/ACCGO/ABD - Messages for Agency Business Document Handling
The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/ABD: Messages for Agency Business Document Handling.
It is part of development package /ACCGO/CAKSTL in software component LO-AGR-STL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Package for Contract Settlement".
It is part of development package /ACCGO/CAKSTL in software component LO-AGR-STL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Package for Contract Settlement".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Scenario &1 is not supported |
002 | Agency business document &1 is currently locked by user &2 |
003 | Cannot lock agency business document &1 |
004 | Cannot process ABD &1 with type &2 outside settlement |
005 | Error while releasing ABD &1 to accounting |
006 | Maintain ABD ty. for scenario &1 doc. category &2 side &3 comp. code &4 |
007 | No entry found for SD document category |
008 | No tax jurisdiction code defined for plant &1 in Customizing |
009 | No plant supplied by settlement |
010 | No material supplied by settlement |
011 | No quantity supplied by settlement |
012 | Enter purchasing organization or sales organization |
013 | No purchasing group supplied (purchasing organization &1) |
014 | No company code supplied (sales organization &1) |
015 | No distribution channel supplied (sales organization &1) |
016 | No billing document type is assigned to this scenario; see long text |
017 | No settlement units provided for settlement group &1 year &2 |
018 | No settlement items provided for settlement unit &1 year &2 |
019 | ABD has no items; cannot create ABD (group &1 year &2) |
020 | Cannot create agency business document using transaction &1 |
021 | Cannot read invoice data |
022 | Error during instantiation of settlement manager |
023 | No settlement units found |
024 | No ABD item no. saved on STL item level group &1 yr &2; no ABD change |
025 | No tax code Customized in info rec. (mat.&1/vendor &2); no ABD creation |
026 | Type &1 doc. not available in doc. flow to determine jurisdiction |
027 | No jurisdiction code determined for plant &1 |
028 | Cannot determine material document for OBD &1 in SD document flow |
029 | Application document not found for outbound delivery &1 |
030 | Header not found for outbound delivery &1 |
031 | No items found for outbound delivery &1 |
032 | Ship-to party not found for outbound delivery &1 |
033 | Error while reading material docs for outbound delivery &1 |
034 | Error while reading material doc. items for outbound delivery &1 |
035 | Error while determining appl. doc. item for material doc. item &1 |
036 | Internal table material document header not consistent for OBD &1 |
037 | Incorrect indicator for scenario &1 side &2 company code &3 orgn. &4 |
038 | Delivery &1 does not exist |
039 | Purchasing document &1 does not exist |
040 | Sales data for customer &1 in &2/&3/&4 does not exist |
041 | Currency from related sales or purchase order is not determined |
042 | Invalid side &1 |
043 | Provisional val. ABD is already created for OBD &1 on &2 at &3 |
044 | Message &1 repeated for object key &2&3 at application &4 |
045 | PVAL ABD not created as switch for Intra Company postings is off |
046 | No tems found for billing doc &1 |
047 | Cannot find invoicing party for vendor &1 |
048 | Cannot find partners data for contract &1 |
800 | * 8xx: Intracompany profit center valuation |
801 | Error while creating postings for intracompany profit center |
802 | Error while converting material &1 from &2 to &3 |
803 | Error while determining fiscal year for company code &1 from date &2 |
804 | Error while evaluating valuation area &1 |
805 | Cannot process as ABD contains various settlement types |
806 | No MR22 reason code maintained for comp. code related to val.area &1 |
807 | ABD item &1/&2 contains zero net value |
808 | ABD &1 contains items with zero net value |
809 | MR22 posting returned no document ID |
810 | Starting evaluation of intracompany PC for ABD &1 |
812 | PVAL ABD already reversed for OBD &1 on &2 at &3 |
813 | Original goods issue &1 not reversed |
814 | Cannot reverse the agency business document |