/CCIS/CCISDEPR_BON - Depreciation bonus (58-FZ)

The following messages are stored in message class /CCIS/CCISDEPR_BON: Depreciation bonus (58-FZ).
It is part of development package /CCIS/CCISFI-AA in software component FI-AA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-AA messages".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Company code is not filled.
002Depreciation bonus rate is not found. Reference ID & Eff.from &
003Header of FI-AA-document is not found
004Incorrect posting indicator Debit/Credit for transaction type &
005Transaction type & should have transaction type group &
006Transaction type &1 should be from transaction type group &2 or &3
007Company code &1 is not found in the table T001
008Company code &1 is not defined Asset accounting (table T093C)
009Company code &1 Depreciation area &2 is not defined in the table T093B
011Depreciation bonus is not posted
012Posted and calculated depreciation bonuses are not equal
013Different posting dates for calculated and posted depreciation bonuses
014Tax depr.area is empty for chart of depr.&1 in the table J_3RFDEPB_CHART
015Chart of depr. &1: Validity period is empty in the table J_3RFDEPB_CHART
016Special depr. transaction types are missing in the table J_3RFDEPB_BWASL
017Asset &1-&2 has depreciation bonus &3 &4 to be restored
018Asset &2-&3 doesn't exist in company code &1
019Company code &1 Asset &2-&3 is deactivated.
020Company code &1. No acquisitions posted to asset &2-&3
021Company code &1. Asset &2-&3 is capitalized erlier than &4
022Chart of depreciation &1 is maintained in the table J_3RFDEPB_CHART
023No depreciation bonus transaction types in the table J_3RFDEPB_BWASL
024Asset &1-&2: Depreciation bonus &3 &4 to be restored
025Asset &1-&2: Posted depreciation bonus is not found
026Transaction type group is not found for asset transaction type &
027Tr.type & doesn't belong to the group of special/unplanned depreciation
028Tr.type & from the group &:Current year transaction flag must be empty
029Tr.type & from the group &:Current year transaction flag must be set
030Original asset &1-&2: Depr.bonus &3 &4 taken into account
031Tr.type & doesn't belong to the group of manual depreciation
032Errors are found. See Application Log !!!
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