/CFG/BCLM - Content Lifecycle Management

The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/BCLM: Content Lifecycle Management.
It is part of development package /CFG/BCLM_MSG in software component SV-CLD-FRM-BCL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Content Lifecycle Management Messages".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Error when searching for Activity relevant Building Block
003Activity &1 not found.
004No Cells found for Record &1 of Activity &2.
005&1 Activities in the calculation sequence
006Not able to find Activity &1 in staginglist
007& Activities in total are not in the staginglist
008&2.Fail to save record &1.
009Record &1 check failed
010Failed to remove issue for &1: &2, issue type is: &3
011Failed to raise issue for &1: &2, issue type is: &3
012Failed to get Content Usage from &1: &2.
013No Package found for Scope Item &1.
014Failed to determine Content Usage &1: &2
015&1. Fail to save records.
016No Entity found for Activity &1.
017No Content Items found for Activity &1.
018No Activity ID provided.
019No Containing Entity found for Activity &1.
020Pushing down Activity &1 from Next to Previous
021&1 &2 can't release because &3 is not released before
022&1 &2 can't release because &3 is locked in TR &4
023Error or Fatal issue is found for &1 &2
024Error when querying Primary Record &1 of Activity &2
025Fail to create record &1 on context &2.
026Action in worklist is inconsistency or not allowed
027Exception is raised during Before export check for &1 &2 &3
028BCLM Processor &1 is in processing.
029BCLM Processor &1 After Import Check Pass.
030BCLM Processor &1 Scope Calculation Done.
031BCLM Processor &1 Data Staged.
032BCLM Processor &1 Activation Queue is ready.
033BCLM Processor &1 is done successful.
034BCLM Processor &1 is done due to empty Worklist
035BCLM Processor &1 failed due to Scope Calculation error.
036BCLM Processor &1 gets error: &2 &3 &4
037BCLM Processor error details in Activation Engine: &1 &2 &3 &4
038No Activity found under Buiding Block &1 Context &2
039No Buidling Block found under Scope Item &1 Context &2
040No Content Item found under Activity &1 Context &2
041Record &1 Context &2 does not exist
042BCLM Processor &1 has failed, please check application log.
043Scope calculation is complete for processor id &1
044&1 worklist entries found. Relevant entries for the client will be pushed
045Error when loading Activity BO, Activity &1 Context &2
046Writing lifecycle field of Content Item, Activity &1 Record &2 Context &3
047Worklist is empty, Push is not performed.
048Failed to determine lifecycle behavior. Check table /CFG/BCLM_BHVR
049Push successful.
050Push failed.
051Push setting is not enabled in FW CFG table, hence push is not performed.
052&2.Fail to add record &1.
053No context id for specification &1
058An exception has occured
059Failed to update dependency for &1 &2
060No assigment of Scope Item and Building Block provided.
061No assigment of Building Block and Activity provided.
062Error when pushing down the Activity &1 from Staging to Next
063No worklist provided.
064Activity &1 is pushed down to Next successfully
065&1.Fail to define content record.
066&2. Fail to modify cells of record &1.
067Modify worklist &1 status fail.
068Scope calculation result not saved (failed in &1 Contexts)
069&2 to be image calculation failed for activity &1.
070&2 modify staging activity &1 failed.
071&2 create staging activity &1 failed.
072&2 load activity &1 failed.
073No records data found, or no in-scoped data maintained.
074&1 create content item failed.
075&1.Fail to convert record data.
076&1 modify content item failed.
077Data incomplete for activity &1
078&1:&2 Context:&3 Dependency check failed. Check issue list
079&1:&2 Context:&3 Dependency check succeeded
080Before export check failed, check application log for details
081Before export check of &1 for &2 started
082Before export check of &1 for &2 finished
083Check of severe issue existence started
084Check of severe issue existence ended
085staging activity creation failed.
086Failed to resolve key clash for Rec &1.
087Successfully resolved key clash in Rec &1 from field &2: &3 to &4
088Failed to resolve key clash in Rec &1
089Rec.&1 Foreign key in field:&2 is not correctly maintained.
090Cannot find the Entity for record &1
091At least one Comp DS of type 'D', 'C', or 'P' should be in Entity &1
092No items in scope for activity &1.
093Invalid input parameter &1
094Framework /CFG/RT_FW_CNF not correctly maintained for system &1
095Error handling mode set to default: ignore error
096Framework /CFG/RT_FW_CNF_C not correctly maintained for client &1
097No Scope Item in scope, check Scope Validity Area and Scope item Status
098Record &1 content usage determined successfully in customer adaptation
099Activity &1 data incomplete
100Clean the transport worklist under client &1
101End of log: after import methods for best practice content
102&2.Fail to block record &1.
