/ACCGO/UIS_API - Messages class for LDC API

The following messages are stored in message class /ACCGO/UIS_API: Messages class for LDC API.
It is part of development package /ACCGO/UIS in software component LO-AGR-LDC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ACCGO: Package for UIS Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001LDC ID &1 created successfully
002Event ID is mandatory for event related data
003LDC ID &1 with event type &2 released successfully
004Event ID mismatch in the data
005Wrong value passed for vendor split type
006Header details must not be empty
007Event details must not be empty
008Weight details must not be empty
009Analysis details must not be empty
010Certificate category is missing in analysis details for event ID &1
011Analysis type is missing for event ID &1
012Characteristic data is missing in analysis details
013Certificate category is missing in weight for event ID &1
014Scale UoM is missing in weight details for event ID &1
015Gross weight is missing in weight details for event ID &1
016Split weight should not be used in vendor split scenario
017Vendor split percentage should not be more than 100%
018Application instruction is required
019Event type is required
020Invalid event type provided
021Event location is required
022Material is required
023Mode of transport is required
024Invalid mode of transport provided
025Invalid application instruction provided
026Storage location is required
027Invalid certificate category is provided in weight for event ID &1
028Invalid certificate category is provided in analysis for event ID &1
029Application instruction is required in vendor split data
030Invalid application instruction in vendor split data
031Invalid currency &1
032Invalid analysis type is provided in analysis for event id &1
033Invalid contract for getting split profile information
034Incomplete details in input
035No BRF+ rule maintained for contract &1/&2
036Event ID is missing in event data
037Event ID is missing in weight data
038Event ID mismatch in data
039Version is missing in weight data
040Event ID is missing in analysis data
041Version is missing in analysis data
042Event ID is missing in event change indicator
043Event ID is missing in weight change indicator
044Version is missing in weight change indicator
045Version is missing in analysis change indicator
046Version is missing in analysis change indicator
047Attribute for change is missing in analysis data
048Invalid event ID supplied
049Weight type is missing in weight data
050Weight type is missing in weight change indicator
051Update indicator is missing in weight data
052Update indicator is missing in analysis data
053LDC ID &1 changed successfully
054Invalid LDC ID supplied
055Event data is required for weight changes
056Event data is required for analysis changes
057In vendor split data, only one entry can be header
058Split profile is missing
059Invalid profile supplied
060Vendor split data missmatch with the split profile &1
061No load event exists
062No weight details found
063New grades added successfully
064Split information not supplied
065Row ID &1: LDC ID missing in header data
066LDC &1: Cannot find header change indicator data; missing LDC ID
067Row ID &1: LDC ID missing in event data
068Event LDC ID &1: Cannot find LDC ID in header data
069LDC &1: Event ID missing in event data
070LDC &1 Event ID &2: Cannot find event change indicator data
071Row ID &1: LDC ID missing in weight data
072Weight LDC &1: Cannot find LDC ID in header data
073LDC &1: Event ID missing in weight data
074Weight LDC &1: Event ID &2 missing in event data
075LDC &1 Event ID &2 Vers. &3: Mode missing in weight indicator data
076LDC &1 Event ID &2: Version missing in weight data
077LDC &1 Event ID &2: Version missing in weight indicator data
078LDC &1 Event ID &2: Version mismatch in weight and weight indicator data
079LDC &1 Event ID &2: LDC ID missing in weight change indicator data
080Row ID &1: LDC ID missing in analysis data
081Analysis LDC &1: LDC ID missing in header data
082LDC &1: Event ID missing in analysis data
083Analysis LDC &1: Event ID &2 missing in event data
084LDC &1: Change attribute missing in analysis data
085LDC &1: Invalid LDC ID supplied in header data
086LDC &1: BL header data is initial
087LDC &1: Event data is missing
088LDC &1 Event ID &2: Invalid event ID supplied in event data
089LDC &1: Currency change not allowed for PO/SO/STO reference documents
090LDC &1: Cannot save LDC due to locking error
091LDC &1: Cannot release LDC
092LDC &1 Event ID &2: Deletion of existing weights is not allowed
093LDC &1 Event ID &2: Invalid event ID supplied in event indicator data
