/ACCGO/INV_UPDATE - Message Class for Inventory Updates
The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/INV_UPDATE: Message Class for Inventory Updates.
It is part of development package /ACCGO/INV in software component LO-AGR-CC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Inventory Updates".
It is part of development package /ACCGO/INV in software component LO-AGR-CC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Inventory Updates".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Cannot insert into table &1 |
002 | Cannot update table &1 |
003 | Cannot delete from table &1 |
004 | Invalid plant details |
005 | Customizing entries are not available |
006 | Goods movement document &1 was not applied against a trading contract |
007 | Rule is not valid for TC &1 |
008 | No entries found for storage location categories |
009 | Inventory records are not available |
010 | Update indicator is empty; specify one value: I, U, or D |
011 | Both update indicator and inventory entries are empty |
012 | Inventory update table is currently locked by another user |
013 | System failure; cannot update inventory table |
014 | Inventory details updated in the database |
015 | Storage location category entries found |
016 | No BoM components found for list of marketing contracts provided |
017 | No material stock positions found |
018 | Invalid material details |
019 | Cannot create an instance for the proxy class &1 |
020 | Inventory true-up table updated; PI created |
021 | No DB update; no PI request created; no inventory true-up records found |
022 | No BoM components exist for material &1, plant &2 |
023 | Simulation is checked; no updates made to true-up DB table |
024 | Simulation is checked; no PI request created |
025 | YEP data sent to commodity SL |
026 | Start inventory update process |
027 | End inventory update process |
028 | Start inventory true-up process |
029 | End inventory true-up process |
030 | Material details |
031 | Plant details |
032 | Storage location details |
033 | Start goods movement process update |
034 | Stop goods movement process update |
035 | Reading material document &1 details |
036 | Retrieving sales order details for material document &1 |
037 | Retrieving relevant trading contract entries for list of sales orders |
038 | Read sales order document &1 and item &2 details |
039 | Read TC &1 and item &2 details |
040 | PI request created for the inventory record provided |
041 | Total number of available inventory true-up records are &1 |
042 | System error; cannot trigger PI request to commodity SL |
043 | No UoM conversion possible for material &1 from &2 to &3 for quantity &4 |
044 | Invalid plant details |
045 | No plant or material level commodity types available for data provided |
046 | No ingredient entries found for material &1, plant &2 combination |
047 | No marketing materials found; no CBoM explosion occurred |
048 | No commodity materials found |
049 | Cannot find marketing materials or commodity materials |
050 | Read commodity entry for material &1, plant &2, storage location &3 |
051 | Cannot determine commodity types for given selection criteria |
052 | Read marketing entry for material &1, plant &2, storage location &3 |
053 | BoM explosion for material &1 and plant &2 |
054 | Reading ingredient entries for material &1, plant &2, storage location &3 |
055 | Read ingredient material &1 for ref. material &2, plant &3, SL &4 |
056 | Ingredient material &1 is irrelevant to ref. mat &2, plant &3, SL &4 |
057 | Material &1 is available with commodity ingredient type &2 in plant &3 |
058 | No TC commodity subitems available for the inventory records provided |
059 | Material &1 in plant &2 is not relevant for inventory true-up |
060 | Cannot find plant data for material/plant combination provided |
061 | No stock available for material &1 in plant &2 |
062 | Begin monitoring inventory records |
063 | End monitoring inventory records |
064 | No inventory update entries found |
065 | Retrieval of inventory entries in progress |
066 | Total number of available inventory update records: &1 |
067 | Enter valid pricing contract details |
068 | Enter valid trading contract item details |
069 | Enter valid material document details |
070 | PTC document details |
071 | The given PTC item details |
072 | GM document details |
073 | From Date/Time: &1 &2 &3 |
074 | To Date/Time: &1 &2 &3 |
075 | Enter a material number |
076 | Only choose one entry |
077 | No row selected; choose a row |
078 | Enter a date |
079 | Begin inventory pricing lot updates |
080 | End inventory pricing lot updates |
081 | Total number of available inventory records: &1 |
082 | No pricing lot entries found |
083 | No log handler created |
084 | Maintain commodity contract type entries in custom contract table |
085 | Creation date is &1 |
086 | The report was run in simulation mode |
087 | The report was run in update mode |
088 | No entries logged |
089 | No settlement entries exist |
090 | No contract application entries exist |
091 | No inventory records found for the list of settlement entries |
092 | No inventory records found for the list of contract application entries |
093 | No settlement contract; &1 exists in GM Message Inventory Update table |
094 | No application contract; &1 exists in GM Message Inventory Update table |
095 | Preparing relevant inventory internal tables wrt update indicator (I/U/D) |
096 | Begin of processing inventory DB records |
097 | End of processing inventory DB records |
098 | Inventory records are ready to be updated in the database |
099 | No IU interface entries exist |
100 | TC number is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
