The following messages are stored in message class /ACI/MESSAGES: .
It is part of development package /ACI/CORE in software component CA-AIN-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Central Integration - Core".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Parameter '&1' missing in the configuartion of destination &2.
002Not able to determine AC Operator ID
003EAM Equipment is set to Delete status.AC Equipment creation not Supported
004Asset Central Equipment &1 created successfully.
005Asset Central Equipment &1 updated successfully.
006Asset Central Equipment &1 deleted successfully.
007Asset Central Equipment creation failed.
008Asset Central Equipment deletion failed.
009Asset Central Equipment updation failed.
010Synchronization activity Failed.
011Equipment assigned to EAM notifcation is not linked in Asset Central
012GUID not generated
013Order Type not mapped to Asset Central
014Priority Type not mapped to Asset Central
015External ID is not configured
016Asset Central Workorder creation failed
017Asset Central Workorder updation failed
018Asset Central Workorder deletion failed
019Asset Central Workorder &1 created successfully.
020Asset Central Workorder &1 updated successfully.
021Asset Central Workorder &1 deleted successfully.
022Synchronization to Asset Central Failed
023Equipment &1 not linked to Asset Central
024Functional Location &1 not linked to Asset Central
025EAM Notification &1 creation failed in Asset Central.
026EAM Notification &1 updation failed in Asset Central.
027EAM Notification &1 deletion failed in Asset Central.
028EAM Notification &1 created successfully in Asset Central.
029EAM Notification &1 updated successfully in Asset Central.
030EAM Notification &1 deleted successfully in Asset Central.
031Asset Central Template &1 creation failed.
032Asset Central Template &1 updation failed.
033Asset Central Template &1 deletion failed.
034Asset Central Template &1 created successfully.
035Asset Central Template &1 updated successfully.
036Asset Central Template &1 deleted successfully.
037Location created in Asset Central Successfully
038Location updated in Asset Central Successfully
039Location creation failed in Asset Central
040Location updation failed in Asset Central
041Failed to load Location address
042Asset Central Location should be in Published state to synchronize
043Data retrieval from Asset Central failed
044External ID is not configured
045EAM Object ID set as Asset Central External ID
046Asset Central Equipment Published
047Equipment Status successfully updated
048Equipment Hierarchy updated in Asset Central
049Asset Central Attribute &1 created successfully.
050Asset Central Attribute &1 updated successfully.
051At least one of linked equipment or functional location must be provided.
052Functional Location is linked as Equipment in Asset Central
053Equipment/Functional Location is unassigned from the Notification in EAM
054Asset Central Attribute &1 deleted successfully.
055Universally Unique Identifier(UUID) Not Generated
056Asset Central Installation Location data Updated
057Hierarchy updation failed
058Hierarchy updation is successfull
059Location revision is failed
060Location publish is failed
061Synchronization to EAM Failed
062Location status is not eligible for Sync
063External ID updated in Asset Central successfully
064External ID updation to location failed
065BUPA &1 Creation Successful in Asset Central
066BUPA Creation Failed in Asset Central
067BUPA &1 Update Successful in Asset Central
068BUPA Update failed in Asset Central
069EAM ID set as Asset Central External ID
070BUPA External ID updated in AC Successfully
071BUPA External ID update failed in AC
072Document &1 created successfully in Asset Central
073Asset Central Document creation failed
074Class Type not mapped to Asset Central
075Equipment category is not assigned.
076Equipment category cannot be changed.
077Equipment created successfully in EAM.
078Equipment updatd successfully in EAM.
079Equipment not created in EAM.
080Equipment not updated in EAM.
081Partner update in EAM failed.
082Unit of measure minutes (ISO Code MIN) is not configured or created.
083AC Equipment: &1 is not linked with EAM Object
084Destination Configuration is not maintained
085Asset Central Location Published
086Asset Central Super Location Published
087Object Link Table Creation Failed
088Asset Central Attribute creation failed.
089Asset Central attribute update failed.
090Asset Central attribute deletion failed.
