &1 is not procured from supplier &2
038The materials selected are not procured from supplier &1
039Material &1 does not exist in material group &2
040Materials selected do not exist in material group &1
041No materials could be selected
042Material &1 does not exist
043Material &1 is not maintained in plant &2
044Unit of measure &1 is not maintained for material &2
045Material &1 is not in sub-range &2 of supplier &3
046Material group &1 does not exist
047Prices could not be calculated for some of the materials selected
048Error updating MBEW. Key = & & &
049Please restrict your selection of materials further
050*** Messages for info record ********************************************
051Purchasing info record &1 &2 (&3) does not exist
052No purchasing info record exists
053&1 &2 &3 &4
055*** Messages about determining net/net purchase price *******************
056Purchase price determination sequence &1 does not exist
057No steps exist for purchase price determination procedure &1
060*** Messages for supplier ***********************************************
061Supplier &1 is not an allowed source of supply
062Supplier &1 is not maintained for plant &2
063Enter a supplier
064Supplier &1 unknown in org. structure selected
065No supplier could be determined for material &1
066Supplier &1 does not exist
067Sub-range &1 does not exist for supplier &2
068Supplier &1 not maintained for purchasing organization &2
069Supplier &1 and plant &2 are identical
070*** Messages for organization structure *********************************
071Please enter either a distribution chain or a plant
072No distribution chain exists for distribution channel &1
073Please enter a complete distribution chain
074No distribution chain exists for sales org. &1
075Sales org &1 and distr. chnnl &2 not maintained as distr.chain
076Distribution channel &1 does not exist
077Purch. org. &1 does not exist
078No prices could be calculated for some of the plants selected
079Plant &1 and sales org. &2 have different co. code currencies
080Prices cannot be calculated for the plants selected
081No plants able to be selected
082No distribution channels able to be selected
083No sales organization able to be selected
084No further &1 exist
085No company code exists for sales org. &1
086Plant &1 does not belong to distribution chain &2/&3
087No plant &2 exists for sales org. &1
088No plant &2 exists for distribution channel &1
089Plant &1 is not assigned to a distribution chain with retail prices
090Sales org. &1 does not exist
091Enter a plant
092Plant already displayed
093Please position cursor on line with desired distribution chain
094No purchasing organization exists for sales organization &1
095No company code exists for plant &1
096Plant &1 is not supplied by purch. org. &2
097Plant &1 does not exist
098Organizational structure unable to be completed
099No purchasing organization found for plant &1
100*** Messages for conditions and prices **********************************
101No sales price available in master conditions
102Condition unit cannot be converted to sales unit
103Overflow converting condition unit to sales unit
104Sales unit entered not allowed
105The number value entered is too large
106Unauthorized change in the existing price calculation
107Error calculating markup
108Sales prices must be positive
109Purchase prices must be positive
110Price calculation results in a negative sales price
111No planned markup exists for the key &1 &2 &3
112No calculation schema exists for vend. &1, purch. org. &2
113Error calculating purchasing prices
114Error calculating sales prices
115The number value entered is not allowed (typing error?)
116No sales price calculation schema found
117No condition type for basic purchase price in calculation schema &1
118Currency &1 not defined
119No sales price control exists for calculation schema &1
120*** Messages for price points *******************************************
121Please enter first price point
122Please enter last price point
123Please enter price interval
124The final price point cannot be reached; next price is &1
125This price point group is contained fully in another group
126Please correct inconsistencies in the price point groups displayed
128Please check the data displayed
129The last price point &1 must be greater than the first price point &2
130No price point group exists for key &1 &2 &3 &4
131Price point group &1 does not exist
132No price point ranges exist for price point group &1
133No price point group exists for key &1 &2 &3 &4
135*** Messages for pricing document ***************************************
136Layout &1 is not defined
139Pricing document &1 contains no items
140There is no provision for creating pricing documents
141Pricing document number &1 created
142Pricing document &1 does not exist
143Pricing document &1 contains errors
144Pricing document &1 deleted
145Pricing document &1 changed
146Data saved; pricing document &1 created
147Data saved; pricing document &1 changed
148Data partially saved; pricing document &1 created
149Data partially saved; pricing document &1 changed
150*** Messages for authorization ******************************************
151User is not authorized for all sales orgs and distr. channels
152User does not have the necessary authorization(s)
153User does not have the necessary authorizations
154User not authorized for purchase price conditions
155User not authorized for sales price conditions
156You are not authorized to update sales conditions
157You are not authorized to update purchase conditions
