W_WLF_SE - Messages for eSOA in Settlement Management

The following messages are stored in message class W_WLF_SE: Messages for eSOA in Settlement Management.
It is part of development package WLF_XI_PROXY in software component LO-AB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service proxies for Agency Business".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Org data are determined dynamically. Delete the entered org data.
002Enter the sales area.
003Enter purchasing organization and/or purchasing group
004Company code &1 of sales org &2 does not match entered company code &3
005Enter org data or set flag to determine them dynamically.
006No entry in table TMZR_PRX_GRP is marked as default for invoices
007No entry in table TMZR_PRX_GRP is marked as default for credit memos
008Codevalue &1 of BTDTypeCode is currently not supported
009BAdI &1 is not implemented. At least the default impl. must exist.
010BTDTypeCode has an initial value. Assign a valid value.
011BAdI &1 has multiple implementations.
012The & could not be mapped.
013Enter an identifier. Either the internal or an standardized one.
014Enter or initialize both fields.
015Comparison of BillTOParty with own company identifiers could not be done
016Invoice &1 could not be cancelled, no further information available.
017Neither currency &1 nor &2 are equal to local currency &3
018No sales organisation found which is assigned to company code &1
019No sales area which is relevant for Settlement Mgmt found for customer &1
020No purchasing organisation found having company code &1 or an initial one
021No pur. org. data relevant for settlement mgmt found for supplier &1
022Retry &1: Error at outbound mapping
023Confirm &1: this action is not supported at the creation of the document
024Confirm &1: action failed because no document number was provided
025Mapping &1 fails: text-id is not maintained (billing document type = &2)
026Mapping &1 fails: text-id not maintained (item &2, billing doc type = &3)
027Item &1: no OriginInvoiceReference is maintained
028Item &1: BTDTypeCode &2 of referenced document &3 is not supported
029Item &1: ExchangeRate could not be mapped successfully.
030Item &1: Different currencies on header and item level (&2, &3)
031Item &1: Different exchange rates on header and item level (&2, &3)
032Item &1: Different dates on header and item level (&2, &3)
033Item &1: The product could not be mapped
034Cancellation: Item &1 and Item &2 have different OriginInvoiceId's
035Item &1: BTDItemTypeCode has an initial value. Assign a valid value.
036Item &1: Codevalue &2 of BTDItemTypeCode is currently not supported.
037Settlement document category &1 is currently not supported
038Invoice &1 has different amounts than original invoice &2
039Item lines of invoice &1 are different from original invoice &2
040PriceSpecificationElementCategoryCode: &1 is not a valid value
041KOAID &1 cannot be mapped to PriceSpecificationElementCategoryCode
042PriceComponentInactivityReasonCode: &1 is not a valid value
043PriceComponentFixationCode: &1 is not a valid value
044PriceComponentOriginCode: &1 is not a valid value
045KINAK &1 cannot be mapped to PriceComponentInactivityReasonCode
046KSTEU &1 cannot be mapped to PriceComponentFixationCode
047KHERK &1 cannot be mapped to PriceComponentOriginCode
048PriceSpecificationBaseCode: &1 is not a valid value
049Calculation type &1 cannot be converted to PriceSpecificationBaseCode
050ScaleAxisBaseCode: Value &1 (&2) is not supported
051ScaleAxisBaseCode: &1 is not a valid value
052Scale basis indicator &1 cannot be converted to ScaleAxisBaseCode
053TimePointTypeCode must have value &1; current value: &2
054Neither currency &1 nor &2 match the local currency &3 of the document
055Neither currency &1 nor &2 match the currency &3 of the document
056The data can only be displayed due to migration to view V_TMPRX_MG_B
057Update of table TMZR_PRX_GRP during migration failed
058Service &1 does not support P2P communication, if EHP6 switch is off
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