The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/APPL_CFGENT: .
It is part of development package /CFG/APPL_CFGENT_MSG in software component SV-CLD-FRM-CIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Implementation of Configuration Entity Messages".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Missing input parameter
002An instance with this key already exists.
003Entity Type &1 is invalid.
004Invalid value for Entity Type &1
005Entity Key &1 is invalid for Entity Type &2.
006Entity Key value &1 is invalid for Entity Key &2 and Entity Type &3.
007The key value &1 must be equal to the key value of its parent.
008Entity Type &1 doesn�t have template ID &2.
009Missing Entity Key &1 for Entity Type &2
010It is not allowed to delete an activated org unit.
011It is not allowed to delete an org unit used by combined type org units.
012It is not allowed to delete a country.
013Failed to create local TR
014Cannot transform deep structure to XML
015Failed to save data to table /CFG/ENT_INS_REQ
016Cannot start job &1
017No authorization to start background job
018Entity instance request &1 doesn't exist
019Cannot transform payload of entity instance request &1 to deep structure
020The create instance job &1 started at &2 &3
021No authorization to execute Entity Instance Consolidation process
022Please create entity first via Business Configuration Workbench.
023Org Processor &1 is in process.
024Create instance successful.
025Create instance failed.
026Delete instance successful.
027Delete instance failed.
028Update primary key successful.
029Update primary key failed.
030Invalid Input
031Job request: &1 with job name : &2 job number: &3 is in progress
032No data found for field &1 and dataset &2
033Raise issue failed.
034Raise issue success.
035Push issue failed.
036Push issue success.
037Update review status failed for record &.
099*****************For Org Initial***************
100No metadata fetched for org units.
101No country metadata fetched.
102No country in scope.
103No country selected.
104No Metadata fetched for entity type &.
105No template created for entity type &.
106Create & under Country & successfully.
107Create & under Country & failed.
108There is an exception on selection screen.
109Input Country & is not in scoped country list.
110Error when close job &.
111Error when submit job &.
112Error when open job &.
113Job finished, please check log by run transaction SLG1 with name &.
114No client specific qualification.
115There is an exception when reading entity metadata.
116There is an exception when reading entity instance data.
117Initial org sturcture:&1 success,&2 failure.
118There is an exception when getting client specific qualification.
119There is an exception when getting template for entity type &.
120There is an exception when getting context ID from context component.
121There is an exception when creating new entity instance.
122Entity Instance Consolidation process for entity &1 started
123Entity Instance consolidation process finished without errors
124Entity Instance consolidation process finished with errors
125Creation of & orgnizational units in the Global folder was successful.
126Creation of & orgnizational units in the Global folder has failed.
127& Orgnizational units will be created under &.
128Relationship between & and & under country & created successfully.
129Failed to create relationship between & and & under country &.
130Authorization check for org/scoping/activation failed.
131Initial orgnization structure in processing with processor ID &.
132Start to create children entity under parent's entity &.
133Start to create single entity &.
134No content record data for entity &.
135Content data value is invalid.
136Cannot read content data value or value is invalid.
137Start to create 1:N relationship between dataset & and dataset &.
138Create 1N relation failed. Check entity or instance creation for & and &.
139No entity created for dataset &.
140Start to create N:N relationship between entity & and entity &.
141Please create new instance for parent entity & firstly.
142Start to initial Global Org Units.
143Initial Global Org Units finished.
144Start to initial Org Units on Country &.
145Initial Org Units on Country & finished.
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