103No Record found for Activity &1.
104Querying Activity &1 fail.
105No Activity collection BO found.
106No assigment of Package and Scope Item provided.
107No Data found in Activity staging list.
108No Entity Instances found for Activity &1.
109Issue type &3 for &1: &2 not closed due to processing in another session
110Issue type &3 for &1: &2 not raised due to processing in another session
111&1:&2 Context:&3 Key Clash check failed. Please check issue
112Start of log: after import methods for best practice content
113After Import &1 of &2 &3 started
114BCLM Processor &1 stopped due to Correction / Update / Upgrade.
115Scope calculator: start calculation for correction
116Scope calculator: start calculation for scope extension
117Scope calculator: start calculation for initial activation
118Check prerequisite: preloading all scoping information
119Activity mass save: &1 have Content Item lifecycle change in Context &2
120Total number of Scope Items in different contexts is &1
121Records mass save: &1 have lifecycle change in Context &2
122Start processing Scope Item &1, Context ID &2
123Searching Building Block
124Number of Building Blocks found: &1
125Start processing Building Block &1, Context ID &2
126Searching Activity
127Number of Activities found: &1
128Total number of Activities in different context is &1
129Start processing Activity &1, Context ID &2
130Activity &1 context &2 has &3 Content Items in scope
131Activity &1 context &2 has no Content Item in scope
132Save Activities which are in scope (&1 in total)
133Save Activities which are not in scope (&1 in total)
134Scope calculator: calculation finished
135Calculation stopped. The last processed object is &1, Context &2
136Parent ID is &1, Context &2
137Scope calculator: calculation terminated due to error
138Push Activity collection with Context &1
139Push Content Record collection with Context &1
140NDM feature toggle is switch off!&1
141BCLM Processor &1 Data is set to 'NEXT'
142Failed to load Worklist BO for TLOGO:&1 ID:&2 Context:&3 under client:&4
143New data model life cycle operation starts under client &1
144Life cycle project is found under client &1
145No life cycle project found under client &1
146No entry found in transport worklist under client &1
147BCLM worklsit status is marked as &1 under client &2
148No BCLM worklist status found under client &1
149Life cycle operation failed under client &1
150Technical error when executing lifecycle operation under client &1
151Entity &1 is not a conceptual entity
152To Be IMG: Calcualtion Start
153To Be IMG: Calcualtion End
154To Be IMG: Create staging activity &1
155To Be IMG: Create CI of staging activity
156To Be IMG: Modify staging activity &1
157&1 Error when pushing down Activities from Staging to Next
158&1 Error when modifiing lifecycle status for Record &2 of Activity &3
159&1 Error when loading Activity &2 BO instance.
160&1 Error when querying Content Item of Activity &2 BO instance
161&1 Error when pushing down Activity &2 from Next to Previous
162Activity Sequence: Scope Item - &1 Building Block - &2 Activity - &3
163Error saving Content Item after modifiing Seq. No. of Activity &1
164&1 Error when modifying the Seq. No. of Content Item &2 for Activity &3
165&1 Error when querying Activity &2
166&1 Error when getting the Qualifer ZCA
167&1 Error when querying Package found for Scope Item &2 in Context &3
168To Be IMG: Modify existing CI with key: &1
169To Be IMG: Add new CI with key: &1
170Fetch context component failed
171No data needs to be activated
172Not all languages installed
173Language &1 not in installation language list
174Dimensions committed failed
175Qualifiers committed failed
176BCLM &1 is switched off
177BCLM &1 is switched off: Feature Toggle is OFF
178BCLM &1 is switched off: STOP Sign is set
179BCLM &1 is switched off: More than one processor is in process
180BCLM &1 is switched off: No Processor ID
181To Be IMG: Total activities staged: &1
182Activity &1 is pushed down to previous sucessfully.
183BCLM Processor Background task scheduled successfully.
184BCLM Processor: Error during the Background task scheduling.
185BCLM Processor: &1 is done with errors.
186MRR Activities are recorded.
187Content Usage determination is done.
188Activating Activity &1
189Convert object process starts for client &1
190Convert object process ends for client &1
191[Timestamp] &1 for client &2 at &3
192Can not load content record BO &1 to determine its content usage.
193To Be IMG: Staging for &1 activities begin
194Modification of &1 staging activities failed.
195Creation of &1 staging activities failed.
196Modifed &1 staged activities.