091Object Link Table Updation Failed
092Location is not found
093Document &1 updated successfully in Asset Central
094Asset Central Document updation failed
095Authentication via oAuth profile failed
096AC Location: &1 is not linked with EAM Object
097Maintenance Strategy already exists in ASPM system
098Maintenance Strategy successfully created in ASPM system
099Maintenance Strategy creation in ASPM failed
100External ID set successfully in Asset Central
101Failed to set external ID in Asset Central
102Failed to Create the Notification in EAM
103Failed to Save the Notification in EAM
104Notification created and saved successfully in EAM
105Failed to Update object link table
106Template &1 is already mapped with class &2
107Tasklist &1 Creation Successful in ASPM
108Tasklist &1 Creation Failed in ASPM
109Attribute &1 is already mapped with Characterstic &2
110Maintenance Plan &1 Creation Successful in ASPM
111Maintenance Plan &1 Creation Failed in ASPM
112Functional Location Selection criteria is empty
113Failed to create Equipment revision
114Failed to Publish the Equipment
115Successfully unassigned documents from Equipment in Asset Central
116Successfully created Equipment revision
117Successfully Published the Equipment
118Successfully updated the Document in Asset Central
119Successfully assigned documents to Equipment in Asset Central
120Equipment Selection criteria is empty
121Functional Location Selection criteria is empty
122System name is invalid
123No valid objects to run the search
124No valid entries to process
125Activity is successful
126Update errored
127Failed to unassign documents from Equipment in Asset Central
128Failed to assign documents to Equipment in Asset Central
129Asset Central location data loaded failed
130Successfully loaded all the attachments of Equipment &1 from AC
131Failed to load the attachments of Equipment &1 from AC
132Equipment characteristics value updated successfully
133Equipment characteristics value updation failed
134EAM Technical Object is not linked with AC Model
135AC Model has been deleted or unavailable
136EAM Technical Object is not linked with AC EQUI/FL
137EAM Equipment not linked with AC Model
138EAM Equipment not linked with AC Equipment
139EAM Notification not linked with either AC EQUI/FLOC
140Equipment classification assignment updated successfully
141Document has been successfully assigned
142Document assignment is failed at EAM
143Documents successfully unassigned
144Documents unassignment failed
145EAM Storage Category not maintained
146EAM Document Type not maintained
147Notification type not mapped in Asset Central
148Org Structure &1 replicated successfully
149Syclo data object ID is empty
150Document update failed
151Document update successful
152Failed to update the address in EAM
153Location update failed in EAM
154Equipment updation is failed in location hierarchy
155Failed to update Technical Oject &1 Value
156Location classification assignment updated successfully
157Location characteristics value updated successfully
158Tasklist &1 Creation Successful in Asset Central
159Tasklist Creation Failed in Asset Central
160Tasklist &1 Update Successful in Asset Central
161Tasklist &1 Update failed in Asset Central
162Maintenance Plan &1 Creation Successful in Asset Central
163Maintenance Plan Creation Failed in Asset Central
164Maintenance Plan &1 Update Successful in Asset Central
165Maintenance Plan &1 Update failed in Asset Central
166Tasklist &1 Delete Successful in Asset Central
167Maintenance Plane &1 Delete Successful in Asset Central
168Tasklist &1 Delete Failed in Asset Central
169Maintenance Plan &1 Delete Failed in Asset Central
170The characteristics value updation is failed
171Multi Value check without initial values is not allowed
172Currency type with Multivalues/Codelist is not allowed
173Numeric type with Multivalues is not allowed
174Date type with Multivalues is not allowed
175Unique Identifier can't be updated as Material or Resp.Plant UII is empty
176Failed to add file &1 in EAM. Map Language &2 to a part of Doc. type &3
177File added successfully to asset central
178Asset Central Document Deletion is failed
179Asset Central Document file deletion is failed
180Document version crealtion is not supported for file types VDS and ELINK
181Document content update is not supported for ELINK type files
182Language code &1 doesn't exist for the specific logon language
183Addition of new file to asset central failed
184Since File is not synchronized with ERP, New version can't be created
185Workflow trigger for PMR Lean Process failed.
186Asset Central Recommendation updation failed.
187AC file is unavailable to update at EAM, Sync the file with EAM first
188The selected DIRs are not available in EAM. Sync with EAM syst and retry
189Document &1 created successfully in EAM
190Document Creation failed in EAM
191File type is not valid, check file type filter
192EAM External Version update failed at asset central
193Create Version failed at EAM
194AC Document or files not not synchronized; hence deletion not possible
195DIR Version Created successfully at EAM
196Document Create Event Queue lock failed; Unable to create a document
197Document object id Locked; Hence document assignment failed at EAM
198Additional Data missing from the assetcentral; Document Process failed.
199File does not have content.Select a file with content to replicate to EAM
200File deleted successfully from document
201Successfully assigned documents to location in Asset Central
202Successfully unassigned documents from location in Asset Central
203Successfully loaded all the attachments of location &1 from AC
204Failed to load the attachments of location &1 from AC
205Document Deleted successfully at EAM
206You can't create a original with same language.AC File lang already exist
207Please maintain planning plant and planner group in EAM
208Workitem creation failed. No agent found.
209File version has been created successfully in Asset Central
210Maintenance Strategy wasn't sycnhronized to aspm cloud system
211Equipment status updation failed
212Read Template Failed
213ACF Equipment already has an External ID for the External System &1.
214ACF Location already has an External ID for the External System &1.
215Functional Location status updation failed
216No Language to Document Part mapping exists for MDO &1
217Failed to replicate Document &1. Map Category Code &2 to a Document type.
218Document and/or File already exist in EAM.
219Failed to replicate ELINK file. Maintain property value for DMS_APP_URL.
220File created successfully in EAM Document &1
221Functional Location created in Asset Central Successfully
222Functional Location creation failed in Asset Central
223Functional Location updation failed in Asset Central
224Functional Location Status successfully updated
225Functional Location classification assignment updated successfully
226Asset Central Functional Location Published
227Successfully loaded all the attachments of functional location &1 from AC
228Failed to load the attachments of functional Location &1 from AC
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