/BEV1/EMC - Messages for IS Beverage

The following messages are stored in message class /BEV1/EMC: Messages for IS Beverage.
It is part of development package /BEV1/EM in software component SD-BIL-EM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Empties Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001Error in output of the statistics data
002Error saving the statistics data
010Unable to start form processing
012Form & does not exist
016You have not selected any values in the area specified
100Make a valid selection
200Record is already locked
201System error during locking
242Warning: field & is already being used
274Empties field &1 cannot be left blank
275No empties update for invoice billing type &1 -> /BEV1/EMLGOFS
276Not processed as number assignment is not going to take place (no $ no.)
277Start empties processing for invoice header
278Item &: Not processed due to material type &
279Item &: Not processed due to item category &
280Item &: Acc. holder with partner function & not found -> /BEV1/EMLGOFS
281Item&: No empties update for account holder & -> /BEV1/EMLGOFS
282Item &: Normal processing in /BEV1/EMLGBWDP
283Document &/item &: Table &, operation & failed
284Document &/item &: Partner function & could not be found /BEV1/EMLGOFS
285Start processing invoice header in SAPLV60A
286Item &: Start empties processing for invoice item
287Document &/item &: Partner function & not found for account holder
288Item &: should have been processed normally in /BEV1/EMLGBWDP
289Document &/table &: No. assign. terminated, no. range obj.&, error code &
290Account holder could not be found for document & item &
291Existing invoice document & cannot be changed, due to &&&
298Undefined error from lock
299Error message from function module: &
300Contents of quantity/value can only be 'M' or 'W'
301Item category & is not available
302Only entries 'W' or 'M' are permitted
303Only '+' for addition or '-' for subraction are permitted
304Field name & is not defined
306Field name must be shorter than the current entry
307Only SIS fields or item categories are permitted for the first entry
308You have already reached the first record
309You have already reached the end
310No other formulas exist
311Field name & is invalid; valid field names are Q01-Q05 and V01-V05
313Field name & is not contained in table &
314Field name & for the matrix is outside the validity range
315Matrix & is not available
316Matrix & cannot be the same as the formula field
331Only values between Q11-Q20 and V11-V20 can be entered
332Value & is invalid
333No item category is assigned to formula field &
334Formula & cannot be defined in itself
335Field & cannot be greater that &
336If using &, you must define & first
3371. operator can only be '+' or '-'
338Formula & is still used in &
339Empties field & must be defined
340For customer & deposit is active but updating is inactive
341Sales area data has not been maintained
342Does & have correct field type for authorization field & (val/qty field)?
343Customer is blocked
344Customer &1 is blocked; see long text
345Search results do not include blocked customer data; see long text
346Search results for customer data are blocked; see long text
700Choose a parameter only
701Choose a partner function
702Choose a partner function only
703You have not selected an analysis period
704Choose an analysis period only
705Operator cannot be &; maintain authorization matrix in Customizing
706Assign for & in & did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
707Write_Form for element LEERGUT_TITLE did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
708Control_Form for PROTECT did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
709Write_Form for Element LEERGUT_SUMME did not work. SY-SU
710Control_Form for ENDPROTECT did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
711Choose a valid sales organization
712No entry in the SIS table
713No data exists for the selection given
714Problems occurred when printing with element &. SY-SUBRC: &
715Call function 'Close_form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
716Call function 'Control_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
717Call function 'Write_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
718Call function 'Write_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
719Problem with 'Write_Form' for window 'INFO'. SY-SUBRC: &
720Problem with 'Write_Form' for window 'LGBRIEF1'. SY-SUBRC: &
721No settings maintained in Customizing (view /BEV1/EMVISF_V)
722Customizing for empties calculations is not maintained
723Call function 'Open_Form' did not work. SY-SUBRC: &
724Records deleted: /BEV1/EMLGBSD: &1 ~BWDP: &2 ~FAD: &3 ~OFS: &4
725Records recognized: /BEV1/EMLGBSD: &1 ~BWDP: &2 ~FAD: &3 ~OFS: &4
726Call function for form &1 has terminated with return code &2
727Error reading table &1, reason code = &2
728Empties processing was activated successfully
729Action was terminated by the user
730No data has been selected due to missing authorization
731You do not have authorization for class &
732Empties processing is already active
733Table &1 could not be changed, return code = &2
734Movement type & for tied empty is incorrect
735Inconsistency in BOM structure for material &
750& log entries have been deleted
751No deletable log entries found
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