The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/ERROR_HANDLING: AIF Error Handling.
It is part of development package /AIF/ERROR in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AIF Error Handling Transaction".
It is part of development package /AIF/ERROR in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AIF Error Handling Transaction".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Record &1 was not found |
002 | Field &1 (the position number) does not exist |
003 | Data not found in table &1; &2 &3 &4 |
004 | SAP NetWeaver PI message was not found for &1/&2/&3 |
005 | System error: generate_subpool_dir_full |
006 | System error occurred while generating subroutine pool: &1 &2 &3 |
007 | Application log number &2; unknown message category &1 was determined |
008 | Class &1 does not implement interface &2 or cannot be instantiated |
009 | Selection screen block &1: module name has not been defined: &2 &3 |
010 | Selection screen block &1: subscreen number has not been defined: &2 &3 |
011 | Invalid value entered into selection parameter &1 |
012 | Duplicate selection parameter &1 found |
013 | Valid interface was not found in Customizing activity "Error Handling" |
014 | Index table has not been customized for &1/&2/&3 |
015 | Key field table has not been customized for &1/&2/&3 |
016 | Index table &1 is invalid; possible reason: field &2 has not been defined |
017 | Field sequence number must be greater than 1 for &1/&2/&3 |
018 | Valid index was not determined; message table &1 is invalid |
019 | Transaction error; change handler of view &1 has not been defined |
020 | Interface version &1 is not the latest version |
021 | Enter a valid interface in Customizing for "Error Handling" |
022 | Parent field sequence no. &1 is equal to field sequence no. |
023 | Parent field sequence no.(SN) must be smaller than field SN &4 &1/&2/&3 |
024 | Secondary index in the message table &1 does not exist |
025 | Authorization check failure; invalid activity &1 |
026 | Not all selected interfaces have been customized for "Error Handling" |
027 | Listed SAP NetWeaver PI messages apply to both namespaces and interfaces |
028 | Incomplete index was determined; performance may be affected |
029 | Selected data messages have different structures |
030 | Data content of message &1 could not be retrieved |
031 | Group &1 or included structure /AIF/IFKEYS is missing in index table &2 |
032 | Both (or either) module and screen should be applied &1/&2/&3 |
033 | Key field table is required for &1/&2/&3 |
034 | Key field table &1 is used for &1/&2/&3 |
035 | Multi. subfields of a key field are not permitted: field no &1; &2/&3/&4 |
036 | Field number &1: data element field is required |
037 | Application &1: &2 must be &3 |
038 | &1 is not maintained; do not maintain key fields |
039 | &1 &2 is not aligned with the key fields' definition and sequence |
040 | Interface &1/&2/&3 does not exist |
041 | Maximum number of &1 entries that can be displayed has been reached |
042 | Msg. index table does not exist; default table /AIF/STD_IDX_TBL assigned |
043 | Field &1 does not exist or has been defined as single selection |
044 | No data messages found; see long text for detail |
045 | Inconsistency between msg. index table record and application log &1 |
046 | Error occurred while assigning a raw structure of the PI message |
047 | Record type has not been maintained for &1/&2/&3; F4 help is blocked |
048 | Application ID &1 cannot be used |
049 | Message was not canceled |
050 | Message is not from proxy |
051 | Corresponding record type not found |
052 | Corresponding field not found |
053 | Record type &1 is hidden |
054 | Navigation to record type in cross-namespace mode is not permitted |
055 | Context structure has not been maintained |
056 | Index table &1 is invalid; block reading data of &2/&3/&4 |
057 | Missing redefinition method &1 and &2 in appl.-specific entry data facade |
058 | Action handling has not been implemented |
059 | &1 is empty; composing method name has been skipped |
060 | No valid message/test file has been selected |
061 | Error message is not related to a value mapping |
062 | &1 interface file &2 is not allowed: file status &3 |
063 | PI message or test file is not allowed for &1 with status &2 |
064 | Select only one message |
065 | Read index table &1 error; &2/&3/&4 |
066 | Error occurred during processing of data for &1/&2/&3 |
067 | Check selected data messages |
068 | Failed to create an instance of the entry data facade |
069 | Failed to create an instance of the action handler |
070 | Data is out-of-date; last changed by &1 at &2; reload the data |
071 | Check message number &1, line number &2 |
072 | Data not found |
073 | Invalid function code found &1 |
074 | Function code is empty |
