/CFG/CTXE_MSG - Context Engine messages
The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/CTXE_MSG: Context Engine messages.
It is part of development package /CFG/CORE_CTXE in software component SV-CLD-FRM-NDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Context Engine Core".
It is part of development package /CFG/CORE_CTXE in software component SV-CLD-FRM-NDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Context Engine Core".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1&2&3&4 |
001 | Input has no records to do the DB operation. Operation terminated. |
002 | Building dynamic where clause is meant for only one table for now. |
003 | Referenced T Logo Object &1 in not maintained in OBJH. |
004 | Invalid field name. |
005 | PERFORM_WRITE: No need to perform any operation. |
006 | Multiple control operations were requested. Only ADD will be considered. |
007 | Creation of output structure failed(Internal error). |
008 | Definition in table &1 is requested, but not allowed in the context &2. |
009 | Addition in table &1 is requested, but not allowed in the context &2. |
010 | Removal in table &1 is requested, but not allowed in the context &2. |
011 | Modification in table &1 is requested, but not allowed in the context &2. |
012 | Input data format is wrong. It should be an internal table. |
013 | Record with empty key. Operation not possible. |
014 | Object is not accessible in current context &1. Definition context &2. |
015 | Redefinition is not possible in requested context &1. Def. context &2. |
016 | Object is already defined in/below the requested context &1. |
017 | Object is defined in context &1, cannot undefine it in req. context &2. |
018 | Object cannot be modified in the context &1. |
019 | Def. is not possible in req. context &1. Fallback def. will be created. |
020 | Object &1 cannot be defined in &2. |
021 | The object is not defined, call specified that it should not be defined. |
022 | Object &1 has been defined multiple times in the DB. Please check. |
023 | &1: Definition is not available/existing in the requested context. |
024 | &1 is not considered for query. |
025 | Output dataobject creation failed. |
026 | Context &1 does not inherit from context &2. |
027 | Object is refering to a super type, but it is not derived. |
028 | Object is having supertype without it's derivation. |
029 | Object was not defined or definition was not available in target context. |
030 | Table layers existing without corres. HDR definition layer. |
031 | Header definition rec. ctx. is not available for CMP. with key &1. |
032 | Sub type definition with key &1 is not inheriting from super type def. |
033 | Object is derived. But there was no super type found. |
034 | Only subtypes can be handled in this module. |
035 | Header/Super type records were not found. Not able proceed. |
036 | There are no definition record(s) were found to proceed. |
037 | Super type definition was not found. Can not proceed for the object. |
038 | Object is not available from the supertype def./der. context. |
039 | Object is derived, but not available in the requested context. |
040 | Object can only be derived at the context where the HDR. is defined. |
041 | May not modify field &1 in context &2 in for &3. |
042 | Header record was not found for the given component record. |
043 | Header/super type records were not found. Not able to proceed. |
044 | Multiple definitions/derivations for the same object exist. |
045 | Can't fix multiple definitions automatically,undefine all but one of them |
046 | Moving definition for &1 to context &2. |
047 | Derivation will be created at the ctx. where HDR. der. existing. |
048 | Multiple def./der. existing in super type &1 table for key &2. |
049 | Reference object &1 definition details were not found for &2. |
050 | A record refers to an object(super type) without it's derivation. |
051 | Configuration entity ID was not found for the given record(s). |
052 | Modifier represents modification of data without actual change. |
053 | Config. entity &1 is refering to itself as a super type. Not possible. |
054 | Modifier representing neutral/control layer with data modifications. |
055 | Invalid namespace for the record key &1 in table &2 |
056 | Definition is not possible in the req. ctx.. But can be moved to comn ctx |
057 | Insertion in GTADIR failed for key &1. |
058 | Entry exists in GTADIR for key &1. |
059 | Error in determining System details. |
060 | Error in reading GTADIR table. |
061 | Length of the where clause is bigger than the limit. |
062 | Entry with key &1 already exists in table GTADIR. |
063 | Object is not allowed to add in the requested context &1. |
064 | Object &1 is defined in &2, may only be undefined there. |
065 | Modification not possible in old def. ctx, moving all fields to fb. ctx. |
066 | Derivation is existing for an object without it's super type filled. |
067 | &1 database operation failed. |
068 | Transport Recording Check failed |
069 | Incoming record with key &1, not existing in the source context. |
070 | Failed to write one/multiple records in to push down context. |
071 | Input contains empty records to do any operation. |
072 | No records found from DB for the filter condition. |
073 | No authorization for content read. |
074 | No authorization for content related change operation. |
075 | Intermediate subtype &1 is not having derivation in the hierarchy. |
076 | Error while reading namespace information for object &1. |
