/BA1/F4_SCEN - Nachrichtenklasse f�r Szenarien

The following messages are stored in message class /BA1/F4_SCEN: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Szenarien.
It is part of development package /BA1/F4_SCEN in software component CA-FS-MKD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Market Data: Scenarios".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Scenario &1 not available in market data area &2
002Scenario &1 in market data area &2 is not a scenario progression
003Enter positive values only
004Enter two different currencies
005Entry already exists with currencies swapped
006Entry invalid: Historical volatility type and option period > 0
007Scenario &1 in market data area &2 is not a scenario sequence
008Scenario sequence &1 in market data area &2 is not unique
009Identical terms for two entries; see long text
010Term might be too long; see long text
011Term might be too short; see long text
012Unsuitable scenario name; see long text
013Name of scenario sequence is not acceptable; see long text
014Unsuitable scenario sequence name; see long text
015You cannot change the scenario category; see long text
016Market data scenario &1 does not exist; see long text
017Inconsistent scenario categories; see long text
018You cannot enter scenario date and time interval at same time
019Enter a time unit for the date interval
020Enter a time interval of less than 10000 months
021Enter a time interval of less than 1000 years
022Reference rate &1 (central bank overnight index swap) not permitted
023Reference rate &1 does not exist in yield curve &2 with currency &3
053Enter either a relative or an absolute shift
054Absolute exchange rate shifts not allowed w/o specifying source currency
055Source and target currency are identical
056Negative absolute shifts not allowed for exchange rates
057Source and reference currency are identical
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