197Created &1 staged activities.
198To Be IMG: Staging for &1 content items begin
199To Be IMG: Staging for &1 content items end
200To Be IMG: Staging for &1 activities end
201Modification of &1 staging content items failed.
202Creation of &1 staging content items failed.
203Modifed &1 staged content items.
204Created &1 staged content items.
205To Be IMG: Staging for &1 content records begin
206To Be IMG: Staging for &1 content records end
207Modification of &1 staging content records failed.
208Creation of &1 staging content records failed.
209Modifed &1 staged content records.
210Created &1 staged content records.
211Content record &1 modify failed.
212Modifed &1 staged cell20's.
213Modification of &1 staging cell20's failed.
214Created &1 staged cell 20's.
215Creation of &1 staging cell20's failed.
216Modifed &1 staged cell strings.
217Modification of &1 staging cell strings failed.
218Created &1 staged cell strings.
219Creation of &1 staging cell strings failed.
220Modifed &1 staged entity instances.
221Modification of &1 staging entity instances failed.
222&1 modify entity instances failed.
223Created &1 staged entity instances.
224Creation of &1 staging entity instances failed.
225&1 modify cell string failed.
226Entity information missing cannot proceed further
227BO Exception happens for Activity &1
228Collection BO Exception happens when pushing down Activity &1
229Failed to create Runtime Version for Activity &1
230Scope calculation result persisted. Processor ID: &1
231Failed to query collection BO
232Collection BO Exception happens when pushing down Records
233Stopped due to Correction / Update / Upgrade.
234BCLM Processor &1 is done with status &2
235BCLM Processor &1 is aborted
236Failed to trigger BCLM in Lifecycle Client
237Modifed &1 staged cellml's
238Modification of &1 staging cellml's failed.
239&1 modify cell ml failed.
240Created &1 staged cell ml's.
241Creation of &1 staging cellml's failed.
242No Scoping Found for Client &1
243Job could not be submitted for BCLM core.Job close error.Exception &
244Batch user could not be found.
246Meta data change determination and handling.
247Check content(dependency check for customer adaptations).
248Update template instances.
249Start scope calculation.
250Start correction procedure.
251PUSH Worklist(as relevant for client).
252Start - BCLM Activation step
253PUSH Worklist(as relevant for client).
254Trigger TO-BE image calculation.
255Get activation queue for the processor.
256Call activation engine.
257Update SVA(if relevant).
258Check pre-requisites failed in scope calculation.
259Intimate activation status to scoping service.
260No processor found for the client configuration.
261&2.Fail to query content record &1.
262BCLM processor execution started for &1.
263Fail to add record &1 on context &2.
264Fail to modify cell of record &1 on context &2.
265Data incomplete of record &1.
266Fail to block record &1 on context &2.
267Fail to save record &1 on context &2.
268Fail to query record &1 on context &2.
269Content usage handling : End : Rescue cell values
270Content usage handling : Blocking Record &1 in context &2.
271Content usage handling : Start : Blocking Recommended records.
272Content usage handling : End : Blocking Recommended records.
273Content usage handling : Start : Rescue cell values
274CONTENT-USG metadata change:Record &1 not found in context &2.
275Key clash found for record &1. Resolve by &2.
276AIM Process Skipped for clean client
277BCLM Worklist saved
278Object list is Empty
279AIM Process Skipped, RT Worklist is empty
280Error in D2C Generate change log.
281RT Worklist deleted.
282RT Worklist delete failed
283Object list is Empty for Transport &1
284Transport list is empty
285Provide either the Processor ID or the Worklist ID
286Processor ID doesn't exist in the BCLM INFO table
287Worklist Item not found
288Worklist Item(s) already exist in the buffer
289Worklist DB Update failed
290Failed to aquire lock for Worklist ID &1
291Query Worklist failed
292Wrong Worklist ID is passed
293&1.Error when deriving record context information.
294Relevant Record ID:&1.
295Irrelevant Record ID:&1.
296Total number of relevant Record:&1.
297Total number of irrelevant Record:&1.
298Total number of Added Records:&1.
299Total number of Blocked Records:&1.
300Loading content structure in context &1
301Total Number of Activities in Context &1 is &2
302Sequence conflict in different contexts
303Record &1 excluded from scope as depending record &2 not in scope
304Scope Item Sequence: &1
305Building Block Sequence: &1
306Activity Sequence: &1
307BCLM processor with processor id & is in &1 status. Processing stopped.
308No Client list found in System.
309Error in closing job &1, Client &2.
310Job scheduled &2 in client &3 as step &1.
