/BDL/D- - Cross application: data preparation

The following messages are stored in message class /BDL/D-: Cross application: data preparation.
It is part of development package /BDL/BDL3N in software component SV-SMG-SDD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Already existing objects of SDCC in release 4*".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Connection to SAPNet refused
001File has already been edited completely
002Job already completed / cancelled
004All selections deleted
005& job(s) ended in the meantime
006Action cancelled
007This job is already being processed
008No servers found
009Server not known
010Job still running / already scheduled
011Job & cancelled manually
012Job not yet ended
013Job ended correctly
014A job with the same name is still running; please wait for it to finish
015Error displaying job log for & (no. &)
016Status modified
017Status cannot be modified
018Job & relocated to 'current' category
019Action not possible
020Job & relocated to 'processed' category
021Job & set to 'completed w/o errors'
022Job & has not yet ended
023Data transfers already being processed by &
024& entries deleted
025This function should be used only by experienced system administrators!
026Confirmation prompts ON
027Confirmation prompts OFF
028Keep print parameters OFF
029Keep print parameters ON
030Job & could not be cancelled
031Job & has the incorrect status
032Print/archiving parameters were preset
033Print/archiving parameters not changed
034Please check whether the correct server is entered
035The error file is already being processed by another user
036View-maintenance call for view & not possible
037No logs for job & found
038Job & not been unlocked or started
039Line for table & deleted
040Line not duplicated; no table
041Line for table & duplicated
042Data saved
043Save error
044No function modules allowed for 'transfer disabling'
050Job initiated. Job number: & Server: &
051Job open failed
052Job close failed
053Job submit failed
054Invalid parameters
055Job already running
056Job does not exist
057Invalid start time
058Job not released
059Report & with variant & does not exist
060Data locked by & at the moment
061Job & may not be deleted
062Please position the cursor on a completely full line
063Please maintain destination & manually!
064Please maintain destination &
065Lock table overflow
066Data could not be locked, please try later.
067Unknown installation
068Installation license mismatch
069System failure: &
070Comm. failure: &
071Unspec. error
072Please select background job(s) to be started
073Download background job & already exists
074Download started as BTC job & (please check Message Log for details)
075Download background job &: has not been created
076Download background job &: cannot be created, see SYSLOG
077Download background job &: contains invalid job data, see SYSLOG
078Download background job: job name not specified
079Download background job &: immediate start is not possible
080Download background job &: start dates are invalid
081Download background job &: job name missing (wildcards allowed)
082Download background job &: error during JOB_CLOSE, see SYSLOG
083Download background job &: job specified does not contain any steps
084Download background job &: job specified does not exist
085Download background job &: lock attempt failed
086Function & failed
087No session type is defined for contract: & and description &
088Download background job &: not found
089Transaction is locked ! Don`t use this transaction
090Service definition currently locked by &
091Service & & currently locked by &
092Session not loaded (own session): permission denied
093Session not loaded (internal session): permission denied
094Transaction is locked. Use new Service Data Control Center (TA SDCCN)
100No TABLES statement for & found
101Table & does not exist in active form
102TABLES statement for & generated, please restart
105Specified analysis not found
120Invalid dialog type
121Job name is missing (wildcards are allowed)
122User cancels selection
123User name missing (wildcards allowed)
124Unspecified error
130The Service Preparation Check tool is not present on this system
131Please run the Service Preparation Check tool as soon as possible
132The SDCC server usability check in not available on this system
133The server usability check failed as no RFC destination was provided
134RFC destination & unknown
135Data of table & will not be refreshed because there is no & local table
136The RTCCTOOL is not accessible from SDCC
140Remote refresh of Session Overview (via RFC to &) failed: see Message Log
141Remote refresh of Service Definitions (through RFC to &) failed
142Generating Includes: please be patient
143Includes generated
144No of columns > 99; only 99 will be displayed
145Variable is empty as it is not needed for service session
146RFC-Destination System & has no SDCC. Please choose another System
147System failure - could not connect to System & .
