/BOBF/CONF_CDS - CDS link - message texts
The following messages are stored in message class /BOBF/CONF_CDS: CDS link - message texts.
It is part of development package /BOBF/CONFIGURATION_CDS in software component BC-ESI-BOF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Processing Framework CDS Functionality".
It is part of development package /BOBF/CONFIGURATION_CDS in software component BC-ESI-BOF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Object Processing Framework CDS Functionality".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | [BO sync] Business Object &1 has been created |
001 | [BO sync] Node &1 has been created |
002 | [BO sync] Business Object &1 has been changed |
003 | [BO sync] Node &1 has been changed |
004 | [BO sync] Node &1 has been marked as deleted |
005 | [BO sync] General error occurred |
006 | [BO sync] Reading view failed (view &1) |
007 | [BO sync] Reading child view by association &2 failed (view &1) |
008 | [BO sync] Creating data structure &2 for DB table &3 failed (view &1) |
009 | [BO sync] Activating data structure &2 for DB table &3 failed (view &1) |
010 | [BO sync] Generating artifacts for Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
011 | [BO sync] Creating Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
012 | [BO sync] Updating Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
013 | [BO sync] Saving Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
014 | [BO sync] Activating Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
015 | [BO sync] Business Object &1 is up to date |
016 | [BO sync] Locking Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
017 | [BO sync] Business Object &2 is already locked by user &3 (view &1) |
018 | [BO sync] Reading condition for association &2 failed (view &1) |
019 | [BO sync] Creating new version for Business Object &2 failed (view &1) |
022 | [BO check] No element is marked as KEY (view &1) |
023 | [BO check] DB table &2 does not exist in active version (view &1) |
024 | [BO check] DB table &2 has an inappropriate primary key (view &1) |
025 | [BO sync] Changing composition is forbidden (previous parent &2, view &1) |
026 | [BO check] Annotation regarding active persistence is missing (view &1) |
027 | [BO check] Annotation regarding draft persistence is missing (view &1) |
028 | [BO sync] Reading association &2 failed (view &1) |
029 | [BO check] Active Entity DB fields not marked as KEY (view &1, table &2) |
030 | [BO check] View is already used in Business Object &2 (view &1) |
031 | [BO check] Non-generated Business Object &2 cannot be sync. (view &1) |
032 | [BO check] Association type &2 is not supported (view &1) |
033 | [BO sync] Reading components of DB table &2 failed (view &1) |
034 | [BO check] Bus. Obj. &2 has cat. Draft and cannot be sync. (view &1) |
035 | [BO sync] Primary key of DB table &2 is insufficient (view &1) |
036 | [BO sync] Unable to find parent key in DB table &2 (view &1) |
037 | [BO sync] Cannot find source attribute &2 in association &3 (view &1) |
038 | [BO sync] Cannot find target attribute &2 in association &3 (view &1) |
039 | [BO sync] Cannot find target attribute for &2 in assoc. &3 (view &1) |
040 | [BO sync] Cannot find source attribute for &2 in assoc. &3 (view &1) |
041 | [BO sync] Last synchronisation ended successfully (view &1) |
042 | [BO sync] Last synchronisation resulted in errors (view &1) |
043 | [BO sync] No Transport request. Save view to get new request (view &1) |
044 | [BO check] BO &2 is inactive and therefore cannot be sync. (view &1) |
045 | [BO check] Bus. Obj. &2 was edited in BOBF and cannot be sync. (view &1) |
046 | [BO check] Bus. Obj. &2 has not cat. Draft and cannot be sync. (view &1) |
047 | [BO check] Annotation for draft persistence here not allowed (view &1) |
048 | [BO check] Annotation for active persistence here not allowed (view &1) |
049 | [BO check] Key type has to be 'legacy' like parent view (view &1) |
050 | [BO sync] Reading elements failed (view &1) |
051 | [BO sync] Reading DDIC datatype &2 failed (view &1) |
052 | [BO sync] DDIC structure &1 has been created (template &2) |
053 | [BO sync] DDIC structure &1 has been changed (template &2) |
054 | [BO sync] DDIC structures are up to date |
055 | [BO check] Element &3 is no DB field, no storage (view &1, table &2) |
056 | [BO sync] Bus. Obj. &1 is locked in transport &2. Sync. aborted (view &1) |
