XC - Message Class for Core Interface

The following messages are stored in message class XC: Message Class for Core Interface.
It is part of development package CIF in software component SCM-APO-INT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Core Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Integration model is partially active; check application log
001CIF filter object &2 for SCMB target system &1 is not relevant
002Internal Error
003Planning results from source system &1 requested
004Planning results from source system &1 could not be requested
005Logical sytem &1 is not defined
006Error when determining the next value from number range &1
007Model &1/&2/&3 is currently being activated/deactivated by user &4
008Enter a value in percent between 1 and 100
009Error when selecting using function module &1, see long text
010Operation terminated due to error (queue &1, target system &2)
011Maintain object &1 in the application log
012Maintain subobject &1 of object &2 in the application log
013Application log for object &1 and subobject &2 was logged
015Operation canceled due to error
016Error calling function module &1 in system &2 : &3
017Logical system &1 not defined -> correct entry
018Error in data transfer to system &1 in module &2. ext. number &3
019Program for creating a model is locked by user &1
020Inconsistencies recognized in table CIF_IMOD
021No active model exists -> check table CIF_IMOD
022Unknown filter object &1 -> check the integration model
023Inbound &4: No IModel active for cat. &1, filter object &2 for system &3
024Inconsistent data in table &1
025No integration model exists for this selection
026This model is currently being processed by user &1
027Integration model &1 generated for target system &2 and application &3
028Error saving data for filter object &1
029Model &1/&2/&3 is empty and will not be saved to the database
030Activation or deactivation of the selected models is complete
031SAP GUI error
032No suitable model found -> make a new selection
033Error in help processor
034Error during transfer of selection to dialog
035Initial transfer for different target systems is not permitted
036Inconsistency in model &1 &2/&3: Active and inactive objects
037The additional constraints for &1 are not supported
038The selection contains active models: Deletion is not possible
039A different initial data transfer is active for this target system
040Lock for the transfer of the delta model could not be created
041Invalid key for integration model '&1' '&2' '&3'
042You have deleted &1 models
043The data transfer for the models selected has ended
044Incorrect value for active indicator: &1
045Indicator for APO relevance could not be set ( & & )
046This module is not declared as a CIF interface module
047The filter object was not found in an integration model
048Variant locked by transaction SE38 - Change only possible using CFM1
049Unknown object type specified for selection
050Error occurred in order selection
051Source system: &1 user: &2 transaction: &3 function module: &4
052Error during creation; GUID: & & ; Item & &
053Error during change; GUID: & & ; Item: & &
054Error during deletion; GUID: & & ; Item & &
055Initial data creation GUID: & & ; Document item: & &
056Change GUID: & & ; Document item: & &
057Deletion GUID: & & ; Document item: & &
058Select at least one object type
059Change recordings for master data transferred to integration model
060No master data changes - integration model has not been updated
061Changes successfully transferred to target system(s)
062No appropriate master data changes: Transfer has not occurred
063Error during transfer
064Error when calling transfer module &1
065No time zone maintained for location &1
066Error during creation of subcontracting components
067Information about the release vers. of system &1 has not been maintained
068APO system &1 has Release &2 - no transfer from &3
069Incremental data transfer has been configured. No transport connection
070No entries, configuration unchanged
071Data transfer to &1 was stopped (start channel first)
072Unprocessed entries for &1 in channel. Transfer these first
073Value &1 from field &2 contains forbidden characters
074Data for filter object &1 incomplete or incorrectly defined
075No title maintained in CIFTXTPOOL for selection block in Include &1
076Control tables for object &1 incomplete or incorrectly maintained
077Original of function group &1 not in &2; no generation
078Field Selection for Application Log Saved
079No table or field selection found for function module &1
080MRP area &1 contains more than one storage location
081Enter the absolute number of processes
082Select an integration model first by clicking on it
083Create interval &2 for number range object &1
084Number range interval &2 for number range object &1 does not exist
085Application log messages with importance '&1' were written
086Function only supported as of R/3 Release 4.5
087No relevant entry found in Application Log
088Object &1 currently locked
089Function can only be called internally
090Method: &1 / material: &2 / plant: &3 / production version: &4
091Planned order &1
092Data selection was terminated
093Termination caused by customer exit &1
094The initial data transfer was terminated
095Doc &1, which is relevant for account assignment, could not be determined
096Termination of initial data supply due to insufficient authorization
097No authorization for target system &1
098No active models found for target system &1
099No consistency errors found for target system &1
100&1: Integration model does not contain material master &2 &3
101&1: Model does not contain plant &2
102&1: Maintain time zone information for &1 in the ERP system
103&1: Integration model does not contain resource &2
104&1: Model does not contain customer &2
105&1: Model does not contain vendor &2
106&1: Model does not contain production orders
107&1: ATP check not defined for system &2
108&1: Plant &2 is an external plant
109Configurable material &2 for material &1 not in integration model
110No class contained in current model
111&1: Planned orders not in model
112Multi-product campaign &1: Orders for &2 not in model
