/BDL/D- - Cross application: data preparation
The following messages are stored in message class /BDL/D-: Cross application: data preparation.
It is part of development package /BDL/BDL3N in software component SV-SMG-SDD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Already existing objects of SDCC in release 4*".
It is part of development package /BDL/BDL3N in software component SV-SMG-SDD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Already existing objects of SDCC in release 4*".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Connection to SAPNet refused |
001 | File has already been edited completely |
002 | Job already completed / cancelled |
004 | All selections deleted |
005 | & job(s) ended in the meantime |
006 | Action cancelled |
007 | This job is already being processed |
008 | No servers found |
009 | Server not known |
010 | Job still running / already scheduled |
011 | Job & cancelled manually |
012 | Job not yet ended |
013 | Job ended correctly |
014 | A job with the same name is still running; please wait for it to finish |
015 | Error displaying job log for & (no. &) |
016 | Status modified |
017 | Status cannot be modified |
018 | Job & relocated to 'current' category |
019 | Action not possible |
020 | Job & relocated to 'processed' category |
021 | Job & set to 'completed w/o errors' |
022 | Job & has not yet ended |
023 | Data transfers already being processed by & |
024 | & entries deleted |
025 | This function should be used only by experienced system administrators! |
026 | Confirmation prompts ON |
027 | Confirmation prompts OFF |
028 | Keep print parameters OFF |
029 | Keep print parameters ON |
030 | Job & could not be cancelled |
031 | Job & has the incorrect status |
032 | Print/archiving parameters were preset |
033 | Print/archiving parameters not changed |
034 | Please check whether the correct server is entered |
035 | The error file is already being processed by another user |
036 | View-maintenance call for view & not possible |
037 | No logs for job & found |
038 | Job & not been unlocked or started |
039 | Line for table & deleted |
040 | Line not duplicated; no table |
041 | Line for table & duplicated |
042 | Data saved |
043 | Save error |
044 | No function modules allowed for 'transfer disabling' |
050 | Job initiated. Job number: & Server: & |
051 | Job open failed |
052 | Job close failed |
053 | Job submit failed |
054 | Invalid parameters |
055 | Job already running |
056 | Job does not exist |
057 | Invalid start time |
058 | Job not released |
059 | Report & with variant & does not exist |
060 | Data locked by & at the moment |
061 | Job & may not be deleted |
062 | Please position the cursor on a completely full line |
063 | Please maintain destination & manually! |
064 | Please maintain destination & |
065 | Lock table overflow |
066 | Data could not be locked, please try later. |
067 | Unknown installation |
068 | Installation license mismatch |
069 | System failure: & |
070 | Comm. failure: & |
071 | Unspec. error |
072 | Please select background job(s) to be started |
073 | Download background job & already exists |
074 | Download started as BTC job & (please check Message Log for details) |
075 | Download background job &: has not been created |
076 | Download background job &: cannot be created, see SYSLOG |
077 | Download background job &: contains invalid job data, see SYSLOG |
078 | Download background job: job name not specified |
079 | Download background job &: immediate start is not possible |
080 | Download background job &: start dates are invalid |
081 | Download background job &: job name missing (wildcards allowed) |
082 | Download background job &: error during JOB_CLOSE, see SYSLOG |
083 | Download background job &: job specified does not contain any steps |
084 | Download background job &: job specified does not exist |
085 | Download background job &: lock attempt failed |
086 | Function & failed |
087 | No session type is defined for contract: & and description & |
088 | Download background job &: not found |
089 | Transaction is locked ! Don`t use this transaction |
090 | Service definition currently locked by & |
091 | Service & & currently locked by & |
092 | Session not loaded (own session): permission denied |
093 | Session not loaded (internal session): permission denied |
094 | Transaction is locked. Use new Service Data Control Center (TA SDCCN) |
100 | No TABLES statement for & found |
101 | Table & does not exist in active form |
102 | TABLES statement for & generated, please restart |
105 | Specified analysis not found |
120 | Invalid dialog type |
121 | Job name is missing (wildcards are allowed) |
122 | User cancels selection |
123 | User name missing (wildcards allowed) |
124 | Unspecified error |
130 | The Service Preparation Check tool is not present on this system |
131 | Please run the Service Preparation Check tool as soon as possible |
132 | The SDCC server usability check in not available on this system |
133 | The server usability check failed as no RFC destination was provided |
134 | RFC destination & unknown |
135 | Data of table & will not be refreshed because there is no & local table |
136 | The RTCCTOOL is not accessible from SDCC |
140 | Remote refresh of Session Overview (via RFC to &) failed: see Message Log |
141 | Remote refresh of Service Definitions (through RFC to &) failed |
142 | Generating Includes: please be patient |
143 | Includes generated |
144 | No of columns > 99; only 99 will be displayed |
145 | Variable is empty as it is not needed for service session |
146 | RFC-Destination System & has no SDCC. Please choose another System |
147 | System failure - could not connect to System & . |
148 | Failure in Targetsystem & |
149 | Communication Error with System & |
150 | Standard sessions cannot be locally deleted |
151 | Dynamic session: & deleted |
152 | Internal session: & deleted |