094LDC &1: Multiple weights cannot be entered during correction
095LDC &1 Event ID &2: Cannot add extra weight once final weight is marked
096LDC &1 EventID &2:Manual addition/change in summarized qty is not allowed
097LDC &1 Event ID &2 Version &3: Weight indicator data not supplied
098LDC &1: New grades added successfully
099LDC &1 Event ID &2 Vers. &3: Mode missing in grade indicator data
100LDC &1 Event ID &2: Version missing in grade data
101LDC &1 Event ID &2: Version missing in grade indicator data
102LDC &1 Event ID &2 Version &3: Grade indicator data not supplied
103LDC &1: Invalid currency &2
104LDC &1: Cannot change currency since LDC is released
105LDC &1: Deletion of existing weights is not allowed
106LDC &1: Manual addition/change in summarized qty is not allowed
107EXTID &1: Event ID &2 of event data missing in weight data
108EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Only one weight detail can be marked as final
109EXTID &1: Event ID &2: None of the weight details are marked as final
110EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Application instruction missing in event data
111EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Event type missing in event data
112EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Event location missing in event data
113EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Material missing in event data
114EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Certificate category missing in weight data
115EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Scale UoM missing in weight data
116EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Gross weight missing in weight data
117EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Weight data missing in event data
118EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Certificate category missing in analysis data
119EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Analysis type missing in analysis data
120Row ID &1: LDC ID missing in header indicator data
121LDC &1: Cannot find header data for indicator; missing LDC ID
122LDC &1: Event ID &2: Event change data not found
123LDC &1: Event ID missing in event indicator data
124LDC &1: No. of entries in weight data don't match weight indicator data
125LDC &1: No. of entries in grade data don't match grade indicator data
126Row ID &1: Batch key missing in batch data
127Batch Key &1: Batch ID missing
128Batch Key &1: Batch indicator data missing
129EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Mode of transport missing in event data
130External ID missing in header data
131External ID missing in event data
132External ID missing in weight data
133External ID missing in analysis data
134External ID missing in vendor address data
135External ID missing in vendor split data
136EXTID &1: Duplicate event ID &2 in event data
137EXTID &1: Duplicate event ID &2 in weight data
138Duplicate EXTID &1 in header data
139Duplicate EXTID &1 in vendor address data
140Address EXTID &1: Cannot find EXTID in header data
141Batch EXTID &1: Cannot find EXTID in header data
142EXTID &1: Split weight should not be used in vendor split scenario
143Duplicate EXTID &1 in header data
144LDC &1: Batch key missing in batch data
145LDC &1 Batch key &2: Batch ID is missing
146LDC &1 Batch key &2: Batch indicator data missing
147EXTID &1: Invalid currency &2 in header data
148EXTID &1: Invalid split type &2 in header data
149EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Invalid application instruction in event data
150EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Invalid event type in event data
151EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Invalid mode of transport in event data
152EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Invalid certification category in weight data
153EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Invalid certification category in analysis data
154EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Invalid analysis type in analysis data
155EXTID &1: Invalid application instruction in vendor split data
156EXTID &1: Header GUID creation failed
157EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Undefined vendor not supported for app. inst. &3
158EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Event GUID creation failed
159EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Analysis GUID creation failed
160EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Exception occurred; quantity conversion failed
161EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Exception: Error in reading material &3
162No data provided for changing LDCs in header
163Direct unload evnt not allowed for NonCAS STO/Inter/Intra.Saved as draft.
