/CFG/MIGRATION - Message class for migration
The following messages are stored in message class /CFG/MIGRATION: Message class for migration.
It is part of development package /CFG/MIGRATION in software component SV-CLD-FRM-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Migration".
It is part of development package /CFG/MIGRATION in software component SV-CLD-FRM-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Content Migration".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Scope item &1 does not exist |
002 | Reading scope item &1 |
003 | Read of scope item &1 finished |
004 | Error during read of scope item &1 |
005 | Transforming scope item &1 |
006 | Transform of scope item &1 finished |
007 | Error during transform of scope item &1 |
008 | Writing of scope item &1 to new data model |
009 | Write of scope item & finished |
010 | Error during writing &1 &2 |
011 | Error during migration |
012 | Read from SIR system failed |
013 | Development class not maintained for scope item &1 |
014 | Scope item id cannot be blank |
015 | Migration of scope item &1 |
016 | Migration of scope item &1 finished |
017 | ID of of scope item in new data model: &1 |
018 | Localization dimension qualifier value: &1 |
019 | Edition dimension qualifier value: &1 |
020 | Component dimension qualifier value: &1 |
021 | Context derived for new data model: &1 |
022 | Building Block &1 has migrated |
023 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration start |
024 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration of content item and records completed |
025 | &1 multiple save is successful |
026 | &1 multiple save is failed |
027 | Building block &1 migration started |
028 | Building block &1 migration completed |
029 | Data Migration Successful |
030 | Activity &1 migration failed |
031 | Migration of Dataset &1 is successful |
032 | Migration of Entity &1 is successful |
033 | Building block &1 migration failed |
034 | Dataset &1 is already migrated |
035 | Solution &1 migration started. |
036 | Solution &1 migration completed with errors, please check. |
037 | Solution &1 is already migrated |
038 | Entity &1 is already migrated |
039 | Migrated contents are stored under Transport Request &1 |
040 | &1 &2 migration started |
041 | &1 &2 migration completed |
042 | &1 &2 migration failed |
043 | Invalid deployment mode found for &1 &2 |
044 | Invalid &1 &2 |
045 | Dependency of Scope item &1 does not exist |
046 | &1 &2 has not followed the naming convention &3 |
047 | Migrated Data:Context &1 Deletion started |
048 | Building Block &1 of Scope Item &2 Deletion completed |
049 | Building Block &1 of Scope Item &2 Deletion failed |
050 | &1 &2 Data Deletion Successful |
051 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when creating structure type |
052 | &1 &2 Data Deletion failed |
053 | Failed to get object definition during BCS migration |
054 | [Content error]This BCset has no installation file |
055 | SUB:&1/ CTX:&2 failed when get Target Config Entity with subobject name |
056 | Failed to load created activity for object &1 &2 |
057 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when getting definition of object |
058 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 get type &4 element description fail |
059 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 get structure description fail |
060 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 get table description fail |
061 | Act &1 Record &2 modify in define context by delta migration |
062 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when reading Instl. Data |
063 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when loading Dataset &4 |
064 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when creating activiy |
065 | Software requirement entity for Package &1 is empty |
066 | Failed to get object definition &1 &2 |
067 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when getting field data |
068 | Read installation data failed &1 &2 |
069 | Failed to create structure type |
070 | Failed to create table type |
071 | BB:&1/ SUB:&2 failed when get defination dataset with Entity &3 |
072 | Failed to get all dataset from &1 |
073 | The white list is empty |
074 | Component Field &1 not found in Dataset &2 |
075 | Component Dataset &1 not found in Entity &2 |
076 | Software requirement entity is empty, migration skipped |
077 | Migrating metadata |
078 | Building Block &1 not found header data |
079 | Failed to create config entity of &1 |
080 | Failed to populate component dataset fields of entity &1 |
081 | Failed to create component dataset field of entity &1 |
082 | Failed to create component dataset of entity &1 |