153 | Deletion of DATA for session & should be checked in the Message Log |
154 | Own session: & deleted |
155 | Standard session: & deleted |
160 | Session ID is already in use: please try another one |
161 | The selected service type does not exist |
170 | A type 'S' session with this session ID does not exist |
171 | Data export aborted: destination session & & already contains data |
172 | Data export aborted: error opening file & |
173 | Data export aborted: no write permission for & |
174 | Data export completed: file & contains the session data |
175 | Function module & for export session data missing |
180 | Required entry not made |
190 | Message Log entries of types other than 'E' can be ignored |
191 | No help available for this error message |
192 | No help available for exceptions of this function module |
193 | No help available for this exception of function module & |
194 | generation error - function module missing |
200 | You do not have permission to collect session data |
201 | You do not have permission to transfer session data |
202 | You do not have permission to display session data |
203 | You have read permission only |
204 | You have read and customizing permission only |
205 | You have permission for session data collect, read and transfer |
206 | You have all permissions |
207 | You do not have change permission |
208 | You do not have customizing permission |
220 | Without a type 'S' sess. in the overview you cant send a type 'I' sess. |
230 | No additional data services are available at the moment |
231 | No periodic service types are available at the moment |
240 | You are using & as the date for data collection for session & & |
250 | Session & & has only been TEST-downloaded. The ASM may overwrite it! |
251 | TEST DOWNLOAD started as BTC job &. The ASM may overwrite this download! |
260 | The SDCC Automatic Session Manager is not scheduled |
261 | The SDCC Automatic Session Manager has been activated |
262 | The SDCC Automatic Session Manager is not active |
263 | The SDCC Automatic Session Manager has been set active |
264 | The SDCC Automatic Session Manager is neither scheduled nor activated |
265 | You must schedule/activate the ASM to ensure periodic services generation |
270 | You cannot attach addon data to dynamic sessions! |
271 | Supportpackage XXX is needed for the Target System & |
300 | Name of contract must start with a 'Z' |
301 | Cannot delete SAP objects on a customer system |
302 | Cannot delete SAP Service Definitions |
303 | Cannot modify SAP Service Definitions |
310 | RFC destination in list is not known |
311 | RFC block size outside valid boundaries [2kB - 4MB] |
320 | Error: cannot assign mapped session ID |
321 | Assigning a mapped ID for this session/target should be avoided |
322 | Please select valid line |
323 | Assigning a mapped ID for this session/target is in principle unnecessary |
324 | Mapped session ID is illegal |
325 | Saving mapped session ID failed |
326 | A different (mapped) session ID in the target system is required |
327 | SAP and own default RFC target destinations must not be equal! |
328 | Please note: sessions which use target destination & still exist |
329 | RFC destination & with logon group & created |
330 | Destinations & that already exist have been preserved |
331 | Dest. & cannot be replaced by & as it already exists for session & & |
332 | Mapped session ID for session & & in target system & reset |
333 | Destination & unknown |
334 | Mapped session ID is empty |
335 | Mapped session ID is spurious and will not be used |
336 | SAP destination & unknown or illegal |
337 | SAP destination & empty |
400 | No server entry found |
401 | System Failure - check RFC-Authorizations |
402 | Connection error - check RFC-Destination |
403 | Unknown error |
404 | Session cannot be loaded from a system with release 6.10 or higher |
445 | Data deleted |
446 | Could not delete data |
448 | Selected line cannot be deleted |
449 | Deletion aborted |
601 | Structure not defined in table BDLSADATA |
602 | Reimport of service data failed |
603 | Display of service data failed |
604 | No logical function names found for current selection |
605 | SA Variable not defined in BDLSAIF |
606 | Table BDLDTOC contains no corresponding data |
607 | Logical Function not defined in BDLFUVERS |
608 | Group not found in BDLGROUPS |
609 | No Data Available |
610 | SAVAR doesn't exist |
611 | Read Function Data Error |
618 | RUNTIME [us] |
619 | Variable deselected for transfer |
620 | Table contains no data |
701 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: syntax error |
702 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: generation error |
703 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: no authorization |
704 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: wrong option |
705 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: wrong cluster ID |
706 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: missing interface data |
707 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: wrong ABAP type |
708 | BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: unspecified error |
709 | Initialization completed |
800 | Status changes can only de done in columns 'Data coll.' or 'Data trans.' |
801 | Change of status light not defined: light has to be green, yellow or red |
802 | Change of status light not defined: changed light would be undefined |
810 | Period must be between 1 and 999 days |
880 | Please select a valid line |
890 | Selected session type does not have a period |
891 | Attempted modification of service period failed: session not found |
892 | Illegal value for service period: please select another value |
896 | Data transfer is still in progress, please try again later. |
898 | Function not implemented |
899 | & & & & |
900 | Status changes can only be done in columns 'Data coll' |
990 | Selected session type does not have a period |