/CCEE/FISC_CROA - Fiscalization Croatai: Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class /CCEE/FISC_CROA: Fiscalization Croatai: Message Class.
It is part of development package /CCEE/HR_LO in software component FI-LOC-LO-HR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Croatia - Logistics".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error while updating /CCEE/FISC_CROA table
001Entry &1 does not exist in T001 (Check entry)
002Company code &1 is not active for fiscalization
003Business space &1 does not exist in &2
004Select at least one record
005Business space is already registered
006FISC: FXVBRP cannot be read.
007Error while updating log /CCEE/FISC_REQ table
008Error while updating log /CCEE/FISC_RES table
009Document & is already approved.
010Charging device is not assigned in user master
011Charging device could not be determined
012Business space could not be determined
013Document & is not Approved
014Number range customizations not maintained for Fiscalization
015Fiscal relevant payment method could not be determined
016USER OIB is not assigned in the user master
017USER OIB is not valid
018USER OIB FPRCD is different
019Unknown error in the USER OIB
020Invalid Charging device maintained in Sales Order
021Invalid Business space maintained in Sales Order
022Charging device is not maintained in Sales Order
023Business space is not maintained in Sales Order
024Fiscal number is not maintained in Sales Order
025Protection Code is initial
026RFC Destination is initial
027Business space activated successfuly
028Business space de-activated successfuly
029Business space changed parameters activated
030Change only the details of registered business space
031Un-registered business space cannot be closed
032Fiscal number must not be initial for external bus space
033Communication Error occured while processing business space
034Error in the Business space
035Protection Code must be 32 characters long
036JIR must be 36 characters long
037Business space is not registered
038Charging device & is not assigned to Business space &
039Fiscalization: Business space and Charging device are missing
042SAP Note 1882417 must be implemented, including kernel requirements
043No authorization to execute for RFC-enabled function module
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