XS - SAPconnect: Alle Nachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class XS: SAPconnect: Alle Nachrichten.
It is part of development package SCON in software component BC-SRV-COM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAPconnect - External Communication".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Codes 000-199 are reserved for SAP internal messages (see text)***
001SAPconnect system error: & & & &
002Node & not allowed for address type &
003You cannot specify an address for a generic address type
004For Internet addresses, '*' must be at the beginning
005For a generic address entry, '*' must be at the end (exception: Internet)
006Recipient & in another SAP system
007Address & invalid
008Call of & with & & &
009Address type & invalid
010Invalid version specified & (must contain numbers only)
011Version & incompatible with version used
012Version & is different, but compatible
013Message ID for status/response is incorrect
014Node & from status message cannot be reached
015Device type & not allowed
016E: No format for node & and address type & specified
017The table SXADMINTAB does not contain any entries yet
018Could not save administration data
019Administration data was saved
020Could not determine variants
021Could not determine address type
022Error when displaying list
023Start of selection for documents to be sent with address type &
024End of selection for addr. type &. Statistical info follows.
025End of send process &1. Number of selected objects: &3
026Fax number to be replaced has an incorrect format
027Address type & is not assigned to SAPconnect
028Specify a job name
029Error when accessing contents of document &
030Document cannot be converted: Invalid structure
031No conversion known for & to &
032Conversion from & to &: Termination in &, return code &
033No suitable conversion found for &
034Could not find any jobs
035Cannot display help for this field
036No address type specified
037Error when transferring status information to table Rec_List
038Document type: &. Send attribute class: &. No. of recipients: &
039Send attributes: No entry found for & in table SXCOS
040Error when converting fax number
041Function not yet supported. Index=&. N=&, UCOMM=&.
042No jobs found
043Converting & to &: Temporary spool request & created
044Function not supported (&)
045Combination of address type + send method is not supported
046Node name '*' is reserved for the system
047Device Type for Format &1 Not Defined
048The device type specified has an invalid driver
049Country/region of node & not specified
050CDG group was set to a generic value
051Routing entry specified already exists
052Converting Document Format from & to & & &
053Error in function module ICON_CREATE. Error number = &
054No variants created for report &
055Read contents of document &
056Node data was saved
057Node data was not changed
058Address type data for node was not changed
059Send times for node were not changed
060Fax no. outbound modification for node was not changed
061& deleted
062Deletion of & was canceled
063Node & has not been created
064Node & already exists
065Table SXROUTE contains a line with an empty address area
066Enter RFC destination for node
067Received ISO country code for language is invalid
068Route from node & overwritten
069Send times for priority & are invalid
070Enter a valid RFC destination
071Node &1 already exists.
072Generic format '*' is not allowed when excluding formats
073Message sent to &
074Default domain or office settings are currently being edited
075Error when reading default domain from SAPoffice profile
076Default domain contains disallowed characters
077No Conversion: Function &1 Does Not Exist or Is Not Active
078Start send process &1 on server &2 in client &3.
079Send process started synchronously for document &1
080*** SAPconnect Administration ***
081Position cursor on valid object
082Resending only possible using SAPconnect administration
083Sender & not on the list
084Error when exchanging data with the external software
085SAPconnect &1: &2 (0x&3)
086Error when accessing the external software: Test not possible
087Version &1 of the external software has an incorrect format
088Error (&) in monitor display. Monitor name = &.
089Node no longer exists.
090Data collection method for SAPphone ran with no errors.
091Data collection method was completed with errors (error code &)
092Data collection method for SAPconnect ran with no errors.
093Data collection method could not be started.
