/ACCGO/CAS_STL_LOGIC - Message Class for Settlement Logic Std & Non Std

The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/CAS_STL_LOGIC: Message Class for Settlement Logic Std & Non Std.
It is part of development package /ACCGO/CAKSTL in software component LO-AGR-STL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Package for Contract Settlement".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No settlement unit found for settlement unit &1, settlement year &2
001Cannot instantiate settlement object
002No application entry found for application GUID &1, version &2
003No details found for application document &1
004Maintain doc. type for comp. code &1, profit center &2, TC type &3
005Cannot determine pricing for final settlement
006Pricing data read for &1 settlement
007Final settlement not possible; price not final
008Settlement category determined as 'Final'
009Provisional settlement not possible; previous settlements exist
010Final settlement not possible for provisional application
011Settlement category determined as 'Provisional'
012Cannot determine settlement category
013Maintain Customizing for expense class
014No expense settlement VBD found for material doc. &1
015Total available expense amount for consumption is &1
016Expense amount &1 is consumption by settlement unit &2
017No valid lien holder found for vendor &1
018Payment split percentages maintained for vendor &1 is > 100%
019No settlement unit approved; item not considered for billing
020Maintain vendor region &1
021Final not possible; final settlement unit already exists for application
022Maintain GL accounts in Customizing for comp. code &1, profit center &2
023DPQS data not found for application GUID &1, version &2
024Settlement net amount is zero
025Qty conversion from base UoM to trade UoM failed for material &1
026Profit center not maintained for material &1 and plant &2
027Simulating a final settlement unit
028Simulating a provisional settlement unit
029Error while determining price for provisional settlement
030Settlement process ended with error for appl. doc. &1/&2
031Previously settled unit &1 is &2
032Cannot determine price; contract type not maintained
033Settlement run ended with errors for following applications:
034Generated following groups:
035Settlement group &1 generated
036Start of settlement process for appl. doc. &1/&2
038End of settlement process for appl. doc. &1/&2
040Cannot generate group &1 due to an error in settlement unit
041No number range maintained for settlement unit with document type &1
042Cannot generate settlement for contract &1
043No GL account maintained in Customizing for accounting type &1
044Settlement unit &1 year &2 generated
045Settlement group &1 created
046Settlement ended with errors for following contracts
047Cannot find settlement relevant entries for contracts &1
048No log exists for the selected settlement unit
049Application doc. &1, item &2 locked by another user
050Cannot release the settlement
051Cannot approve the settlement
052Cannot reject the settlement
053Cannot cancel the settlement
054Cannot create follow-on document; net amount is zero
055Approved hold invoice not permitted
056Approved but payment and invoice not permitted
057Cannot reverse the settlement
058Underfill pull not permitted in non-standard settlement
059Remove underfill not permitted in non-standard settlement
060Underfill pull not permitted; no underfill type document exists
061No relevant settlement return applications found
062Underfill pull not permitted; underfill doc &1 cancelled previously
063Simulation of return settlement not permitted for non-standard settlement
064Cannot invoice the settlement
065Documents simulated for inter/intracompany scenario addl.
066Documents generated for linked documents
067Forward application doc. &1 retrieved for return application doc. &2
068&1 final settlement unit exists for forward application doc. &2
069No forward application doc. retrieved for return application doc. &1
070Validation failed during settlement group generation
071Validation failed before release of a settlement group
072Validation failed before release of a settlement group
073Validation failed before approval of a settlement group
074Pricing values retrieved for final settlement &1 of forward appl. doc. &2
075Pricing values not retrieved for final settl. &1 of forward appl. doc.
