/ACCGO/CCK_DPQS - Message Class for DPQS

The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/CCK_DPQS: Message Class for DPQS.
It is part of development package /ACCGO/CCAK in software component LO-AGR-CC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Package for Commodity Contracts".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a start date that is less than or equal to last date
001Date range cannot have any gap or overlap
002DPQS entry exists for this end date
003Invalid value range for &1, from &2 to &3
004Value from and value to should not have any gap or overlap
005Date range does not exist for DPQS; enter a valid date range
006Accept or reject range already set for attribute &1
007DPQS plant assignment must exist for &1 and &2 from &3 to &4
008Duplicate entry with same key fields
009Entry exists till &1; key field allowed outside this range
010Entry exists from &1; key field allowed outside this range
011Entry does not exist in plant assignment of DPQS
012Data update failed
013Enter trading contract details
014Data saved
015Weight range should not have any gap or overlap
016Lean percentage should not have any gap or overlap
017Default DPQS assgn. for invalid date range; start date &1, end date &2
018Duplicate plant(&1) entry for DPQS
019DPQS assignment for plant with invalid date range &1 to &2
020DPQS entries do not exist for date range &1 to &2
021Customer assignment for invalid date range &1 to &2
022Plant assignment does not exist for date range &1 to &2
023DPQS &1 for invalid date range; from &2 to &3 and material &4
024Maintain only one entry as acceptance criteria for attribute &1
025Outside range of acceptance criteria is already defined for &1
026Value range is outside acceptance criteria for &1
027Duplicate lean entries for the same &1 and weight range from &2 to &3
028Validate data before saving
029Enter a valid input value from &1 to &2 for DPQS &3
030DPQS &1 does not exist
031Enter valid input data
032Attribute not found for DPQS &1, commodity &2, end date &3
033Override not found for trading contract &1 and item number &2
034Attribute not found
035BAdI &1 is not implemented
036Multiple DPQS assigned
037Error while saving DPQS header/item data
038Error while saving DPQS data
039Assign a plant to DPQS &1
040Error while creating GUID
041You can define DPQS only for commodity type &1
042No data found for the selection criteria
043Enter a key field
044Enter valid lean percentage for DPQS &1 and material &2
045Start weight &1 is greater than end weight &2 for DPQS ID &3
046Gap/overlap in weight is not permitted for DPQS &1 and material &2
047Invalid set of related trade type ID
048Enter text
049Error while saving related trade data
050You cannot change the commodity type
051No data found
052No material found for schedule ID &1
053Transport mode is required to assign a DPQS as default
054No object reference &1
055Choose at least one entry from the ALV list
056Rounding rule required for tiered and flat rounded calc. method
057Rounding rule should be blank for tiered pro-rated calc. method
058Per unit is mandatory if rate type is currency
059Minimum value is greater than or equal to maximum value
060Minimum value is outside the specified range
061Maximum value is outside the specified range
062Overlap in specified ranges
063Enter a rate for charge type
064Enter the rate type
065Enter the calculation method
066Enter charge type; charge type is mandatory for action code 'Accept'
067'Applies to' is mandatory
068'Quantity Type' is mandatory
069Rate should be blank for reject or negotiate range
070Rate type should be blank for reject or negotiate range
071DPQS schedule can be released only in draft status
072DPQS schedule can be retired only in released status
073DPQS schedule can be deleted only in draft status
074Value schedule assignment for given inputs do not exist
075No child location exists for parent location &1
076Select one entry from the ALV list to copy
077Select at least one DPQS schedule for this action
078No materials found for the given selection criteria
079Select one row from the list
080Enter a start date that is in the future
081There is a gap in the specified range &1
082DPQS created
083Changes saved
084Error while saving schedule data
085Enter a valid governing analysis code
086Enter a valid governing term
087Check application log for errors
088Enter a valid governing weight
089Charge type is valid only for 'Accept' &1
090Error while saving; check application log for details
091Enter a valid regulatory agency code
092DPQS is being saved in 'Draft' status
093Governing analysis data sent to &1
094Governing term data sent to &1
095Governing weight data sent to &1
096Regulatory agency data sent to &1
097Enter a valid range value; &1&2 is not valid
098Enter governing analysis
099Enter governing terms
100Enter governing weights
101Enter regulatory agency
102Schedule name already exists; enter another schedule name
103Enter valid governing analysis
104Enter valid governing terms
105Enter valid governing weights
106Enter valid regulatory agency
107Enter valid characteristics
108Enter a valid characteristic; &1 is not valid
109DPQS data sent to &1
110No data found
111Enter a characteristic name
112TSW location &1 does not have any subnodes
113Value schedules to location data sent to &1
114Value schedule ID &1 does not exist
115Global derived characteristic &1 is saved
116Characteristic &1 already exists
117Material &1 does not exist
118Value schedule name &1 does not exist or is invalid
119Selected DPQS is being processed by user &1
120Select at least one characteristic
121Select a UoM
122Enter a derived characteristic name
123Enter a description for the derived characteristic
124Enter a material
125Enter the UoM
126Enter the derive rule
127Enter a calculation rule
128Value schedule assignments not found
129Enter a valid global derived characteristic; &1 is not valid
