The following messages are stored in message class /BOFU/PBI_DT: PBI Run Time.
It is part of development package /BOFU/PBI_CORE in software component CA-EPT-BRC-FBI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "POWL BOPF Integration Core".
Message Nr
Message Text
000View &1 not found
001POWL type cannot be initial
002Description is not maintained in logon language
003Neither View usage nor View is specified
004Query ID is not specified
005Enter a valid query ID
006Requested views not found
007Use Selection/Display Deleted Entries to restore view &1
008View usage &1 is not found
009View/View usage has errors. It is not usable
010Component Name &1 in Field Definition is not valid
011Action id &1 is not a UI action
012Action parameter &1 is not valid
013Action parameter is empty.
014Action id is empty.
015Component Name is empty.
016Action doesn't have parameter structure.
017Selection parameter is empty.
018Selection parameter &1 is not valid.
019Selection criteria id for the selection parameter &1 is initial.
020Please specify either view or view usage or BO and Node
021Selection parameter &1 is not valid for the query entered
022Business Object/Node usage has errors. It is not usable
023View is specified. Do not enter BO or Node
024View usage is specified. Do not enter View or BO or Node
025Specify both BO and Node
026Action Parameter for the action entered is missing
027Action paramter is not valid.
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