158Update of all records selected not possible (no authorization)
159No authorization to update conditions for s.org./dist.ch. selected
160No authorization to calculate price for this org. level/material group
161List incomplete due to missing authorization
162Selection not possible due to missing authorization
163User does not have authorization for all condition types
164No authorization for condition type &1
165No authorization to update conditions of condition type &1
166No authorization for distr. chain &1/&2, price list &3, material group &4
167No authorization for distr. chain &1/&2, plant &3, material group &4
168No authorization for distribution chain &1/&2, material group &4
170*** Messages for number ranges ******************************************
171Number range object &1 does not exist
172No number range interval exists for number range number &1
173No number range number exists for pricing document type &1
174No number range number exists for price entry type &1
175Enter a number between & and &
176Price entry & already exists; select another number
180*** Other messages for conditions and prices ****************************
181Dependent records exist for condition record number &1
182No condition type for updating has been assigned to key &1 &2
183Sales price already defined in conditions
184Current mark-up outside planned tolerance limits
185No basic purchase price relevant to pricing found with schema &1
186Calculation schema &1 of appl. &2 is not capable of price calculation
187No pricing control exists for key &1 &2
188No cond. table has been maintained for plant prices for condition type &1
189No cond. table for distr. chain prices maintained for condition type &1
190No condition table maintained for price list prices for condition type &1
191The net/net PP found is negative
192Pricing type &1 does not exist
193No sales price exists yet
194There are no basic price condition types relevant to pricing
195No entry for sales price calculation control exists for key &1 &2
196Calculation schema &1 of appl. &2 contains no manual condition type
197Neither condition type nor subtotal maintained for key &1 &2
198Calculation schema &1 for appl. &2 does not contain an effective price
199No net/net purchase price could be determined
200*** Messages for error log **********************************************
201No messages exist
202Please position the cursor on a message line
210*** Messages for fast entry of sales price changes **********************
211No stock could be found for material &1 in plant &2
212No stock balance display possible: valuation area is company code
213No class type could be found for application &1
214No classes could be found for class type &1 and object &2
215No period could be found for season &1 &2
216No provision for stock balance display here
217Material selected is a value-only material. Display not possible.
220*** Further messages for organization structure ***********************
221Plant &1 does not belong to distribution chain &2/&3
222Plant &1: no price calculations possible for distribution chains selected
223Condition maintenance for distr. chain &1/&2 via distr. chain &1/&3
224Distribution center &1 does not deliver to &2 &3 &4
225No customer data exists for plant &1
226Plant &1 is not a customer for distribution chain &2/&3
227Only differing lines are displayed
228No sales prices possible at plant level for distribution chain &1/&2
229No distribution chain able to be selected
230No sales prices possible at price list level for distribution chain &1/&2
231No price list calculation possible for the selected distribution chains
232Price list &1 does not exist
233No price lists could be selected
234Plant group &1 does not exist for plant type &2
235No plant groups could be selected for class type &1
236No plants exist in plant group &1
237Please enter either a distribution chain or a plant group
238A class type must be selected for plant groups
239Reference plant only possible for distribution chains or plant groups
240Plant &1 cannot be used as reference plant
241Plant &1 does not exist in any of the plant groups selected
242No different lines found
243"Different lines" operation terminated
244The plants listed do not exist in the plant groups selected
245Specification of price lists together with plant groups is not permitted
246Specification of price lists together with plants is not permitted
247No organizational level was selected
248No plants exist for the plant groups selected
249Plant group &1 no longer contains plants after this assignment
250Program terminated
251Plant &1 (&2) assigned to plant group &3
252No calculation created for plant &1
253Price lists cannot be entered without distribution chain
254System error: Internal class number &1 does not exist
255No division is defined for distribution chain &1/&2
256The plants selected do not sell via distibution chains &1/&2
257No price calculations possible for the plans and distr. chains selected
258Enter a material or an organizational level
259Plants in plant group &1 do not operate in filter distrib. chain &2/&3
260No provision exists for prices at plnt lvl for dist chains of plnt grp &1
261Plant group &1 contains plants from dist. chains without plant prices
262Plant group &1 contains plants from dist. chains with faulty Customizing
265Class type &1 &2 for plant groups in SP calculation not defined
266Class type &1 is not defined
267Sales area &1/&2/&3 determined for supplying plant &4 using rule '01'.
