/CFG/MIGRATION - Message class for migration

The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/MIGRATION: Message class for migration.
It is part of development package /CFG/MIGRATION in software component SV-CLD-FRM-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Migration".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Scope item &1 does not exist
002Reading scope item &1
003Read of scope item &1 finished
004Error during read of scope item &1
005Transforming scope item &1
006Transform of scope item &1 finished
007Error during transform of scope item &1
008Writing of scope item &1 to new data model
009Write of scope item & finished
010Error during writing &1 &2
011Error during migration
012Read from SIR system failed
013Development class not maintained for scope item &1
014Scope item id cannot be blank
015Migration of scope item &1
016Migration of scope item &1 finished
017ID of of scope item in new data model: &1
018Localization dimension qualifier value: &1
019Edition dimension qualifier value: &1
020Component dimension qualifier value: &1
021Context derived for new data model: &1
022Building Block &1 has migrated
023BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration start
024BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration of content item and records completed
025&1 multiple save is successful
026&1 multiple save is failed
027Building block &1 migration started
028Building block &1 migration completed
029Data Migration Successful
030Activity &1 migration failed
031Migration of Dataset &1 is successful
032Migration of Entity &1 is successful
033Building block &1 migration failed
034Dataset &1 is already migrated
035Solution &1 migration started.
036Solution &1 migration completed with errors, please check.
037Solution &1 is already migrated
038Entity &1 is already migrated
039Migrated contents are stored under Transport Request &1
040&1 &2 migration started
041&1 &2 migration completed
042&1 &2 migration failed
043Invalid deployment mode found for &1 &2
044Invalid &1 &2
045Dependency of Scope item &1 does not exist
046&1 &2 has not followed the naming convention &3
047Migrated Data:Context &1 Deletion started
048Building Block &1 of Scope Item &2 Deletion completed
049Building Block &1 of Scope Item &2 Deletion failed
050&1 &2 Data Deletion Successful
051BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when creating structure type
052&1 &2 Data Deletion failed
053Failed to get object definition during BCS migration
054[Content error]This BCset has no installation file
055SUB:&1/ CTX:&2 failed when get Target Config Entity with subobject name
056Failed to load created activity for object &1 &2
057BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when getting definition of object
058BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 get type &4 element description fail
059BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 get structure description fail
060BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 get table description fail
061Act &1 Record &2 modify in define context by delta migration
062BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when reading Instl. Data
063BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when loading Dataset &4
064BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when creating activiy
065Software requirement entity for Package &1 is empty
066Failed to get object definition &1 &2
067BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when getting field data
068Read installation data failed &1 &2
069Failed to create structure type
070Failed to create table type
071BB:&1/ SUB:&2 failed when get defination dataset with Entity &3
072Failed to get all dataset from &1
073The white list is empty
074Component Field &1 not found in Dataset &2
075Component Dataset &1 not found in Entity &2
076Software requirement entity is empty, migration skipped
077Migrating metadata
078Building Block &1 not found header data
079Failed to create config entity of &1
080Failed to populate component dataset fields of entity &1
081Failed to create component dataset field of entity &1
082Failed to create component dataset of entity &1
083Failed to get package description of &1 in language &2
084Activity &1 with objty &2 cannot migrate Entity &3 with subobj_typ &4.
085BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 create content item started
086Migrating activity ACT:&1 FileName:&2
087Solution Package &1 migration failed
088Root Entity of Solution Package &1 migration failed
089Solution Manager Reference of Solution Package &1 migration failed
090Software requirement of Solution Package &1 migration failed
091Assignmeng of Scope Item &1 to Solution Package &2 migration failed
092BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when creating global activiy
093Activities multiple save is successfully
094Activities multiple save is failed
095Solution Package &1 migration started
096Error during transforming ID of Scope Item &1
097Root Entity of Solution Package &1 migration started
098Root Entity of Solution Package &1 migration completed
099Solution Manager Reference of Solution Package &1 migration started
100Enter a valid selection criteria
101Solution &1 does not exist
102Solution Manager Reference of Solution Package &1 migration completed
103Software requirement of Solution Package &1 migration started
104Software requirement of Solution Package &1 migration completed
105Assign Scope Item of Solution Package &1 migration started
106Assignment of Scope Item &1 of Solution Package &2 migration completed
107Buliding Block &1 migration started
108Buliding Block &1 migration failed
109Error during transforming ID of Scope Item &1
110Error during transforming ID of Buillding Block &1
111Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration started
112Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration completed
113Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration failed
114Solution Manager Reference of Building Block &1 migration started
115Solution Manager Reference of Building Block &1 migration completed
116Solution Manager Reference of Building Block &1 migration failed
117Software Requirement of Building Block &1 migration started
118Software Requirement of Building Block &1 migration completed
119Software Requirement of Building Block &1 migration failed
120BF Requirement of Building Block &1 migration started
121BF Requirement of Building Block &1 migration completed
122BF Requirement of Building Block &1 migration failed
123Folder &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 has migrated
124Folder &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration failed
125Folder &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration completed
126Activity &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration failed
127Activity &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration completed
128Migration of dataset &1 is fail
129Failed to create domains for dataset &1
130Failed to create field &1 for dataset &2
131Failed to create namespace of field &1 for dataset &2
132Failed to create relation of field for dataset &1
133Failed to create relation mapping of field &1 for dataset &2
134Scope Item &1 migration started
135Scope Item &1 migration failed
136Root Entity of Scope Item &1 migration started
137Root Entity of Scope Item &1 migration failed
138Dependency of Scope Item &1 migration started
139Dependency of Scope Item &1 migration failed
140Enitiy Reference of Scope Item &1 migration started
141Enitiy Reference of Scope Item &1 migration failed
142Enitiy Reference of Scope Item &1 migration completed
143Assign Building Block of Scope Item &1 migration started
144Assignment of Building Block &1 to Scope Item &2 migration completed
145Assignment of Building Block &1 to Scope Item &2 migration failed
146Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration global context failed
147Solution Manager Reference of Scope Item &1 migration started
148Solution Manager Reference of Scope Item &1 migration completed
149Solution Manager Reference of Scope Item &1 migration failed
150Software Requirement of Scope Item &1 migration started
151Software Requirement of Scope Item &1 migration completed
152Software Requirement of Scope Item &1 migration failed
153&1 has exception during multiple save
154Error during read of entity &1
155Conversion to number failed. &1 is not a number
156Overflow during conversion to number of &1
157BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 has exception when load act BO
158No authorization
159Push dataset failed for package &1 with &2 &3
160Push entity failed for package &1 with &2 &3
161Parameter &1 isn't in entity, naming is wrong or comp fld is missing
162Push metadata failed
163Activate content completed for package &1 with &2 &3
164Activate content failed for package &1 with &2 &3
165Transport Request &1 is invalid
166No prefix on the scope item and no 'XX' in the solution name
167[Delta]Sub:&1 File:&2 doesn't has any update in content records
168BB:&1/ ACT:&2 is an internal variant without default variant
169BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration of content item and records failed
170Please select a transport request when pushing data
171Dataset &1 content class and usage couldn't be determined: &2
172Dataset &1 generate expression failed
173BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when reading internal variant
174ACT:&1 has exception during multiple save
175BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ Subobj:&3 migrate as &4
176Toggle Feature of Migration/Deletion is inactived
177Entity &1 content class and usage couldn't be determined: &2
178Activity &1 content class and usage couldn't be determined: &2
179Sub:&1 File:&2 no data in installation file, please check in ODM
180Expert configuration structure migration Failed
181Expert configuration push data Failed
182Expert configuration structure migration started
183Expert configuration Scope Item &1 migration started
184Expert configuration Building Block &1 migration started
185Expert configuration push data to package &1
186Expert configuration structure migration finished.
187BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ has no installation file, bypass migrate content items
188BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 has migrated, continue migrate its content items
189Dataset:&1 TDC check table created started
190Dataset:&1 TDC check table created completed
191Dataset:&1 TDC check table created successful
192Dataset:&1 TDC check table created failed
193Error during transforming metadata context
194Invalid date format &1 failed during ext2int
195BB &1 Deployment target couldn't be determined in /SMB/BB_MASTER
196SI &1 Deployment target couldn't be determined in /SMB/SI_MASTER
197Error during transforming PKG: &1 context
198Error during transforming SI: &1 context
199Error during transforming BB: &1 context
200Specify at least one dimension for context
201No context found for this dimension
202Please set data format as DD.MM.YYYY in user profile
203Please set num format as 1.234.567,89 in user profile
204Please set time format as 24 hour format in user profile
205Failed to create license requirement with material nr &1 for SI &2
206Failed to load BB:&1 BO
207New license requirement &1 created for SI &2
208ACT:&1 entered the save multiple queue
209Migration failed due to context &1 locked by request &2 of user &3
210Migration failed: &1 locked by request &2 of user &3
211BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 fail get Act ID by filename, will create new Act
212create virtual field &1 for text table &2
213Fail to delete BB BO &1
214Fail to delete SI BO &1
215Fail to delete PKG BO &1
216[Delta]File: &1 Variant: &2 is deleted
217Can't process installation file due to internal ECATT
218Can't process installation file due to external ECATT DS field empty
219[Delta]CI &2 def. context is not same with ACT &1 def. context
220Scope Item &1 is not price relevant or no vlaid material number.