083 | Failed to get package description of &1 in language &2 |
084 | Activity &1 with objty &2 cannot migrate Entity &3 with subobj_typ &4. |
085 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 create content item started |
086 | Migrating activity ACT:&1 FileName:&2 |
087 | Solution Package &1 migration failed |
088 | Root Entity of Solution Package &1 migration failed |
089 | Solution Manager Reference of Solution Package &1 migration failed |
090 | Software requirement of Solution Package &1 migration failed |
091 | Assignmeng of Scope Item &1 to Solution Package &2 migration failed |
092 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when creating global activiy |
093 | Activities multiple save is successfully |
094 | Activities multiple save is failed |
095 | Solution Package &1 migration started |
096 | Error during transforming ID of Scope Item &1 |
097 | Root Entity of Solution Package &1 migration started |
098 | Root Entity of Solution Package &1 migration completed |
099 | Solution Manager Reference of Solution Package &1 migration started |
100 | Enter a valid selection criteria |
101 | Solution &1 does not exist |
102 | Solution Manager Reference of Solution Package &1 migration completed |
103 | Software requirement of Solution Package &1 migration started |
104 | Software requirement of Solution Package &1 migration completed |
105 | Assign Scope Item of Solution Package &1 migration started |
106 | Assignment of Scope Item &1 of Solution Package &2 migration completed |
107 | Buliding Block &1 migration started |
108 | Buliding Block &1 migration failed |
109 | Error during transforming ID of Scope Item &1 |
110 | Error during transforming ID of Buillding Block &1 |
111 | Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration started |
112 | Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration completed |
113 | Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration failed |
114 | Solution Manager Reference of Building Block &1 migration started |
115 | Solution Manager Reference of Building Block &1 migration completed |
116 | Solution Manager Reference of Building Block &1 migration failed |
117 | Software Requirement of Building Block &1 migration started |
118 | Software Requirement of Building Block &1 migration completed |
119 | Software Requirement of Building Block &1 migration failed |
120 | BF Requirement of Building Block &1 migration started |
121 | BF Requirement of Building Block &1 migration completed |
122 | BF Requirement of Building Block &1 migration failed |
123 | Folder &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 has migrated |
124 | Folder &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration failed |
125 | Folder &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration completed |
126 | Activity &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration failed |
127 | Activity &1 Assignment of Building Block &2 migration completed |
128 | Migration of dataset &1 is fail |
129 | Failed to create domains for dataset &1 |
130 | Failed to create field &1 for dataset &2 |
131 | Failed to create namespace of field &1 for dataset &2 |
132 | Failed to create relation of field for dataset &1 |
133 | Failed to create relation mapping of field &1 for dataset &2 |
134 | Scope Item &1 migration started |
135 | Scope Item &1 migration failed |
136 | Root Entity of Scope Item &1 migration started |
137 | Root Entity of Scope Item &1 migration failed |
138 | Dependency of Scope Item &1 migration started |
139 | Dependency of Scope Item &1 migration failed |
140 | Enitiy Reference of Scope Item &1 migration started |
141 | Enitiy Reference of Scope Item &1 migration failed |
142 | Enitiy Reference of Scope Item &1 migration completed |
143 | Assign Building Block of Scope Item &1 migration started |
144 | Assignment of Building Block &1 to Scope Item &2 migration completed |
145 | Assignment of Building Block &1 to Scope Item &2 migration failed |
146 | Root Entity of Building Block &1 migration global context failed |
147 | Solution Manager Reference of Scope Item &1 migration started |
148 | Solution Manager Reference of Scope Item &1 migration completed |
149 | Solution Manager Reference of Scope Item &1 migration failed |
150 | Software Requirement of Scope Item &1 migration started |
151 | Software Requirement of Scope Item &1 migration completed |
152 | Software Requirement of Scope Item &1 migration failed |
153 | &1 has exception during multiple save |
154 | Error during read of entity &1 |
155 | Conversion to number failed. &1 is not a number |
156 | Overflow during conversion to number of &1 |
157 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 has exception when load act BO |
