WXPB - Nachrichten zu MAP: Enterprise-Addon

The following messages are stored in message class WXPB: Nachrichten zu MAP: Enterprise-Addon.
It is part of development package WIS_PLANB in software component LO-RFM-OBS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Merchandise and Assortment Planning, Enterprise Add-On".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* Messages from Listing
001Plan version &1 is not in the area selected
002Multiple use of plan versions in the selected area
003Listing was terminated
004Listing was started in the background
005Listing has been created as a job
006No assortment found
007Material group &1 does not exist
008Category &1 does not exist
009No assortment selected. Listing will be terminated
010No season settings can be found; listing will be cancelled
011No listing date can be found; listing will be cancelled
012No materials could be determined; listing will be terminated
100Variant &2 already exists for article &1 for this characteristic value
101Characteristic value &1 is not defined
102Characteristic value &1 is already contained in the planning screen
103Characteristic value &1 exists twice
104Database error when modifying table &1
105Article &1 is already contained in the planning screen
106Enter at least one characteristic value
107Material group &2 for article &1 does not match that of the layout (&3)
108Article &1 is not a generic article
109&1 is not assigned to article &2 as a variant-creating characteristic
110Article &1 already exists
111Enter the number of the article to be created
112New article created acc. to reference article of material group
113"Material Group" field not recognized
114No material group contained in the planning layout
115No reference article is maintained for material group &1
116Initial characteristic value is not permitted
117Characteristic value is too wide
118At least one row must remain in the layout
119There are no variants to be created for article &1
120No log exists
121&2 is not a variant-creating characteristic for article &1
122Article &1 is not yet limited regarding characteristic &2
123Characteristic value &1 is already used in variant &2
124Error: &1&2&3&4
125Characteristics profile &2 is not assigned to material group &1
126Characteristic value &1 is not permitted according to classification
127Error occurred when reading the classification of material &1
128Error reading the characteristic restriction from &1 to &2
129Specify a material group
130Specify a characteristics profile
131Characteristics profile &2 is not assigned to material group &1
132Material type has been changed successfully
133Error messages occured; recheck the data
134Select exactly one article
135Select exactly one characteristic value
136It is not possible to delete rows for locked total cells
137Material &1 is not a generic material; valuation is not possible
200The function you have chosen is not possible for this cell
201Total is locked. Unlock cell first
202Total cannot be locked
203Data cell cannot be locked
204Unlock another data cell first
205Zero totals cannot be locked
206All subordinate totals locked. No entry possible
207The "Lock Cell Value" function is not possible for this cell
208Lead column settings for user &1 have been saved
209Settings for user &1 could not be saved
210Old lead column settings for user &1 have been deleted
211Unlocking totals is not permitted for this layout
212Total is locked; re-enter the values
213Values need to be re-entered
214Value &1 in row &2 / column &3 is locked
215Lock has been removed for value &1, row &2 / column &3
216Total &1 in row &2 / column &3 is locked
217Lock has been removed for total &1, row &2 / column &3
218Function cannot be executed in lead columns
219Making changes will delete locked cells from the memory (see long text)
220Amount of memory space used is too large (see long text)
221Amount of memory space used is too large; buffer will be initialized
222You have not selected a valid cell
223Several cells are selected; select one cell only
224Locked totals must have at least two unlocked data cells
225The total cannot be locked (see long text)
226All data cells are locked -> you do not need to lock the total
250Include structure &1
251Include &1 has not been created yet
252Structure &1
253Field &1 in structure &2 is not being used
254There is no customer scenario with status active/saved
255Field &1 in structure &2 needs adjusting to match database table &3
256Field &1 in structure &2 adjusted to match change in database table &3
257Field &1 in structure &2 matches database table &3
258&1 - &2: Include = &3 <-> database table = &4
259Foreign key definition exists in table &3 but not for field &1 in &2
260Foreign key definition exists for field &1 in &2 but not in table &3
261Include &1 contains errors -> needs to be reassigned to include &2
262Include &1 was updated and activated successfully
263Include &1 was created successfully
264Field &1 of include &2 has been reassigned to include &3
265Fields in include &1 have been deleted
266Field &1 needs to be reassigned from include &2 to include &3
267Field &1 in include &2 is not used and has been deleted
268Error: Field &1 in include &2 could not be deleted
269Not all fields in include &1 can be deleted
270Include &1 could not be updated and activated
800**** AL0 Messages ****
801Planning level &1 has been assigned several meanings
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