The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/ODATA: .
It is part of development package /AIF/ODATA_INTEGRATION in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "oData Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error inserting data into &1.
002Error updating data into &1.
003Start of parsing json date: &1 time: &2 elapsed: &3.
004End of parsing json date: &1 time: &2 elapsed: &3.
005Invalid character following \ at position &1.
006Invalid hexdigit &2 at position &1.
007Error parsing json string at position &1.
008Invalid character &2 for number at position &1.
009Invalid character &2 following leading 0 at position &1.
010Invalid character &2 following '.' at position &1.
011Invalid character &2 for exponent at position &1.
012Invalid white space after '.' at position &1.
013Invalid white space after E or e at position &1.
014Invalid white space after exponent sign at position &1.
015Error parsing json value &1 at row &2.
016Invalid character &2 for null at position &1.
017Invalid character &2 for true at position &1.
018Invalid character &2 for false at position &1.
019Invalid character &2 for string at position &1.
020Invalid hex. digit &2 at position &1.
021Invalid character &2 for array at position &1.
022Error finishing value at postion &1, character &2.
023Error starting array at position &1.
024Invalid character &2 for document at position &1.
025Error starting object at position &1.
026Invalid character &2 for object at position &1.
027Invalid character &2 for simple value at position &1.
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