/CFG/DB - Business Configuration Infrastructe Messages for DB Layer

The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/DB: Business Configuration Infrastructe Messages for DB Layer.
It is part of development package /CFG/CORE_COMMON in software component SV-CLD-FRM-NDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Common Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Could not delete object from database &1
002Could not find object &1 on database &2
003Could not update database &1
004Could not read database &1
005Could not insert into database &1
006Not all key fields have been delivered for object &1
007Component Field &1 not found in Dataset &2
008Component Dataset &1 not found in Dataset
010Scope Item &1 is locked by user &2
011Scope Item &1 cannot be locked
012Fieldname &1 does not exist in table &2
013Scope Item &1 does not exist
014Scope Item Scoping Entity &1 does not exist
015Scope Item &1 is already marked for deletion
016Scope Item &1 already exists
017Scope Item Scoping Entity &1 already exists
018Scope Item &1 cannot be deleted because dependent objects exist
019Scope Item Scoping Entity &1 is already marked for deletion
020Record &1 does not exist
021Record &1 already exists
022Invalid namespace for field &1 value &2
023Object already exists
024Invalid object type
025Expression &1 evaluation resulted abap_false for &2
026Entity &1 maintained incorrectly
027Entity &1 is not a conceptual Entity
028Template BO error: Error in creating template instance
029&1 with &2 is invalid
030&1 &2 with context &3 already exists
031&1 &2 with context &3 does not exist
032&1 with context &2 cannot be locked
033&1 with context &2 is locked by user &3
034Error during save of &1 with key &2 and context &3
035No active backup exists for &1 &2
036Error locking the &1 &2 for child &3 in context &4
037Error retrieving header details for child &1
038&1 &2 in context &3 could not be created
039&1 &2 in context &3 could not be updated
040&1 &2 in context &3 could not be deleted
041Header keys not provided for &1 &2
042&1 &2 in context &3 is already deleted
043&1 not provided for &2
044Primary field &1 for record &2 cannot be initial
045Field &1 with record key &2 of dataset &3 has no value in dataset &4
046&1 for entity &2 not provided for &3
047Invalid Expression
050Dimension &1 already exists
051Dimension &1 does not exist
052Dimension &1 is locked by user &2
053Dimension &1 cannot be locked
054Dimension &1 has already been deleted
055Error during save of dimensions
056Dimension key has to be specified completely
057Tests for Dimension &1 are not maintained in language &2
058&1 is not a valid dimension type
059&1 is not a valid status
060No text provided for Dimension &1
061Language &1 specified in texts for Dimension &2 is not valid
062Field &1 does not belong to Dimension
063No selection criteria specified for Dimension
064Text for Dimension &1 in language &2 has been deleted
065Default Qualifier &1 does not exist
066Invalid operation. Field &1 is not a virtual field.
073Non Key fields of record &1 cannot be modified
074Value &1 of record &2 does not exist in check table &3
075Key field &1 of record &2 cannot be modified
080Qualifier &1 is locked by user &2
081Qualifier &1 cannot be locked
082Qualifier &1 has already been deleted
083Error during save of qualifiers
084Qualifier &1 already exists
085Qualifier key has to be specified completely
086No text provided for Qualifier &1
087Language &1 specified in texts for Qualifier &2 is not valid
088Tests for Qualifier &1 are not maintained in language &2
089Text for Qualifier &1 in language &2 has been deleted
090Field &1 does not belong to Qualifier
091No selection criteria specified for Qualifier
100Context &1 is locked by user &2
101Context &1 cannot be locked
102Context &1 already exists
103Context could not be saved
104Context &1 has been deleted
105Context &1 does not exist
106Field &1 does not belong to Context
107No selection criteria specified for Context
108Context key has to be specified completely
109&1 is not a valid version
110Development class has to be specified
111&1 is not a valid expression
112Activity &1 is locked by user &2
113Activity &1 cannot be locked
114Activity &1 with context & already exists
115Activity &1 with context &2 does not exist
116Activity Content item &1 is locked by user &2
117Activity Content item &1 cannot be locked
118Content Item &1 with context & does not exist