113Unused filter object with key &2 of object type &1 was deleted
114&1 filter objects of &2 unused filter objects deleted
115No unused filter objects were found for object type &1
116At least one filter object is missing in CIF_IM* table for object type &1
117&1: Conflict for classification system setting
118One or more selected object types cannot be transferred
119Run transaction &1 for advanced-planning-relevant materials
120Internal error during conversion of CUOBJ in GUID
121System installation for transferring configurations contains errors
122One or more selected objects are advanced-planning relevant
125Queue for current initial data transfer is deregistered
126Target system for current initial data transfer is deregistered
130&1 filter objects of category '&2' were included in integration model
131No APO target system; filter object selection was reduced
140Integration model contains object types not valid for this APO release
141No change to filter objects in model &1 / &2 / &3
142No active integration model found for filter object &1
143Event &1: Program &2 started with variant &3
144Objects included in new version of the integration model
145Objects removed from newer version of the integration model
146Integration model &1 / &2 / &3 is locked by another application
147Currently not possible to generate int. model; defragmentation running
150Method: '&1' / Category: '&2' / Material: '&3' / Plant: '&4'
151Purchasing document type cannot be determined for purchase requisition
152Vendor: '&1' / purchasing organisation '&2'
153Purchase requisition with conversion indicator was changed or deleted
154Purchase order was changed or deleted
155Purchase Requisition with Deletion Indicator Cannot Be Changed
156Set 1: Method: &1 / Document: &2 / ORDID: &3 / SCHEDID: &4
157Set 2: ORDID: &1 / Material: &2 / Plant: &3 / Quantity: &4
158Purchase requisition &1 no longer exists
159The account assignment category could not be determined &1 &2
160APO indicator for material &1 / plant &2 is not active
161Subcontracting component with requirements quantity of zero
162Faulty base unit of quantity &1 for material &2
163ISO code could not be determined for unit of quantity &1
164&1: Sales scheduling agreement also defined for system &2
165&1: Sales scheduling agreement not contained in active integration model
166&1: Sales scheduling agreement contained in several integration models
167&1: Sales scheduling agreement planned in another system
168Checkbox 'No Pur. Req. Creation from APO' is active
170Conversion of purch. req. to a sched. agreement sched. line not possible
171Purchase order number &1, item &2, material &3, plant &4
172Receiving storage location is initial for &1 at &2
173Issuing storage location is initial
180Transfer object type &1 to system &2 (see long text)
181Background processing of &1 filter objects started (block &2)
182Result of processing of block &1:
183Error code (SY-SUBRC): &1
184Processing completed without errors
185No data relevant to CIF transfer was found
186No free work process available for parallelized data selection
187Unknown error in function module &1
190BTE change transfer not possible for this object
191Model &1 &3 by user &2
192Model &1 with date &2 and time &3 was &4
200This function only available in Industry Business Solution Oil&Gas
208*** Integration of Force Elements and Supply Relationships (DFPS) ***
209Enter a usage type for the force elements
210Error has occurred in the customer enhancement for transportation lanes
211DFPS: &1 has generated an error with code &2
212DFPS: Location product &1 / &2 was ignored
213DFPS: Force element &3 was ignored
214DFPS: Customer enhancement for MRP areas is active
215DFPS: Customer enhancement for location products is active
216DFPS: Customer enhancement for transportation lanes is active
217DFPS: No transfer of location products (&1)
218DFPS: Supply relationship was ignored
219Supply relationship: &1 to &2
220Integration of FFF classes has not yet been activated completely
221Supply relationship with identical start and dest. locations not allowed
230Table parameter &1 could not be determined
231Data structure &1 could not be determined
232Data element &1 could not be determined
233Domain &1 could not be determined
240Function module &1 does not exist in remote system &2
241Error during connection to SCM system &1
245&1: Long characteristics or long material not supported in CIF
250Purchase order &1 retransferred to APO due to different statuses
260BOP: & & & &
300&1: Inspection lot integration only possible as of SAP APO 4.0
301System &1 is set for the transfer of quality inspection stock
302&1: Active integration models still exist for inspection lots
303The name of RFC destination may not be longer than 10 characters for CIF
305&1: Processing of returns only possible as of SAP APO 4.0
310&1: Integration of TM resources is only possible as of SAP SCMB 713
320System error when requesting stock update counter locks
350***** Messages for Master Data Hierarchy Integration******
351Transfer of node in master data hierarchy &1 (application &2)
352Transfer of node in master data hierarchy for application &1
353Hghr-lev. node: &1, low.-lev. node: &2, hier. level of low.-lev. node: &3
354Lower-level node data: (&1 &2)
401Duplicate classification of material &1
402Material &1 contains differently config. materials for several plants
403An unexpected situation has occurred
404Plant assignment could not be determined for &1 &2
405ASN &1 was not found in ERP
406Logical system cannot be determined for warehouse &1
450User &1 is executing the program RCIFIMDL in parallel
451User &1 is generating an integration model in parallel
500*************** Messages for Enhanced CIF Error Handling ****************
501Queue is ignored because errors have already occurred in this LUW
502Postprocessing record updated for object &3 (number &1, method &2)
503Internal processing error for CIF error handling
504CIF error handling activated
505CIF error handling deactivated
506Last RFC of current LUW has been reached
507Error in one of the previous RFCs of the same LUW
508CIF error handling is inactive
509TEST error message !!!!
