/AIF/RAL_MESSAGE - Central message class for Read Access Log

The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/RAL_MESSAGE: Central message class for Read Access Log.
It is part of development package /AIF/READ_LOG_SERVICE in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AIF Read Log Service".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Read log relevant field &1 (field path &2) no longer exists
002Authorization check failed (reason: &1)
003Error during delete statement /AIF/RAL_HDR
004Error during delete statement /AIF/RAL_ITEMS
005Error during insert statement /AIF/RAL_HDR
006Error during insert statement /AIF/RAL_ITEMS
007Error during update statement /AIF/RAL_HDR
008Error during update statement /AIF/RAL_ITEMS
009User &1 has no authorization to use activity &2 for read access log
010Activity &1 is not valid
011No data found for this selection
012No custom index table available for namespace &1, interface &2,version &3
013Data saved
014Error during building the DDIC tree
015No authorization to define read log relevant fields
016Path with field name &1 does not exist in structure
017Field path with name &1-&2 has been changed or deleted
018Select only one interface version
019Data was not changed; no need to save
020No entry was saved in request &1
021User &1 has no authorization to change sensitive data
022Structure &1 is locked; start in display mode
023Select an interface version
024Error during saving; data was not saved
025There are no fields to show
026No data was saved
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