XM - Meldungen der XMI-Schnittstelle und der SMAPIS ans XMI-Log
The following messages are stored in message class XM: Meldungen der XMI-Schnittstelle und der SMAPIS ans XMI-Log.
It is part of development package SXMI in software component BC-CCM-API-CSI-XMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CCMS: Interfaces to external management tools".
It is part of development package SXMI in software component BC-CCM-API-CSI-XMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CCMS: Interfaces to external management tools".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Entry in function: &1 (XM = External Interface for System Management) |
002 | Exiting function: &1 (XM = external interfaces for system management) |
003 | Interface not logged on; function &1 cannot be executed |
004 | Modification log: alert &1 confirmed/reset |
005 | Modification log: executing &1 with program=&2, variant=&3 |
006 | Modification log: executing &1 with job name= &2, job number=&3 |
007 | Modification log: executing &1 with ABAP=&2, variant=&3 |
008 | Modification log: executing &1 with ABAP=&2 |
009 | General logon |
010 | Logging on to interface &1, version &2 |
011 | General log off |
012 | Logging off interface &1 |
013 | Setting audit level to &1 |
014 | Querying all supported interface versions |
015 | Querying versions of interface &1 supported |
016 | Checking for supported version &2 of interface &1 |
017 | Querying description of interface &1 |
018 | Entering log message |
019 | Querying log messages |
020 | Loading log message formats |
021 | Tool already logged on generally |
022 | Tool already logged on in interface &1 |
023 | Unknown interface &2 (function &1) |
024 | Unknown version &3 of interface &2 (function &1) |
025 | No general logon authorization |
026 | You have no authorization to log on to interface &1 |
027 | Not logged on generally (function &1) |
028 | Not logged on in interface &2 (function &1) |
029 | Invalid time area (function &1) |
030 | Log message query not possible |
031 | Log message entry not possible |
032 | Not possible to load log message formats |
033 | Invalid parameters (function &1) |
034 | Internal problem (function &1) |
035 | Reorganization (&1, &2, &3, &4) |
036 | Execute a read function: &1 (central operation follows) |
037 | Reorganization (&1 entries deleted) |
038 | You have no authorization to read the log |
039 | You have no authorization to reorganize the log |
040 | Inconsistent definitions in ABAP Dictionary |
041 | Error when reading the log |
042 | Incorrect time stamp format |
043 | Error when reorganizing the log |
044 | Incorrect date or time format |
045 | Unable to write entry to log |
046 | Job name missing (function &1) |
047 | Job name missing, incomplete job ID (function &1) |
048 | External user name missing (function &1) |
049 | Job does not exist (function &1) |
050 | Report or program not specified or error in name (function &1) |
051 | No archive information found (function &1) |
052 | Invalid print information (function &1) |
053 | Invalid archive information (function &1) |
054 | No authorization to release a job |
055 | The selected job is not active (function &1) |
056 | No authorization to cancel a job |
057 | No job was found that corresponds to the specification |
058 | Missing destination host for an external step |
059 | The specified job does not have any steps |
060 | A job log does not (yet) exist |
061 | The job log is empty |
062 | Job step number missing, is incorrect, or the job does not have any steps |
063 | There is no spool list for this job step |
064 | No authorization to execute the operation |
065 | Invalid spool number |
066 | Immediate start not currently possible |
067 | No resources exist for background processing (function &1) |
068 | Invalid date or invalid time specified |
069 | Invalid server name specified (server name = &1) |
070 | Program &2 does not have any variants |
071 | Report &2 is unknown in the system |
072 | You do not have authorization |
073 | Program (report) cannot be executed |
074 | Variants are still not defined for report &2 |
075 | The parameter for variant selection can only have specific values |
076 | The selection parameter for jobs is empty or contains invalid values (&1) |
077 | To execute function &1: Call function of operation &2 |
078 | You must specify at least part of the job name (function &1) |
079 | You must specify at least part of the user name (function 1) |
080 | Delete a job: Unable to delete job table entry |
081 | Unable to delete the job log of a job |
082 | Delete a job: Previous or subsequent handling failed |
083 | Delete a job: Unable to execute commit |
084 | No authorization to delete job &2 |
085 | Delete a job: Job &2 is active and cannot be deleted |