158 | No authorization |
159 | Push dataset failed for package &1 with &2 &3 |
160 | Push entity failed for package &1 with &2 &3 |
161 | Parameter &1 isn't in entity, naming is wrong or comp fld is missing |
162 | Push metadata failed |
163 | Activate content completed for package &1 with &2 &3 |
164 | Activate content failed for package &1 with &2 &3 |
165 | Transport Request &1 is invalid |
166 | No prefix on the scope item and no 'XX' in the solution name |
167 | [Delta]Sub:&1 File:&2 doesn't has any update in content records |
168 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2 is an internal variant without default variant |
169 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration of content item and records failed |
170 | Please select a transport request when pushing data |
171 | Dataset &1 content class and usage couldn't be determined: &2 |
172 | Dataset &1 generate expression failed |
173 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when reading internal variant |
174 | ACT:&1 has exception during multiple save |
175 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ Subobj:&3 migrate as &4 |
176 | Toggle Feature of Migration/Deletion is inactived |
177 | Entity &1 content class and usage couldn't be determined: &2 |
178 | Activity &1 content class and usage couldn't be determined: &2 |
179 | Sub:&1 File:&2 no data in installation file, please check in ODM |
180 | Expert configuration structure migration Failed |
181 | Expert configuration push data Failed |
182 | Expert configuration structure migration started |
183 | Expert configuration Scope Item &1 migration started |
184 | Expert configuration Building Block &1 migration started |
185 | Expert configuration push data to package &1 |
186 | Expert configuration structure migration finished. |
187 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ has no installation file, bypass migrate content items |
188 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 has migrated, continue migrate its content items |
189 | Dataset:&1 TDC check table created started |
190 | Dataset:&1 TDC check table created completed |
191 | Dataset:&1 TDC check table created successful |
192 | Dataset:&1 TDC check table created failed |
193 | Error during transforming metadata context |
194 | Invalid date format &1 failed during ext2int |
195 | BB &1 Deployment target couldn't be determined in /SMB/BB_MASTER |
196 | SI &1 Deployment target couldn't be determined in /SMB/SI_MASTER |
197 | Error during transforming PKG: &1 context |
198 | Error during transforming SI: &1 context |
199 | Error during transforming BB: &1 context |
200 | Specify at least one dimension for context |
201 | No context found for this dimension |
202 | Please set data format as DD.MM.YYYY in user profile |
203 | Please set num format as 1.234.567,89 in user profile |
204 | Please set time format as 24 hour format in user profile |
205 | Failed to create license requirement with material nr &1 for SI &2 |
206 | Failed to load BB:&1 BO |
207 | New license requirement &1 created for SI &2 |
208 | ACT:&1 entered the save multiple queue |
209 | Migration failed due to context &1 locked by request &2 of user &3 |
210 | Migration failed: &1 locked by request &2 of user &3 |
211 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 fail get Act ID by filename, will create new Act |
212 | create virtual field &1 for text table &2 |
213 | Fail to delete BB BO &1 |
214 | Fail to delete SI BO &1 |
215 | Fail to delete PKG BO &1 |
216 | [Delta]File: &1 Variant: &2 is deleted |
217 | Can't process installation file due to internal ECATT |
218 | Can't process installation file due to external ECATT DS field empty |
219 | [Delta]CI &2 def. context is not same with ACT &1 def. context |
220 | Scope Item &1 is not price relevant or no vlaid material number. |
221 | License requirement of scope item &1 migration started |
222 | License requirement of scope item &1 migration finished |
223 | The matnr &1 is already existed for the license requirement of SI &2 |
224 | Field &1 switched off is included in install file &2, and filled |
225 | [Delta]Failed to handle BB:&1 during delta migration |
226 | [Delta]Fail to handle SI &1 during delta migration |
227 | [Detla]Fail to handle PKG &1 during delta migration |
228 | [Detla]Fail to modify ACT &1 during delta migration |
229 | Field &1 switched on is not included in install file &2, or not filled |
230 | Please update delta status file |
231 | Error when writing into the log handler |
232 | Cycle exists in FK reference sorting &1 &2 |
233 | FK reference cycle edge &1 has been removed |
234 | Assignment of Building Block &1 to Scope Item &2 has migrated |