311Process &1 Skipped beacuse of no job exist for process &2 client &3
312&1 is added in the scopelist since its an Ecatt
313&1 was skipped since it does not have content
314Loading Scope Item status
315Loading Building Block status
316Loading Activity status
317Total number of Building Blocks for selected Scope Items: &1
318Total number of Acivities for selected Scope Items: &1
319No In-Scope Content records found
320Primary dataset for Config Ent. &1 was not found
321Primary datasets of Config Entities &1 and &2 do not match
322Prerequisite for Scope Calculation failed
323Fail to query context information of Record &1.
324Multiple Cells are found for field &1 of Record &2 for &3
325Orphaned Content: Exception while processing SI
326Orphaned Content: Exception while processing BB
327Orphaned Content: Exception while processing ACT
328Orphaned Content: Exception while processing Record
329Orphaned Content: Exception while processing Column Split
330Record:&1 does not exist at S4 layer.
331Unable to load the Activity
332Fail to calculate context for Record:&1.
333Activation successful
334Select the CI which should be considered for activation
335Successfully saved record:&1 on context &2.
336Fail to get context for Record:&1.
337Source record &1 with context &2 has no LCD with context &3
338Total number of Created or Modified Records:&1
339Total number of Records to create Activity:&1.
340Total number of Cells to create Activity:&1.
341Fail to query active record &1.
349&1 rows selected from table &2
350BCLM Actv to Inactv processing start.
351No ACTV layer content found. Processing stop.
352Create ACTV layer Rec from IMG
353Create ACTV layer Activity
354Determin Context
355Create INACTV Rec
356Create INACTV Activity
357Push ACTV layer content down to PREV
358BCLM Actv to Inactv processing finished.
359Fail to define record for dataset &1 primary key &2
360Reason: change request &1 not processed successfully
361Reason: table &1 key &2 entity &3 not in change request history
362Reason: no entity to write table &1 field &2
363Fail to get client variant context in client &1
364Fail to update activity status for activity &1 context &2
365Activity status for activity &1 context &2 updated successfully
366Fail to assign activity &1 context &2 to building block &3
367Activity &1 context &2 assigned to building block &3 successfully
368Fail to save activity &1 context &2
369Activity &1 context &2 saved successfully
370Convert activity &1 to inactive content
371No orpahned cells after content recording
372&1 cells are still orphaned after content recording
373Table &1 record id &2 primary key &3 field &4 is still orphaned
374Transport request &1 has incorrect customizing activity &2 for object &3
375Tablename &1 is different from objectname &2 when processing &3
376&1 new content items are linked to activity &2
377&1 entities left after checking transport requests
378&1 transport requests found in client &2
379Check entity &1
380Existing activity &1 found
381Generate activity &1
382Activity &1 saved successfully
383Fail to save activity &1
384Processing table &1
385Current Client &1 and Target Client &2
386SCE/ANC inprogress
387React to dataset change
388React to entity change
389React to content record metadata change
390React to dataset field change
391React to component field change
392React to cell metadata change
393React to orphaned content
394React to DS metadata change
395React to entity metadata change
396React to data record change
397React to component dataset change
398Source record &1 is localization intent exclusive
399Global harmonized record &1 defined at &2
400Intercompany record &1 defined at &2
401Source record &1, defined in &2, not found in LCD result
402Record &1 with context &2 is not in-scoped
403Record &1, recommended default cells rescued.
404Unexpected localization intent found for target records of &1
405No record found in previous result
406Detected clash for activity &1 under record &2
407Processor ID &1 not found
408Could not instantiate processor &1 for processing
409BCLM step is incorrect for correction procedure
410Check content item clash(CI's with multiple definitions).
411BCLM processor started for client &1.
412BCLM processor ended for client &1.
413Number of entries for Tlogo &1 with no draft: &2.
414Number of entries in RT worklist relevant for NDM: &1.
415Ecat Records for which cell value should be blank
416Record Id &1 Dataset Id &2 Dataset Field &3
417Reference Records for which cell value should be blank
418Records Excluded from Scopelist
419No Dimensions found in RT Worklist to Push
420No Qulifers found in RT Worklist to Push
421Result of Records with blank cell is persisted. Processor ID: &1
422SSCUI Pushed failed
423Worklist object could not be instantiated.
424BCLM Job &1 not found for Client &2.
425BCLM Job &1 cancelled for Client &2, Please check application log
426Last BCLM job &1 finished.
427AIM Process skipped.