221License requirement of scope item &1 migration started
222License requirement of scope item &1 migration finished
223The matnr &1 is already existed for the license requirement of SI &2
224Field &1 switched off is included in install file &2, and filled
225[Delta]Failed to handle BB:&1 during delta migration
226[Delta]Fail to handle SI &1 during delta migration
227[Detla]Fail to handle PKG &1 during delta migration
228[Detla]Fail to modify ACT &1 during delta migration
229Field &1 switched on is not included in install file &2, or not filled
230Please update delta status file
231Error when writing into the log handler
232Cycle exists in FK reference sorting &1 &2
233FK reference cycle edge &1 has been removed
234Assignment of Building Block &1 to Scope Item &2 has migrated
235Assignment of Scope Item &1 to Solution Package &2 has migrated
236[Delta]File: &1 Variant: &2 is newly added
237[Delta]File: &1 Variant: &2 is modified
238Can't open file &1
239[Delta]BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 modify content item started
240BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 has migrated on global context
241Failed to insert into /cfg/c_ent_map
242Failed to read data from /cfg/c_ent_map
243Failed to update data into /cfg/c_ent_map
244Failed to delete data from /cfg/c_ent_map
245Cross context annotation of &1 &2 creation successful
246Cross context annotation of &1 &2 creation failed
247Fail to get the local Component qualifier
248Update template record &1
249[Delta]Modify content item: &1 successful
250[Delta]The content item with PK: &1 is not exist
251[Delta]Modify content item with PK: &1 failed
252[Delta]Modify content item with PK: &1 in define context failed
253[Delta]Save activity &1 in define context failed
254Scope item &1 has migrated
255Lock activity id &1 failed
256Lock installation file &1 failed
257Sub &1 out of Activity ID naming rule
258Act ID &1 meet the collision
259[Post Processing]Creation of house bank/account started
260[Post Processing]Creation of house bank/account succeed
261[Post Processing]Creation of house bank/account failed
262Fail to get table &1 to calculate content class
263Sub &1 create content structure failed when get &2
264Migration query Activity ID from DB failed
265Migration calculate Activity ID failed
266Scope Item &1 Assignment of Package &2 migration failed
267Scope Item &1 Assignment of Package &2 migration completed
268Package &1 with ctx &2 save failed
269Workaround for filename is not valid
270[Content Error]BB:&1/ ACT:&2 provides ledger both 2L and 3L
271Missing Component QLF for context &1
272Act ID &1 meet collision 30 times, skip over
273Create dynamic FK relation failed for table &1
274Create dynamic FK content record failed for table &1
275BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when set value to local context
276BB:&1 migration failed when set value to local context
277Creation of dynamic FK started for &1
278Creation of dynamic FK finished for &1
279Create dynamic FK relation succeed for table &1
280Create dynamic FK content record succeed for table &1
281[Post Processing]ALGO2 process started
282[Post Processing]ALGO2 process succeed
283[Post Processing]ALGO2 process failed
284[Post Processing]ALGO2 process finished
285Get lowest context between &1 and &2 failed, probably content issue
286Get &1 &2 BO in context &3 failed
287Physically delete all expressions, including manually created ones
288Only select this checkbox upon request from the CFR expert
289Start migration of dataset {BB:&1}{objid:&2}{table:&3}
290Target dataset is initial, can't determine activity ID
291Fail to get dataset type mapping with Entity &1
292Created Delivery success : Delv No. &1
300Migration of file &1
301Reading file &1
302Reading file &1 finished
303Error during reading file &1
304Transforming file &1
305Transforming file &1 finished
306Error during transforming file &1
307Writing file &1
308Writing file &1 finished
309Error during writing file &1
310Error in SIR call(&1&2&3)
311No &1 version local &2 found under the given context
312Backup PME of all solutions failed
313Load local context from global context failed in ACT:&1
314SIR call for &1 with &2 entry(es) started
315SIR call for &1 with &2 entry(es) ended
316Search Condition prepare for SIR call started
317Search Condition prepare for SIR call ended
318SIR RFC call started
319SIR RFC call ended
320Target Entity of Activity &1 is not correct
321Target Entity of Activity &1 should be refined &2 -> &3
322&1 of &2 has been Modified &3 -> &4
323&1 of &2 couldn't be Modified &3 -> &4
324Failed to get Defination BO of &1 in FFM
325Table &1 field &2 get data type description failed
418Memory trace created &
500Taraget Client for AIM is &1
501version state is changed successfully
502Records are pushed in current version
503Header Records are writtent in A:NEXT
504Component Records are writtent in A:NEXT
505Content is writtent in C tables
506Content could not be written in C Tables
507Component Records are writtent in A:PREV
508Header Records are writtent in A:PREV
550No TRs are locked.