235 | Assignment of Scope Item &1 to Solution Package &2 has migrated |
236 | [Delta]File: &1 Variant: &2 is newly added |
237 | [Delta]File: &1 Variant: &2 is modified |
238 | Can't open file &1 |
239 | [Delta]BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 modify content item started |
240 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 has migrated on global context |
241 | Failed to insert into /cfg/c_ent_map |
242 | Failed to read data from /cfg/c_ent_map |
243 | Failed to update data into /cfg/c_ent_map |
244 | Failed to delete data from /cfg/c_ent_map |
245 | Cross context annotation of &1 &2 creation successful |
246 | Cross context annotation of &1 &2 creation failed |
247 | Fail to get the local Component qualifier |
248 | Update template record &1 |
249 | [Delta]Modify content item: &1 successful |
250 | [Delta]The content item with PK: &1 is not exist |
251 | [Delta]Modify content item with PK: &1 failed |
252 | [Delta]Modify content item with PK: &1 in define context failed |
253 | [Delta]Save activity &1 in define context failed |
254 | Scope item &1 has migrated |
255 | Lock activity id &1 failed |
256 | Lock installation file &1 failed |
257 | Sub &1 out of Activity ID naming rule |
258 | Act ID &1 meet the collision |
259 | [Post Processing]Creation of house bank/account started |
260 | [Post Processing]Creation of house bank/account succeed |
261 | [Post Processing]Creation of house bank/account failed |
262 | Fail to get table &1 to calculate content class |
263 | Sub &1 create content structure failed when get &2 |
264 | Migration query Activity ID from DB failed |
265 | Migration calculate Activity ID failed |
266 | Scope Item &1 Assignment of Package &2 migration failed |
267 | Scope Item &1 Assignment of Package &2 migration completed |
268 | Package &1 with ctx &2 save failed |
269 | Workaround for filename is not valid |
270 | [Content Error]BB:&1/ ACT:&2 provides ledger both 2L and 3L |
271 | Missing Component QLF for context &1 |
272 | Act ID &1 meet collision 30 times, skip over |
273 | Create dynamic FK relation failed for table &1 |
274 | Create dynamic FK content record failed for table &1 |
275 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 migration failed when set value to local context |
276 | BB:&1 migration failed when set value to local context |
277 | Creation of dynamic FK started for &1 |
278 | Creation of dynamic FK finished for &1 |
279 | Create dynamic FK relation succeed for table &1 |
280 | Create dynamic FK content record succeed for table &1 |
281 | [Post Processing]ALGO2 process started |
282 | [Post Processing]ALGO2 process succeed |
283 | [Post Processing]ALGO2 process failed |
284 | [Post Processing]ALGO2 process finished |
285 | Get lowest context between &1 and &2 failed, probably content issue |
286 | Get &1 &2 BO in context &3 failed |
287 | Physically delete all expressions, including manually created ones |
288 | Only select this checkbox upon request from the CFR expert |
289 | Start migration of dataset {BB:&1}{objid:&2}{table:&3} |
290 | Target dataset is initial, can't determine activity ID |
291 | Fail to get dataset type mapping with Entity &1 |
292 | Created Delivery success : Delv No. &1 |
300 | Migration of file &1 |
301 | Reading file &1 |
302 | Reading file &1 finished |
303 | Error during reading file &1 |
304 | Transforming file &1 |
305 | Transforming file &1 finished |
306 | Error during transforming file &1 |
307 | Writing file &1 |
308 | Writing file &1 finished |
309 | Error during writing file &1 |
310 | Error in SIR call(&1&2&3) |
311 | No &1 version local &2 found under the given context |
312 | Backup PME of all solutions failed |
313 | Load local context from global context failed in ACT:&1 |
314 | SIR call for &1 with &2 entry(es) started |
315 | SIR call for &1 with &2 entry(es) ended |
316 | Search Condition prepare for SIR call started |
317 | Search Condition prepare for SIR call ended |
318 | SIR RFC call started |
319 | SIR RFC call ended |
320 | Target Entity of Activity &1 is not correct |
321 | Target Entity of Activity &1 should be refined &2 -> &3 |
322 | &1 of &2 has been Modified &3 -> &4 |
323 | &1 of &2 couldn't be Modified &3 -> &4 |
324 | Failed to get Defination BO of &1 in FFM |
325 | Table &1 field &2 get data type description failed |
418 | Memory trace created & |
500 | Taraget Client for AIM is &1 |
501 | version state is changed successfully |
502 | Records are pushed in current version |
503 | Header Records are writtent in A:NEXT |
504 | Component Records are writtent in A:NEXT |
505 | Content is writtent in C tables |
506 | Content could not be written in C Tables |
507 | Component Records are writtent in A:PREV |
508 | Header Records are writtent in A:PREV |
