The following messages are stored in message class /ACI/MESSAGES: .
It is part of development package /ACI/CORE in software component CA-AIN-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Central Integration - Core".
It is part of development package /ACI/CORE in software component CA-AIN-PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset Central Integration - Core".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | Parameter '&1' missing in the configuartion of destination &2. |
002 | Not able to determine AC Operator ID |
003 | EAM Equipment is set to Delete status.AC Equipment creation not Supported |
004 | Asset Central Equipment &1 created successfully. |
005 | Asset Central Equipment &1 updated successfully. |
006 | Asset Central Equipment &1 deleted successfully. |
007 | Asset Central Equipment creation failed. |
008 | Asset Central Equipment deletion failed. |
009 | Asset Central Equipment updation failed. |
010 | Synchronization activity Failed. |
011 | Equipment assigned to EAM notifcation is not linked in Asset Central |
012 | GUID not generated |
013 | Order Type not mapped to Asset Central |
014 | Priority Type not mapped to Asset Central |
015 | External ID is not configured |
016 | Asset Central Workorder creation failed |
017 | Asset Central Workorder updation failed |
018 | Asset Central Workorder deletion failed |
019 | Asset Central Workorder &1 created successfully. |
020 | Asset Central Workorder &1 updated successfully. |
021 | Asset Central Workorder &1 deleted successfully. |
022 | Synchronization to Asset Central Failed |
023 | Equipment &1 not linked to Asset Central |
024 | Functional Location &1 not linked to Asset Central |
025 | EAM Notification &1 creation failed in Asset Central. |
026 | EAM Notification &1 updation failed in Asset Central. |
027 | EAM Notification &1 deletion failed in Asset Central. |
028 | EAM Notification &1 created successfully in Asset Central. |
029 | EAM Notification &1 updated successfully in Asset Central. |
030 | EAM Notification &1 deleted successfully in Asset Central. |
031 | Asset Central Template &1 creation failed. |
032 | Asset Central Template &1 updation failed. |
033 | Asset Central Template &1 deletion failed. |
034 | Asset Central Template &1 created successfully. |
035 | Asset Central Template &1 updated successfully. |
036 | Asset Central Template &1 deleted successfully. |
037 | Location created in Asset Central Successfully |
038 | Location updated in Asset Central Successfully |
039 | Location creation failed in Asset Central |
040 | Location updation failed in Asset Central |
041 | Failed to load Location address |
042 | Asset Central Location should be in Published state to synchronize |
043 | Data retrieval from Asset Central failed |
044 | External ID is not configured |
045 | EAM Object ID set as Asset Central External ID |
046 | Asset Central Equipment Published |
047 | Equipment Status successfully updated |
048 | Equipment Hierarchy updated in Asset Central |
049 | Asset Central Attribute &1 created successfully. |
050 | Asset Central Attribute &1 updated successfully. |
051 | At least one of linked equipment or functional location must be provided. |
052 | Functional Location is linked as Equipment in Asset Central |
053 | Equipment/Functional Location is unassigned from the Notification in EAM |
054 | Asset Central Attribute &1 deleted successfully. |
055 | Universally Unique Identifier(UUID) Not Generated |
056 | Asset Central Installation Location data Updated |
057 | Hierarchy updation failed |
058 | Hierarchy updation is successfull |
059 | Location revision is failed |
060 | Location publish is failed |
061 | Synchronization to EAM Failed |
062 | Location status is not eligible for Sync |
063 | External ID updated in Asset Central successfully |
064 | External ID updation to location failed |
065 | BUPA &1 Creation Successful in Asset Central |
066 | BUPA Creation Failed in Asset Central |
067 | BUPA &1 Update Successful in Asset Central |
068 | BUPA Update failed in Asset Central |
069 | EAM ID set as Asset Central External ID |
070 | BUPA External ID updated in AC Successfully |
071 | BUPA External ID update failed in AC |
072 | Document &1 created successfully in Asset Central |
073 | Asset Central Document creation failed |