075 | Application was changed; press ENTER before executing the transaction |
076 | Selection parameter must be unique; selection parameter &1, field no. &2 |
077 | Field name must be unique; field name &1, field number &2 |
078 | You must define namespace-specific features first for &1/&2/&3 |
079 | Field &1 not found in the message index table &2 |
080 | &1 &2 not found on the screen &3 and/or program &4 |
081 | Screen &1 could not be found in program &2 |
082 | Application &1 has not been defined |
083 | Screen or module is not defined |
084 | Key field table is not defined |
085 | Inconsistency found between interface and version; version is cleared |
086 | Display of outbound data is not supported for this interface |
087 | Key field of multiple or document ID selection cannot be used as parent |
088 | Message index table of multiple selection not defined; field number &1 |
089 | Use a different index table for single selection; &1 field number &2 |
090 | Interface &1/&2/&3 contains non-unique column sequence number |
091 | Column sequence number must be between 1 and 30; field &1 &2/&3/&4 |
092 | Field &1 of table &2 must refer to data element &3 |
093 | Critical Customizing data was changed |
094 | Main (single selection) index table is missing for interface &1/&2/&3 |
095 | Invalid field &1 |
096 | Field &1 is inconsistent with other fields |
097 | Lock failed |
098 | Unlock failed |
099 | A field must be defined from either raw or SAP data structure; invalid &1 |
100 | Invalid authorization field &1 is assigned; field number &2 |
101 | Authorization object &1 does not exist |
102 | Authorization field is required; authorization object &1; field number &2 |
103 | &1 is not a valid authorization field of authorization object &2 |
104 | You are not permitted to use special authorization field &1 |
105 | Auth. obj. &1 is not correctly defined or fully used; check field &2 |
106 | Authorization field &1 is missing in the authorization object &2 |
107 | Authorization required to &1 data message of interface &2 &3 &4 |
108 | Authority check failed |
109 | Authorization required to &1 all the PI messages/test files &2 &3 &4 |
110 | Invalid authority check type &1 |
111 | Valid key field for authorization check was not defined |
112 | Valid key field must be assigned; authoriz.obj. &1 field number &2 |
113 | Assign key fields from same index table; auth. obj. &1 field number &2 |
114 | Same authorization field &1 assigned; auth. obj. &2 |
115 | &1 entries were skipped because of missing authorization |
116 | Field &1 in table &2 does not refer to a valid data element |
117 | Select one data message |
118 | Select a valid data message |
119 | Valid data for outbound message not found |
120 | Authorization required to set trace level for namespace &1 |
121 | Select at least one node in the object structure view |
122 | Cannot load data message content; see long text for details |
123 | Structure of message(s) cannot be determined |
124 | You are not authorized to display the message &1 |
125 | &1 is not a valid SAP NetWeaver PI message GUID |
126 | Selecting &1/&2/&3 |
127 | Selecting &1/&2/&3 (table &4) |
128 | Analyzing &1/&2/&3 (1) |
129 | Analyzing &1/&2/&3 (2) |
130 | Analyzing &1/&2/&3 (3) |
131 | Sort by date/time &1/&2/&3 (&4 messages) |
132 | Analyzing &1/&2/&3 (&4 messages) |
133 | Check authorizations (&2/&3 messages); &1% |
134 | Sort by date/time (&1 messages) |
135 | Prepare output for &1/&2/&3 |
136 | Reading messages completed |
137 | Prepare selection |
138 | RFC destination of integration server was not found; message &1 |
139 | In status &1 (&2); no change is allowed (message &3) |
140 | Maintain RFC connection (type ABAP connection) in /AIF/ERR_APP |
141 | &1 messages found |
142 | &1 is not a valid date |
143 | Restricted to &1 data messages; refine your selection |
144 | Duration &1 seconds |
145 | Selecting all existing messages |
146 | Selecting all existing messages (&1 found) |
147 | Checking table &1 |
148 | Checking table &1 (&2 checked, &3 found) |
149 | Deleting entries of table &1 |
150 | Deleting entries of table &4 (&2/&3 deleted; &1%) |
151 | Checking application log |
152 | Checking application log (&1 checked; &2 found) |
153 | Deleting application log |
154 | Deleting application log (&2/&3 deleted; &1%) |
155 | Selecting current state of &1 messages |
156 | Status selection completed |
157 | Select one application log message |
158 | Selecting all successful messages |
159 | Selecting all successful messages (&1 found) |
160 | &1 messages are scheduled for restart |
161 | &1 messages are scheduled for cancellation |
162 | Do you want to restart the selected messages? |
163 | Do you want to cancel the selected messages? |
164 | Action has been canceled |
165 | Log headers restricted to &1 |
166 | Log messages restricted to &1 |