551TLOGO locked by TR &1 of user &2
600&1 version activity level deletion started
601Activity &1 deletion started
602Activity &1 deletion failed
603Activity &1 deletion completed
604&1 version activities query failed
605&1 version activity level deletion failed
606&1 version Scope Item level deletion started
607Scope Item &1 deletion started.
608Scope Item &1 deletion failed.
609Scope Item &1 deletion completed.
610&1 version Scope Item query failed.
611&1 version Scope Item level deletion failed
612&1 version Solution Package level deletion started
613Solution Package &1 deletion started
614Solution Package &1 deletion failed
615Solution Package &1 deletion completed
616&1 version Solution Packages query failed
617&1 version Solution Package level deletion failed
618&1 version Building Block query failed
619&1 version Building Block level deletion failed
620Building Block &1 deletion started
621Building Block &1 deletion failed
622&1 version Building Block level deletion started
623Building Block &1 deletion completed
624&1 is locked or migrating
625Annotation of &1 &2 migration started
626Annotation of &1 &2 migration completed
627Annotation of &1 &2 migration failed
628Transport Package &1 is invalid
629Please select a transport package when pushing data
630Create issue for default package assignment of &1 failed.
631Please enter a package for &1
632The package &1 is invalid
633Close issue for &1 failed.
634get no content usage when demo flag is initial
635no corresp. entry in /smb/bb_lib_i
636ECATT no corresponding entry in /smb/bb_lib_it
637/SMB98/V_BBE2 doesnt contain correponding ocatem
638ECATT no corresp. entry in /SMB98/V_BBE2
639/smb/bb_img_sobj doesnt contain correponding task id &1
640/SMB98/V_BBCOBJH doesnt contain correponding objectname &1
641/SMB98/V_BBCOBJH-datamaintcld is &1, not specified
642SCPRRECA doesnt contain correponding id &1
643dd02l doesnt contain correponding tabname &1
644OBJH doesnt contain correponding fields &1
645[CP]Query object fail in context &1, Type &2, &3
646[CP]Push fail in context &1, Type &2, &3
647[CP]Push success in context &1 , Type &2, &3
648Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 started!
649Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 completed!
650Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 failed!
651Pseudo-logical Deletion Push for &1 started!
652Pseudo-logical Deletion Push for &1 completed!
653Pseudo-logical Deletion Push for &1 failed!
654Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 no data deleted!
655BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 BO migrate content item and records use [&4]s
656BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 MIG fill migration data and calc nums use [&4]s
657BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 BO migrate content item and records start [&4]
658BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 BO migrate content item and records end [&4]
659BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 MIG fill migration data and calc nums start [&4]s
660BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 MIG fill migration data and calc nums end [&4]s
661[CP]Push data started with TR: &1
662[CP]Push data completed!
663[CP]Push success in context &1 , Type &2
664[CP]Push fail in context &1, Type &2
665[Post Processing]Identify Foreign key sequence issue begin
666[Post Processing]Identify Foreign key sequence issue end
667[Counting]ACT:&1/ File:&2 | &3
668Pseudo-logical Deletion Close Issue List for &1 started!
669Pseudo-logical Deletion Close Issue List for &1 failed!
670Pseudo-logical Deletion Close Issue List for &1 completed!
