The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/NET_DRY_MSG: .
It is part of development package /ACCGO/ACM_NET in software component LO-AGR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Package for Net Dry".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No data found in DPQS header table for value schedule name &1
001No data found in DPQS header table for volume schedule ID &1
002NetDry calculation started in queue mode
003NetDry calculation started in online mode
004DB lock for &&/&&/&&; initiating netdry calculation in queue mode
005Calculated gross weight: &
006Calculated net weight: &
007Requesting for lock in & seconds
008Queue & is triggered
009Position DPQS is found for schedule name &1 and schedule version &2
010Position DPQS is not found for plant &1 material &2 storage location &3
011Weighted average calculation for attribute &1 is &2 %
012BRF function is not maintained for position DPQS
013Characteristics data is successfully saved into DB
014Bin charactericts are successfully read from DB
015Weighted average calculation is initiated
016Weighted average calculation is completed
017No characteristics data found in DB for previous bin position
018No storage location filled for goods movement document &/&
019Netdry calculation cannot proceed
020A2 record could not be generated for plant &1 material &2 sloc &3
021No A2 records found to delimit
022No DPQS characteristics data found in DB for the schedule &1
023Relevant bin details found
024Process initiated for goods movement &/& ('02' Records found)
025Netdry calculation started for plant:&1,material:&2,storage location:&3
026Lock released
027DB lock set for A2 records update
028No running inventory found (valid A2 records in CMM_VLOGP_KONVD)
029Running inventory found (valid A2 records in CMM_VLOGP_KONVD)
030Gross quantity of &1 is &2 &3
031Bin relevant characteristics data is not found to be saved in DB
032Not a valid scenario
033No storage location filled in bin details
034Valid scenario
035Latest A2 records are in future of 02 records
036Error while checking timestamp for latest A2 and 02 Records
037Error while delimiting old A2 records
038No delta GUID generated for new A2 records
039Error while calculating net weight in outbound process
040No prev. characteristics found for sloc; gross qty will be used for net
041Parallel processing of A2 records is not possible (lock failure)
042Net quantity of &1 is &2 &3
043No data found in the data base for the selection criteria
044DPQS evaluation error
045Error while generating delta GUID; A2 will not be posted
046Issue while generating Q-rep GUID
047Data saved
048No documents found
049No linked TSW location found for plant: &1 & str. loc.: &2
050Characteristic &1 is not found in schd &2 and skipped for calculation
051No DPQS header details found for value schedule id &1
052Vol.schd &1 version &2 vald.version &3 is used for net weight calculation
053Plant &1 material &2 S.loc &3 is locked by user &4 for A2 posting
054Save is not possible without simulation
055No log data available
056Material unit conversion error
057No bin relevant characteristics data found for the selected record
058No descriptions found for bin relevant characteristics
059Gross quantity is used as net quantity for net weight calculation
060Insufficient display authorization. Co.Cd/Plant/Mat./S.Loc/Cmmdty: &1
061Insufficient change authorization. Co.Cd/Plant/Mat./S.Loc/Cmmdty: &1
062Select a valid row
063Save failed
064Not all entries are displayed (Insufficient Authorization)
065No entries are displayed (Insufficient Authorization)
066No authorization to change bin characteristics
067No records found for Matrex or Override
068No valid documents found from timestamp &1 to &2
069No valid documents found for processing
070Error in DPQS read
071DPQS ID: &1 and Version: &2 not found
072No Q-Rep data found for Q-rep GUID: &1 and Version: &1
073Error while reading data from buffer
074Quantity conversion error
075No characteristics data found
07602 record could not be generated for plant &1 material &2 sloc &3
077Unable to create pricing key for plant &1 material &2 sloc &3 RecTyp &4
078Latest characteristics of LDC &1(Qrep:&2) is used for net weight calc
079Scenario not supported for obligation storage locations (&1 / &2 )
080Value 'MIXED' cannot be entered manually for a characteristic
081Inverse posting for net positions triggered
082Please enter a valid characteristic value
083Negative characteristic value not allowed
084Locking failed for Material/Plant/Sloc: &1/&2/&3 for posting A2 records
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