057 | [BO sync] Regenerating constant interf. for Bus. Obj. &2 failed (view &1) |
058 | [BO sync] Constant interface (Business Object) &1 has been regenerated |
059 | [BO sync] Node &2: Action &1 has been created |
060 | [BO sync] Node &2: Action &1 has been changed |
061 | [BO sync] Node &2: Action &1 has been deleted |
062 | [BO sync] Node &2: Determination &1 has been created |
063 | [BO sync] Node &2: Determination &1 has been changed |
064 | [BO sync] Node &2: Determination &1 has been deleted |
065 | [BO sync] Node &2: Validation &1 has been created |
066 | [BO sync] Node &2: Validation &1 has been changed |
067 | [BO sync] Node &2: Validation &1 has been deleted |
068 | [BO sync] Node &2: Alternative Key &1 has been created |
069 | [BO sync] Node &2: Alternative Key &1 has been changed |
070 | [BO sync] Node &2: Alternative Key &1 has been deleted |
071 | [BO sync] Node &1 has been deleted |
072 | [BO sync] Creating transient structure &2 failed (view &1) |
073 | [BO sync] Activating transient structure &2 failed (view &1) |
074 | [BO sync] DDIC structure &1 has been created |
075 | [BO sync] DDIC structure &1 has been changed |
076 | [BO sync] Cannot determine fields for Alternative Key DB_KEY (view &1) |
077 | [BO sync] Cannot determine fields for Altern. Key PARENT_KEY (view &1) |
078 | [BO sync] Cannot determine fields for Alternative Key ROOT_KEY (view &1) |
079 | [BO sync] No Transport request. Synchronisation not started (view &1) |
080 | [BO check] View name has to end with 'A-Z' or '0-9' (view &1) |
081 | [BO check] 'entityChangeStateId' annotated &2 is not an element (view &1) |
082 | [BO check] Type of 'entityChangeStateId' &2 incompt. to HASH160 (view &1) |
083 | [BO check] Migration to v2.0 not supported (view &1) |
084 | [BO check] Switching scenario (&2~>&3) not supported (view &1) |
085 | [BO sync] Either 'draft pers.' or 'active pers.' must be annotated (&1) |
086 | [BO check] Migration to v1.0 not supported. Add 'draftEnabled' (view &1) |
087 | [BO check] Child annotates active persistence, root doesn't (view &1) |
088 | [BO check] Child doesn't annotate active persistence, Root does (v. &1) |
089 | [BO check] Key of view &1 has to be UUID-based |
090 | [BO check] Creation of Draft v1.0 not supp.. Add 'draftEnabled' (view &1) |
091 | [BO check] Field order of join condition &2 deviates from KEY (view &1) |
092 | [BO check] The generated Bus. Obj. (&1) has nodes that are marked deleted |
093 | [BO check] Cycle detected! Child &2 already part of composition (view &1) |
094 | [BO sync] Node &1 has been marked for deletion |
095 | [BO sync] Node &1 has been unmarked for deletion |
096 | [BO check] 'entityChangeStateId' on non-root has no effect (view &1) |
098 | [BO sync] Node &2: Association &1 has been created |
099 | [BO sync] Node &2: Association &1 has been changed |
100 | [BO sync] Node &2: Association &1 has been deleted |
101 | [BO sync] Neither dev. nor correction system. Sync. not started (view &1) |
104 | [BO sync] Reading Behavior Definition Load for root entity &1 failed |
106 | [BO sync] Business Object has been changed to 'RAP' (Programming Model) |
107 | [BO sync] Business Object has been changed to 'AI' (Programming Model) |
108 | [BO sync] Header Attribute &1 has been changed to '&2' (previous: '&3') |
109 | [BO sync] Behavior Definition &1 has syntax errors |
110 | [BO sync] Action &2 in Behavior Def. &1 has unsupported parameter type |
111 | [BO sync] Action &2 in Behavior Def. &1 has unsupported result type |
113 | [BO sync] Entity &1 not found in Behavior Definition Load |
114 | [BO sync] Reading Behavior Definition Descriptor for entity &1 failed |
115 | [BO sync] Behavior Def. &1 cannot be checked: not exist, wrong state, ... |
116 | [BO check] During-save determination &1 not supported for RAP BOs |
118 | [BO sync] ON cond. for Assoc. &1 must contain compl. target key (view &2) |
120 | [BO check] Draft v1.0 not supported anymore (view &1) |
121 | [BO sync] Deriving extension class from DB table &2 failed (view &1) |
122 | [BO sync] View &1 represents no BOPF BO node |
123 | [BO sync] BOPF BO model for view &1 is corrupt |
124 | [BO sync] Reading Business Object &1 failed |
125 | [BO check] Type of &3 differs from DB, MOVE-CORR will fail (v. &1, DB &2) |
126 | [BO check] View must be of type 'View Entity' for RAP BOs (view &1) |
127 | [BO sync] Entity &1 originates from an Extension and cannot be processed |