094Action cannot be executed because ESMTP plug-in XString empty
095SMTP Node Cannot Be Deleted or Copied
096The SMTP node does not exist
097Specify Mail Host and Mail Port for Node
098Queue for incoming messages is active
099Queue for incoming messages deactivated
100Enter password consistently
101Conversion into character set selected or no character set specified
102Address areas without special characters saved since not relevant
103Specify at least one address area
104A send process is already running for &1/prio &2
105Error occurred when locking the send dispatcher
106Send process started asynchronously: Package &1; No.: &2; Destination: &3
107Starting send process locally: Package &1 number: &2
108Package &1; Number: &3; Destination: &2
109Waiting for aRFC: Maximum wait time of &1 exceeded
110Package &1 processed; duration: &2; &3 requests sent
111Error in package &1: &2
112Wait time exceeded
113Job data saved
114Unable to save job data
115Job deleted
116Job currently being processed by user &
117Unable to find job; refresh display
118Error occurred when calling &1; return code &2
119Job data not changed
120Job selection unclear; refresh display
121No messages sent
122Variant saved
123Variant & already exists
124Active jobs cannot be deleted
125Only one server group can be selected within a transaction
126No values were changed
127Server group is not relevant for a work process
128Specify a target format
129The data was applied
130Data already exists
131Specify a device type
132Device type and formats are not compatible
133Device type for conversion is different from OTF device type
134No device type exists for format &1
135Determined device type: &1. &2 &3
136Generic internet addresses with special characters are not allowed
137MIME version does not exist
138Email address & is invalid
142Complete your input
143There is already an entry in language &
144Error in monitor display; check your input
200*** SAPconnect XPRA&: &(&) ***
201XPRA & does not run under Release &
202XPRA processing not required for online, program terminated
203XPRA log cannot be saved due to system error
204Database error preventing action & in table &
205No nodes defined, SAPconnect initialized
206No nodes support sending externally
207XPRA debug note: &
208XPRA & for converting & ran successfully
209No nodes exist whose RFC destinations need to be updated
210No nodes exist whose formatting must be updated
211No RFC Destination Is Maintained for Node &, Retrieve Entry
212Enter a destination
300*** SAPconnect - Spool - Connection ***
301Output request for device &1, user &2
302Formatted data (&1 bytes, from row &2, &3 rows)
303Text data (from line &1, &2 lines)
304Spool request with ID &1 generated
305Error occurred when creating spool request (&1 &2 &3 &4)
370*** Messages for routing details ***
371Step 2: Determine node
372Step 3: Convert address into an external format
373Step 1: Check entered addresses
374In this step, the following error was identified:
375No error in this step
376Step 4: Creation of a Test URL (Only with HTTP Nodes) with Dummy Data
378Checking/converting following address: Type=&1, Address=&2
379No sender specified, therefore CDG routing not possible
380Sender &1 is assigend to the following sender group (CDG):&2
381Following sender was assigned to no sender group: &1
382Number of limited, relevant routing entries: &1
383A fully qualified entry was found in the routing table:
384Sender group (if one exists): &1
385Address type and address value (shortened): &1 &2
386Node: &1
387Node cannot be used because it is not active
388Searching for most suitable routing entry...
389The following more suitable node was found: &1
390Following entry was not suitable: &1
391Search was ended
392Search with CDG parameter '&1' was unsuccessful
393Searching default routing entries (CDG=*)....