119Content item &1 with context & already exists
120&1 &2 &3 &4:No specific operation was requested
121&1 &2 &3 &4:Both ADD and REMOVE requested, REMOVE is ignored
122&1 &2 &3:Requested operation &4 is not allowed
123&1 &2 &3 &4:Redefinition not allowed
125&1 &2 &3 &4:Serialized semantic key of the record is EMPTY
126&1 &2 &3 &4:Header definition records not found for config entity
127&1 &2 &3 &4:DEFINITION/DERIVATION not available
128&1 &2 &3 &4:DEFINITION not available in the requested context
129&1 &2 &3 &4:REDEFINITION/DERIVATION requested,not possible
130&1 &2 &3 &4:DEFINITION/DERIVATION not possible in requested context
131Db Inconsistent(Modifier value not matching actual record changes)
132&1 &2 &3 &4:Modifications not possible in requested context
133Field of &1, &2 &3 &4 modifications not possible in requested context
134&1 &2 &3 &4:Invalid modifier
135&1 &2 &3 &4:Multiple definitions exist
136&1 &2 &3 &4:Object cannot be defined
137Content is already pushed
139&1 Key fields are mandatory
140Activity type not provided
141Field &1 is missing for dataset &2 in input data for content record
142DDIC field cannot be blank for a table field
143DDIC field is not acceptable for a virtual field
144&1 is not a Technical Entity
145Version is not valid
146Customizing object not found
147Sub object not found
148Ecat Id not found
149Activity not loaded: &1 could not be determined
150Entity not found for object &1
151Primary record data not found for table &1 in activity &2 for entity &3
152Primary table &1 not found for entity &2 in component dataset
153Entity not found for objectname &1
154Cell not found for field &1
155Object &1 cannot be instantiated
156Encountered a Packed Decimal. Error evaluating Generator rules
157Key field &1 is of type Packed Decimal, Structure cannot be created
158Field &1 skipped because of type packed decimal
159Target dataset is initial
160Key Value &1 of record &2 already part of content
161Internal error: dataset field & doesnot exists in given cells
162Attribute &1 cannot be blank
163&1 not found with record &2 for field &3
164Invalid Activity ID &1
165Parse error in FK check due to select in &1 into type &2 with query &3
166Number conversion error for field &1 value &2
167Cnt-rec with DS-Key hash &1 could not be locked for processing.
168Failed to insert &1 data into buffer
169Failed to get local info for field &1 for &2 &3
170&1 &2 &3 &4
171&1 &2 &3 &4:Object not defined.
172Some cyclic issue in Super type and Sub type entities
173Dynamic Structure could not be created
174&1 subtype has &2 supertype
175Field attributes not passed for the entity
176Entity id generation failed
177No Descriptions were found for field &1 in &2
178Data element &1 is not found in system
179Component Qualifier not supplied for hash key generation
180Content cell is not modifiable
181Folder ID generation failed for &1 folder
182NULL Entity instance for all input records at Context &1, on Version &2
185Modification on the Activity by the key field is not allowed
187Entity &1 and Definition Template Record &2 related updated records are:
188Inserted Template Record &1
189Updated Template Record &1
190&1 is an invalid input for Visibility
191Subprocess &1 of processor id &2 in error
192Dummy record ID are still present. Record cannot be saved
193Purge not allowed as &1 is locked
194Base Object &1 &2 &3 not found
195Record ID generation failed for DS &1 and hash &2
196Error generating new key after it clashed for Dataset: &1, Key value: &2
198Class &1 doesn't implement interface &2 , Invalid class
200celrf might be broken for rec &1 ,no change in Ent_i for ent &2
201&1 attribute is not supported for metadata retrieval using access seq.
202Primary Rec not found during logical deletion of Content item
203Failed to get content item instance for Rec &1 during logical deletion
204Failed to get Activity instance during logical deletion of Content item
205Scope option &1 is not maintained
206May not modify field Proxy base ctx:Context ID does not exist for &1
207Multiple ENT_I are found for the record &1 as &2 dataset
208No Conceptual entity found for the record &1
209No owning entity found for the record &1
210&1 is initialized to blank value.
301Trying to perform UDEFINE on an object which was not yet DEFINED in DB.
311FK check error for record ID &1 dataset &2 field &3
800Input parameter &1 is not valid.
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