077 | Modifications are not allowed in the namespace given for the object &1. |
078 | Client specific table not found to write in cust. adaptation context. |
079 | SSCUI entries with context are not allowed for special push |
080 | Wrong version &1 for SSCUI ID &2 cannot be pushed |
081 | Start of processing of TLOGO &1 |
082 | Following data already locked in different TR |
083 | TR: &1 Object: &2 |
084 | End of processing of TLOGO &1 |
085 | Some objects already present in TR &1 Don't use parallel recording |
086 | Derivation mapping table is not available for the given object type, &1. |
087 | Header definition layer was not found for the object: &1. |
088 | Header def. in ctx. &1 is not accessible in the req. ctx. &2 for &3. |
089 | Objects in the hierarchy for &1, for &2 def./der. is missing. |
090 | Derived object &1, was wrongly defined again from the super object. |
091 | Object &1 definition was not found. |
092 | Object is not allowed to remove in the requested context &1. |
093 | &1, modifications were moved to opt-in context &2. |
101 | Container is empty. |
102 | Could not read container for given dimension &1 and version &2. |
103 | One or more dimensions are not existing in the requested version &1. |
104 | Object Context Handling Metadata is not maintained for the object type &1 |
105 | Client Specific T Logo is not maintained for &1 in Object definition |
106 | No Devclass maintained for Component Qualifier &1 |
107 | Customer System TLOGO is not maintained for &1 in object definition |
201 | Details of dimension &1 qualifier &2 not found. |
202 | Details of dimension &1 were not found in the requested version &2. |
203 | Context ID voilation. Qualifier ID &1 has more than 4 characters. |
204 | New context ID generation failed. |
205 | Creation of context ID &1 with specification &2 failed. |
206 | Qualifier value was not found for the dimension &1. |
207 | Dimension 'C'(Component) was not configured. Please configure to proceed. |
208 | Context with specification &1 was already locked. |
209 | Multiple cust. adopt. layers configured. Only one is allowed. |
210 | Customer adoptation layer not configured in the system. |
401 | Instantiation of context failed. |
402 | Unable to find the context field from the table/record. |
403 | Search ended with empty results. |
404 | Context ID of the locked entry was not found. |
405 | Version value for the record is empty. |
406 | The field &1 was not found in the table. Please maintain to proceed. |
407 | Modifier field was not found in the table/record. Unable to proceed. |
408 | Inconsistent CTX. ID(s) &1 in context metadata data tables.Please fix. |
409 | Data write is not possible for the given component layer. |
600 | Header Record is not defined for input parameter &1. |
601 | Header Record does not exist for deletion for input &1 |
602 | History can not be secured |
603 | Header Not found |
604 | Error while insert object in TR |
605 | Changes are pushed to current version |
606 | Error occurred while pushing the records. |
607 | Could not record in Transport Request |
608 | Transport Recording Check failed |
609 | Transport recording failed |
610 | Object type &1 name &2 is already locked in another transport &3 |
611 | Devclass is not maintained for all Component Qualifiers |
612 | Package not maintained for object type &1, object &2 |
613 | Unable to retrieve Q to P transport |
614 | Failed to submit background job for transport check/recording |
615 | No transport request provided for Push |
616 | New Q to P is not enabled in the system, to retrieve the transport |
617 | Error accessing shared memory in background for transport recording |
618 | Background job for transport recording ended in errors |
619 | Background job for transport recording is still unfinished |
620 | No results returned from the background job |
621 | Transport Request is not expected for the current usecase |
622 | TR is not expected, since Q2P is used for Customer Systems |
623 | The client field is missing from client specific table. Please check. |
624 | User do not have required Authorizations |
625 | Transport is locked by other User, even after a wait of &1 seconds |
800 | Input parameter &1 is not valid. |
801 | Database access failed. |
802 | Metadata handler access failed. |
803 | Building specification failed. |
804 | Database query failed for given selection. |
805 | Database operation failed. |
806 | Object metadata is inconsistent. Could not find the header table. |
807 | Valid key was not found for the given record. |
808 | Dynamic structure creation failed. |
809 | Error while retrieving locked entries for the table &1. |
810 | Input data is empty. Cannot proceed further. |
811 | Locked key extraction failed. |
812 | Inconsistent databse. Reason: &1. |
813 | Condition contain invalid field &1. |
814 | Invalid constraint field &1. |
815 | Condition contain invalid constraint &1 &2 &3 &4. |
816 | Invalid comparison operator &1 in condition. |
817 | Metadata field denoting version for table &1 was not found. |
818 | Metadata field denoting version state for table &1 was not found. |
819 | Context ID(s) are not existing in the DB. Inconsistent database. |
820 | Internal error. |
821 | Field representing object version not found in the table. |
822 | Field representing object version state not found in the table. |
823 | Metadata field denoting object reference for table &1 was not found. |
824 | Activity &1 is already locked |
825 | &1 &2 is already locked |
826 | Client is marked as Home client but no configuration maintained |