076No settlement unit reference retrieved
077Settlement run ended with errors
078Forward unit &1 is already reversed
079Cannot reverse forward unit &1 as it has subsequent doc &2
080Settlement group and unit generation failed for contract &1/&2/&3
081Amount not calculated for return settlement unit
082Amount calculated for return settlement unit
083&1 forward application doc. exists for return application doc. &2
084Forward appl. doc. &1 retrieved for return appl. doc. &2
085Settlement units already exist for return application doc. &1
086Status not read for final settlement &1 of forward appl. doc. &2
087Final settlement unit &1 of forward appl. doc. &2 is invoiced
088Final settlement unit &1 of forward appl. doc. &2 is not invoiced
089Start of reversal
090Reversal not permitted; forward document &1 is not invoiced
091No final settlement unit exists for forward application doc. &1
092Cannot reverse document &1 as it is reversal document
093Settlement scenario not determined for appl. GUID &1 and version &2
094Underfill amount &1 pulled
095Underfill amount removed from document &1
096Underfill settlement not created due to errors
097No underfill to remove for document &1
098Underfill pulled; save the document
099Underfill document &1 created
100Underfill removed from document &1
101Status of forward settlement units &1 changed to 'Reversed'
102Error while trying to reverse forward settlement unit &1
103Profit center not maintained
104Cannot convert application UoM &1 to trade UoM &2
105Start of settlement return for application document item &1/&2
106End of settlement return for application document item &1/&2
107Error while updating ABD; check the settlement group log
108Following errors occured while updating event registry:
109Following errors occured while updating quantity types:
110Cannot instantiate settlement object for underfill
111Accounting document &1 is reversed
112Error during pricing reversal; check the log
113Cannot instantiate settlement object with key &1
114Accounting document &1 created
115Error while creating/updating ABD; see group log
116Settlement unit &1 not invoiced
117Settlement unit &1 not final
118Error while converting amounts from currency &1 to &2
119Error while retrieving event registry data for forward appl. doc. &1
120Event registry entry exists for forward appl. doc. &1 final setl. &2
121Revenue recognition status of final settlement unit &1 is 'Complete'
122Final settlement unit &1 is 'Adjustment/Reversal document recognized'
123Final settlement unit &1 is not revenue recognized
124Error occurred while retrieving 'Event Registry BL Instance'
125Error occurred while retrieving 'Event Registry Manager Instance'
126Return application documents &1 quantity is initial
127Settlement return ended with errors for appl. doc. &1, item &2
128End of settlement return for appl. doc. &1, item &2
129Error while updating group status; check the settlement log
130Error while converting to settlement unit with doc. currency &1
131Material description not found
132Status does not exist for object &1
133Cannot adjust settlement unit &1, year &2
134Cannot read settlement unit &1, year &2
135Pricing lots retrieved for return application doc. &1
136Pricing lots retrieved for contract &1 of return appl. doc. &2
137Pricing lots not retrieved for return application doc. &1
138Pricing lots not retrieved for contract &1 of return appl. doc. &2
139Error while retrieving pricing lots for contr. of &1 return appl. doc. &2
140Cannot convert forward appl. doc. UoM &1 to return appl. doc. UoM &2
141Cannot determine whether there are partial or full returns
142Simulation initiated for partial returns
143Simulation initiated for full returns
144Processing cancelled by user
145Cannot determine the linked document
146Cannot determine currency from order; defaulting contract currency
147Cannot determine document currency from contract &1
148Cannot release; prevent release flag is set for group
149Auto release rule failed; auto release is not possible for group
150Cannot save as settlement net amount is zero
151Cannot create invoice as the amount is zero
152Error while updating event registry; check the log for further details
153Cannot create provisional settlement for intracompany document
154ABD not generated for the group; approval not permitted
155Group not invoiced as all its units are not invoiced
156Cannot generate group &1; check settlement unit log
157Payment split is not permitted for primary vendor &1
158Provisional settlement not possible for intracompany scenario
159Error while reading pricing data; insufficient input
160Error while reading pricing data
161Error while retrieving fees for settlement unit; check settlement log
162Error while reversing the billing document
163Settlement &1 created from appl. split, do you want to reverse it?
