/ACCGO/CMN_UTIL_REP - Messages for ACM Utility Programs
The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/CMN_UTIL_REP: Messages for ACM Utility Programs.
It is part of development package /ACCGO/ACM_UTILITIES in software component LO-AGR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for utility programs".
It is part of development package /ACCGO/ACM_UTILITIES in software component LO-AGR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for utility programs".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter the application document number |
001 | No data found |
002 | No auth. to update application no. &3 for company &1 and commodity &2 |
003 | The entered application document is incorrect |
004 | Commodity item for appl. &1/&2 version &3 exists; no correction required |
005 | Cannot update lock application &1 |
006 | Cannot correct version &2 of app. &1; status is not Provisional/Final |
007 | Cannot correct mirror app. doc. &1 directly; correct lead app. doc. first |
008 | Application no. &1/&2 (version &3): Commodity item updated successfully |
009 | Application no. &1 cannot be corrected using the utility |
010 | Application no. &1/&2 (version &3): Commodity item update failed |
011 | Execution in simulate mode |
012 | Call-Off indicator successfully updated for sales order &1 and item &2 |
013 | Updation of call-off indicator failed for sales order &1 and item &2 |
014 | Call-Off indicator can be updated for sales order &1 and item &2 |
015 | Call-Off indicator cannot be updated for sales order &1 and item &2 |
016 | Sales order &1 item &2 not relevant for call-off |
017 | Total number of sales orders: &1 |
018 | Number of sales orders updated successfully: &1 |
019 | Number of sales orders not updated successfully: &1 |
020 | Number of sales orders not relevant for call-off: &1 |
021 | Number of sales orders that can be updated successfully: &1 |
022 | Number of sales orders in which updates will fail: &1 |
023 | No data entered on the input screen |
024 | Application &1/&2 version &3 will be corrected |
025 | Unable to fetch mirror application details for &1/&2 |
026 | Mirror application &1 fetched |
027 | Cannot determine commodity item &1/&@ |
028 | Total no. of app data call-off records based on the input screen: &1 |
029 | Number of app data call-off records which can be updated successfully: &1 |
030 | Number of app data call-off records updated successfully: &1 |
031 | Number of app data call-off records in which updates will fail: &1 |
032 | Sum of individual line item qty. should be equal to qty on master item &1 |
033 | Application &1 is currently being processed |
034 | Cannot determine commodity item for &1/&2 |
035 | Application no. &1 updated successfully |
036 | No data found for the given input |
037 | No status found for the chosen settlement group |
038 | Cannot perform correction; settlement not released |
039 | Select atleast one settlement group |
040 | Action &1 completed for settlement group &2 |
041 | Action &1 completed for settlement unit &2 |
042 | An error occurred while saving the data |
043 | Settlement unit &1 locked by user &2 |
044 | Processing canceled |
045 | Application no. &1 doesn't exist |
046 | Application no. &1 locked by user &2 |
047 | ALV Error: Invalid parameter combination |
048 | Invalid program |
049 | Invalid lines |
050 | Invalid data |
051 | No auth. to execute transaction for company code &1 and plant &2 |
052 | Validation successful |
053 | Application document quantity successfully updated |
054 | Start of transaction by &1 at &2 |
055 | Application document locked successfully |
056 | Authorization check successful for company code &1 and plant &2 |
057 | Application document unlocked successfully |
058 | App doc item &1 &2 changed from &3 to &4 |
059 | This application document is already saved |
060 | No status found for application document item &1 |
061 | Item &1 pr.aspect &2/&3 has been settled to &4; cannot correct |
062 | Application &1 item &2 settled; cannot proceed |
063 | Item &1 term &2: CPE bridge entry missing |
064 | Item &1 pr.asp. &2/&3: WB2_D_PRASP entry missing |
065 | Item &1 pr.asp. &2/&3: WB2_D_SHD_PRASP entry missing |
066 | Contract no. &1 with item &2 does not exist |
067 | Reading LDC status &1 |
068 | LDC status error was read successfully |
069 | Ticket for LDC read &1 |
070 | Changing LDC status |
071 | Status set to Corrected; LDC status changed to OF Execution Successful |
072 | Status set to Reversed; LDC status changed to Obsolete |
073 | Application in Canceled status; LDC marked as Obsolete |
074 | Application not in Canceled status; LDC cannot be marked as Obsolete |
