/AIF/ODATA_MSG - Odata messages

The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/ODATA_MSG: Odata messages.
It is part of development package /AIF/ODATA_INTEGRATION in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "oData Integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No AIF-Interfaces selected for transfer.
002OData transfer job started &1 &2.
003OData transfer job finished &1 &2.
005Start processing AIF-Interface &1/&2/&3 and service &4.
006End processing AIF-Interface &1/&2/&3 and service &4.
007Total number of messages processed: &1.
008Total number of new messages: &1.
009Total number of updated messages: &1.
010No AIF-Interface defined for service &1.
011Too many AIF-Interface defined for service &1.
012No OData calls selected for &1/&2/&3 and service &4.
013Transfer process &1 is already running.
014Cannot lock transfer process &1.
015Cannot determine AIF-Interface for &1/&2/&3.
040Cannot determine AIF interface for resource &1.
041Cannot create enabler for AIF interface &1/&2/&3.
042Error creating raw structure for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
043Error reading payload for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
044General exception in method TRANSFER_TO_AIF
045Error converting payload for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
046Error converting payload to json for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
050Failed to read unit_id for &1.
051Failed to read odata buffer for msgguid &1.
101Could not determine AIF interface for service &1.
102Failed to assign RAW Structure of type &1 of AIF interface &2/&3&/&4.
103Component of type /AIF/ODATA_STD_RAW_FLDS_S missing in structure &1.
104Payload component missing in structure &1.
105Transfer aborted for OPID: &1.
106Error determining AIF relevance for &1/&2/&3.
107Error creating AIF Log for &1/&2/&3.
108You are not authorized to import data.
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