The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/ACM_COMMON: .
It is part of development package /ACCGO/ACM_ADDON_COMMON in software component LO-AGR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Cross Module Objects".
It is part of development package /ACCGO/ACM_ADDON_COMMON in software component LO-AGR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Cross Module Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | &1 is not maintained as transacting counterparty for &2: &3 |
002 | Open qty &1 for contract &2 (item &3) exceeds residual qty &4 |
003 | Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies in late delivery tolerance &3 |
004 | Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies in grace period &3 |
005 | Open qty &1 for contract &2 (item &3) exceeds expected delivery qty &4 |
006 | Open quantity &1 for contract &2 (item &3) exceeds underfill quantity &4 |
007 | All applications for contract &1 are not revenue recognized |
008 | Cannot perform closure; contract &1 is not relevant for call-off |
009 | Open quantity available for cancellation |
010 | Overfills can be done for contract &1 (item &2) |
011 | Overfill quantity not fully consumed for contract &1 (item &2) |
012 | Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies within delivery period &3 |
013 | TCP &1 does not match TCP &2 on trading contracts |
014 | TCP on commodity item matched |
015 | Only one partner function can be active for a side |
016 | |
017 | Cannot perform reversal; contract &1 is in Closed status |
018 | Restrict the selection criteria to avoid large number of entries |
019 | Open quantity within tolerance on contract &1 cancelled |
020 | Cannot perform closure; open quantity exists on contract |
021 | Closure date for contract &1 (item &2) lies in max grace period date &3 |
022 | Contract &1 (item &2) not realized |
023 | No authorization to close contract &1 |
024 | No authorization to reopen contract &1 |
025 | Cannot perform settlement adjustment; contract &1 set to Closed status |
026 | Cannot perform LDC reversal; contract &1 is set to Closed status |
027 | Contract &1 already set to Closed status |
028 | Closure not possible; contract &1 is set to Awaiting Amendment Approval |
029 | Closure not possible; contract &1 is set to Amendment Rejected status |
030 | Provisional underfill of &1 &2 created |
031 | Reversal not allowed for closure settlement document &1 |
032 | Reopen not possible for contract &1; status should be call-off relevant |
033 | Maintain the BRFplus rule for function &1 |
034 | Error occurred while reversing the provisional underfill |
035 | Cannot find the application doc for TC &1/&2/&3 |
036 | Provisional underfill of &1 &2 reversed |
037 | Error occurred while updating the provisional underfill quantity |
038 | Error occurred during underfill cancellation |
039 | Error occurred while updating the prices |
040 | Application is in the final status |
041 | Cannot find mirror app. doc while setting provisional underfill |
042 | Cannot reopen; settlement exists for contract &1 |
043 | Closure not possible; overfill pricing lot exists for contract &1 item &2 |
044 | Open qty &1 for contract &2 (item &3) same as expected delivery qty &4 |
045 | Error while releasing LDC &1 |
046 | Valuation point missing for line item &1 |
047 | Multiple transacting counterparties/partners exist;use F4 to select value |
048 | You are not allowed to make these changes |
049 | Company code, plant, and commodity are required when using material |
050 | Company code and plant are required when using commodity |
051 | Company code is required when using plant |
052 | No authorization to create trading contract type &1 |
053 | No authorization to change trading contract type &1 |
054 | Multiple transacting counterparties exist; use F4 help to select a value |
055 | Multiple partners exist against partner funtion; use F4 to select a value |
056 | Snipping error for order &1 |
057 | Cannot perform the operation; contracting counterparty is blocked |
058 | Transacting counterparty is mandatory for counterparty &1 |
059 | No counterparty exists for supplying plant &1 |
060 | Enter subaccount for item &1 |
061 | Invalid fee currency in cancellation with sequence number &1 |
062 | Invalid fee currency |
063 | Quantity should not be zero for item &1 |
064 | Price fixation process initiated for contract &1 |
065 | Price fixation process completed for contract &1 |
066 | Price fixation process ended with an error for contract &1 |
067 | Closed status is not defined for contract type &1 |
068 | Multiple closed statuses are defined for contract type &1 |
069 | No pricing log found for contract &1 |
070 | Cannot create nomination; contract &1 is in Closed status |
071 | Price fixation details for contract &1, item &2: |
072 | Pricing quantity &1 &2 with &3 overfill lot |
073 | Exchange Details: Maturity Code &1, Market Identifier Code &2, DSC ID &3 |
074 | Condition Record Details: |
075 | Condition type &1, amount &2 with fixed exchange rate &3 |
076 | Pricing quantity &1 &2, number of vehicles &3, with &4 overfill lot |
077 | Pricing method added |
078 | Program ID &1 |
079 | Condition type &1, amount &2 with no fixed exchange rate |
080 | Flat price maintained as &1 |
081 | Only a single record is allowed |
082 | Price lot &1 details: |
083 | Split operation performed with current pricing quantity as &1 &2 |
084 | New lot created with pricing quantity as &1 &2 |
085 | New lots created from price lot &1: |
086 | Condition type &1 &2 &3 |
087 | Current futures for &1 |
088 | No current futures entered |
089 | Reference futures for &1 with maturity code &2 |
090 | Spread (futures) as &1 |
091 | No spread (futures) entered |
092 | Rolled price as &1 |
093 | No rolled price entered |
094 | Spread (basis curr.) as &1 |
095 | Condition &1 changed with pricing &2 and fix exchange rate &3 |
096 | Condition &1 changed with pricing &2 and no fix exchange rate |
097 | No changes done for condition &1 with price &2 |
098 | Invalid location hieararchy entered &1 |
099 | Partner is mandatory for partner function &1 |
100 | Partner is mandatory for partner function &1 for item &2 |
101 | Sequence number is mandatory for contract closure check configuration |
102 | Complete quantity on contract &1(item &2) has not been revenue recognized |
103 | Only contracts with same side can be processed in closure with CDOTE |
104 | Only contracts with same counterparty can be processed using order type & |
105 | Contracts with same company code can be processed in closure with CDOTE |
106 | Contracts with same DCSID can be processed in closure with CDOTE |
107 | Contract &1 have open NFE or NPE lots so it cannot be closed with CDOTE |
108 | No authorization to change trading contract &1 |