074 | Class Type not mapped to Asset Central |
075 | Equipment category is not assigned. |
076 | Equipment category cannot be changed. |
077 | Equipment created successfully in EAM. |
078 | Equipment updatd successfully in EAM. |
079 | Equipment not created in EAM. |
080 | Equipment not updated in EAM. |
081 | Partner update in EAM failed. |
082 | Unit of measure minutes (ISO Code MIN) is not configured or created. |
083 | AC Equipment: &1 is not linked with EAM Object |
084 | Destination Configuration is not maintained |
085 | Asset Central Location Published |
086 | Asset Central Super Location Published |
087 | Object Link Table Creation Failed |
088 | Asset Central Attribute creation failed. |
089 | Asset Central attribute update failed. |
090 | Asset Central attribute deletion failed. |
091 | Object Link Table Updation Failed |
092 | Location is not found |
093 | Document &1 updated successfully in Asset Central |
094 | Asset Central Document updation failed |
095 | Authentication via oAuth profile failed |
096 | AC Location: &1 is not linked with EAM Object |
097 | Maintenance Strategy already exists in ASPM system |
098 | Maintenance Strategy successfully created in ASPM system |
099 | Maintenance Strategy creation in ASPM failed |
100 | External ID set successfully in Asset Central |
101 | Failed to set external ID in Asset Central |
102 | Failed to Create the Notification in EAM |
103 | Failed to Save the Notification in EAM |
104 | Notification created and saved successfully in EAM |
105 | Failed to Update object link table |
106 | Template &1 is already mapped with class &2 |
107 | Tasklist &1 Creation Successful in ASPM |
108 | Tasklist &1 Creation Failed in ASPM |
109 | Attribute &1 is already mapped with Characterstic &2 |
110 | Maintenance Plan &1 Creation Successful in ASPM |
111 | Maintenance Plan &1 Creation Failed in ASPM |
112 | Functional Location Selection criteria is empty |
113 | Failed to create Equipment revision |
114 | Failed to Publish the Equipment |
115 | Successfully unassigned documents from Equipment in Asset Central |
116 | Successfully created Equipment revision |
117 | Successfully Published the Equipment |
118 | Successfully updated the Document in Asset Central |
119 | Successfully assigned documents to Equipment in Asset Central |
120 | Equipment Selection criteria is empty |
121 | Functional Location Selection criteria is empty |
122 | System name is invalid |
123 | No valid objects to run the search |
124 | No valid entries to process |
125 | Activity is successful |
126 | Update errored |
127 | Failed to unassign documents from Equipment in Asset Central |
128 | Failed to assign documents to Equipment in Asset Central |
129 | Asset Central location data loaded failed |
130 | Successfully loaded all the attachments of Equipment &1 from AC |
131 | Failed to load the attachments of Equipment &1 from AC |
132 | Equipment characteristics value updated successfully |
133 | Equipment characteristics value updation failed |
134 | EAM Technical Object is not linked with AC Model |
135 | AC Model has been deleted or unavailable |
136 | EAM Technical Object is not linked with AC EQUI/FL |
137 | EAM Equipment not linked with AC Model |
138 | EAM Equipment not linked with AC Equipment |
139 | EAM Notification not linked with either AC EQUI/FLOC |
140 | Equipment classification assignment updated successfully |
141 | Document has been successfully assigned |
142 | Document assignment is failed at EAM |
143 | Documents successfully unassigned |
144 | Documents unassignment failed |
145 | EAM Storage Category not maintained |
146 | EAM Document Type not maintained |
147 | Notification type not mapped in Asset Central |
148 | Org Structure &1 replicated successfully |
149 | Syclo data object ID is empty |
150 | Document update failed |
151 | Document update successful |
152 | Failed to update the address in EAM |
153 | Location update failed in EAM |
154 | Equipment updation is failed in location hierarchy |
155 | Failed to update Technical Oject &1 Value |
156 | Location classification assignment updated successfully |
157 | Location characteristics value updated successfully |
158 | Tasklist &1 Creation Successful in Asset Central |
159 | Tasklist Creation Failed in Asset Central |