130Characteristic &1 does not exist
131Enter a valid TSW location
132Enter a TSW location
133Enter the unit of measure &1
134Characteristic &1 is being processed by &2
135No data to be saved
136Enter a value schedule name
137Value schedule assignments saved
138Error while saving value schedule assignments; see application log
139Volume calculation rule is mandatory
140Enter ranges for &1
141Enter mode of transport for TSW location &1
142No input help available for local derived characteristics
143Enter either a schedule ID or an unload location
144Specify selection criteria
145TSW loc. &1, MoT &2 has duplicate default assignments for material &3
146Successful validation of DPQS override data
147Enter a valid volume schedule name
148Select a material
149Value schedule template data sent to &1
150Enter the schedule name
151Value schedule &1, TSW location &2, mode of transport &3 already exists
152Enter the charge type
153Enter a rate
154You must specify an increment value for a given charge type
155Schedule name &1 does not exist
156Characteristic &1 deleted
157You cannot transport schedule &1 in "Draft" status
158DPQS transport successful
159Error while transferring DPQS; check application log for details
160Error while saving value schedule assignments
161Enter all the simulation parameters to simulate DPQS
162Enter the action code for a given charge type
163Enter ranges
164Duplicate assignments for TSW location &1, MoT &2, and value schedule &3
165Simulation is not possible; characteristic &1 is invalid
166Currency adjustment is not possible
167Enter a valid mode of transport; &1 is not valid
168Simulation is not possible; error in characteristic &1
169Error while updating material schedule information
170Increment value should be blank for reject or negotiate range &1
171Data not sent; check application log
172Enter increment value with rate for accept range &1
173No characteristic associated with the material
174Enter the increment value for charge type &1
175Enter the charge type, rate, and increment value together
176Volume schedule validity from is later than value schedule
177Enter char. value for all characteristics for which analysis is required
178Char &1 with applies to &2 should be present in characteristic list
179Error while saving value schedule assignments
180Error while reading the text of a CHAR type value of a characteristic &1
181Error while reading values of characteristics associated with material &1
182TSW location &1, MoT &2, and value schedule &3 locked by user &4
184Creating schedule in the future creates another schedule in background
185Could not lock subnode; lock for supernode not acquired
186Error while deleting text in program &1
187Error while saving text in program &1
188Enter either value schedule name or schedule at unload location
189Value schedule request is initial
190Error while processing data
191Multiple classes associated with material &1
192Error while instantiating UI manager
193Error while instantiating UI
194Error while instantiating business logic manager
195Error while reading global derived characteristics
196Error while reading material text
197Material schedule not found
198Error while reading text in program &1
199Error while reading characteristic values
200Error while reading materials associated with a class
201Error while reading text of characteristic &1
202Error while reading material classification
203Error while reading DPQS header data
204Error while reading governing analysis text
205Error while reading material text
206Data not changed; nothing to save
207Error while calculating previous date
208Error while reading derived characteristics
209Error while reading text for DPQS characteristics
210No derived rules data found
211No calculation rules data found
212Error while reading DPQS text for schedule &1
213Characteristics data not found in table CABN for schedule
214Characteristics values not found in table CAWN
215Error in determining language-dependent business measurement unit for &1
216Material text not found
217No details found for the selected line item
218Error while determining ISO code unit for schedule &1
219Error while determining ISO code currency for schedule &1
220You cannot save duplicate value schedule assignments
221TSW location &1 not found
222No characteristics found for material &1
223No schedules found for the given search criteria
224Cannot assign volume schedule; it is not in released state
225Error while reading governing analysis code
226No unit of measure found
227Select a cancellation event line
228Enter at least one search criteria on the selection screen
229Enter characteristics for the DPQS
230No characteristic selected for this local derived characteristic
231No source characteristic found for &1
232Calculation rule &1 is invalid
233Derived rule &1 is invalid
234Governing analysis code &1 is invalid
235UoM &1 is invalid
236Per unit &1 is invalid
237Enter a value range for characteristic &1
238Value schedules not found
239Cannot change retired schedule &1
240Enter a valid from date; it should be in future
241Material used in value schedule is different from that in volume schedule
242Enter calculation rule
243Enter derived rule
244DPQS schedule &1 is already retired
245Error while retiring DPQS schedule &1
246DPQS schedule &1 retired
247You cannot retire DPQS schedule &1; no released version
248You cannot release DPQS schedule &1; it is already retired
249DPQS schedule &1 is already released
250Changes are allowed only in the latest DPQS version
251DPQS schedule &1 released
252Value schedule &1 does not exist
253Volume schedule &1 does not exist
254You cannot change DPQS schedule &1; it has a retired version
255You cannot retire DPQS schedule &1; it is in draft status
256Releasing future schedule will create another schedule in background
257UoM does not match any of the existing characteristics