270*** Further supplier messages *******************************************
271Supplier &1 (purchasing organization &2) has not been assigned a currency
272No materials could be selected for supplier &1
273No materials could be selected for supplier &1/sub-range &2
274The materials selected do not exist in sub-range &1 of supplier &2
275Material &1 does not exist in sub-range &2 of supplier &3
276Supplier &1 is not an allowed source of supply
277No DC transfer price could be determined for supplying plant &1
278The suppliers entered are not valid sources of supply
279External supplier &1 is not a permitted source of supply
280External supplier &1 is not a permitted source of supply
281Internal supplier &1 is not a permitted source of supply
282Internal supplier &1 is not a permitted source of supply
283Enter a supplier
284Supplier &1 is locked for all purchasing organizations
285Supplier &1 is locked for purchasing organization &2
286Supplier &1 is locked for subrange &2, purchasing org. &3 and plant &4
287Supplier &1 is locked for supplier subrange &2 and purchasing org. &3
288Supplier &1 is locked for purchasing organization &2 and plant &3
289Supplier &1 is locked; see long text.
290*** Further messages for materials **************************************
291Material &1 does not exist in any season in year &2
292Material &1 is not maintained for season &2 in any year
293The materials selected do not exist in material group &1
294No supplier could be determined for material &1 (plant group &2)
295No materials could be selected
296A suggested retail price has been defined for material &1
297Fixed price is defined for material &1
298Assortment &1 is not available
299No assortment could be selected
300*** General messages (continued) ****************************************
301Entry not allowed (typing error?)
302Neither printing nor saving has been selected
303Price unit entered is not allowed (typing error?)
304Error determining the condition types
305Price determination date change cancelled, entries in list were ignored
306Price determination date change cancelled, invalid list entries
307Items whose sales unit/sales price unit have changed have been re-priced
308Purchase price determination sequence &1 is invalid
309Deletion of pricing items was interrupted
310All calculations for material &1 have been deleted
311All calculations for organizational level '&1' have been deleted
312Log for market-basket price calculation contains entries; check log
313There are no entries in the market-basket price calculation log
314Pricing date change: log entries exist
315Sales price determination sequence &1 is invalid
316Condition type &1 for application &2 is not defined
317No reference condition allowed for condition type of the sales price
318You cannot post to condition type (here &1) with a reference condition
319'Exclude distr. chain' indicator set, but no site/price list selected
320Customizing for saving list fields (schema &1) contains errors.
321Default validity start (&1) exceeded manually
322Reason for price change &1 is not defined.
323Proposed validity start date (&1) not reached; check the date
324Proposed validity start date (&1) not reached; date adjusted
330*** Special messages about price overview *******************************
331Please specify a unit of measure
332The unit of measure you have chosen will not be used
333The unit of measure you have chosen will not be used
334Error compiling the price overview
335No conditions could be found for the item displayed
336No conditions could be found to match the selection criteria
337No conditions could be found for the items selected
338Price overview log contains entries. Please check the log
339Plant &1 does not belong to distribution chain &2/&3
340The plants selected do not belong to distribution chain &1/&2
341No sales prices possible at plant level for distribution chain &1/&2
342Plant &1 does not belong to any of the distribution chains selected
343Plant &1 is not assigned to a consumer distribution chain
344No display report could be generated for access sequence &1
345Please place cursor on a line with a sales price
346Please specify an organizational level
347Please limit your material selection
348No sales prices possible at price list level for distribution chain &1/&2
349No sales prices possible at price list level in the distr.chains selected
350*** Messages for pricing documents (continued) **************************
351Document item &1 &2 created
352Document item &1 &2 changed
353Document item &1 &2 deleted
354Pricing worklist documents cannot be changed directly
355Items with status 'C' cannot be deleted
356You have selected deleted items only
357No items with status 'D' have been selected
358You have selected items that cannot be cancelled
359You have only selected cancelled items
360You have selected items with status 'D'
361Only items with status 'C' have been selected
362No pricing document exists
363The current item cannot be reversed
364Pricing docs for market-basket price calculns cannot be changed directly
365Items with status &1 cannot be changed
366You cannot directly change pricing documents for price planning
367The deletion can only be reset for items in status 'D'
368Items with status &1 cannot be cancelled
369The cancellation can only be reset for items in status 'C'
370*** More Messages for Material ************************************
371No sales prices calculation for reference or value-only materials
372Calculation document with trans. &1 cannot be changed using Services
380*** Special messages to do with price overview - continued
381No authorization to display sales price for distribution chain &1/&2
382No authorization to display price determination
383Condition record for &1, sales and conditions unit different
384Price overview log contains no entries
385The plants selected do not buy via the distribution chains selected
386Price calculation documents not possible for external calls
388Condition types for SP calc. control missing in calc. schema for pricing