164Error while changing status for appl. doc. &1 and item &2; check the log
165Re-creation of ABD is not permitted
166Error while closing old ABD &1
167Error while creating or updating ABD; check the group log
168Data saved
169Validation for reversal is completed
170Reversal document created for document &1
171Document created with reference to forward document &1 &2
172Lien copied from forward document &1
173Net amount of document &1 &2 added to reversal document
174Created reversal group with reference to forward group &1
175Lien copied from forward group &1
176Reversal category determined as &1
177Pre-payment of forward group &1 copied to reversal group &2
178Lien not copied from forward document &1 as no lien exists
179Lien not copied from forward group &1 as no lien exists
180Pre-payment is not copied
181Error while canceling settlement unit &1
182Start of reversal by &1 on &2 &3
183Payment split copied for forward unit &1 &2
184Payment split not copied
185Cannot make changes to the settlement
186Provisional settlement enforced as goods are in transit
187Do you want to remove underfill for this unit?
188Settlement category of the mirror side document does not match
189Net amount changed; new ABD document created
190Old ABD &1 closed; new ABD &2 generated
191Linked documents are considered for reversal by default
192Some documents are already selected for reversal
193Data not saved due to error during commit; contact system administrator
194Error while moving to group process
195Settlement scenario not determined for contract &1
196Goods movement indicator &1 sent to 3PT; queue name &2
197Linked documents for selected settlement unit canceled
198OBSOLETE - Cannot release setl; cond. ty. missing for SFS fee
199Currency conversion in 3PT not possible due to following errors:
200Currency conversion not possible
201OBSOLETE - SFS with condition type &1 is not a valid pricing procedure
202Condition types &1 and &2 were determined and updated for fee &3
203Document currency changed from &1 to ISO format &2
204OBSOLETE - Adding SFS fee resulted in negative or zero net amount
205Please select only a single company code
206Error while converting settlement quantity to &1 UoM &2; check the logs
207Provisional val. ABD not created for application document &1
208Provisional val. ABD &1 is not posted for application document &2
209Error while posting ABD to accounting
210Converting &1 from &2 to &3
211Exchange rate between &1 to &2 as retrieved from 3PT is &3
212Only groups with 'Invoice on Hold' or 'Invoiced' status can be selected
213Error while creating MM invoice
214Tax jurisdiction code not maintained for customer &1
215Cannot release settlement; maintain condition type for DPQS
216Condition type &1 for DPQS &2 not maintained in pricing procedure
217Event registry is updated with reference to provisional setl doc: &1/&2
218Intercompany purchase document &1 not approved
219Net amount is less than or equal to zero
220Starting date &1 cannot be greater than end date &2
221Error while calculating delivery period
222Approval for group &1/&2 is triggered in background queue &3
223Divide by zero error occured as per unit quantity is zero in pricing data
224Error while setting status for settlement &1/&2; check log
225Error while changing status from &1 to &2; check log
226ABD data not found for ABD &1
227&1 as 3PT switch is off
228Underfill not priced for contract &1 line item &2
229Basis value for pricing aspect &1, pricing aspect counter &2 is &3(&4)
230Characteristic &1 will be accrued in condition &2
231Accrual characteristic &1 does not have an accrual condition
232Changes not possible as mirror stl. grp &1 is not in create/edit status
233Error in settlement unit &1; see settlement unit log
234Net amts on settlement unit and corres. ABD item do not match; ref. &1 &2
235Cannot change settlement status from &1 to &2
236Maintain doc. type for comp. code &1 settlement type &2
237Internal status buffer is refreshed
238ISW: Industry Standard Weight maintained (&1 &2)
239ISW: Industry Standard Weight not maintained
240Settlement unit &1 is not relevant for adjustment
241Provisional settlement is enforced as no physical goods received
242Group not reversed as all its units are not reversed
243Error while trying to reverse forward settlement unit &1 or group &2
244Checking if underfill exists for appl. doc/item: &1/&2
245Unsettled underfill exists for appl. doc/item: &1/&2
246Underfill settlement exists for appl. doc/item: &1/&2
247Error while simulating unsettled underfill; check logs
248No underfill found for appl. doc/item: &1/&2
249Cannot cancel settlement as underfill amount exists in current settlement
250Error while retrieving application document details; check the log
251Lien refresh is not possible; check the log
252Different lien holder &1 found in settlement unit &2
253Error during lien refresh; release not possible for setl. group &1
254Start: Non-standard settlement process for &1 &2
255Settlement side determined is &1 as settlement amount is &2
256End: Non-standard settlement process for &1 &2
257Start: Settlement creation process for contract &1/&2/&3
258End: Settlement creation process for contract &1/&2/&3
259Settlement group and unit simulation completed for contract &1/&2/&3
260Release for group &1/&2 triggered in background queue &3
261&1 quantity read from contract item &2 and commodity item &3 is &4
262&1 quantity updated for contract item &2 and commodity item &3 is &4
263Navigation to mirror settlement is not possible in simulation mode
264&1 quantity read from settlement unit is &2 &3
265Provisional settlement is enforced as contract is blocked for final
266Maintain accrual condition type for characteristic &1
267Contract &1/&2/&3 setl. not generated as mirror settlement has failed
268Underfill for mirror document cannot be pulled; check the log
269Start of error logging for settlement group &1/&2
270Maintain doc. type for comp. code &1 setl. type &2 contract type &3
271Adjustment/return/diversion settlement cannot be reversed
272Payment split flag is set to lien; do you want to update lien?
