/AIF/ICD_CONTENT - Interface Configuration and Distribution: Message collection

The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/ICD_CONTENT: Interface Configuration and Distribution: Message collection.
It is part of development package /AIF/S4_CONTENT in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S/4 Content delivery logic".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Please select a valid transport request.
003Select a valid version
004Transport request does not exist or it is not yours
005&1 &2 &3 &4
006Activity (collect or extract) not defined
007Table &1 updated
008Content of table &1 added
009No entries available in table &1 &2
010Failed to convert data to Binary Large Object (BLOB)
011Data converted to Binary Large Object (BLOB) with length &1
012&1 tables collected for deployment scenario &2
013Entry &1 created in table &2
014Entry &1 updated in table &2
015Failed to update entry &1 in table &2
016Did not transport the content; no transport request available
017Deployment scenario &1 not defined in table &2
018Failed to serialize table &1
019Could not find table &1 in the ABAP Repository
020Enter a valid AIF namespace
021Deployment scenario &1 does not exist; do you want to create it?
022Deployment scenario &1 does not exist; do you want to create it?
023Data compression successfull
024No data found for &1 / &2 in /AIF/ICD_DATASET
025Collected data assigned to transport request &1
026Tranport assignment started for &1
027Data stream successfully un-zipped
028Data into database table &1 inserted
029Empty data for database table &1, no update done
030Failed to update database table &1
031Contact AIF team to get the deployment scenario registered
032Program executed in testrun mode, no data written into transport
033Select a valid entry
034Scenario ID &1 does not exist
035Edition &1 does not exist
036You are not authorized to execute this report
037Please select a valid deployment scenario.
038Please select a valid transport task.
039Please select transport task of proper type ( X or S )
040Please select transport task with proper status ( modifiable ).
041Please select a task of your user.
042The AIF-Interface &2/&3/&4 does not belong to the deployment scenario &1.
043An exception occurred processing table &1.
044An exception occurred processing table &1 for interface &2/&3/&4.
045Table &1 accessed in &2.
046Data for interface &1/&2/&3 successfully validated.
047Selection stopped, because of error in interface &1/&2/&3.
048Data successfully added to transport &1 / task &2.
049No valid namespace group could be determined for interface &1/&2/&3.
050Namespace &1 not valid.
051Msg. lifetime in appl. log must be greater than 0 for interface &1/&2/&3.
052Transport not possible for deployment scenario &1.
053Error unpacking table &1.
054No data provided for table &1.
055Data provided for table &1 was compressed for interface &2/&3/&4.
056No authorization for AIF NS &1.
057Data for interface &1/&2/&3 not successfully validated.
058No application log subobject exists for interface &1/&2/&3.
059No transport for application log subobj. exists for interface &1/&2/&3.
060Appl. log subobj. exists for interface &1/&2/&3 in transport/request &4.
061Please provide Package for interface &1/&2/&3 in deployment scenario &4.
062Cannot add objects to transport &1.
063AIF interface &1 in deployment scenario &2 already locked in &3/&4.
064Data for interface &1/&2/&3 will be deleted.
065Custom function visibility must be set to 'For all' in cloud for &1/&2/&3
066Custom function scope must be changed in Cloud for &1/&2/&3
067Custom function mode must be changed in Cloud for &1/&2/&3
068Data for interface &1/&2/&3 will be deleted from table &4.
069Scenario &1 used in Communication Arrangement &2.
070Scenario &1 removed from AIF registration in client &2.
071Undeployment not allowed for Scenario &1.
072Exacting and Copying text for interface &1/&2/&3
073Run Test mode, no data has been written and transported.
074Texts successfully added to transport &1 / task &2.
075Texts are extracted from table &1, and to be copied to &2
076No change log sub-object exists for interface &1/&2/&3.
077No transport for change log subobj. exists for interface &1/&2/&3.
078Change log subobj. exists for interface &1/&2/&3 in transport/request &4.
079Data in client &1 for interface &2 will be deleted from table &3.
080Scenario &1 removed from AIM registration in client &2.
081Scenario &1 added to AIM registration in client &2.
082No content found in table /AIF/ICD_DATA for Deployment Scenario ID &1
083No sufficient authorization for this functionality
084Deployment Scenario &1 successfully extracted
085Deployment Scenario &1 successfully deleted
086Error while Content Extraction
087Error while Content Extraction of Deployment Scenario &1
088Error while Content Deletion of Deployment Scenario &1
089Still data in index table interface &1/&2/&3 of Deployment Scenario &4
090Interface &1/&2/&3 still used by another active Deployment Scenario.
091Select runtime configuration namespace
092Error while Content Compression
093Can't add to transport, check property of package and transport request.
094Test Mode not supported anymore.
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