The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/NEWRT_BGRFC: .
It is part of development package /AIF/RUNTIME_BGRFC in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Implementation of AIF Engines".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Failed to finish process &1.
002Failed to register queue counter &1.
003Failed to decrease queue counter &1.
004Data for &1 successfully saved.
005Failed to raise 'queue finished' event for process &1.
006Failed to trigger 'queue finished' event for process &1.
008Error while processing AIF message &1.
009Error while processing within AIF.
010Error while processing within AIF action.
011Error while reading bgRFC runtime-specific message data for &1.
012Cannot restart message &1 with internal status &2.
013Error while starting process &1.
014Starting data transfer for process &1.
015Finished data transfer for process &1.
016Failed to transfer all data for process &1.
017Starting processing message &1 / &2.
018Finished processing message &1 / &2.
019Failed to create process instance for &1 / &2.
020Do not call this in update task.
021Failed to start process &1.
022Error while setting process &1 to 'failed'.
023Error while setting process &1 to 'transfer finished'.
024Error while setting process &1 to 'triggering failed'.
025Error while setting message &1/&2 to 'triggered'.
026Error while setting process &1 to 'triggered'.
027AIF processing failed for message &1 / &2.
028Cannot determine blocking message for &1 with internal status &2.
029Try restarting failed message &1 instead of message &2.
030Select a row.
031Error while setting queue name &3 for message &1/&2.
032Error while splitting node &1/&2.
033Error while merging node &1/&2.
034Error while deregistering queue &1/&2/&3.
035Error while adding message &1 to process.
036Error while setting process &1 to 'canceled'.
037Cannot restart process &1 with status &2.
038No data to display selected. Try a different process.
039Error while adding node to undirected graph for message &1.
040Error while adding edge from &1 to &2.
041Unable to load process &1.
042Failed to restart process &1.
043Failed to restart message &1.
044Failed to create process for &1/&2.
045Failed to find message record for &1.
046Error while setting message &1/&2 to 'canceled'.
047Error while generating dependency graph for &1.
048Failed to cancel message &1.
049Cannot restart message from process &1 with status &2.
050Cannot restart message &1 with status &2.
051Message &1 restarted.
052Missing destination and queue name restart for message &1.
053Restart of message &1 with status &2 not allowed.
054Could not successfully restart message &1.
055Unable to update process &1.
056Failed to cancel process &1.
057Cannot cancel process &1 with status &2.
058Select at least one row.
059Select only processes with status 'canceled'.
060Select only processes of the same type.
061Could not determine value for maximum number of queues.
062Failed to create new process.
063Failed to copy messages to new process.
064Cannot trigger process with type &1 which already has type &2.
065Failed to store copy information.
066You have no authorization for transaction &1.
067You have no display authorization for transaction &1.
068You have no authorization to cancel processes for &1/&2.
069You have no authorization to restart processes for &1/&2.
070You have no authorization to edit processes for &1/&2.
071You have no authorization to create processes for &1/&2.
072Process order handler missing for process &1.
073Failed to raise 'process finished' event for process &1.
074Enter an RFC Destination.
075Enter a single queue prefix.
076Enter a multi queue prefix.
077Enter a system queue prefix.
078Failed to trigger 'process finished' event for process &1.
079Wrong status &3 of process &1/&2 for successor restart.
080Wrong process kind &3 of process &1/&2 for successor restart.
081Message &1 restarted as successor.
082No message for cancel provided.
083Failed to find process for message &1.
084Failed to cancel messages.
085No processes for cancelling could be determined.
086Messages successfully canceled.
087Failed to lock message &1 (MSGGUID: &2).
088No messages for cancellation determined.
089Error setting message state in index table for &1.
090Error in mass cancel.
091Message &1 / &2 already processed with status &3.
092Process kind already defined for process &1.
093Cannot lock process &1.
094Enter process kind.
095Provide a value for maximum number of queues.
096Error while setting messages of process &1 to 'cancelled'.
097Added messages from process &1.
098Process &1 successfully cancelled.
099Failed to trigger process &1.
100Error in FM &1: missing Process_id.
101Error in FM &1: missing Msgguid.
102Error in FM &1: missing /AIF/REP_AC_ASGN.
103Error in FM &1: missing /AIF/REP_MSG_CNT.
104Error in FM &2: process creation for &1.
105Error in FM &2: failed restart for &1.
106Failed to trigger auto restart for message &1.
107Failed to create process &1.
108Error in automatic restart, missing /AIF/REP_AC_ASGN for &1/&2.
109Failed to restart message &1.
110Missing input &1 for restart.
111Missing entry in table /aif/rep_ac_def.
112Missing function name in table /aif/rep_ac_def.
113Invalid function name &1.
114Message &1 successfully restarted.
115Message successfully restarted.
116Restart successfully triggered for &1 with action &2/&3.
117Restart successfully registered for &1 with action &2/&3.
118Failed to register auto restart for message &1.
119Restart action &1 failed to restart message.
120Restart action &2 failed to restart message &1.
121Process successfully restarted.
122Cannot determine message for unit &1 to restart.
123No message to restart in queue &1 for destination &2.
124Message &1 with unit &2 successfully restarted.
125Failed to restart message &1 with unit &2.
126Error accessing unit information for unit &1.
127Maximum number of retry tries (&2) exceeded for message &1.
128Restart successfully requeued for &1 with action &2/&3 (&4 try).
129Update of retry counter failed for &1 with action &2/&3.
130Automatic restart stopped for message &1, maximum time exceeded.
131Failed to create process for ID &1 / &2.
132No data provided to transfer.
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