550 | No TRs are locked. |
551 | TLOGO locked by TR &1 of user &2 |
600 | &1 version activity level deletion started |
601 | Activity &1 deletion started |
602 | Activity &1 deletion failed |
603 | Activity &1 deletion completed |
604 | &1 version activities query failed |
605 | &1 version activity level deletion failed |
606 | &1 version Scope Item level deletion started |
607 | Scope Item &1 deletion started. |
608 | Scope Item &1 deletion failed. |
609 | Scope Item &1 deletion completed. |
610 | &1 version Scope Item query failed. |
611 | &1 version Scope Item level deletion failed |
612 | &1 version Solution Package level deletion started |
613 | Solution Package &1 deletion started |
614 | Solution Package &1 deletion failed |
615 | Solution Package &1 deletion completed |
616 | &1 version Solution Packages query failed |
617 | &1 version Solution Package level deletion failed |
618 | &1 version Building Block query failed |
619 | &1 version Building Block level deletion failed |
620 | Building Block &1 deletion started |
621 | Building Block &1 deletion failed |
622 | &1 version Building Block level deletion started |
623 | Building Block &1 deletion completed |
624 | &1 is locked or migrating |
625 | Annotation of &1 &2 migration started |
626 | Annotation of &1 &2 migration completed |
627 | Annotation of &1 &2 migration failed |
628 | Transport Package &1 is invalid |
629 | Please select a transport package when pushing data |
630 | Create issue for default package assignment of &1 failed. |
631 | Please enter a package for &1 |
632 | The package &1 is invalid |
633 | Close issue for &1 failed. |
634 | get no content usage when demo flag is initial |
635 | no corresp. entry in /smb/bb_lib_i |
636 | ECATT no corresponding entry in /smb/bb_lib_it |
637 | /SMB98/V_BBE2 doesnt contain correponding ocatem |
638 | ECATT no corresp. entry in /SMB98/V_BBE2 |
639 | /smb/bb_img_sobj doesnt contain correponding task id &1 |
640 | /SMB98/V_BBCOBJH doesnt contain correponding objectname &1 |
641 | /SMB98/V_BBCOBJH-datamaintcld is &1, not specified |
642 | SCPRRECA doesnt contain correponding id &1 |
643 | dd02l doesnt contain correponding tabname &1 |
644 | OBJH doesnt contain correponding fields &1 |
645 | [CP]Query object fail in context &1, Type &2, &3 |
646 | [CP]Push fail in context &1, Type &2, &3 |
647 | [CP]Push success in context &1 , Type &2, &3 |
648 | Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 started! |
649 | Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 completed! |
650 | Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 failed! |
651 | Pseudo-logical Deletion Push for &1 started! |
652 | Pseudo-logical Deletion Push for &1 completed! |
653 | Pseudo-logical Deletion Push for &1 failed! |
654 | Pseudo-logical Deletion for &1 no data deleted! |
655 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 BO migrate content item and records use [&4]s |
656 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 MIG fill migration data and calc nums use [&4]s |
657 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 BO migrate content item and records start [&4] |
658 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 BO migrate content item and records end [&4] |
659 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 MIG fill migration data and calc nums start [&4]s |
660 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ File:&3 MIG fill migration data and calc nums end [&4]s |
661 | [CP]Push data started with TR: &1 |
662 | [CP]Push data completed! |
663 | [CP]Push success in context &1 , Type &2 |
664 | [CP]Push fail in context &1, Type &2 |
665 | [Post Processing]Identify Foreign key sequence issue begin |
666 | [Post Processing]Identify Foreign key sequence issue end |
667 | [Counting]ACT:&1/ File:&2 | &3 |
668 | Pseudo-logical Deletion Close Issue List for &1 started! |
669 | Pseudo-logical Deletion Close Issue List for &1 failed! |
670 | Pseudo-logical Deletion Close Issue List for &1 completed! |
671 | [Counting]Migrated content record &1 lines |
672 | [Timestamp]&1 at &2 |
673 | [Timestamp]&1 spend &2 |
674 | D |
675 | Exception occured when retriving ecatt info for &2 &1 |
676 | [Delta]&1 &2 changed at &3, delta migration inclusive |
677 | [Delta]&1 &2 is deleted in the new version, but no action taken |
678 | [Delta]&1 &2 content usage changed, delta migration inclusive |
679 | [Delta]&1 &2 content class changed, delta migration inclusive |
680 | [Delta]SI &1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now |
681 | [Delta]BB &1 is deleted, but delta migration doesn't support it now |
682 | [Delta]SI &1 is modified in delta migration |
683 | [Delta]BB &1 is modified in delta migration |
