/CEERE/DM - Messages-property tax

The following messages are stored in message class /CEERE/DM: Messages-property tax.
It is part of development package /CEERE/DANNEM in software component RE-FX-LC-CZ. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
010Entry successfully created
011Plot tax record for the year & does not exist
012Plot not registered in module SAP-REM
014Plot already created in tax file for year &
015Municipality & does not exist
016Tax office & does not exist
017Property category is not valid
018If exemption was entered, enter exemption year from-to correctly
019If exemption was entered, enter exemption code
020Building not registered in module SAP-REM
021Building already created in tax file for the year &
022If the exemption was entered, enter total covered area
023Missing TO entry for municipality
024Cadastral district & does not exist
025Use property category P or O
026Illegal property type
027City district &1 refers superior municipality &2 which does not exist
028Illegal land/building type or tax subject &2
029Illegal municipality/city district &
030Select table line first
031TO entries not created - execute tax calculation first
032Illegal district &2 for municipality/city district &1
033Illegal cadastral district &2 for municipality/city district &1
034Tax office was locked for calculation
035Tax office was unlocked for calculation
036Customize module Property tax - Settings for company code
037Illegal code of legal claim for exemption &2 for property category &1
038Calculation executed successfully
039Data for year closing locked by other user
040Action will not be executed
041Locking/unlocking impossible for other than current tax year
042Calculation impossible for other than current tax year
043Action successfully executed
044You may select only one tax office for correcting or supplementary return
045It is necessary to calculate regular return first
046Calculation not necessary (no changes in TO master data &)
047Control program ADIS not found. Inform your administration
048Control program started in separate window
049File & saved
050Update successful
051Could not save file & because of an error
052Tax return calculation not executed so far
053Tax return calculation for type "&" not executed so far
054You may select only one tax office for return cancellation
055Cancellation of regular return calculation not allowed
056Calculation for correcting return does not exist
057Cancel calculation for supplementary return first
058Calculation for supplementary return does not exist
059Calculation cancelled
060Enter reasons and finding date for supplementary return
061Current year is &
062Cannot calculate regular return because a correcting/supplem.one exists
063Cannot calculate correcting return because a supplementary one exists
066Calculation does not exist for correcting or supplementary return
067Exemption code &1 is not valid for fiscal year &2.
068Exists record munic. &1 valid from &2 to &3!Please correct your entry
069For municipality &1 exists more valid record for year &2
070Exists more cadastral districts &1 valid in year &2
071Minicipality &1 is not valid in current year
072Cadastral district &1 for municipality &2 is not valid in current year
073Switch &1 is off
074Fiscal Year entered is earlier than 2014. Please check
100Factor &1 not allowed in given context
101Error while saving tax object record
102Selection does not contain any tax objects
113Session created. Use transaction SM35 for processing
189Sum of parcels should be equal to total area minus 16 m2 (Prop. Type I)
190Total area of NP is not zero - number of floors should not be zero
191The sum of the units' areas cannot be equal to the total area
192The sum of the parcels' areas cannot be equal to the total built area
193The sum of unit areas is not equal to total area
194The sum of parcels covered areas is not equal to total covered area
195Municipality has for current year more records with validity conflict
196Cadastral distr. has for curr. year more records with validity conflict
197Exempt area is higher than total area of N.P.