148Failure in Targetsystem &
149Communication Error with System &
150Standard sessions cannot be locally deleted
151Dynamic session: & deleted
152Internal session: & deleted
153Deletion of DATA for session & should be checked in the Message Log
154Own session: & deleted
155Standard session: & deleted
160Session ID is already in use: please try another one
161The selected service type does not exist
170A type 'S' session with this session ID does not exist
171Data export aborted: destination session & & already contains data
172Data export aborted: error opening file &
173Data export aborted: no write permission for &
174Data export completed: file & contains the session data
175Function module & for export session data missing
180Required entry not made
190Message Log entries of types other than 'E' can be ignored
191No help available for this error message
192No help available for exceptions of this function module
193No help available for this exception of function module &
194generation error - function module missing
200You do not have permission to collect session data
201You do not have permission to transfer session data
202You do not have permission to display session data
203You have read permission only
204You have read and customizing permission only
205You have permission for session data collect, read and transfer
206You have all permissions
207You do not have change permission
208You do not have customizing permission
220Without a type 'S' sess. in the overview you cant send a type 'I' sess.
230No additional data services are available at the moment
231No periodic service types are available at the moment
240You are using & as the date for data collection for session & &
250Session & & has only been TEST-downloaded. The ASM may overwrite it!
251TEST DOWNLOAD started as BTC job &. The ASM may overwrite this download!
260The SDCC Automatic Session Manager is not scheduled
261The SDCC Automatic Session Manager has been activated
262The SDCC Automatic Session Manager is not active
263The SDCC Automatic Session Manager has been set active
264The SDCC Automatic Session Manager is neither scheduled nor activated
265You must schedule/activate the ASM to ensure periodic services generation
270You cannot attach addon data to dynamic sessions!
271Supportpackage XXX is needed for the Target System &
300Name of contract must start with a 'Z'
301Cannot delete SAP objects on a customer system
302Cannot delete SAP Service Definitions
303Cannot modify SAP Service Definitions
310RFC destination in list is not known
311RFC block size outside valid boundaries [2kB - 4MB]
320Error: cannot assign mapped session ID
321Assigning a mapped ID for this session/target should be avoided
322Please select valid line
323Assigning a mapped ID for this session/target is in principle unnecessary
324Mapped session ID is illegal
325Saving mapped session ID failed
326A different (mapped) session ID in the target system is required
327SAP and own default RFC target destinations must not be equal!
328Please note: sessions which use target destination & still exist
329RFC destination & with logon group & created
330Destinations & that already exist have been preserved
331Dest. & cannot be replaced by & as it already exists for session & &
332Mapped session ID for session & & in target system & reset
333Destination & unknown
334Mapped session ID is empty
335Mapped session ID is spurious and will not be used
336SAP destination & unknown or illegal
337SAP destination & empty
400No server entry found
401System Failure - check RFC-Authorizations
402Connection error - check RFC-Destination
403Unknown error
404Session cannot be loaded from a system with release 6.10 or higher
445Data deleted
446Could not delete data
448Selected line cannot be deleted
449Deletion aborted
601Structure not defined in table BDLSADATA
602Reimport of service data failed
603Display of service data failed
604No logical function names found for current selection
605SA Variable not defined in BDLSAIF
606Table BDLDTOC contains no corresponding data
607Logical Function not defined in BDLFUVERS
608Group not found in BDLGROUPS
609No Data Available
610SAVAR doesn't exist
611Read Function Data Error
618RUNTIME [us]
619Variable deselected for transfer
620Table contains no data
701BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: syntax error
702BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: generation error
703BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: no authorization
704BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: wrong option
705BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: wrong cluster ID
706BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: missing interface data
708BDL_GENERATE_INCLUDES: unspecified error
709Initialization completed
800Status changes can only de done in columns 'Data coll.' or 'Data trans.'
801Change of status light not defined: light has to be green, yellow or red
802Change of status light not defined: changed light would be undefined
810Period must be between 1 and 999 days
880Please select a valid line
890Selected session type does not have a period
891Attempted modification of service period failed: session not found
892Illegal value for service period: please select another value
896Data transfer is still in progress, please try again later.
898Function not implemented
899& & & &
900Status changes can only be done in columns 'Data coll'
990Selected session type does not have a period
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