/BEV1/EMC - Messages for IS Beverage
The following messages are stored in message class /BEV1/EMC: Messages for IS Beverage.
It is part of development package /BEV1/EM in software component SD-BIL-EM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Empties Management".
It is part of development package /BEV1/EM in software component SD-BIL-EM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Empties Management".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | Error in output of the statistics data |
002 | Error saving the statistics data |
010 | Unable to start form processing |
012 | Form & does not exist |
016 | You have not selected any values in the area specified |
100 | Make a valid selection |
200 | Record is already locked |
201 | System error during locking |
242 | Warning: field & is already being used |
274 | Empties field &1 cannot be left blank |
275 | No empties update for invoice billing type &1 -> /BEV1/EMLGOFS |
276 | Not processed as number assignment is not going to take place (no $ no.) |
277 | Start empties processing for invoice header |
278 | Item &: Not processed due to material type & |
279 | Item &: Not processed due to item category & |
280 | Item &: Acc. holder with partner function & not found -> /BEV1/EMLGOFS |
281 | Item&: No empties update for account holder & -> /BEV1/EMLGOFS |
282 | Item &: Normal processing in /BEV1/EMLGBWDP |
283 | Document &/item &: Table &, operation & failed |
284 | Document &/item &: Partner function & could not be found /BEV1/EMLGOFS |
285 | Start processing invoice header in SAPLV60A |
286 | Item &: Start empties processing for invoice item |
287 | Document &/item &: Partner function & not found for account holder |
288 | Item &: should have been processed normally in /BEV1/EMLGBWDP |
289 | Document &/table &: No. assign. terminated, no. range obj.&, error code & |
290 | Account holder could not be found for document & item & |
291 | Existing invoice document & cannot be changed, due to &&& |
298 | Undefined error from lock |
299 | Error message from function module: & |
300 | Contents of quantity/value can only be 'M' or 'W' |
301 | Item category & is not available |
302 | Only entries 'W' or 'M' are permitted |
303 | Only '+' for addition or '-' for subraction are permitted |
304 | Field name & is not defined |
306 | Field name must be shorter than the current entry |
307 | Only SIS fields or item categories are permitted for the first entry |
308 | You have already reached the first record |
309 | You have already reached the end |
310 | No other formulas exist |
311 | Field name & is invalid; valid field names are Q01-Q05 and V01-V05 |
313 | Field name & is not contained in table & |
314 | Field name & for the matrix is outside the validity range |
315 | Matrix & is not available |
316 | Matrix & cannot be the same as the formula field |
331 | Only values between Q11-Q20 and V11-V20 can be entered |
332 | Value & is invalid |
333 | No item category is assigned to formula field & |
334 | Formula & cannot be defined in itself |
335 | Field & cannot be greater that & |
336 | If using &, you must define & first |
337 | 1. operator can only be '+' or '-' |
338 | Formula & is still used in & |
339 | Empties field & must be defined |
340 | For customer & deposit is active but updating is inactive |
341 | Sales area data has not been maintained |
342 | Does & have correct field type for authorization field & (val/qty field)? |
343 | Customer is blocked |
344 | Customer &1 is blocked; see long text |
345 | Search results do not include blocked customer data; see long text |
346 | Search results for customer data are blocked; see long text |
700 | Choose a parameter only |
701 | Choose a partner function |
702 | Choose a partner function only |
703 | You have not selected an analysis period |
704 | Choose an analysis period only |
705 | Operator cannot be &; maintain authorization matrix in Customizing |
706 | Assign for & in & did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
707 | Write_Form for element LEERGUT_TITLE did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
708 | Control_Form for PROTECT did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
709 | Write_Form for Element LEERGUT_SUMME did not work. SY-SU |
710 | Control_Form for ENDPROTECT did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
711 | Choose a valid sales organization |
712 | No entry in the SIS table |
713 | No data exists for the selection given |
714 | Problems occurred when printing with element &. SY-SUBRC: & |
715 | Call function 'Close_form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
716 | Call function 'Control_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
717 | Call function 'Write_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
718 | Call function 'Write_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
719 | Problem with 'Write_Form' for window 'INFO'. SY-SUBRC: & |
720 | Problem with 'Write_Form' for window 'LGBRIEF1'. SY-SUBRC: & |
721 | No settings maintained in Customizing (view /BEV1/EMVISF_V) |
722 | Customizing for empties calculations is not maintained |
723 | Call function 'Open_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: & |
724 | Records deleted: /BEV1/EMLGBSD: &1 ~BWDP: &2 ~FAD: &3 ~OFS: &4 |
725 | Records recognized: /BEV1/EMLGBSD: &1 ~BWDP: &2 ~FAD: &3 ~OFS: &4 |
726 | Call function for form &1 has terminated with return code &2 |
727 | Error reading table &1, reason code = &2 |
728 | Empties processing was activated successfully |
729 | Action was terminated by the user |
730 | No data has been selected due to missing authorization |
731 | You do not have authorization for class & |
732 | Empties processing is already active |
733 | Table &1 could not be changed, return code = &2 |
734 | Movement type & for tied empty is incorrect |
735 | Inconsistency in BOM structure for material & |
750 | & log entries have been deleted |
751 | No deletable log entries found |