The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/ACM_COMMON: .
It is part of development package /ACCGO/ACM_ADDON_COMMON in software component LO-AGR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Cross Module Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001&1 is not maintained as transacting counterparty for &2: &3
002Open qty &1 for contract &2 (item &3) exceeds residual qty &4
003Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies in late delivery tolerance &3
004Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies in grace period &3
005Open qty &1 for contract &2 (item &3) exceeds expected delivery qty &4
006Open quantity &1 for contract &2 (item &3) exceeds underfill quantity &4
007All applications for contract &1 are not revenue recognized
008Cannot perform closure; contract &1 is not relevant for call-off
009Open quantity available for cancellation
010Overfills can be done for contract &1 (item &2)
011Overfill quantity not fully consumed for contract &1 (item &2)
012Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies within delivery period &3
013TCP &1 does not match TCP &2 on trading contracts
014TCP on commodity item matched
015Only one partner function can be active for a side
017Cannot perform reversal; contract &1 is in Closed status
018Restrict the selection criteria to avoid large number of entries
019Open quantity within tolerance on contract &1 cancelled
020Cannot perform closure; open quantity exists on contract
021Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies in max grace period date &3
022Contract &1 (item &2) not realized
023No authorization to close contract &1
024No authorization to reopen contract &1
025Cannot perform settlement adjustment; contract &1 set to Closed status
026Cannot perform LDC reversal; contract &1 is set to Closed status
027Contract &1 already set to Closed status
028Closure not possible; contract &1 is set to Awaiting Amendment Approval
029Closure not possible; contract &1 is set to Amendment Rejected status
030Provisional underfill of &1 &2 created
031Reversal not allowed for closure settlement document &1
032Reopen not possible for contract &1; status should be call-off relevant
033Maintain the BRFplus rule for function &1
034Error occurred while reversing the provisional underfill
035Cannot find the application doc for TC &1/&2/&3
036Provisional underfill of &1 &2 reversed
037Error occurred while updating the provisional underfill quantity
038Error occurred during underfill cancellation
039Error occurred while updating the prices
040Application is in the final status
041Cannot find mirror app. doc while setting provisional underfill
042Cannot reopen; settlement exists for contract &1
043Closure not possible; overfill pricing lot exists for contract &1 item &2
044Open qty &1 for contract &2 (item &3) same as expected delivery qty &4
045Error while releasing LDC &1
046Valuation point missing for line item &1
047Multiple transacting counterparties/partners exist;use F4 to select value
048You are not allowed to make these changes
049Company code, plant, and commodity are required when using material
050Company code and plant are required when using commodity
051Company code is required when using plant
052No authorization to create trading contract type &1
053No authorization to change trading contract type &1
054Multiple transacting counterparties exist; use F4 help to select a value
055Multiple partners exist against partner funtion; use F4 to select a value
056Snipping error for order &1
057Cannot perform the operation; contracting counterparty is blocked
058Transacting counterparty is mandatory for counterparty &1
059No counterparty exists for supplying plant &1
060Enter subaccount for item &1
061Invalid fee currency in cancellation with sequence number &1
062Invalid fee currency
063Quantity should not be zero for item &1
064Price fixation process initiated for contract &1
065Price fixation process completed for contract &1
066Price fixation process ended with an error for contract &1
067Closed status is not defined for contract type &1
068Multiple closed statuses are defined for contract type &1
069No pricing log found for contract &1
070Cannot create nomination; contract &1 is in Closed status
071Price fixation details for contract &1, item &2:
072Pricing quantity &1 &2 with &3 overfill lot
073Exchange Details: Maturity Code &1, Market Identifier Code &2, DSC ID &3
074Condition Record Details:
075Condition type &1, amount &2 with fixed exchange rate &3
076Pricing quantity &1 &2, number of vehicles &3, with &4 overfill lot
077Pricing method added
078Program ID &1
079Condition type &1, amount &2 with no fixed exchange rate
080Flat price maintained as &1
081Only a single record is allowed
082Price lot &1 details:
083Split operation performed with current pricing quantity as &1 &2
084New lot created with pricing quantity as &1 &2
085New lots created from price lot &1:
086Condition type &1 &2 &3
087Current futures for &1
088No current futures entered
089Reference futures for &1 with maturity code &2
090Spread (futures) as &1
091No spread (futures) entered
092Rolled price as &1
093No rolled price entered
094Spread (basis curr.) as &1
095Condition &1 changed with pricing &2 and fix exchange rate &3
096Condition &1 changed with pricing &2 and no fix exchange rate
097No changes done for condition &1 with price &2
098Invalid location hieararchy entered &1
099Partner is mandatory for partner function &1
100Partner is mandatory for partner function &1 for item &2
101Sequence number is mandatory for contract closure check configuration
102Complete quantity on contract &1(item &2) has not been revenue recognized
103Only contracts with same side can be processed in closure with CDOTE
104Only contracts with same counterparty can be processed using order type &
105Contracts with same company code can be processed in closure with CDOTE
106Contracts with same DCSID can be processed in closure with CDOTE
107Contract &1 have open NFE or NPE lots so it cannot be closed with CDOTE
108No authorization to change trading contract &1
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