273Final settlement not possible as the goods are in transit
274End of error logging for settlement group &1/&2
275Amounts on sales and purchase side are different
276Start of error logging for settlement group &1 settlement unit &2
277End of error logging for settlement group &1 settlement unit &2
278Diversion settlement unit &1 already exists for diversion app doc &2
279Fee ID &1 not relevant for separate invoice
280Related trade not found for entered trading contract
281Conversion error while moving cancellation price &1 into settlement data
282Cannot create adjustment for this forward unit
283You can change only vendor invoice information
284Following item fields changed in BAdI:
285Field &1 is changed in BAdI
286Additional lines added in BAdI
287Following header fields changed in BAdI:
288Provisional settlement is enforced as related trade is open for contract
289Cannot approve sales as purchase settlement is still not approved
290App doc is not settlement relevant, see long text
291Separate invoice not generated for fee ID &1
292You cannot cancel ACM related invoices
293Authorization failed for appdoc &1, check data
294Reversal not permitted; mirror leg settlement doc &1 not yet invoiced
295Reversal not allowed for cancellation/underfill settlement document &1
296Invoice cancellation allowed only for 3PTY sales scenario
297Settlement is already reversed
298Invoice cancellation cannot be done as subsequent settlement exists
299Invoice cancellation not allowed; linked to reversal settlement
300Separate invoice data has been deleted for the settlement &1
301Separate invoice data is saved for the settlement &1
302Invoicing settlement failed due to the below reasons:
303Settlement successfully invoiced
304Prov. settlement not possible, create non GR based invoice for PO &1
305Final settlement & & already reversed. Reversal not allowed.
309'&1' action failed due to errors in one or more settlement groups/units
310Error during '&1', all data rolled back
311G/L account Customizing missing for condition types in ABD &1
312PO relevant Customizing missing for condition types in ABD &1
313No approach maintained for company code &1 in Customizing
314&1 - Not relevant for PO/GL amount computation
315G/L prov. setl. postings are not relevant for Brazil &1 company code
316Reversal not allowed with application status &1
317Error during validations for reversal
318Settlement not generated for application &1/&2 due to Zero amount
319Prepayment &1 has outstanding principle amount &2 and interest amount &3
320Prepayment request &1 has outstanding principle amount &2
327Approval failed as settlement type is not 'Standard Settlement'
350Exchange rate between &1 and &2 as retrieved is &3
351Settlement &1 &2 must be reversed to reverse LDC
352Mandatory collaterals not received for prepayment &1
353Mandatory Documents not received for prepayment &1
354Prepayment &1 has outstanding principle amount &2 and interest amount &3
355Prepayment(s) has outstanding amount
372No futures values in CPE pricing lot
373Please choose one option for company code &1
374CPE pricing flag is on
375Future price is not maintained
380Previous Stl. Char &1 reimbursed with amount &2 &3 &4
421Enter FX negotiated value
501Approval queue &1 running in background, manual &2 not allowed
502Manual &1 attempted, approval queue &2 has been deleted
503Error while deleting queue (&1)
504Invoice cancellation not allowed
511Release queue &1 running in background, manual &2 not allowed
512Manual &1 attempted, release queue &2 has been deleted
513Apprv. queue &1 running in background; settlement rejected
514Release queue &1 running in background, cancellation not allowed
515Settlement cancellation attempted, release queue &1 has been deleted
516Settlement reject attempted, approval queue &1 has been deleted
517Prices rounded for contract pricing counter &1
518BAdI implementation is used by customer to round settlement prices
519Settlement reversal group &1 year &2 is &3 successfully
520Fwd stl &1 and adj stl &2 will be revenue recognized together
521Reversal settlement &1 will be revenue recognized
522Settlement &1 &2 must be invoice cancelled to reverse LDC
523Spot ID &1 queue running in bckgr.; settlement can't be proposed
600Billing Document number not generated.
