WXPA - MAP: External Applications

The following messages are stored in message class WXPA: MAP: External Applications.
It is part of development package WIS_PLAN in software component LO-RFM-OBS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Retail: Planning".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* messages from the interface definition
001Characteristic &2 was not assigned
002No key figures are assigned
003No external characteristic was assigned to characteristic &1
004No external key figure was assigned to key figure &1
005Error during generation of structure &1
006Error when activating structure &1
007Test and generation were completed
008External characteristic &1 has already been assigned
009External key figure &1 has already been assigned
010Maintain unit &1 in the "Characteristics" sub-item
011No version assigned
012Interface is completely defined
013No characteristics assigned
014Invalid characteristic &1 has been assigned
015Invalid key figure &1 has been assigned
016Plan version &1 is not assigned to scenario &2 / step &3
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