198Specify an appraised price for land type "D"
199Appraisal value of the plot per 1m2 must not exceed 999
200Unknown plot price per 1m2 for survey office &1
201Appraisal value for the plot per 1m2 is zero
202Factor &1 not maintained in the settings (factors)
203Tax rate for land/building type &1 not maintained (property types)
204Company code &1, tax period &2
205Tax office &1, tax return type-&2&3
206Tax object (company code &1, prop.categ.&2, MUnit &3, no.&4)
207It is possible to appraise the land value for prop.type C,D only
208Zero area
209Co-owner fraction wrongly specified (numerator/denominator)
210Illegal code or name of municipality/CD (&1)
211Illegal tax office code or name (&1)
212Illegal cadastral district code or name (&1)
213Parcel number not specified
214Legal relation not specified
215Illegal property type &1 for property category &2
216Illegal property category
217Missing number of inhabitants for municipality/CD (municip.key list) &1
218Missing factor by number of inhabit. for municipality/CD &1
219Factor according to �6(4) or �11(3) for municip./CD &1 is null
220Errors occured during tax calculation (TO &1). Calculation not saved
221Could not lock objects within TO &1. Calculation not saved
222Zero area of all co-owners
223Zero number of other above-ground floors
224Factor "S" for �11(2) not maintained (constants)
225Factor "F" for �11(4) not maintained (constants)
226Zero total floor area of building above-ground part own
227Zero covered area (own)
228Factor "J" not maintained for �11(5) (constants)
229Factor "B" not maintained for �10(2) (constants)
230Unit not specified
231Code/registration number not specified
232Closing year not specified
233Zero total area of all above-ground floors (set -> floor no. * cov.area)
234Illegal range for exemption year
235Illegal exemption code
236Factor "I" for �11(1a) not maintained (constants)
237Entry locked by user &1
238Negative resulting tax
239Property tax not defined for company code &1
240Appraisal value per 1m2 not specified
241Tax calculation for tax office & locked
242Tax calculation for tax office & locked - result not saved
243You are posting prop.tax (&1='&2') but vendor &3 is not assigned to TO
244Do not specify co-owner fraction for land type "P"
245Tax object (&2/&3/&4) not created (year &1)
246Enter company code
247Enter year
248Enter property category
249Enter object identification (BE, property key)
250Tax object already exists (year &)
251Integration with REM is set for comp.code & - cannot use the transaction
252Data saved
253You are posting prop.tax(&1='&2') but REM object &3 is not valid
254Maximum number of items in document is &1
255Cannot use company code &1 because it is not assigned to Czech Republic
256Insuff. authorization for transaction Calculation/Cancell. (Property tax)
257Property tax settings regulate posting to REM object
258Calculation year differs from current year
259Period &1 not defined in &2 for property tax posting to costs
260Inconsistency between posting date &1 and period &2
261Mapping PT objects to REM objects not set (see Property categories)
262You can post supplementary tax in a closed posting period
265Illegal URL of control program
266Selected year prior to year of PT production startup (CompCode &1)
267Trying to open year prior to year of PT production startup (CompCode &1)
268Current year does not exist for company code &1 (table "/ceere/rizeniok")
269Trying to calculate year prior to year of PT product.startup (CoCode &1)
270No change documents for object available
271Object maintenance allowed for current year only
272Selected year later than current PT year (company code &1)
273Cannot use the number. Property of categ.& with equal number exists
274Missing customizing for Year &1 and Dominant/Enterprise Company Code &2.
275Enter Dominant/Enterprise Company Code.
276Select only one Company Code and don't select both together.
277Use Dominant Comp.Cd. &1 or correct coherent customizing.
280No detection of integr.with SAP-REM. Use transaction /CEERE/DNUCTO_IND
281Insufficient authorization for operation execution
282Cannot use this report. Use report /CEERE/DNUCTOVANI_IND
283Dominant Enterprise/Company Code not found for &1 and &2.
284Record &1 not found.
290Other program error - inform PT administration
291Entry deleted
292No vendor, bank assigned to tax office &
293Cannot specify posting key for negative cost amount for key &
294Total area is less than paved area and covered area
295Paved area within paved areas is impossible. Check measurements
300iXML document-parse_xstring error
301Call transformation ERROR, XSLT program &
302& coeficients for properties were imported
303& coeficients for buildings were imported
304& coeficients for rental units were imported
305& exceptional coeficients (1,5) were imported
306HTTP client-create failed
307HTTP client-send error: &
308HTTP client-receive error: &
309HTTP client-response-get_data error: &
310Fill Code of Representative and Representative type
311Fill Last Name
312Fill First Name
313Fill Relationship with Taxpayer
314Missing Customizing settings for year &1 comp.code &2 and tax office &3
315Missing conversion settings for tax office &1
316Missing Customizing settings for tax offices for year &1
317Report is deactivated, see SAP Note 1806908
318Converted: &1 records
319Missing conversion data
320Incorrect conversion for TO &1 obj. type &2, BU &3, and property key &4
321Missing Customizing settings for year &1
322Factor "R" not maintained for �10(3) (constants)
323Modified Bus. area &2 must be less than half of the area as a tax base &1
324Code/registration number - only numeric values are allowed
325Master Number of Parcel - only numeric values are allowed
326Additional Number of Parcel - only numeric values are allowed
327Parcel Sub-Number - only numeric values are allowed
328Save the downloaded data was unsuccessful. Inform your administrators
329Missing Exemption Codes. Download it please
330Cancel calculation for supplementary correction first
331Property &1: Areas was corrected according measurement
383The system did not find any records that matched your selection criteria
600Message for user:&
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