684 | [Delta]SI &1 is newly added in delta migration |
685 | [Delta]BB &1 is newly added in delta migration |
686 | [Delta]Start to handle delta migration for &1 &2, status &3 |
687 | [Delta]Remove license requirement &1 for SI &2 |
688 | [Delta]Remove soluation manager ref &1 for SI &2 |
689 | Migrate secondary activity started |
690 | Migrate secondary activity completed |
691 | [Delta]please update xml compare result, BB &1 is not included in it |
692 | [Delta]please update xml compare result, SI &1 is not included in it |
693 | [Delta]Unassign &1 &2 from &3 &4 |
694 | [Delta]please update xml compare result, IMG &1 is not included in it |
695 | [Delta]please update xml compare result, BCSET &1 is not included in it |
696 | [Delta]please update xml compare result, ECATT &1 is not included in it |
697 | [Delta]IMG ACT:&1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now |
698 | [Delta]BCSET ACT: &1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now |
699 | [Delta]ECATT ACT: &1 is deleted, but BCLM doesn't support it now |
700 | [Delta]BB:&1/ACT:&2/SUBOBJ:&3 is modified in delta migration |
701 | [Delta]BB:&1/ACT:&2/SUBOBJ:&3 is newly added in delta migration |
702 | [Delta]Could not load valid assigned objects for &1 &2 |
703 | [Delta]please update xml compare result,BB:&1/ACT:&2/FILE:&3 not included |
704 | [Delta]ACT:&1 is deleted during delta migration |
705 | [Delta]Skip BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ FILE:&3 with criteria scope_extension_relevant |
706 | [Delta]please make sure delta status excel is accessible and closed |
707 | [Delta]Known &1 &2 is not found for unchanged, deleted or modified object |
708 | Switch ID not found for View: &1 Field: &2 |
709 | [CP]No D version contents available to push for &1 |
710 | BB:&1/ ACT:&2/ SUBOBJ:&3 / File:&4 failed to get super type of sub entity |
711 | [Delta]Failed to delete sub ent bo with ent id &1 |
712 | [Delta]Solution name &1 doesn't meet name convention |
713 | [Delta]Failed to delete ACT:&2/TY:&3/FILENAME:&4 during delta migration |
714 | Current Data amount in NDM: &1 |
715 | Compute delta to TR successful |
716 | Compute delta to TR failed |
717 | Move C to H successful |
718 | Move C to H failed |
719 | Force deletion completed |
720 | [Delta]No ctx or target ds defined for act &1 |
721 | [Delta] Content deleted in subobject:&1 file:&2 |
722 | Migrated Data amount in NDM: &1 |
723 | [Post Processing]Reduct Starts |
724 | [Post Processing]Reduct Ends |
725 | Unable to get component &1 for &2 |
726 | Upload solutions completed |
727 | Create dummy solution start... |
728 | Create dummy solution completed |
729 | Delete dummy solution start... |
730 | Delete dummy solution completed |
731 | Upload PME data start... |
732 | Upload PME data completed |
733 | Merge DUMMY solution start... |
734 | Merge DUMMY solution completed |
735 | Consistency check start... |
736 | Consistency check completed |
737 | System configuration updated success |
738 | Maintain root folder success |
739 | Only 1 session is allowed,please close other sessions |
740 | Solution folder name should be 'scope_file' |
741 | PME folder name should be 'variant_files_hashed' |
742 | Delete all solutions include meta data start... |
743 | Delete all solutions include meta data completed |
744 | Upload solutions start... |
745 | Delete all solutions include meta data failed |
746 | Upload solutions failed |
747 | Create dummy solution failed |
748 | Delete dummy solution failed |
749 | Upload PME data failed |
750 | Merge DUMMY solution failed |
751 | Consistency check failed |
752 | No authority to send system message |
753 | You can not release due to the status is not active |
754 | Migration ends and block editing is released |
755 | Migration starts and any editing processes are not allowed. |
756 | Job &1 created successful |
757 | Root Entity of package &1 migration global context failed |
758 | Root Entity of SI &1 migration global context failed |
759 | re-evaluate cel reference of record &1 field &2 |
760 | Fail to build query condition |
761 | Fail to get metadata context ID |
762 | Fail to get deletion tables with tlogo &1 |
763 | Fail to logically delete &1 |
764 | System has no context with specification &1 |
765 | Error during converting ctx_id to component: &1 |
766 | Error during querying record for DS: &1 |
767 | Virtuan field &1 not maintained for DS: &2 |
768 | Error during create runtime structure DS: &1 |
769 | Not support virtual field type: &1 |
770 | Error during query cell. for DS: &1 |
771 | Unknown ds id: &1 |
772 | Error during modifying cell for DS: &1 |
773 | Error during save record for DS: &1 |
774 | Virtual field value set finished. |
775 | Virtual field value set Starts. |