WZRE_PRX - SOA messages from proxy implementations
The following messages are stored in message class WZRE_PRX: SOA messages from proxy implementations.
It is part of development package WZRE_XI_PROXY in software component LO-AB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Settlement Management: SOA proxy implementations".
It is part of development package WZRE_XI_PROXY in software component LO-AB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Settlement Management: SOA proxy implementations".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | **** Messages from Proxy & Service implementations **** |
001 | Mapping inbound class &1 for use case type &2 is not existing |
002 | Application processing class &1 for use case type &2 is not existing |
003 | Mapping outbound class &1 for use case type &2 is not existing |
004 | Severe error during mapping inbound (class &1, method &2) |
005 | Severe error during application processing (class &1, method &2) |
006 | Severe error during mapping outbound (class &1, method &2) |
007 | Severe error during proxy execution (class &1, method &2) |
008 | No proxy class / method for confirmation message is existing |
009 | Confirmation sender class &1 is not existing |
016 | Invoice &1 could not be cancelled, no further information available. |
017 | Determined use case &1 from request does not match use case &2 of ID &3 |
038 | Invoice &1 has different amounts than original invoice &2 |
039 | Item lines of invoice &1 are different from original invoice &2 |
040 | &1 request cannot be executed due to missing implementation of BAdI &2 |
050 | Internal error: Interface proxy name could not be determined |
051 | Internal error: Message header node is missing in inbound PROXY structure |
052 | Internal error: No configuration data for proxy &1 available |
053 | Int. error: No inbound config. found (proxy &1, use case &2, obj. &3) |
054 | Int. error: No outbound config. found (proxy &1, use case &2, obj. &3) |
100 | **** Messages from conversion & transformation classes **** |
101 | SchemeAgencyID &1 for ProductStandardID &2 not supported |
102 | ProductStandardID &1: EAN &2 with SchemeAgencyID &3 already mapped |
103 | ProductTypeCode &1 does not belong to materials (code value 1 expected) |
104 | Message Header: Value &1 for Field &2 is not supported |
150 | **** Messages for FEH/PPO processing **** |
151 | Error in Fail process: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
152 | Error in Finish process: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
153 | Error in Retry process: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
154 | Order ID &1 has wrong format (GUID conversion faield) |
155 | No FEH data found for order ID &1 |
156 | Finish process is not allowed for service operation &1 |
157 | Fatal Error in method &1: field symbol &2 not assigned |
158 | Error in method &1: payload data are not found |
200 | **** Messages from Customizing (View & Runtime) **** |
201 | Org data are determined dynamically. Delete the entered default ID |
202 | Enter the sales area |
203 | Enter purchasing organization and/or purchasing group |
204 | Company code &1 of sales org &2 does not match entered company code &3 |
205 | Enter org data or set flag to determine them dynamically |
206 | Company code &1 of purch. org &2 does not match entered company code &3 |
207 | Enter an identifier. Either the internal or an standardized one. |
208 | Enter or initialize both fields. |
209 | Only one Identification Scheme can be the default one. |
210 | Sales-sided default data are missing for settlement process type &1 |
211 | Purchasing-sided default data are missing for settlement process type &1 |
212 | Company code &1 of purch. org &2 does not match entered company code &3 |
213 | No customizing entry could be found for proxy mapping group &1 |
214 | No default mapping group could be found for invoices |
215 | No default mapping group could be found for credit memos |
216 | Proxy mapping group &1 from decentral table is already maintained |
217 | Customizing reader cannot be instanciated |
218 | Default Data with ID &1 cannot be deleted ( used in mapping group &2) |
219 | Identification Scheme &1 cannot be deleted ( used in mapping group &2) |
220 | Sales-sided default data are not allowed for settlement process type &1 |
221 | Purchasing-sided default data are not allowed for settl. process type &1 |
222 | No mapping group found for use case &1 |
223 | No identification scheme found for use case &1 |
224 | No data for update available |
225 | No data written to transport: Missing transport request or transport task |
478 | |
500 | **** Messages from invoice request maintenance **** |
501 | Invoice request &1 does not exist |
502 | Invoice request &1 already exists |
503 | Invoice request &1 has been created |
504 | Invoice request &1 has been changed |
505 | Invoice request &1 has been deleted |
506 | Invoice request &1 has been sent to XI as a creation request |
507 | Invoice request &1 has been sent to XI as a deletion request |
508 | Please enter a invoice request ID |
510 | Bill-To-ID of invoice request &1 is missing |
515 | Test program cannot be executed in productive system |