XU - Messages for Quantity Conversion at Batch Level (Steel-AI)

The following messages are stored in message class XU: Messages for Quantity Conversion at Batch Level (Steel-AI).
It is part of development package MUSW in software component MM-IM-GF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Quantity conversion steel and active ingredient mgmt".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error during conversion to alternative units of measure
002Position cursor on a quantity field
003Quantity for unit & has too many places after decimal point
004Classification of batch & of material & cannot be changed
005Quantity conversion for batch & of the material & has changed
006Batch & has not been classified
007Quantity conversion for batch & taking place for current classification
008Qty conversion only possible using proportion/product units
009Enter a value greater than zero
010Cannot be converted to quantity stored due to lack of classification
011Choose only units of measure f. which the characters have been maintained
012Quantity conversion for & not possible as its characteristic value < 0
013Quantity conversion only possible if classification has been maintained
014Qty conversion not possible as un. of issue in mat. master not maintained
015Qty conversion not possible. Unit of issue is classified with the value 0
016The entry quantity is overwritten by the quantity in unit of issue
017& is &. Change only in the "Quantity in &" field
018Enter only in the "Quantity in & or &" fields
019The & is changed from & to & (due to numerator-denominator-ratio)
020Default value could not be determined (field overflow)
021Qty conversion not possible. Production unit not maintained in mat.master
022The entry quantity is overwritten by the quantity in production unit
023Qty conversion not possible. Production unit classified with the value 0
024The Quantity issued cannot be displayed (value < 0.001)
025The production quantity cannot be displayed (value < 0.001)
026Class & is not valid
027Internal program error at: &
028Qty conversion is carried out at the planned val. of the mat.
029Qty convers. carried out for at least one alternativeUoM at mat.plan.val.
030Character. of unit of measure not valuated-> Conversion at mat.plan.value
031Character. val. at unit of measure is 0. -> conversion at mat.plan.value
032Reservations w/o indication of batch are calculated by mat. plan. value
033Valuation of characteristic for unit of measure & causes rounding diff.
034The conversion factor for unit of measure & of batch & is changed
035The storage qty entered could not be processed -> classification
036Factor for qty conversion was determined from document item &
037Factor for qty conversion can no longer be changed (other items exist)
038The qty stored that was entered could not be processed -> user settings
039Error in quantity conversion: conversion ratio is too large
040The qty stored that was entered is adjusted
041Value has too many places after the decimal point
042Unit of measure & is not a product un. Qty stored is being recalculated.
043Item &: UnE was replaced by the product un & (can be overwritten)
044Qty stored invalid or equal to zero -> conversion by mat. planning value
045GR with ref. to doc.: The UnE was replaced for at least one item
046Unit of measure & is not a principal unit of measure. Please check.
047Quantity / unit of measure adapted using &
048Error in the qty conversion of the receiving batch
049Qty conversion different for "issuing" and receiving batch
050Classification of batch for movement type & not active
051Changed quantity conversion for prop.unit entry qty will be recalculated
052Changed conversion factor leads to value with too many decimal places
053Transfer posting to a batch with a diff. conversion factor --> long text
054Transf. pstng to a bch w. a diff. qty conversion: error after dec. point
055Transfer posting to a batch with diff. qty conversion: conv.error remain.
056Rounding error: The unE is replaced by the base Un
057Quantity in base Un is re-calculated --> long text
058Error during conversion to alternative unit of meas. &1: Correct qty &2
059Number cannot be broken down into numerator + denominator of type MENG13
060Quantity in base unit of measure will be recalculated --> long text
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