The following messages are stored in message class /AIF/XRFC_MESSAGES: .
It is part of development package /AIF/RFC in software component BC-SRV-AIF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "AIF RFC Support".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error in xRFC enabler
002Cannot determine AIF interface for function module &1
003Error creating enabler for function module &1
004Error creating raw structure for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
005General exception in method TRANSFER_TO_AIF
006Error in casting single index table to /AIF/XRFC_S_IDX
007Navigation not possible for messages without errors
008Error starting standard monitor
009Missing value in specification of interface &1/&2/&3
010Failed to restart message &1
011Error code &4 reading qRFC inbound data for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
012Stopping method TRANSFER_TO_AIF for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
013Single index table missing for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
014Error creating RFC data structure for function module &1
015Error creating enabler for &1 in GET_ENABLER_LIST_AT_END_LUW
016Failed to cancel message &1; &2
017Data message inconsistent; no entries in qRFC or bgRFC data tables
018Kernel error during deserialization of RFC parameters
019Only messages with AIF processing status 'Technical Error' can be changed
020Kernel error during serialization of updated RFC parameters
021Error retrieving AIF interface data for &1/&2/&3
022Error code &4 reading bgRFC inbound data for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
024Unspecified error while processing bgRFC call
025Functionality not supported anymore
026Error code &3 reading &1 data for FM &2
027Error reading &4 data for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
028Changing messages is not supported
029Error creating GUID for function module &1 in DETERMINE_MSGGUID.
030Interface from table /AIF/XRFC_TEMP is differet than actual interface.
031Error creating RTTI during deserialization.
032Deserialization not supported for RFC parameters.
033Error changing &4 data for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
034Change of data not allowed for status &1.
035Kernel error during serialization of RFC parameters.
036No data found in t/qRFC queue for TID &1.
037Error changing payload of FM &1.
038Error deleting data from table ARFCSDATA for TID &1.
039Error inserting data into table ARFCSDATA for TID &1.
040Error changing qRFC data for TID &1.
041Please enter a number greater than 0.
042Error in date calculation.
043Successfully deleted message buffer.
044Failed to delete message buffer.
045Stopping method HANDLE_START_OF_RFC for AIF interface &1/&2/&3
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