258Charge type should be blank for reject range &1
259Enter a per unit
260You cannot delete &1; it is used in derived characteristic &2
261No changes made to this schedule
262Characteristic with same name and 'Applies to' already exists in schedule
263One of the released versions of selected DPQS is being edited by user &1
264Enter rate and increment value together: &1
265Increment value and per unit should be blank for multiplier rate type
266Enter the rate type for the accept range
267Enter the selection criteria
268Master data for governing analysis &1 in change mode
269Master data for governing term &1 in change mode
270Master data for governing weight &1 in change mode
271Master data for regulatory agency &1 in change mode
272Per unit not allowed for percentage of contract price rate type
273Maintain charge type and rate together
274Schedule &1 is being edited
275Cannot release DPQS; the valid from date is in the past
276DPQS deleted
277Value schedule &1 is in retired or draft status
278Select either 'Affects Application', 'Affects Settlement', or both
279Error during language conversion for schedule &1
280Error while calling proxy for schedule &1
281Cannot save schedule; header mat. &1 not present in material schedule
282Averaging method &1 is not valid
283Enter an averaging method
284No averaging methods data found
285Non-numeric characteristic can apply only to 'Unit'
286Characteristic &1 is already mapped
287Characteristic &1 is selected for mapping
288Parameter &1 is mandatory
289Generic material, plant &1 &2 not found
290Unique class not found for material &1
291No class found for the material determination
292Characteristic values not defaulted
293Unique material not found for material &1
294Specific materials not found for material &1
295Calculation rule &1 does not require parameters
296Calculation rule &1 is already in use; it cannot be changed
297Parameter mapping for derived characteristic is missing or incorrect
298Number of decimal places is required for numeric characteristics
299For characteristic &1, maximum number of decimals allowed is &2
300Multipler rate type is allowed only with ratio calculation method
301Range value &1&2 is not valid; maximum number of decimal places is &3
302Minimum and maximum values should be identical for charge type 'Basis'
303Entry of basis is mandatory for the ratio calculation method
304Multiple 'Basis' exist for this characteristic
305For 'Basis', action code must be accept and rate must be 0
306Round up and round down directions not allowed for tiered pro-rate
307Increment value &1&2 is not valid
308Increment value &1 is not valid; maximum number of decimal places is &2
309Enter number of decimals only for numeric characteristics
310Ratio calculation method is not allowed for DPQS volume schedules
311Basis charge type is not allowed for DPQS volume schedules
312Ratio calculation method can be used only with rate type 'Multiplier'
313Increment value &1&2 is not valid; decimals are not permitted
314Enter an analysis type
315Enter a certification category
316Enter an averaging method
317Number is too large to be stored internally
318Either generic material or plant &1 is not valid
319No classes found for &1 material determination
320Calculation rule is not valid
321Char. data not provided for non-optional param. of calculation rule
322Unique material &1 or material grade not found
323No characteristics selected in Local Derived Character tab page
324Reference value exceeds maximum value &1 allowed for this chararacter
325Reference value less than minimum value &1 allowed for this character
326Evaluation logic missing; BAdI imp. missing for calc rule &1
327Material not found
328Cannot modify calc rule &1; it is used in value/volume schedule
329Cannot modify calc rule &1; it is used in GDC
330Populate the characteristic values table
331No active BAdI implementation found
332Could not transfer data; connection failed
333Cannot assign volume schedule as it is in retired status
334GDC &1 contains char. &2; not relevant for material
335Enter the charge type and rate together
336For calc. method 'Flat Rounded', increment should be blank on ranges
337Averaging method data sent to &1
338Special characters are not permitted in schedule name
339Enter a calculation rule
340Calculation rule data sent to &1
341Increment value exceeds max value
342Partner roles not found for the TSW location &1
343TSW location &1 has not been assigned to plant
344Material found
345Material not found
346Schedule name not released
347Schedule name not found
348Object category &1 does not exist
349Status already exists for object &1
350Cannot create status for object &1
351Status does not exist for object &1
352Status change activity not allowed for object &1
353TSW locations for the given location types not found
354Con. material, hedging, and price type mandatory with default schedule
355Cont. material &1 not present in mat. schedule of DPQS value schedule
356Search results not found; results restricted because of authorization
357Search results found; results restricted because of authorization
358&1 does not have &2 authorization for TSW location &3
359&1 does not have &2 authorization for &3
360Schedule: &1, Loc: &2, MoT: &3 - &4
361Transfer initiated; check the log for details
362Error during initiation of transfer; check application log for details
363Schedule name does not exist for Loc:&1, MoT:&2, TSWGuid:&3
364Valid from date cannot be before the date &1
365Header data cannot be changed; application exists for contract &1
366Characteristics cannot be changed; application exists for contract &1
367Application exists for contract &1
368&1 schedule validity does not exist within the contract creation date
369Cannot specify same characteristic for base net calc. and base net flag
370Please check one or more characteristics to be used for base net calc.
