/BA1/F4_YC - NK Bank Analyzer Markdaten Zinsen
The following messages are stored in message class /BA1/F4_YC: NK Bank Analyzer Markdaten Zinsen.
It is part of development package /BA1/F4_YC in software component CA-FS-MKD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Market Data: Yield Curves".
It is part of development package /BA1/F4_YC in software component CA-FS-MKD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Market Data: Yield Curves".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Data record already exists |
002 | Data record does not exist |
003 | This program is no longer in use |
004 | Yield curve already exists |
005 | The data record is flagged for deletion |
006 | There are no change documents |
007 | Unable to call intraday yield curve &1 &2 for interval &3 to &4 |
008 | There are more than &1 days between &2 and &3 |
009 | Specify at least one reference interest rate |
010 | Specify a date range |
011 | A data record with the same key already exists |
012 | Select one range only |
013 | Reference rates &1 and &1 have the same time units (&3 &4) |
014 | Reference interest rates &1 and &2 are overnight index swaps |
015 | The yield curves for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
016 | The reference interest rates for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
017 | Definitions of the yield curves for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
018 | The yield curve grid points for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
019 | The yield curve replacements for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
020 | Reference interest rate &1 not available |
021 | Yield curve &1 in &2 is missing or incorrect (market data area &3) |
022 | The yield curves types for market data area &1 are locked by &2 |
023 | Validity date &1 or due date &2 is invalid |
024 | Error when reading yield curve &1 in currency &2 in market data area &3 |
025 | Interest rates missing: mrkt data area &1, yld curve &2, crcy &3, date &4 |
026 | Yield curve &2 in &3 has ref. interest rates with the same maturity date |
027 | Yield curve &2 in currency &3 contains inconsistent interest rates |
028 | "From" date &1 is after "to" date &2 |
029 | The interest rate that was calculated is too high |
030 | The specified date &1 is invalid |
031 | Reference interest rate &1 is used in yield curve &2 with currency &3 |
032 | Interest rates exist for reference interest rate &1 |
033 | Interest rates were calculated that cannot be depicted |
034 | Enter a date |
035 | The interest rate you entered is larger than 999% or smaller than -999% |
036 | You entered the maturity date and the number of days until that date |
037 | The term is negative |
038 | Spreads missing: market data area &1, yield curve &2, crcy &3, date &4 |
039 | Incorrect read time stamp; cannot save |
040 | The replacement types for market data area &1 are blocked by &2 |
041 | Interest rate supplied twice; cannot save |
042 | Interest spread supplied twice; cannot save |
043 | Horizon date &1 is before evaluation date &2 |
044 | No forward yield curve for reference int. rate &2 in market data area &1 |
045 | Definition for ref. int. rate &2 in market data area &1 contains errors |
046 | Arithmetic error occurred while calculating an interest rate |
047 | Cannot calculate swap rate; nominal amounts are missing |
048 | Cannot calculate swap rate; net present value of interest is zero |
049 | Spread curve type &1 does not exist in market data area &2 |
050 | Yield curve type &1 does not exist in market data area &2 |
051 | Yield curve type &1 in market data area &2 is a spread curve type |
052 | Spread curve type &1 does not exist in market data area &2 |
053 | Yield calculation was terminated (see long text) |
054 | Discount calculation was terminated (see long text) |
055 | A yield curve type with the same key already exists |
056 | A spread curve type with the same key already exists |
057 | Spread curve type &1 occurs more than once in market data area &2 |
058 | You cannot use the par bond method with a compounding frequency |
059 | The compounding frequency you selected is not permitted in this case |
060 | Yield calculation; no cash flows supplied |
061 | Cannot use extrapolation method with external yield curve |
062 | External yield curve; can only display using transaction /BA1/F4_YC_SHOW |
063 | Cannot generate par bond with yield curve type &1 and currency &2 |
064 | Could not determine discount factor; see long text |
065 | Yield curve &1 in currency &3 is not consistent (intraday, MD area &3) |
066 | Specify the validity date (&1 &2 cannot be used for intraday rates) |
067 | Specify the validity time (&1 &2 can be used for intraday rates) |
068 | Maximum time must be in the interval [0..86400] (in seconds) |
069 | Use transaction /BA1/F4_YC_SHOW to display intraday yield curves |
070 | Unable to fix rates historically for intraday yield curve &1 &2 |
071 | External yield curve; cannot find data or error; see long text |
072 | External yield curve: data is inconsistent; see long text |
073 | Yield calculation was terminated (see long text) |
074 | Validity date is initial |
075 | Validity time stamp is initial |
076 | BAdI implementation for yield curve model &1 has not been activated |
077 | Key rate shift requested for horizon &1 but call with &2 |
078 | Prefix &1 already exists in table /BA1/TF4_REFRATE |
079 | Reference interest rate name &1 starts with registered prefix &2 |
080 | Invalid prefix &1 |
081 | No prefix defined yet for overnight index swaps |
082 | Entry too long; length without prefix must be <= 9 |
083 | Reference interest rate &1 already exists in table /BA1/TF4_REFRATE |
084 | Change not possible; reference rates with prefix &1 already exist |
085 | Predefined prefix &1 differs from prefix in reference interest rate &2 |
086 | Yield curve type and yield curve type OIS must not be the same |
087 | Deletion not possible; prefix &1 already being used |
088 | Deletion canceled by user |
089 | Start of interest period &1 >= end of interest period &2 |
090 | Interest periods of reference interest rates &1 and &2 overlap |
091 | Yield curve type &1: OIS yield curve type &2 not permitted |
092 | Yield curve type &1: OIS yield curve type &2 does not exist |
093 | Yield curve &2, currency &3, date &4: unable to create OIS curve |
094 | Yield curve type and yield curve type CCS must not match |
095 | Enter reference currency |
096 | Enter yield curve type for cross-currency swaps |
097 | Enter either yield curve type OIS or yield curve type CCS |
098 | Yield curve type &1: CCS yield curve type &2 not permitted |
099 | Yield curve type &1: CCS yield curve type &2 does not exist |
100 | *Messages for DB Layer: 101-199* |
101 | No interest rates found for market data area &1 for date &2 |
102 | Reference interest rate &1 does not exist in market data area &2 |
103 | Yield curve &2 with currency &3 in market data area &1 does not exist |
104 | Ref. interest rate &1 for date &2 in market data area &3 supplied twice |
105 | Reference interest rate &1 for date &2 in market data area &3 is too high |
106 | Extrapolation method &1 not permitted for yield curve &2, currency &3 |
107 | Calculation procedure &1 not permitted for yield curve &2, currency &3 |
108 | Intraday not possible with external yield curve |
109 | Enter at least one yield curve type |
110 | Enter either validity date or validity time |
111 | Composite yield curve type &1 not permitted as spread curve type |
120 | Maturity structure &1 was not found |
121 | Multiple maturities exist for currency &2 in maturity structure &1 |
130 | Curve for key rate shift was not found |
200 | Cannot determine BDT application |
201 | Package contains errors (&1) |
202 | Select a line |
203 | Select one line only |
204 | No other versions are available |
205 | Cannot determine reference interest rate |
206 | Currency for yield curve calculation is not set for yield curve type &1 |
207 | You can now enter values in field &1 |
208 | You can no longer enter values in field &1 |
209 | Number of new lines added: &1 |
210 | Number of lines removed: &1 |
211 | Lines have been added and removed |
212 | Enter term and time unit for category "Reference Interest Rate" |