101 | TC item number is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
102 | TC commodity item is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
103 | Invalid contract application document number |
104 | Material is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
105 | The given contract application document details |
106 | No GM document post date for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
107 | Plant is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
108 | Storage location is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
109 | Cannot trigger inventory details to commodity SL |
110 | 3PT trade ID is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
111 | GM document number is empty for record with batch ID &1 |
112 | GM document item number is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2 |
113 | Fiscal year is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2 |
114 | Obligation ID is empty for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
115 | Invalid quantity value for batch ID &1, GM document &2, GM item &3 |
116 | UoM value is empty for batch ID &1, GM documnet &2, GM item &3 |
117 | Preparing inventory global data |
118 | Validating application/settlement data |
119 | Data validation process completed |
120 | Start of processing application/settlement doc. entries and sending to PI |
121 | End of processing application/settlement doc. entries and sending to PI |
122 | IU key table entries provided; retrieve inventory entries |
123 | Retrieved inventory details for IU table key entries |
124 | Application of GM doc. &2 for application doc. &1 and application item &3 |
125 | GM sent for product &1 with quantity &2 &3 |
126 | Goods issued from plant &1, storage location &2 |
127 | Goods received in plant &1, storage location &2 |
128 | Batch ID number is empty for record &1 |
129 | Invalid plant value |
130 | Maintain assigned plant for the timeline provided |
131 | Begin processing batch update records |
132 | No batch update entries found |
133 | End processing batch update records |
134 | Begin processing pricing TC &1 details |
135 | End processing pricing TC &1 details |
136 | Enter a valid contract type (C or M) |
137 | Contract type parameter is &1 |
138 | Inventory details triggered to commodity SL |
139 | Start true-up process by considering plant &1 entries |
140 | End true-up process by considering plant &1 entries |
141 | Unrestricted stock details and SiT for plant &1 read |
142 | Data calculated for unrestricted stock and SiT for plant &1 |
143 | Start reading old true-up details for plant &1 |
144 | End reading old true-up details for plant &1 |
145 | Start reading adjustment details from application |
146 | End reading adjustment details from application |
147 | Start reading goods movement details |
148 | End reading goods movement details |
149 | Retrieving true-up details |
150 | Start populating actual true-up table entries |
151 | End populating actual true-up table entries |
152 | Start populating actual true-up table entries |
153 | End populating actual true-up table entries |
154 | Choose at least one entry to send to commodity SL |
155 | Start inventory interface update process |
156 | End inventory interface update process |
157 | No contract application entries found; no GM has been sent to 3PT |
158 | Successfully retrieved application doc. header and item details |
159 | No application doc. header or item details found; no GM sent to 3PT |
160 | Successfully retrieved inventory goods movement details |
161 | Start processing goods movement async response message |
162 | End processing goods movement async response message |
163 | Async. response exists for GM doc. &1, GM item &2, and obligation ID &3 |
164 | No async. response exists for GM doc. &1, GM item &2, obligation ID &3 |
165 | Start populating overfill GM entries and start DB update process |
166 | End populating overfill GM entries and stop DB update process |
167 | This application log provides the corresponding obligation ID data |
168 | Ready to trigger obligation ID &1 to commodity SL |
169 | True-up details have been triggered to commodity SL |
170 | Ready to trigger inventory true-up details |
171 | For plant: &1, storage location: &2, material: &3, reference material: &4 |
172 | Current Qty/UoM &1 &2; previous Qty/UoM &3 &4 |
173 | Trade Qty/UoM &1 &2; adjusted Qty/UoM &3 &4 |
174 | No true-up necessary for plant &1 |
175 | True-up values calculated for plant &1, material &2, SL &3, bucket &4 |
176 | At least one value required |
177 | Error while inserting goods movement header data |
178 | Error while inserting goods movement item data |
179 | Error while inserting goods movement pricing lot data |
180 | Error while updating goods movement header data |
181 | Error while updating goods movement item data |
182 | Error while updating goods movement pricing lot data |
183 | Error while deleting goods movement deader data |
184 | Error while deleting goods movement item data |
185 | Error while deleting goods movement pricing lot data |
186 | Success |
187 | Error |
188 | Waiting for response |
189 | No unrestricted stock or SiT found for plant &1 |
190 | Enter either storage location or in transit type |
191 | |
192 | Error in proxy call. &1 |
194 | Only messages in 'Yellow' status can be retriggered |
240 | No previous postings found |
300 | Error during application document read |
301 | Cannot instantiate marketing contract object |
302 | Error during load of YEP data |
303 | Error during load of action data |
304 | Cannot read QF shadow item |
305 | Error while quantity conversion during MCAK build lines |
632 | Invalid plant material combination |
633 | Invalid plant material storage location combination |