/CEECV/BTFI - Localization for Lithuania - Financials

The following messages are stored in message class /CEECV/BTFI: Localization for Lithuania - Financials.
It is part of development package /CEECV/BTFI in software component FI-LOC-FI-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Lithuania - Financials".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter a document type
001Enter a document date
002Enter a posting date
003Document &1 &2 &3 are vendor invoices; enter a valid document type
004Document &1 &2 &3 are customer invoices; enter a valid document type
005Document &1 &2 &3 were ignored; check relevant business partner data
006Error while rounding
007Documents are selected according to document date
008Documents are selected according to posting date
009Register for customer's invoices
010Register for vendor's invoices
011Primary register
012Correction register
013Register of corrected lines
014Duplicity statement for &1 &2 &3 &4 is not workable.
015Reversed document &1 &2 &3 skipped.
016Document &1 &2 &3 contains zero amount and was skipped
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