086 | Reorganization of the log for &4 (except from &1 to &2, audit &3) |
087 | Reorganization of the log for interface &2 (audit level &1) |
088 | Inconsistency in the parent-child data of the job |
089 | Error while registering a child job |
090 | Error in masking |
091 | Missing parameter |
092 | The event does not exist |
093 | Event could not be triggered |
094 | Job confirmation has failed |
095 | Wrong confirmation type |
096 | Wrong selection parameters |
097 | The parent-child function is inactive |
098 | The interception function is inactive |
099 | Wrong counter |
100 | Message text for SMAPI XOM |
101 | Call back function &1 with &2 event(s) called |
102 | Reconfiguration required (rmgs=&2 devices=&3) |
103 | ROMS &2 not configured (&1) |
104 | Rollback during OMS event transmission (RMG=&2) (&1) |
105 | RMG reconfiguration for '&2' |
106 | Device reconfiguration for '&2' |
107 | Log level changed to &2 |
120 | Message Texts for SMAPI XSP |
121 | No output device specified |
122 | Output device &1 not defined |
123 | Both short and long names specified |
124 | Cannot read name tab for &1 |
125 | Invalid device name (&1) |
126 | Database update failed |
127 | Server name not specified |
128 | Object name not specified |
129 | Object &1 not defined |
130 | Cannot lock object &1 |
131 | Command pattern too long (maximum of &1 characters) |
132 | Short name &1 does not match long name &2 |
194 | Job could not be locked |
195 | Job data could not be read |
196 | Job could not be released |
197 | The job status could not be set in the database |
198 | Job could not be started immediately |
199 | The job data could not be updated |
200 | Error while creating an event count |
201 | Invalid dialog type |
202 | Invalid new job data |
203 | Invalid new job status |
204 | Invalid start date |
205 | Job editing failed |
206 | Modification of the job canceled |
207 | Job cannot be changed any more |
208 | No actions required |
209 | No batch service defined on the target computer |
210 | No batch server found |
211 | No background work process configured for job class & |
212 | You have no edit authorization |
213 | No authorization to release jobs |
214 | Release only possible with start date |
215 | Target server not defined |
216 | Invalid target server group |
217 | ? |
218 | <empty> |
219 | Wrong step type |
220 | Step not in job |
221 | The print and archive parameters could not be read |
222 | Job data could not be read |
223 | Job cannot be changed any more |
224 | Wrong step number |
225 | Error while changing the step table |
226 | <empty> |
227 | Job has no steps |
228 | Job count missing |
229 | Invalid target server |
230 | Error when reading the step table |
231 | Error while deleting a DB row |
232 | No step information found |
233 | Incorrect action |
234 | You do not have change authorization |
235 | Invalid job class |
236 | Invalid client |
237 | Receiver object could not be created |
238 | Empty page area of the spool request |
239 | Variant does not exist |
240 | No application logs exist |
241 | Variant already exists |
242 | No variant specified |
243 | Error: function &1, return code &2 |
246 | Error: function &2 return code &3 |
247 | Error: Form &2 return code &3 |
250 | Value for parameter "SELECT_STATE" for the event history is invalid |
251 | Time stamp "FROM_TIMESTAMP" is invalid |
252 | Time stamp "TO_TIMESTAMP" is invalid |
253 | Value for the parameter "ACTION" for the event history is invalid |
255 | No application log found for handle & |
256 | Error when reading log handle & from the archive |
257 | Error when reading the log header of handle & |
258 | Error when reading the log messages for handle & |
259 | You are not authorized to read the application log |
260 | You do not have sufficient authorization for object &2 |
261 | Could not lock job &2, job count &3 |
262 | Variant &2 for report &3 does not exist |
263 | Error reported to scheduler: &; message: & |
264 | Could not release job &1 &2 |
265 | Continuation: & & & & |
266 | Failed to correct the job status |
267 | Factory calendar & does not exist |
270 | Could not determine recipient data |
271 | Could not generate PDF |
272 | File is too big |
273 | Error occurred when reading spool request &1. (&2 &3 &4) |
274 | Invalid document type |
275 | Job does not have status "planned" |
276 | Job could not be locked. |
300 | & & & & |
310 | Incorrect control type for operation mode control table (OPMODE_EXT_TOOL) |
311 | Entry &1 / &2 does not exist in table OPMODE_EXT_TOOL |
312 | Entry &1 / &2 already exists in table OPMODE_EXT_TOOL |
313 | Error during DB operation on table OPMODE_EXT_TOOL |
850 | General XMI messages |
851 | Call function &1: &2 &3 &4 |