/CPD/PFP_MESSAGES - Financial Planning: Message Class for Plan Header
The following messages are stored in message class /CPD/PFP_MESSAGES: Financial Planning: Message Class for Plan Header.
It is part of development package /CPD/PFP_BO in software component CA-CPD-FP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "to be translated".
It is part of development package /CPD/PFP_BO in software component CA-CPD-FP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "to be translated".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | End date must not be earlier than the start date |
001 | Enter a valid currency |
002 | Enter a valid plan scenario |
003 | Enter a valid plan type |
004 | You can only set one plan type as default |
005 | Set at least one plan type as default |
006 | You cannot enter special characters |
007 | Do you want to save |
008 | Enter a valid class |
009 | Cannot delete; selected resource type is used in other tables |
010 | Enter a valid activity type |
011 | You cannot move a superordinate node any higher |
012 | You cannot delete a top level element |
013 | You can only create one plan item at the superordinate level |
014 | Object cannot be edited because it is locked by &1 |
015 | Text type &1 is not valid |
016 | Cannot delete; selected plan scenario is used in other tables |
017 | Cannot delete; selected plan type is used in other tables |
018 | You cannot move this plan item to the superordinate level |
019 | You cannot move this plan item to the subordinate level |
020 | You cannot delete the default plan type |
021 | Select a row with a document |
022 | You cannot delete entries that have dependent entries |
023 | Enter a plan scenario |
024 | Select a plan before you proceed |
025 | Enter a plan item ID |
026 | Enter a unique version number |
027 | &1 can only be used once and is already used in another version |
028 | Key figure already assigned to another valuation method |
029 | Select a row first |
030 | Enter a plan version |
031 | Selected plan ID does not match the header plan ID |
032 | Enter only integer values |
033 | Last available version of the plan has been selected for deletion |
034 | Do you want to continue |
035 | Do you want to delete the selected plan item |
036 | The subordinate plan items are automatically selected for deletion |
037 | Enter a version type |
038 | Enter a valid-from date |
039 | Enter a source currency |
040 | Enter a target currency |
041 | Enter an exchange rate |
042 | Source currency and target currency cannot be the same |
043 | Version with unique version ID copied; select a version type |
044 | Plan ID is not valid |
045 | Enter a combination for which valuation exists |
048 | &1: Import failed |
049 | Enter a plan scenario linked with a plan type |
050 | Enter a valid field name |
051 | Enter a valid UI field name |
052 | Enter a valid resource type |
053 | Enter a valid price type |
054 | Duplicate entries are not allowed |
055 | Enter a plan item description |
056 | Sequence number already exists; enter another number |
057 | 'Level (From)' value must be lower than 'Level (To)' value |
058 | Enter a sequence number |
059 | Object type already exists; enter a unique object type |
060 | Enter an object type |
061 | Enter a valid profile |
062 | Enter a profile description |
063 | Enter a valid status |
064 | Enter the next status |
065 | Same status cannot be set as the next status |
066 | Status does not belong to the current profile |
067 | Action has already been assigned to another status |
068 | You cannot set a status as both Initial and Close |
069 | This profile already contains an initial status |
070 | This profile already contains a final status |
071 | Cannot set this as next status; it is a final status |
072 | Cannot set this as next status; it is an initial status |
073 | Plan ID already exists; enter a unique plan ID |
074 | Enter a valuation method |
075 | Enter an implementation class |
076 | Implementation class does not exist; select from the predefined list |
077 | Enter a pricing relevant field |
078 | Select a value type |
079 | Enter a value |
080 | Enter a valuation strategy |
081 | Field name does not exist; select from the predefined list |
082 | Value does not exist; select from the predefined list |
083 | Valuation method does not exist; select from the predefined list |
084 | Enter a valid return value |
085 | Return value does not exist; select from the predefined list |
086 | Enter a key figure |
087 | Key figure does not exist; select from the predefined list |
088 | You cannot set a version type as both unique and default |
089 | Default version already exists; only one default version is allowed |
090 | You cannot assign the same valuation method twice to a valuation strategy |
091 | Changes will be lost |
092 | |
093 | Plan version will be deleted |
094 | Enter a valid commercial project ID |
095 | Enter a commercial project type |
096 | Select a period |
097 | Enter a valid Application name |
098 | Plan item already exists; enter a unique plan item |
099 | This method is assigned to a strategy |
100 | Specified date does not exist in the selected month |
101 | You cannot enter date rule details for daily breakdown |
102 | You cannot enter date rule details for custom breakdown |
103 | Enter all details for date rules |
104 | Plan type &1 already exists; enter a unique plan type |
105 | Query does not exist; select from the predefined list |
106 | Default query already exists; only one default query allowed |
107 | Do you want to continue |
108 | Default query is already set; you cannot set another query as default |
109 | User exit class does not exist; select from the predefined list |