510No registration information exists
511Postprocessing record cannot be updated
512Postprocessing record cannot be updated (no objects are registered)
513No processing status specified (for marking the postprocessing log)
514Error when changing the processing status of the postprocessing records
515Error when deleting the postprocessing records
516&1 postprocessing records were updated
517User &2 marked &1 postprocessing records with status &3
518Processing status of postprocessing record for &3 (&1) changed to &2
519Postprocessing record for object &2 (&1) deleted by user &4
520No user specified for the processing of postprocessing records
521Selected postprocessing record currently being processed by user &1
522Selected postprocessing record was processed in the meantime
523&1 postprocessing records deleted by user &2
524Lock for postprocessing record cannot be deleted
525Error in retransfer of object type &1
526Retransfer to SAP APO triggered by user &1
527Unknown error during retransfer to SAP APO
528Error during retransfer to SAP APO: Resend module was not found
529Error when changing the language key of the note for postproc. records
530Language key of note for postprocessing record for &3 (&1) changed to &2
531User &2 changes &1 postprocessing records with language key &3
600*********************** Messages for Registration ***********************
601Not all objects from all RFCs of the current LUW are registered
602Registration for RFC &1 from &2 of the qRFC LUW with ID &3
603Registration of RFC failed. Last registered RFC: &1
604The registered objects of the queue are marked as faulty
605End of processing registered for RFC &1 of LUW with ID &2
650Filter object list of integration model & changed by BAdI
651Filter object deleted: &&
652Filter object added: &&
700********************* Messages for Queue Handling ***********************
701No authorization to display CIF queue &1
702Queue &1 already edited by user &2
703Function &1 in CIF queue display not yet taken into account
704Material &1 does not have a base unit of measure
705Material &1 does not have alternative units of measure
730********** Messages for initial supply in VMI application ***************
731Delivery date does not exist for delivery &1 item &2
732Country/Region cannot be determined for delivery &1 item no. &2
733The time zones is not available for delivery &1 item &2
734The delivery with number &1 does not exist
735No delivery items exist in the selection area for delivery &1
750No changes were made in database
751Records were updated in database
752Some changes were updated in database
800********Messages for migrating procurement sched. agreements***********
801Scheduling agreement &1/&2: message created successfully
802Scheduling agreement &1/&2: message exists already
803Assignment of print operations to message types contains errors
804No scheduling agreement found
805&1 scheduling agreements processed successfully
806&1 scheduling agreements could not be processed
807No suitable variant was found
808No entries for planned orders found in table ORDMAP
809No inconsistencies for production orders found in table ORDMAP
810No planned or production orders were found in table ORDMAP
811No inconsistencies found
812No inconsistent entries exist
813Runtime version deactivated successfully
814A consistency check was not carried out
815Runtime version (table CIF_IMAX) was generated successfully: &1
816No integration model for change transfer for selected APO system &1
818No objects available
819Number of rows: &1
820Number of rows: &1 (&2 entries filtered out)
821Status has been saved
822Archived procurement scheduling agreement &1 cannot be changed
850&1 models were deleted. &2 models were not deleted (active)
851Program &1 is finished
870No authorization for planned order maintenance
871No authorization for plant &1 in purchase requisitions
872No authorization for sales document type &1
890Enter both a plant and a logical system
891At least one of the options should be activated
892Plant &1 is invalid; enter a valid plant
893No authorization to perform SAP IBP reconciliation (C_CFI_REC).
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