/CPD/COMMMON_ACCESS - Common access layer message class

The following messages are stored in message class /CPD/COMMMON_ACCESS: Common access layer message class.
It is part of development package /CPD/COMMON in software component CA-CPD-WS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "to be translated".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Details structure does not exist for object link &1
001Result structure does not exist for object link &1
002Search structure does not exist for object link &1
003Implementation class not found for object link &1
004Implementation class &1 is either not created or is inactive
005Object link &1 is incorrect
006Object link is empty
007Enter a valid access control
008Enter a valid access control group
009Access control is assigned to group &1; remove assignment first
010Access control is assigned to &1; remove assignment first
011Access control group is assigned to role &1; remove assignment first
012Enter a valid access control group
013Invalid commercial project key
014Locks could not be deleted
050Bid planning is not supported for issue category '&1'
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