/BA1/F4_IR - NK Bank Analyzer Markdaten Zinsen
The following messages are stored in message class /BA1/F4_IR: NK Bank Analyzer Markdaten Zinsen.
It is part of development package /BA1/F4_IR in software component CA-FS-MKD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Market Data: Interest Rates".
It is part of development package /BA1/F4_IR in software component CA-FS-MKD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Market Data: Interest Rates".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Data record already exists |
002 | Data record does not exist |
003 | Fixed Interest Rate ind. cannot be set for rate &1 on &2; see long text |
004 | Yield curve already exists |
005 | The data record is flagged for deletion |
006 | There are no change documents |
007 | Fixed Interest Rate ind. cannot be set for rate &1 on &2; see long text |
008 | There are more than &1 days between &2 and &3 |
009 | Specify at least one reference interest rate |
010 | Specify a date range |
011 | Data record with the same key exists already |
012 | Select by range only |
013 | Error when converting the time stamp of &1 in time zone &2 (fixing) |
014 | There is no fixed interest rate between &3 and &4 for &2 (&1) |
015 | The yield curves for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
016 | The reference interest rates for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
017 | Definitions of the yield curves for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
018 | The yield curve grid points for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
019 | The yield curve replacements for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
020 | Reference interest rate &1 not available |
021 | Yield curve &1 in &2 is missing or incorrect (market data area &3) |
022 | The yield curves types for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
023 | Validity date &1 or due date &2 is invalid |
024 | Error when reading yield curve &1 in currency &2 in market data area &3 |
025 | No market data found - see message long text |
026 | Yield curve &2 in &3 has ref. interest rates with the same maturity date |
027 | Yield curve &2 in currency &3 contains inconsistent interest rates |
028 | "From" date &1 is after "to" date &2 |
029 | The interest rate that was calculated is too high |
030 | The specified date &1 is invalid |
031 | Reference interest rate &1 is used in yield curve &2 with currency &3 |
032 | Interest rates exist for reference interest rate &1 |
033 | Interest rates were calculated that cannot be depicted |
034 | Enter a date |
035 | The interest rate you entered is larger than 999% or smaller than -999% |
036 | You entered the maturity date and the number of days until that date |
037 | Term is negative |
038 | Calculation base &1 for reference interest rate does not exist |
039 | Reference interest rate category &1 does not exist |
040 | The replacement types for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
041 | Unable to process reference interest rates |
042 | Reference interest rate &1 is not locked, change not possible |
043 | Not all reference interest rates could be locked, see long text |
044 | Extended authorization check failed, see long text |
045 | Extended authorization check failed, see long text |
046 | Processing is not permitted; see long text |
047 | Fixed rate on &2 (UTC) already exists for date &1 |
048 | Enter a time point |
049 | Set the 'Fixed Interest Rates' ind. for intraday reference rates only |
050 | You do not have authorization for market data area &1, spread type &2 |
052 | No text for interest rate &1, market data area &2 in language &3 |
055 | Select active components (AN, OE) in Customizing |
060 | Spread type &1 in market data area &2 not found |
061 | Deletion or creation not possible; see long text |
100 | *Messages for DB Layer: 101-199* |
101 | No interest rates found for market data area &1 for date &2 |
102 | Reference interest rate &1 does not exist in market data area &2 |
103 | Yield curve &2 with currency &3 in market data area &1 does not exist |
104 | Ref. interest rate &1 for date &2 in market data area &3 supplied twice |
105 | Reference interest rate &1 for date &2 in market data area &3 is too high |
106 | Int. rate already in market data area &3 for reference int. rate &1 on &2 |
107 | No interest rate for ref. interest rate &1 on &2 in market data area &3 |
108 | Spread for spread type &1 already exists for ref. interest rate &2 on &3 |
109 | There is no spread for spread type &1 reference interest rate &2 on &3 |
110 | Updating the database is not allowed |
111 | Time stamp initial: Database layer running in version mode |
112 | Time stamp not initial: Database layer is running in object mode |
113 | Interest rates not found for market data area &1 and ref. int. rate &2 |
114 | Spreads not found for spread type &2 and reference interest rate &3 |
115 | Reference interest rate not found |
116 | Specify the market data area |
117 | Do not specify a processing mode |
118 | Ref. int. rate &1 not deleted logically in market data area &3 on &2 |
119 | Spread for spread type &1, ref. interest &2 not deleted logically on &3 |
120 | No fixed rate exists for reference rate &1 (&3) on &2 |
202 | Select a line |
203 | Select one line only |
204 | No other versions are available |
205 | Data record &1 already released on &2 |
206 | No record found that is to be released |
207 | Data record &1 &2 on &3 already released |
208 | Activity was canceled |
209 | Reference interest rate &1 market data area &2 on &3 relevant for release |
210 | Spread &1 ref. int. rate &2 in market data area &3 on &4 release-relevant |
212 | Changes to logically deleted rates are not copied |
213 | You can display a maximum of &1 time series |
215 | Class &1 does not exist |
216 | Class &1 cannot be used; select a class using input help |
217 | You cannot use a class for this entry |