167 | Message GUID &1 has not been recognized |
168 | Class &1 does not implement interface &2 |
169 | &1 error message &2 was unsuccessful |
170 | Cannot perform action &1 message &2; status &3 |
171 | Restart of messages is not possible |
172 | Failed to cancel remote messages &1 |
173 | Failed to restart remote messages &1 |
174 | Remote PI message not found during canceling error message: &1 |
175 | Remote PI message not found during restart of error message: &1 |
176 | &1 does not derive from proxy server |
177 | Action &1 is not supported for IDocs |
178 | Data type &1 is not allowed for field &2 |
179 | No authorization to check status of messages on SAP NetWeaver PI |
180 | Data content of Web service message &1 could not be retrieved |
181 | Data content of data message &1 cannot be displayed |
182 | Selected messages were scheduled for reprocessing |
183 | Selected messages were scheduled for cancelling |
184 | Only values between 0 and 49 are allowed for offset |
185 | Only values between 1 and 50 are allowed for length |
186 | Offset and length have been cleared; no message variable was used |
187 | Length has been reduced because of dependency on offset |
188 | Destination structure of interface &1/&2/&3 could not be determined |
189 | Cell data could not be changed |
190 | NS &1/Interface &2/Version &3; field &4 has not been correctly maintained |
191 | Field &1 refers to unrecognized type; check structure &2 definition |
192 | Could not find any interface related to message &1 |
193 | Restarting files is not supported |
194 | Data message could not be determined; external monitor cannot start |
195 | Reading table &1 |
196 | Debugging is not possible for msg. &1; it is not a tRFC or qRFC msg. |
197 | Status update failed |
200 | Selected messages have different structures |
201 | Component type &1 of &2 does not exist; data content cannot be displayed |
202 | No log was found for message &1 |
203 | You are not authorized to download the payload of message &1 |
204 | Downloading the payload of message &1/&2/&3/&4 |
205 | The payload of message &1/&2/&3/&4 does not exist |
210 | Select a valid time range |
211 | Select one interface |
222 | No interfaces in namespace &1 |
230 | No data link is determined; navigation is not possible |
231 | Failed to lock message &1 |
232 | Restart is not possible; message &1 was already in processing |
233 | &1 is not possible; message &2 was already processed |
234 | Field &1 not found in the recipient assignment table &2 |
235 | Message &1 cannot be restarted with namespace &2 interface &3 version &4 |
236 | No error label text found |
237 | No namespace label text found |
238 | No namespace label found |
239 | No error label found |
240 | Too many namespaces label found |
241 | Too many error label found |
242 | Too many namespaces label text found |
243 | Too many error label text found |
250 | |
260 | Error message is not related to serialization |
261 | No root predecessors found because current message might be the first. |
262 | Select a valid interface |
263 | An error occurred; contact your system administrator |
264 | No root messages found |
265 | Invalid date format of date &1 |
266 | Invalid date range; date_from: &1 date_to: &2 |
267 | Invalid value &1 entered into url parameter &2 |
268 | Namespace &1 does not exit |
300 | Reading logical system &1 |
301 | &1 entries to be retrieved from logical systems &2 in total |
302 | &1% finished |
303 | More than &1 entries (&2) were sent from system &3; no update |
304 | Invalid user &1 |
305 | User &1 is not authorized to operate batch job |
306 | Mode is batch job so job suffix cannot be empty; report name: &1 |
307 | Variant &1 was assigned; job parameters must no longer be maintained |
308 | Data transfer has been started |
309 | User &1 is invalid for program name:&2 |
310 | Last transfer job finished at &1 &2 |
311 | Entry &1/&2/&3 has already been assigned to selection set &4 |
312 | Change of data failed; double-click node of raw data structure view first |
313 | Logging engine of data message &1 does not fully support technical mode |
314 | Error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
315 | &1 data transfer: executing sub-step &2 of step &3; total steps &4 |
316 | Structure labels' texts from earlier releases require modification |
317 | Either IV_FIELDNAME or IV_FIELDNR has to be filled |
318 | Failed to restart messages &1 |
319 | Message was cancelled by &1 at &2 &3 |
320 | &1 is not a valid time |
321 | Value was changed from &1 to &2 |
322 | Field path: &1&2&3&4 |
323 | Interface &1 &2 &3 not found |
324 | Does not support Reference Type &1 as line type. |
325 | App ID must not be empty since there are dependent entries |
326 | App ID is missing; no parameters can be maintained |
327 | Downloading the original XML file of message &1/&2/&3/&4 |