371TSW location of the value schedule assignment cannot be changed
372MoT of the value schedule assignment cannot be changed
373Some assignments could not be transferred; check log for details
374Enter mode of transport
375Enter timing
376Enter governing weight code
377Enter governing analysis
378Governing wt. code and governing analysis are mandatory
379Timing is not required for schdl at unload location
380Enter schedule version
381Enter validity version
382Base net calc. can only be used if base net flag is set previously
383Please select one characteristic to use for base net volume calculation
384Contract material &1 does not exist in the mat. schedule list of &2
385DPQS override not allowed when schdl at unload loc is checked
386Governing weight &1 is invalid
387Governing analysis &1 is invalid
388Timing &1 is invalid
389Timing &1 is only allowed for storage agreement
390Only timing A and C allowed for storage agreement
391Governing data is not allowed for storage agreement
392Schdl at unload loc flag is invalid for storage agreement
393Governing Term &1 is invalid
394No DPQS chars. changed for item &1,Override checkbox will be reverted
401Material determination process
402Material: &1, Rank: &2
403&1 = &2 &3
404Characteristics values used
405No materials found in hierarchies
406Material determination ended
407Materials found in hierarchies
409Classes determined
410Materials determined
411Best ranked material
412External number not supplied; material determination not executed
413Rank characteristic not maintained; material determination not executed
414No material determined due to mismatch of characteristics
415Materials determined are invalid for plant used
416Increment value invalid for characteristic &1
417Material hierarchies found
418Generic materials left out
419At least one range value is required for DPQS override
420At least one characteristics value is required for DPQS override
421Maintain configuration for reference commodity code
422Reference commodity code not maintained for material &1
423Error while saving data; check log for details
424Initiated regulatory agency data transfer to 3PT
425Initiated governing analysis data transfer to 3PT
426Initiated governing term data transfer to 3PT
427Initiated governing weight data transfer to 3PT
428Initiated value schedules to location data transfer to 3PT
429Exception during reading DPQS data for contract (&1/&2)
430No object reference
431You are not authorized to &1 a DPQS &2
432No active version of volume schedule found
433Enter a value schedule name
434Charge type 'Basis' is not allowed with rate type &
435Enter a valid DPQS schedule for material &
436Calculation rule &1 is Duval and should have &2 calculation method
437Contract &1, item &2 have a retired DPQS version
438Values mentioned in the condition are incorrect
439Characteristic mentioned in the condition is not valid, check value
440Allowed values for this condition are 0 or 1, change value
441Values other than 0 or 1 are not allowed
442Characterstic &1 is conditonally dependent on &2
443&1 value should be &2 &3 for the Condtional DPQS Success
444Actual Value of &1 is &2
445Characterstic &1 is Not Captured in UIS so the value is treated as 0
446Conditional DPQS Successful
447Conditional DPQS failure so the Characterstic &1 is Ignored
448DPQS &1 schedule sequence identified - &2, &3 &4
450DPQS &1 Version &2 is retired.
451Characteristic &1 field value error.
452Item &1 has an invalid DPQS version.
453Item &1 has a retired DPQS version.
454DPQS should be same for all the line items if tol type ID is 03
455&1 is missing.
456You cannot retire DPQS schedule &1; it is in retire for contracts status
457Cannot change retired for contracts schedule &1
458You cannot release DPQS schedule &1; it is already retired for contracts
459Error while retiring for contracts DPQS schedule &1
460DPQS schedule &1 retired for contracts
461DPQS &1 Version &2 is retired for contracts
462DPQS &1 cannot be used as it is in �Retired for contracts� status.
501Error while saving value schedule assignments; check processing status
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