075 | LDC contains errors; status cannot be changed for &1 event type &2 |
076 | Status set to Released; LDC status changed to OF Execution Successful |
077 | Application status determined |
078 | Call-off status can be updated for sales order &1 |
079 | Call-off status successfully updated for sales order &1 |
080 | Assignment exists for shadow document &1; use the manual mode |
081 | Shadow document &1 created successfully |
082 | Assignment for item &1 created successfully |
083 | Assignment for item &1 deleted successfully |
084 | Shadow document &1 deleted successfully |
085 | Start logging for LDC status change process run by &1 at &2 |
086 | End logging for LDC status change process run by &1 at &2 |
087 | LDC status change processed in Simulate mode |
088 | Shadow document &1 updated successfully |
089 | Assignment &1 updated successfully |
090 | Assignment exists for shadow document key &1 |
091 | No inconsistent data found for contract &1 item &2 |
092 | Correction not required for group &1; status of group and unit are same |
093 | Status change failed |
094 | Status successfully changed to &1 for LDC &2 |
095 | No contract associated with appl. doc &1/&2 and LDC &3; use manual mode |
096 | No LDC details found for appl. doc &1/&2; use the manual mode |
097 | No item selected from proposal for application document &1 assignment |
098 | Application &1 version &2 has been settled; cannot perform correction |
099 | Cannot determine CAS settlement status for application &1 version &2 |
100 | Status already in consistent state &1 |
101 | No data found for &1 &2 |
102 | Item &1 term &2 prc. asp. &3/&4: Quantity mismatch |
103 | Item &1 prc. asp. &2/&3: CPE bridge entry missing or incorrect |
104 | Item &1 term &2 shadow prc. asp. &3/&4: Quantity mismatch |
105 | Item &1 shadow prc. asp. &2/&3: CPE bridge entry missing |
106 | No inconsistencies found |
107 | Deletion of inconsistent records failed; cannot proceed with correction |
108 | Cannot correct one or more inconsistent prc. asp. |
109 | Rebuilding CPE bridge; pricing aspects failed |
110 | &1 is not a valid ACM contract |
111 | &1 is a mirror contract; enter the lead contract |
112 | Inconsistent data deleted successfully |
113 | Bridge and pricing aspects rebuilt successfully |
114 | Application object status can be updated for app. doc &1/&2 |
115 | Application object status successfully updated for app. doc &1/&2 |
116 | Status updated &1 in /ACCGO/T_APPDATA |
117 | Status cannot be updated; inconsistent data &1 &2 &3 |
118 | Status of application document &1 and application item &2 read |
119 | Application document is in &1 status |
120 | Application document &1 status successfully updated to &2 |
121 | Application &1 status change processed in simulate mode |
122 | Application status invalid |
123 | Item &1 prc. asp. &2/&3: Distribution without pricing aspect found |
124 | Predecessor assignment &1 for &2 doesn't exist; create the assignment |
125 | Sub assignment exists for assignment &1; delete the sub assignment first |
126 | CAS settlement object status successfully updated for app doc &1/&2 |
127 | CAS settlement object status can be updated for app doc &1/&2 |
128 | Target application object status '&1' already in 'Active' state |
129 | Target CAS settlement object status '&1' already in 'Active' state |
130 | Update the appl. or mark the CAS settlement status check box |
131 | Target application status should not be blank |
132 | Target CAS settlement status should not be blank |
133 | Choose a valid target application status from F4 help |
134 | Choose a valid target CAS settlement status from F4 help |
135 | CPE bridge and prc.asp.related to CPE term in PRASP table will be deleted |
136 | CPE bridge and pricing aspect will be rebuilt |
137 | &1 is not relevant for CPE pricing |
138 | CPE bridge and pricing aspect deletions undone |
139 | Reinstating CPE bridge; pricing aspect deletions failed |
140 | Cannot delete from table &1; operation failed |
141 | Cannot update table &1; operation failed |
142 | Subassignment &1 exists for item &2; delete it first |
143 | Cannot acquire lock on the contract |
144 | Authorization check successful for the contract &1 |
145 | You are not authorized to run this utility |
146 | No application data exists for contract &1/&2 |
147 | No child shadow item exists for shadow &1 |
148 | No predecessor shadow item exists for shadow &1 |
149 | Incorrect assignment &1 exists; delete incorrect assgn. then create new |
150 | Predecessor assignment missing for assignment &1; create assignment first |
