The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/CPI_INTEGRATION: .
It is part of development package /AIF/CPI_INTEGRATION_BASIS in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AIF Monitoring FIORI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000A message processing error has occurred in Cloud Integration.
001Please check Information Message(s).
002Tenant: &1
003Integration Flow ID: &1&2&3
004Message ID: &1
005Error Message: &1&2&3&4
007Cloud Integration error message was canceled &1
008Combination of AIF engines not supported.
009Not supported message type: Only IDOC and WEBSERVICE allowed.
010Correlation ID: &1
011Application ID: &1&2&3
012Authorization required for Error Propagation Integration
013Error converting timestamp to external format
014Error at RFC destination client creation
015Error in RFC destination 2.0 runtime
016Error in UID Creation
017HTTP error occurred, status: &1 reason: &2.
018Message Processing Log for MPL ID &1 could not be transferred.
019Error during transmission of Cloud Integration messages to the AIF.
020Successful transmission of Cloud Integration messages to the AIF.
021Error in Cloud Integration integration into AIF monitoring.
022Cannot lock Cloud Integration transfer process for integration flow &1.
023Error Propagation Configuration ID: &1
024Number of Cloud Integration messages transmitted to the AIF: &1
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