671[Counting]Migrated content record &1 lines
672[Timestamp]&1 at &2
673[Timestamp]&1 spend &2
675Exception occured when retriving ecatt info for &2 &1
676[Delta]&1 &2 changed at &3, delta migration inclusive
677[Delta]&1 &2 is deleted in the new version, but no action taken
678[Delta]&1 &2 content usage changed, delta migration inclusive
679[Delta]&1 &2 content class changed, delta migration inclusive
680[Delta]SI &1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now
681[Delta]BB &1 is deleted, but delta migration doesn't support it now
682[Delta]SI &1 is modified in delta migration
683[Delta]BB &1 is modified in delta migration
684[Delta]SI &1 is newly added in delta migration
685[Delta]BB &1 is newly added in delta migration
686[Delta]Start to handle delta migration for &1 &2, status &3
687[Delta]Remove license requirement &1 for SI &2
688[Delta]Remove soluation manager ref &1 for SI &2
689Migrate secondary activity started
690Migrate secondary activity completed
691[Delta]please update xml compare result, BB &1 is not included in it
692[Delta]please update xml compare result, SI &1 is not included in it
693[Delta]Unassign &1 &2 from &3 &4
694[Delta]please update xml compare result, IMG &1 is not included in it
695[Delta]please update xml compare result, BCSET &1 is not included in it
696[Delta]please update xml compare result, ECATT &1 is not included in it
697[Delta]IMG ACT:&1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now
698[Delta]BCSET ACT: &1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now
699[Delta]ECATT ACT: &1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now
700[Delta]BB:&1/ACT:&2/SUBOBJ:&3 is modified in delta migration
701[Delta]BB:&1/ACT:&2/SUBOBJ:&3 is newly added in delta migration
702[Delta]Could not load valid assigned objects for &1 &2
703[Delta]please update xml compare result,BB:&1/ACT:&2/FILE:&3 not included
704[Delta]ACT:&1 is deleted during delta migration
705[Delta]Skip BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ FILE:&3 with criteria scope_extension_relevant
706[Delta]please make sure delta status excel is accessible and closed
707[Delta]Known &1 &2 is not found for unchanged, deleted or modified object
708Switch ID not found for View: &1 Field: &2
709[CP]No D version contents available to push for &1
710BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ SUBOBJ:&3 / File:&4 failed to get super type of sub entity
711[Delta]Failed to delete sub ent bo with ent id &1
712[Delta]Solution name &1 doesn't meet name convention
713[Delta]Failed to delete ACT:&2/TY:&3/FILENAME:&4 during delta migration
714Current Data amount in NDM: &1
715Compute delta to TR successful
716Compute delta to TR failed
717Move C to H successful
718Move C to H failed
719Force deletion completed
720[Delta]No ctx or target ds defined for act &1
721[Delta] Content deleted in subobject:&1 file:&2
722Migrated Data amount in NDM: &1
723[Post Processing]Reduct Starts
724[Post Processing]Reduct Ends
725Unable to get component &1 for &2
726Upload solutions completed
727Create dummy solution start...
728Create dummy solution completed
729Delete dummy solution start...
730Delete dummy solution completed
731Upload PME data start...
732Upload PME data completed
733Merge DUMMY solution start...
734Merge DUMMY solution completed
735Consistency check start...
736Consistency check completed
737System configuration updated success
738Maintain root folder success
739Only 1 session is allowed,please close other sessions
740Solution folder name should be 'scope_file'
741PME folder name should be 'variant_files_hashed'
742Delete all solutions include meta data start...
743Delete all solutions include meta data completed
744Upload solutions start...
745Delete all solutions include meta data failed
746Upload solutions failed
747Create dummy solution failed
748Delete dummy solution failed
749Upload PME data failed
750Merge DUMMY solution failed
751Consistency check failed
752No authority to send system message
753You can not release due to the status is not active
754Migration ends and block editing is released
755Migration starts and any editing processes are not allowed.
756Job &1 created successful
757Root Entity of package &1 migration global context failed
758Root Entity of SI &1 migration global context failed
759re-evaluate cel reference of record &1 field &2
760Fail to build query condition
761Fail to get metadata context ID
762Fail to get deletion tables with tlogo &1
763Fail to logically delete &1
764System has no context with specification &1
765Error during converting ctx_id to component: &1
766Error during querying record for DS: &1
767Virtuan field &1 not maintained for DS: &2
768Error during create runtime structure DS: &1
769Not support virtual field type: &1
770Error during query cell. for DS: &1
771Unknown ds id: &1
772Error during modifying cell for DS: &1
773Error during save record for DS: &1
774Virtual field value set finished.
775Virtual field value set Starts.
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