151 | Records saved successfully |
152 | Simulate mode selected; no record saved |
153 | Item &1: CPE term &2 doesn't exist but bridge entries do |
154 | No shadow item exists for key &1 |
155 | No assignment exists between items &1 and &2 |
156 | Item &1 price aspect &2/&3 has cancellations; cannot perform corrections |
157 | Item &1 price aspect &2/&3 already applied to &4; cannot do corrections |
158 | Shadow document exists for key &1 |
159 | Shadow document missing but assignment exists |
160 | No assignment exists for shadow document key &1 |
161 | Enter a valid application document |
162 | No contract assigned to application document &1; check WB2_D_ASSGMT |
163 | Unable to fetch mirror application commodity details for &1/&2 |
164 | Item &1 prc. asp &2/&3 used in nominations; cannot perform corrections |
165 | No authorization to execute transaction for company code &1 and plant &2 |
166 | Authorization check successful for company code &1 and plant &2 |
167 | No auth. to execute transaction for company code &1, plant &2, and SO &3 |
168 | Authorization check successful for company code &1, plant &2, and SO &3 |
169 | You are not authorized to execute utility for application &1/&2 |
170 | Application no. &1 does not exist |
215 | Enter the shadow document number |
216 | Enter the shadow document number item |
217 | Enter sales/purchasing side (V/M) |
218 | Enter the correct alternate UoM; check alternate UoMs using MM03 trans. |
219 | Item UoM on screen not equal to shadow document item UoM |
220 | Item quantity on screen greater than shadow document item quantity |
221 | No shadow item exists for the given key |
222 | No pricing TC exists for the given data |
223 | No entries found for the given trading contract |
224 | No entries found for the given trading contract |
225 | No item entries found for the given trading contract |
226 | No item entries found for the given trading contract |
227 | No pricing TC exists for the given data |
228 | Shadow items &1 created |
229 | Enter the customer |
231 | Enter the vendor |
232 | Enter the item quantity |
233 | Enter the item Unit of Measure (UoM) |
234 | Enter the base Unit of Measure (UoM) |
235 | Enter the material |
236 | Enter the conversion factors as ITEM UoM <> Base UoM |
237 | Enter the From Shadow Document Type |
238 | From Shadow Document Type cannot be pricing TC |
239 | Enter the From Shadow Document Number |
240 | Enter the From Shadow Document Number Item |
241 | Enter the Item UoM |
242 | Enter the pricing trading contract number |
243 | Enter the pricing trading contract item number |
244 | Enter the pricing trading contract commodity item number |
245 | Application no. &1 item no. &2 does not exist |
251 | Enter correct alternate UoM; check alternate UoMs using MM03 trans. |
252 | Item UoM on screen not equal to shadow document item UoM |
253 | Item quantity on screen greater than shadow document item quantity |
254 | You are not authorized to perform LDC batch table migration |
255 | You are authorized to perform LDC batch table migration |
256 | Valid data exists in LDC batch table |
257 | No valid data found in LDC batch table |
258 | Checking for valid data in DB table for LDC batch table migration |
259 | Requesting DB lock on table /ACCGO/T_UISBTCH |
260 | Acquired DB lock on table /ACCGO/T_UISBTCH |
261 | Table /ACCGO/T_UISBTCH is locked by user &1 |
262 | DB lock on table /ACCGO/T_UISBTCH removed |
263 | *------------------------------------------------------------* |
264 | You are not authorized to perform assignment distribution table migration |
265 | You are authorized to perform assignment distribution table migration |
266 | Valid data exists for assignment distribution table migration |
267 | Valid data doesn't exist for assignment distribution table migration |
268 | Checking for valid data in DB table for assignment distr. table migration |
269 | Package &1 finished at &2 &3 with &4 records updated |
270 | Requesting lock on DB table /ACCGO/T_ASG_DIS |
271 | DB lock on table /ACCGO/T_ASG_DIS acquired |
272 | DB lock on table /ACCGO/T_ASG_DIS released |
273 | Table /ACCGO/T_ASG_DIS locked by user &1 |
274 | This program can only be executed in the background mode |
275 | Package &1 finished at &2 &3 |
276 | Total number of records updated: &1 |
277 | Package &1 failed |
278 | No events data for valid LDCs |
279 | Valid data exists in LDC events table |
280 | Error while generating batch key |
281 | Number of records having no events data: &1 |
282 | Total number of records prepared in simulation mode: &1 |
283 | LDC status to be changed to &1 |
284 | Changing LDC status to &1 |