/CEECV/BGFI - Localization for Bulgaria - Financials

The following messages are stored in message class /CEECV/BGFI: Localization for Bulgaria - Financials.
It is part of development package /CEECV/BGFI in software component FI-LOC-FI-BG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Localization Bulgaria: Financials".
Message Nr
Message Text
003All company codes must belong to one sales/purchases tax group
004No data for processing is available; change selection criteria
005Application log is available via transaction SLG1
006File was saved to application server as &1
010Exception &1 occurred with ALV display; contact your administrator
011Error occurred while downloading files
100Document &1/&2/&3: No assignment to column for tax code &4 (tax base)
101Document &1/&2/&3: No assignment to column for tax code &4 (tax amount)
102Document &1/&2/&3: Tax base column &4 invalid
103Document &1/&2/&3: VAT amount column &4 invalid
104Tax base balance grouping is not maintained for &1 &2 &3
105Tax balance grouping is not maintained for &1 &2 &3
106Document &1/&2/&3: Document type &4 not maintained correctly
107Field &1 for &2 &3 &4 is mandatory
108No VAT registration number; check global param. for company code &2
109No BULSTAT identification; check global param. for company code &2
110Document &1/&2/&3: Document type &4 invalid
111Document &1/&2/&3: Document date &4 invalid
112No VAT-related document found
113Field &1 for &2 &3 &4 is mandatory; check document header
114Field &1 for &2 &3 &4 is mandatory; check partner's master data
115PDF cannot be generated due to errors in processing
116Files cannot be generated due to errors in processing
117Original invoice for deferred transfer document ( & / & / & ) not found
118Document &1/&2/&3: Document type &4 invalid for deferred tax codes
119Document &1/&2/&3: Art. 163a flag "&4" is incorrect for the VAT Type.
120Document &1/&2/&3: Document type &4 invalid.
150Printing VAT Protocol &1/&2/&3
151Wrong Adobe form used &1 (&2)
155Missing entry for Doc. Type & in the customizing table /ceecv/bgfi_fiva
156Doc. Type & is not assigned to memorandum. Document skipped
200Cannot read customizing table T007B
201Cannot read customizing table /CEECV/BGFI_T_FIVA
202Cannot read customizing table T041C
203Document &1/&2/&3 is not VAT related document
204Cannot read document &1/&2/&3
205Cannot read customizing table T007A
206No VAT related document found
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