394Fax number starts with '&1', therefore no fax number conversion
600*** Codes for temporary errors ***
602Currently no delivery to &, as recipient is unknown
603Currently no delivery to &, as message expired
604Currently no delivery to &, as transfer parameter is invalid
605Currently no delivery to &, as too many recipients
606Currently no delivery to &, as recipient address is invalid
607Currently no delivery to &, as recipient no longer valid
608Currently no delivery to &, as no route known
609Currently no delivery to &, as recipient cannot be reached
610Currently no delivery to &, as transfer attempt failed
612Currently no delivery to &
613Currently no delivery, as sender address & is invalid
617Message cannot currently be edited
618Message in node cannot be processed at this moment
631Message cannot be processed at the moment: invalid version details (&)
632Message in node cannot be processed at the moment due to author. problem
634Message cannot be processed at the moment as it cannot be converted
637Currently no delivery to &, as recipient cannot be reached
638Currently no delivery to &, due to problems with system resources
643Currently no delivery to &, as error occurred during encoding/signing
644Currently no delivery to & as security conditions are not met
647Currently no delivery to &; error in message content
648Currently no delivery to &, as message type is not supported
658Currently no delivery to &1 due to error with authentication
699*** Codes 700 - 899 reserved for SAPconnect status codes ***
700*** Information Codes ***
701Delivered to &
702No information on delivery to &
703Message read by &
704Message processed by &
705Message deleted by &
706Message not read by &
707Message not processed by &
708Recipient does not allow 'Read' or 'Processing' notifications
709Recipient refuses to accept the message
710Message passed to node &
711Message passed from node to communication system
712General message from node & (see long text)
713Transmission costs incurred for message &
714Node & started
715Node & stopped
716Status successfully sent
717Node is not responsible for recipient &
718Recipient &1 Is Valid. Delivery Attempted
719Recipient &1 is valid, message still forwarded
720Message was forwarded to serveral recipients
721Message was forwarded, possibly no further status messages
722Message could not be delivered, will try again later
723Message passed to the service provider
750*** Warning Codes ***
751Message cannot currently be transferred to node & due to connection error
752Node & reports partial system error, throughput impaired
753Status cannot be transferred to node & at present due to RFC error
754Sender specification is initial or syntactically incorrect
800*** Error codes ***
801Status cannot be sent
802No delivery to &, as recipient unknown
803No delivery to &, as message expired
804No delivery to &, invalid transfer parameters
805No delivery to &, as too many recipients
806No delivery to &, invalid recipient address
807No delivery to &, as recipient is no longer valid
808No delivery to &, as no route known
809No delivery to &, as recipient cannot be reached at present
810No delivery to &, as max. transfer attempts failed
811No delivery to &, as part of message cannot be transferred
812No delivery to &
813No delivery, as sender address & is invalid
814No delivery, as type & of sender address is invalid
815No delivery, as reference & cannot be resolved
816Message cannot be transferred to node & due to connection error (final)
817Cannot process message in SAP System
818Cannot process message in node
819Cannot process message in node, since recipient is invalid
820Cannot process message in node, since message cannot be coded
821Cannot process message in node, parameters cannot be converted
822Message in node cannot be transferred to communication system
823Node reports a system error, system was stopped
824Cannot edit message in node; service & does not exist
825Cannot process message, table & is not filled
826Cannot process message; no node determined for &2
827Cannot process message, node & is unknown
828Message cannot be processed due to missing authorizations
829Internal error: & & & &
830Message in node & cannot be processed due to release incompatibility
831Message cannot be processed: Invalid version specified (&)
832Message in node cannot be processed due to authorization problem
833Status could not be assigned to a message or was not sent
834Message cannot be processed as it cannot be converted
835Message cannot be edited, send data cannot be determined
836Send operation canceled by administrator
837No delivery to &, as recipient cannot be reached at present
838No delivery to & due to problems with system resources
839No delivery to & due to problem with communication connection
840No delivery to & because pager/SMS service returned an error
841Message cannot be processed as the message text is too long
842Message cannot be processed as it contains unsuitable attachments
843Message cannot be edited due to error during encryption or signing
844No delivery to & since security conditions are not met
845Message cannot be processed because Secure E-mail is not activated
846Message cannot be processed because Secure E-mail possible by SMTP only
847No delivery to &; error in message content
848No delivery to &, as message type is not supported
849Message cannot be edited since code page information is missing
850Cannot process message; maximum size exceeded
851Message not editable since delivery address &1 is invalid
852Message cannot be edited, sender address invalid
853No delivery to &1, authentication required
854Message cannot be edited, maximum number of send attempts reached
855No delivery as sender or receiver address is invalid
856No delivery to &1, authentication required
857No delivery to &1 as logon data invalid
858No delivery to &1 due to error with authentication
899No information on delivery, status invalid
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