701Error while &1 settlement reversal group &2
702Settlement reversal group &1 year &2 is &3 successfully
703Settlement reversal group &1 sucessfully &2
839Old prepayment recovery ABD &1 closed; new ABD &2 generated
840Error while creating/updating prepayment recovery ABD; see group log
841Prepayment &1 LDC event record not generated
842Prepayment &1 consumption amount &2 is more than prepayment amount &3
843Settlement Unit &1 recalculated with prepayment % &2
844Settlement Group &1 recalculated with prepayment % &2
845Settlement Unit &1 recalculated with payout % &2
846Settlement Group &1 recalculated with payout % &2
847Settlement cannot be created prepayment &1 mandatory doc(s) not received
848Settlement cannot be created since prepayment &1 collaterals not received
849Prepayment request condition type not maintained
850Prepayment recovery ABD not created due to condition type not maintained
851Prepayment Agreement attached to contract is not yet posted
852Prepayment request not consumed because final settlement indicator set
853Enter a valid prepayment percentage value between 0 and 100
854Interest first consumption priority applied on prepayment &1
855Principle first consumption priority applied on prepayment &1
856Prepayment &1 connot be consumed because it is not linked
857Prepayment &1 connot be consumed because it is not posted
858&1 prepayment percentage applied from BRF rule
859Settlement unit &1 prepayment percentage changed manually to &2 %
860Prepayment percentage &1 % copied manually to units from group
861Prepayment Percentage cannot be more than 100%
862Prepayments not consumed due to condition type not maintained
863Prepayment Request not consumed due to condition type not maintained
864Prepayment &1 interest not consumed due to condition type not maintained
865Prepayment &1 principle not consumed due to condition type not maintained
866Prepayments con not be consumed because settlement amount is &1
867Prepayments successfully invoiced
868Payout percentage &1 % copied manually to units from group
869Settlement unit &1 payout percentage changed manually to &2 %
870&1 payout percentage applied from prepayments
871BRF rule not maintained for &1 &2 &3
872Prepayment consumption priority &1 applied from BRF rule
873&1 payout percentage applied from BRF rule
874Enter a valid payout percentage value between 0 and 100
875Settlement unit: &1 year: &2 is not invoiced
876Invoice already cancelled for the forward settlement unit: &1 year: &2
877Cannot reverse document &1 as it is already reversed
878Settlement adjustment not allowed, forward settlement already returned
879Cannot reverse document &1 as it is return document
880x = Posted amount &2 - Amount consumed in other settlements = &3
881y = Consumption amount on reference document = &1
882z = Settlement net amount = &1
883Available amount for consumption &1 = Minimum ( x, y, z )
884Maintain credit/debit memo type for &1 &2 &3 &4
885Fatal error occurred
886Revenue recognition could not be completed for &1
887&1 overfill pricing lot creation is determined for &2 &3
888Parameters for &1 overfill determination: &2 &3 &4
889Consumption rule for auto overfill pricing is determined as &1
890Settlement category determined as 'Final' with manual overfill
891Manual overfill is not done on unit &1
892Overfill lot created at contract &1/&2
893Auto overfill pricing is done at settlement unit &1
894Settlement is going provisional as 'Manual Overfill' flag is not checked
895Settlement can't be processed, CDOTE status is pending
896Overfill lot creation issue at contract
897No line item selected
898Error while purchase side reversal invoice job close
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