400*** Messages for Customizing checks *************************************
401Condition type &1 does not exist for application &2
402You have not yet maintained the allowed cond. tables for cond. type &1
403No condition type has been maintained for updating standard sales prices
404No condition type has been maintained for updating promotion prices
405Standard condition type and promotion condition type are identical
406No main condition exists for supplementary condition &1
407There is more than one main condition for supplementary condition &1
408Condition type &1 is used in more than one place in schema &2
409Type A of condition type determination is only allowed for application M
410Supplier currency for current list field not allowed
411No entries exist in the control data for sales price calc. schema &1
412Take note of update settings error log
430*** Messages for File Import *****************************************
431&1 of &2 entries could not be processed
432Specify an organizational level
433Entry &1 could not be processed; see the following message
434Entries with materials and those without cannot be processed together
435Entries with site groups and those without cannot be processed together
436+++ Start of messages that relate to the file import +++
437+++ End of messages that relate to the file import +++
438Specification of price lists together with plants is not permitted
439Specification of price lists together with plant groups is not permitted
440Specification of price lists without distribution chains is not permitted
441Specification of plant groups together with dist. chains is not permitted
442Value "&1" could not be transferred for field "&2"
443No entries could be processed
444Entry with the same calculation level already exists
450*** Other messages for conditions and prices ****************************
451The list field you have selected does not contain a price
452No update possible using condition type &1
453Sales price (condition type &1, condition table &2) is updated
454Item has pricing reference material; no posting to condition type &4
455A fixed price has been defined for material &1
456Sales currency &1 is not allowed
457List field &1 does not exist
458The current sales price currency not the same as that entered
459Mass changes are not possible for the selected list field &1 ('&2')
460Mass change function is not defined for date in header
461No sales price was found for the item displayed
462No sales price for pricing level of displayed item
463The (net) sales price is less than the net/net purchase price
464Plant &1 does not operate in filter distribution chain &2/&3
465Error updating condition type &1 and condition table &2
466Mass Change Net/Net PPrice Only Possible for PPrice Determination Type D
467Calculated and current final price are the same. Update not necessary.
468No update w/o price change reason if sales price smaller than pur. price
469Purchasing-side calculation produces a negative net value
470Sales-side calculation produces a negative net value
500*** Messages for XPRAs and conversion reports ***************************
501Entry already exists for distribution chain &1 in client &2
502Price point group &1 is missing in client &2
503Entry &1 already exists in client &2
504Authorizations with the same name as &1 already exist
505Entries already exist for authorization &1 in transparent table
506Error creating authorizations &1
507No update of single profiles for authorizations that were not generated
508Updated authorizations not used in single profiles
509There are new author. object entries for profile &1 in transparent table
510Error compiling modified single profile &1
511Incomplete recompile of single profile &1 with new authorization objects
512Update program terminated - you do not have the required authorization
513When entering a condition type, also enter the relevant application
514Fields of condition tables &1 and &2 are not identical
515The number (&1) of conditions to be copied is too large
516Condition does not match condition record &1 in Customizing
517Document type &1 is not defined
518Customizing settings for saving retail price are incorrect or incomplete
519&1 &2 &3 &4
520*** Messages about archiving ********************************************
521The key date for archiving cannot be a future date
522Conversion routine could not be determined
523No relevant materials were found based on selection criteria
524Error reading pricing document &1/&2 from archive
525Pricing document &1 was read from the archive
526Document item cannot be archived; status not complete
527Document item cannot be archived; condition record still valid
528Document item was archived
529Document item cannot be archived; condition table not permitted
530Document item cannot be archived: Valid-From after Archiving Key date
550*** Continuation of messages for XPRAS and conversion report ************
551Currency for condition record does not match sales crcy, cond. rec. nr &1
552Table TWRPGP already entered in client &1, no transfer necessary
553No entry in table TWPA for client &1
554Database error when inserting entry in table TWRPGP for client &1
555Entry for client &1 inserted into table TWRPGP
556Start XPRA: transfer of document schema data from table TWPA to TWRPGP
557End XPRA: transfer document schema data TWPA->TWRPGP with return code &1
558Error determining data for condition table &1
559Error determining company code currency
560Condition type &1 in application &2 is not maintained
600*** Messages about EMU conversion ***************************************
601&1 work items created
602Please check workflow settings
603Transaction code &1 does not exist
604Function module &1 does not exist
605Error during currency conversion
606You cancelled your selection
607No entries could be selected
608The conversion plan already contains the entries selected
609User &1 does not exist (typing error?)
610Conversion date precedes notification date
611No currencies defined for conversion to the euro
612Enter old and new currency
613Number of changeover items has been reduced to &1.