428Template Record Calculation for DOC
429Loading Activity based on Activity status table
430Calculation on Primary records
431Calculation on Secondary records
432Getting entity instance for all the primary records
433Query Entity instance for Secondary Records at context &1
434Query Content item for Secondary Records at context &1
435Calculation on Content Usage
436Prepare Scope list
437Activity status does not contain Activated activity at country context
438Update BB and Activity status
439Calculation on View Records for Worklist Context &1
440Processing skipped for worklist context &1 as &2
441Modifier change from &1 to &2 is not considered for record header change
442Fail to get data for record &1.
450Content Usage:Start - Rescuing recommended default cells.
451Content Usage:End - Rescuing recommended default cells.
452Number of records &1 : &2
453Change log events
454Consistency group events
455React to dataset : &1 change logs found
456&1 records are updated for dataset &2
457React to Entity : &1 change logs found
458&1 records are updated for entity &2
459React to Comp DS : &1 change logs found
460&1 records are updated for comp ds &2
461React to CNT REC : &1 change logs found
462&1 records are updated for content record &2
463React to DS FLD : &1 change logs found
464&1 records are updated for DS field &2
465React to COMP FLD : &1 change logs found
466&1 records are updated for COMP field &2
467React to CELL CHG : &1 change logs found
468&1 records are updated for cell key &2
469Source record &1 definition context get failed(Irrelevant).
472Start: Update Template instance for Definition record &1.
473Number of Template instance records updated &1.
474End: Update Template instance for Definition record &1.
475Number of content items inserted &1.
477Number of entries in RT Worklist : &1.
478Number of entries in transport &1 : &2.
479Number of SSCUI records pushed &1.
480Number of &1 entries sent for insert/update to convert version state: &2
481Modifying &1 &2
482Creating &1 &2
483Start moving content to previous
484Moving to previous completed sucessfully
485Number of &1 entries sent for delete to convert version state: &2
486SVA BO not bound for: &1
487Orphan content change determination and handling
488Consistency group change determination and handling
489S4 records can only be pushed IN project CLIENT IN special(manual) CASE
490RT Worklist Backup failed.
491RT Worklist Backup Sucessful.
493Starting Undo push process.
494Undo Push Started for Tlogo: &1.
495Undo Push Ended for Tlogo: &1.
496Undo Push failed for Tlogo: &1.
497Process Undo push completed.
498DB update error for table &1, SY-SUBRC &2, operation &3.
499Number of records pushed from C2D for Tlogo &1 table &3: &2.
500Number of records pushed from H2C for Tlogo &1 table &3: &2.
501Undo Push completed &1, Please check Appl log for /CFG/ and UNDO_PUSH.
502AIM Process skipped, No production client exist in Production system.
503No relevant data was found for Tlogo &1.
504RT Worklist DB Update failed
506Life cycle project is not allowed .
507Backup failed for TLOGO &1
508Restore failed for TLOGO &1
509Backup failed for table &1 in TLOGO &2
510Restore failed for table &1 in TLOGO &2
511Failed to aquire lock for /CFG/RT_ACTIV_WL
512RT Worklist Item not found
520DS &1, expect &2 content records, actual &3 records
521Scoping data not available
522Error occured during processing hence terminating the process
523Start Activation process in DOC
524&1 step already completed
525&1 found in staging. Deletion not performed.
526ProcID:&1 retrieved by &2 at &3
527Memento saved for module &1
528Content Permission-May Modify: Start
529Content Permission-May Modify: End
582Memento deleted successfully at &1
583Module &1 modified from &2 to &3 at &4
584No BO's for Scope item status
585No BO's for Building block status
586No Activity BO's for Activity status
587Could not load SVA BO for record id &1 in context &2
588Fetch C version data of Historic records for table &1
589Data Backed up sucessfully
590Data Back up process failed
591No Component dataset found for entity &1
592Component dataset &1 not found for entity &2
593Data Back up process started
594Push Dataset started
595Push Entity started
596Push Record started
597Push Activity started
598Push Building Block started
599Push Scope item started
600push Package started
601Push Issue started
602Push SSCUI started
603Push Scope item started
604Push Dataset ended
605Push Entity ended
606Push Record ended
607Push Activity ended
608Push Building Block ended
609Push Scope item ended
610push Package ended
611Push Issue ended
612Push SSCUI ended
613Push Scope item ended
669Content usage handling : End : Rescue cell values
670Content usage handling : Blocking Record &1 in context &2.
671Content usage handling : Start : Blocking Recommended records.
672Content usage handling : End : Blocking Recommended records.
673Content usage handling : Start : Rescue cell values
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