/CFG/MC_MNGSOL_MSG - Message class for Manager Your Solution

The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/MC_MNGSOL_MSG: Message class for Manager Your Solution.
It is part of development package /CFG/APPL_MNGSOL in software component SV-CLD-FRM-CIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manage Your Solution".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Project not found, id:&1
002No current system found
003Action Only Allow in Q System
004No active Q2P project found
005Q2P project must in &1 status
006Need change available
007Project phase and status in safeguarding are not expected
008Action Only Allow in Q or P System
009Action not allow for project phase:&1
010No active project found
011Action Only Allow in P System
012Action only allow for project phase:&1
013Action only allow for implement phase:&1
014Precondition of ending project not fullfilled
015Request lock on object &1 failed
016Release lock on object &1 failed
017Action Only Allow in S System
018Already request Q system
019Action only allow when there is no open mandatory items
020Already trigger transport
021Create SPC ticket failed
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