164EXTID &1: Vendor address GUID creation failed
165EXTID &1: Country/Region missing in vendor address data
166EXTID &1: Name missing in vendor address data
167EXTID &1: Telephone missing in vendor address data
168EXTID &1: Vendor missing in vendor address data
169EXTID &1: Vendor split GUID creation failed
170Event EXTID &1: Cannot find external ID in header data
171Weight EXTID &1: Cannot find external ID in header data
172Analysis EXTID &1: Event ID &2 missing in event data
173Analysis EXTID &1: Cannot find external ID in header data
174EXTID &1: Enter the application instruction in vendor split data
175EXTID &1: In vendor split data, only one entry can be specified as header
176EXTID &1: Total vendor split percentage is not equal to 100%
177EXTID &1: Vendor trading contract GUID creation failed
178LDCs changed successfully
179LDC &1 Event Type &2: Cannot release LDC
180Business layer manager cannot be instantiated
181EXTID &1: Material &2 on PO/STO is different from material &3 on LDC
182EXTID &1: Material &2 on sales order is different from material &3 on LDC
183EXTID &1: Material &2 on storage agrmnt. is diff. from material &3 on LDC
184EXTID &1: Invalid LDC type &2 in header data
185EXTID &1: Material &2 on contract is different from material &3 on LDC
186EXTID &1: &2 is not a valid specific material for material &3
187EXTID &1: Material &2 on nomination is different from material &3 on LDC
188EXTID &1: Application instruction &2: Delivery or sales order is missing
189EXTID &1: Enter the SO or delivery in case of diversion
190EXTID &1: LDC creation failed; event location &2 is invalid
191EXTID &1: LDC creation failed; recieving location &2 is invalid
192EXTID &1: Vendor &2 is not maintained as undefined vendor for plant &3
193EXTID &1: Nomination &2 is not yet confirmed
194EXTID &1: Vendor &2 is not in reference trading contract &3
195EXTID &1: Customer &2 is not in reference trading contract &3
196EXTID &1: Error occurred while reading trading contract &2
197External ID is missing in batch data
198EXTID &1: Event ID &2: Delivery as the reference doc is not supported
199EXTID &1: Profile in BRF+ for split ID is not the same as split data
200LDC &1: Vendor &1 is not maintained as undefined vendor for plant &2
201LDC &1: Undefined vendor not supported for application instruction &2
202Row ID &1: LDC ID missing in address data
203Address LDC ID &1: Cannot find LDC ID in header data
204Address LDC ID &1: LDC ID missing in address change indicator data
205EXTID &1: Vendor &2 is invalid in address data
206EXTID &1: EventID &2: Incoterms is mandatory for app. inst. &3
207EXTID &1: EventID &2: Incoterm &3 is invalid
208External ID &1: Enter the auto-incoterm indicator or incoterm
209External ID &1: Outgoing purch. LDC not valid for application instr. 20
210External ID &1: Incoming sales LDC not valid for application instr. 21
211External ID &1: Nomination key is mandatory
212External ID &1: Nomination item is mandatory
213External ID &1: Outgoing purch. LDC not valid for application instr. 25
214External ID &1: Incoming sales LDC not valid for application instr. 25
215External ID &1: RDI indicator &2 not allowed for application instr. 25
216EXTID &1: EventID &2: Vendor split data must be blank for vehicle cont
217EXTID &1: EventID &2: Nomination key &3 and ID &4 don't match
218EXTID &1: Batches not required for material &2
219EXTID &1: Batches not available for LDC event
220EXTID &1: Batch &2 UoM &3 does not match event UoM &4
221EXTID &1: Batch qty &2 does not match event qty &3
222EXTID &1: Batch &2 does not exist for material &3 and location &4
223EXTID &1: Batch &2 qty on LDC does not match qty available in stock
225LDC ID &1: Enter the auto-incoterm indicator or incoterm
226LDC ID &1: EventID &2: Incoterm &3 is invalid
227EXTID &1: Provide nomination details for vehicle contract &2/&3
228EXTID &1: Nomination &2/&3 does not refer to vehicle contract &4
229EXTID &1: Enter the event type on batch data
236Direct unload event not possible for purchase TTO for Event Id &1
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