160 | Tasklist &1 Update Successful in Asset Central |
161 | Tasklist &1 Update failed in Asset Central |
162 | Maintenance Plan &1 Creation Successful in Asset Central |
163 | Maintenance Plan Creation Failed in Asset Central |
164 | Maintenance Plan &1 Update Successful in Asset Central |
165 | Maintenance Plan &1 Update failed in Asset Central |
166 | Tasklist &1 Delete Successful in Asset Central |
167 | Maintenance Plane &1 Delete Successful in Asset Central |
168 | Tasklist &1 Delete Failed in Asset Central |
169 | Maintenance Plan &1 Delete Failed in Asset Central |
170 | The characteristics value updation is failed |
171 | Multi Value check without initial values is not allowed |
172 | Currency type with Multivalues/Codelist is not allowed |
173 | Numeric type with Multivalues is not allowed |
174 | Date type with Multivalues is not allowed |
175 | Unique Identifier can't be updated as Material or Resp.Plant UII is empty |
176 | Failed to add file &1 in EAM. Map Language &2 to a part of Doc. type &3 |
177 | File added successfully to asset central |
178 | Asset Central Document Deletion is failed |
179 | Asset Central Document file deletion is failed |
180 | Document version crealtion is not supported for file types VDS and ELINK |
181 | Document content update is not supported for ELINK type files |
182 | Language code &1 doesn't exist for the specific logon language |
183 | Addition of new file to asset central failed |
184 | Since File is not synchronized with ERP, New version can't be created |
185 | Workflow trigger for PMR Lean Process failed. |
186 | Asset Central Recommendation updation failed. |
187 | AC file is unavailable to update at EAM, Sync the file with EAM first |
188 | The selected DIRs are not available in EAM. Sync with EAM syst and retry |
189 | Document &1 created successfully in EAM |
190 | Document Creation failed in EAM |
191 | File type is not valid, check file type filter |
192 | EAM External Version update failed at asset central |
193 | Create Version failed at EAM |
194 | AC Document or files not not synchronized; hence deletion not possible |
195 | DIR Version Created successfully at EAM |
196 | Document Create Event Queue lock failed; Unable to create a document |
197 | Document object id Locked; Hence document assignment failed at EAM |
198 | Additional Data missing from the assetcentral; Document Process failed. |
199 | File does not have content.Select a file with content to replicate to EAM |
200 | File deleted successfully from document |
201 | Successfully assigned documents to location in Asset Central |
202 | Successfully unassigned documents from location in Asset Central |
203 | Successfully loaded all the attachments of location &1 from AC |
204 | Failed to load the attachments of location &1 from AC |
205 | Document Deleted successfully at EAM |
206 | You can't create a original with same language.AC File lang already exist |
207 | Please maintain planning plant and planner group in EAM |
208 | Workitem creation failed. No agent found. |
209 | File version has been created successfully in Asset Central |
210 | Maintenance Strategy wasn't sycnhronized to aspm cloud system |
211 | Equipment status updation failed |
212 | Read Template Failed |
213 | ACF Equipment already has an External ID for the External System &1. |
214 | ACF Location already has an External ID for the External System &1. |
215 | Functional Location status updation failed |
216 | No Language to Document Part mapping exists for MDO &1 |
217 | Failed to replicate Document &1. Map Category Code &2 to a Document type. |
218 | Document and/or File already exist in EAM. |
219 | Failed to replicate ELINK file. Maintain property value for DMS_APP_URL. |
220 | File created successfully in EAM Document &1 |
221 | Functional Location created in Asset Central Successfully |
222 | Functional Location creation failed in Asset Central |
223 | Functional Location updation failed in Asset Central |
224 | Functional Location Status successfully updated |
225 | Functional Location classification assignment updated successfully |
226 | Asset Central Functional Location Published |
227 | Successfully loaded all the attachments of functional location &1 from AC |
228 | Failed to load the attachments of functional Location &1 from AC |