614Currency conversion for pur. org. &1 is performed using ref. pur. org &2
615No entry in the currency conversion table for the current work item
616Work item already has status &1
620*** Messages for BAPIs **************************************************
621Error in enhancement &1, object key &2 does not exist
650*** Messages relating to competitor price entry ************************
651Entry list &1 was selected
652Entry list &1 has been deselected
653Deselection only possible at root of subtree selected
654Data was saved, price entry &1 is being created
655Data was saved, price entry &1 was saved
656No customer data exists for competitor &1
657Account group &1 for competitor &2 is not allowed
658Enter data for price activation
659Saving competitor prices in the conditions is not possible
660Complete the competitor price data
661No competitor prices could be determined
662Suggested price has been adjusted
663Price entry type &1 is not defined
664No pricing strategy exists; a suggested price cannot be determined
665Pricing strategy &1 does not exist
666Customer &1 is blocked; see long text
700*** Messages concerning market-basket price calculation
701Unauthorized change of market-basket price calculation
702Error im determining sales quantity
703Market-basket price calculation &1 already exists, choose another number
704Reference plant &1 does not supply via the distribution chain entered
705Reference plant definition was terminated, MB price calculn not started
706Distribution chain &1/&2 is not a store distribution chain
707Logs contain no entries; check logs
708Market-basket price calculation log contains entries, check log
709Material &1, sales unit &2 was deleted
710Specify selection of plants
711Market-basket calculation type &1 is not defined
712Market-basket calculation type &1 is not available
713Explicit reference plant and default assignment indicator have been set
714Explicit reference plant &1 is not included in selection of plants
715Plant selection for price activation at distrib. chain level not allowed
716Price activatn on price list level and adoptn of ref. plants incompatible
717Pr. activ. at dist. ch. lvl and ref. market-basket pr. calc. incompatible
718Contradictory reference plant assignment
719Specify selection of distribution chains
720Plant &1 has reference plant &3 (dist. chain &4) for price calculation
721The selected plants have a reference plant for price calculation
722Sales price calculation has not yet been carried out
723Market-basket price calculation has been released
724"Released" status of market-basket price calculation has been revoked
725Market-basket price calculation terminated, all items contained errors
726Display only possible for market-basket price calculations (status F)
727Market-basket pricing type &1 permits only internal number assignment
728Market-basket price calculation nr &1 already used; choose another number
729Reference plant &1 unsuitable, items contain errors
730Market-basket pricing document &1 with status &2 has been created
731Market-basket pricing doc. &1 (status &3) with SP pr. doc. &2 is created
732MB pricing doc. (status &3)/SP pricing doc. and conditions were created
733Changes to market-basket price calculation &1 (status &2) were saved
734Changes to MB price calculation &1 were saved, SP conditions created
740The items selected have a reference plant or contain errors
741Selected items contain errors, display of SP calculation not possible
742Period indicator in sales quantity determination was not set
743Selection variant &2 for application area &1 is not available
744Error reading field row data for selection variant &1
745Error determining sales: InfoStruc. S083 does not allow multiple dist.ch.
746Items for material &1 with error log entries were deleted
747MB price calculation items with errors and log entries were deleted
748Short text for MB price calculation &1 is not available in language &2
749The corrected sales quantity may not be 0 or negative
750Chain in reference plant assignment, plants involved cannot be changed
751Reference plant &1 does not supply via the site group(s) entered
752Current item contains errors, display of SP calculation not possible
753Enter a market-basket pricing type
754Enter a number between &1 and &2
755Material &1 cannot be processed
756Material group &1 cannot be processed
757There are no new articles for market basket price calculation &1.
758Market basket price calculation &1 has been expanded.
759Invalid entry in customer-defined fields
760Plant prices are not allowed for distribution chain &1/&2
761&1/&2 is not contained in the current market basket calculation
762&1/&2/&3 is not contained in the current market basket calculation
770An overflow occurred during totaling in the basic list
771Overflow during calculation of key figures
800*** System errors *******************************************************
801Select lines
802Select a line
806System error: Error in routine &
807System error: error during insert in table &
808System error: error updating table &
809System error: error deleting in table &
810&1 of &2 entries modified
831No logistics data for mat. &1/ (ref.) plant &2, therefore next level used
850*** Messages connected with BAdIs *****
851Distribution chain &1/&2 and price list &3 is not a valid combination
852Pricing worklist: no entry as margin change is below the threshold value
853Error determining weighting factors for supplier mixed price
854No calculation for perishable materials at plant level
856You can only display the details for one material
857You can only display the details for one distribution chain
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