/AIF/RFC_FUNC_GEN - Messages for AIF Function Generator

The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/RFC_FUNC_GEN: Messages for AIF Function Generator.
It is part of development package /AIF/RFC in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AIF RFC Support".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Domain &1 mapped to &2 was created/updated
001Data element &1 mapped to &2 was created/updated
002Structure &1 mapped to &2 was created/updated
003Table type &1 was created/updated
004Ref table &1 in structure &2 in field &3 cannot be copied (transp. table)
005Structure &1 cannot be activated due to inactive objects
006Playback function module &1 was created
007Error during copying of domain &1 (&2): &3
008Error during copying of data element &1 (&2): &3
009Error during copying of structure &1 (&2): &3
010Error during copying of table type &1 (&2): &3
011Table type &1 was created
012Error during creation of function module &1: &2
013Function module &1 already exists; regenerating
014AIF data structure &1 already exists; no update
015AIF interface &1/&2/&3 created/updated
016qRFC function &1 registered in Customizing
017Playback function &1 must be shorter than original function &2
018Object &1 &2 &3 mapped to &4 (already exists)
019Object &1 &2 &3 mapped to &4 (does not exist)
020Object &1 &2 from system &4 has been mapped to &3
021Error while creating/updating &1 &2: &3
022Error while inserting object &1 into transport request &2: &3
023Error while activating &1 &2: &3
024Structure &1 was activated
025Table type &1 was activated
026Data element &1 was activated
027Error while deleting function &1
028Step 1/7: importing &1 from &2
029Step 2/7: DDIC domains (&2/&3): &1
030Step 3/7: DDIC data elements (&2/&3): &1
031Step 4/7: DDIC structures (&2/&3): &1
032Step 5/7: DDIC table types (&2/&3): &1
033Step 6/7: AIF structure &1
034Step 7/7: function module &1
035Warning: function parameter &1 skipped
036Generation of function module &1 failed
037&1 job(s) for generation of function(s) submitted in background
038Error while generating structure &1
039Type &1 does not support the generation of data elements
040tRFC function &1 registered in Customizing
041Generation of transformation function module &1 completed
042Playback function name cannot be empty
043Name of AIF structure cannot be empty
044Package cannot be empty
045Function group cannot be empty
046Prefix of name objects cannot be empty
047Namespace cannot be empty
048Interface name cannot be empty
049Interface version cannot be empty
050Description cannot be empty
051Workb.Request/Task cannot be empty
052Cust.Request/Task cannot be empty
053RFC destination cannot be empty
054Function module &1 is not remote-enabled
055AIF namespace &1 does not exist; no Customizing created; check system
056AIF interface &1/&2/&3 already exists and will be updated
057Get next number; previous no. failed from no. range object &1 no. &2: &3
058An error occurred during check obj. &1 type &2 subtype &3: &4
059You are not authorized to change function module &1
060Component &1 type &2 is a deep structure
061Structure &1 is a deep structure
062Select one function to display generation application log
063Select one function to display generation job log
064No application log found
065Select at least one line to trigger Function Generator
066Function module &1 is inactive status
067No paramters gotten from function module &1
068Use only the underscore (_) as a separator for prefix
069Object &1 was saved in package &2
070Function &1 does not exist; check RFC destination &2
071Field label and description from data element &1 is empty
072Original RFC fucntion name cannot be empty
073Function group & does not exist; create it first
074Playback function will be saved in function group &; package &
075Playback function already exists in different function group &1
076Workbench request &1 does not exist or is not modifiable
077Package &1 does not exist; create it first
078RFC destination &1 does not exist
079Request to lock object &
080Request to lock interface &
081Request to lock change request &
082Waiting release lock on object &
083Request of lock is successful
084Released lock on change request &
085Insert object &1 into transport request/task &2
086Object &1 saved in transport request/task &2
087Request to lock object &1 &2 for activation; but was skipped
088Request to lock object &1 &2 for creation; but was skipped
089Playback function saved in different function group & package &
090Customizing Request &1 does not exist or is not modifiable
091Interface &1/&2/&3 does not create
092bgRFC function &1 registered in Customizing
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