110 | Error occured during Transfer. Try again later. |
111 | |
112 | You have exceeded the character limit allowed for field value entries |
113 | You cannot edit this plan; it is locked by &1 |
114 | You must select only one query as default |
115 | Select version to change status |
116 | Enter a date rule |
117 | Date rule does not exist; select from the predefined list |
118 | You cannot enter special characters for plan item |
119 | |
120 | Enter a value for either cost element or activity type |
121 | Enter a resource |
122 | Enter a resource type |
123 | Error during valuation |
124 | You can only assign upto 20 succeeding statuses to a status |
125 | |
126 | Do you also want to map subordinate nodes |
127 | Bid structure node is already mapped to a commercial project structure |
128 | Do you want to map it to a different commercial project structure node |
129 | Select a target node in the commercial project structure for mapping |
130 | Enter a valid commercial project type |
131 | |
132 | This action will lead to irreversible transfer of data |
133 | Do you want to continue |
134 | Transfer process initiated |
135 | Error in transferring data |
136 | Change request is always unique to a version |
137 | Change request has already been selected for a version |
138 | Enter a transfer strategy |
139 | Enter a plan item source |
140 | Enter a transfer method |
141 | |
142 | Enter a characteristic |
143 | Enter a target field name |
144 | Plan item source is not in the list |
145 | Characteristic is not in the list |
146 | Transfer strategy is not in the list |
147 | Select an update type |
148 | Strategy ID is mapped to a plan scenario; remove mapping first |
149 | Records copied |
150 | Records not copied |
151 | Plan header &1 deleted |
152 | Plan header &1 is not deleted |
153 | &1: Define CO version in &2 transfer method Customizing for WBS |
154 | Forward slash(/) is not allowed |
155 | Enter a valid character |
156 | Select transaction currency |
157 | Invalid scenario |
158 | &1: Maintain cost element and activity type in Customizing |
159 | &1: Enter either cost element or activity type |
160 | &1: No work breakdown structure found for the project |
161 | Plan direct quote for date &1 and source currency &2 is already defined |
162 | Plan indirect quote for date &1 and source currency &2 is already defined |
163 | Default version type already exists; only one default allowed |
164 | Enter values for all mandatory fields |
165 | Version copied |
166 | Version not copied |
167 | Version &1 deleted; save changes |
168 | Version not deleted |
169 | &1 transferred |
170 | Either direct quote or indirect quote is allowed |
171 | &1: &2 &3 &4 transferred |
172 | &1: Date &2 for &3: &4 |
173 | Exchange rate cannot be saved with existing date and transaction currency |
174 | Enter a valid date |
175 | Data transferred |
176 | Select a node from the bid structure |
177 | No applicable data found for transfer |
178 | Enter an exchange rate type |
179 | Select a node from plan structure |
180 | Do you also want to link subordinate nodes |
181 | Selected plan structure node is already linked to a reference structure |
182 | Do you want to link it to a different reference structure |
183 | Commercial project structure is already linked to another financial plan |
184 | Any associated planning data will be deleted |
185 | Do you want to continue |
186 | Only one &1 version is allowed in a commercial project |
187 | Select version from plan structure |
188 | Simulation process completed &1 |
189 | &1: &2 &3 &4 can be transferred |
190 | Planning line items exist for previous periods |
191 | Planning line items exist for future periods |
192 | Line items copied |
193 | Copy plan failed |
194 | You cannot use special characters for rules |
195 | You cannot use special characters for valuation methods |
196 | Select a node from reference structure |
197 | Enter a valid plan ID |
198 | Exception occurred on saving timestamp |
199 | &1: Maintain CO area in &2 transfer method Customizing for WBS |
200 | Enter a service attribute |
201 | Service attribute is not in the list |
202 | This status is assigned to status profile; remove the assignment first |
203 | &1: Document &2 updated for &3 |
204 | &1: Document &2 created for &3 |
205 | &1: Error while transferring data in &2 - &3 |
206 | &1: Cost element or activity type not maintained for &2 for &3 transfer |
207 | &1: Error in &2 transfer for WBS &3; &4 not specified in the Customizing |
208 | You cannot delete &1 version associated with this plan |
209 | Version &1 created; save your changes |
210 | Planning line items for version &1 copied |
211 | Planning line items for version &1 not copied |
212 | Planning line items copied; save changes |
213 | Planning line items from &1 copied |
214 | Planning line items from &1 not copied |
215 | Save changes to replicate data |
216 | Enter a numeric value |
217 | Planning node &1 from plan &2 and version &3 deleted |
218 | Error in UoM conversion for structure element &1 and material &2 |
219 | &1: BI update failed; request number &2 is set as closed |
220 | No inconsistency found |
221 | &1: Error in &2 transfer for &3; fiscal year variant error: &4 |
222 | Error in &1 transfer for &2; currency conversion error: &3 |
223 | &1: MRS update failed; plan &2 and version &3 locked by &4 |
224 | &1: Error while reading lock entry |
225 | &1 cannot be changed since a line item exists for the financial plan |
226 | Version not created |
227 | Rescheduling for version &1 complete; save your changes |
228 | Date rescheduling failed |
229 | You cannot assign more than one baseline version type |
230 | Cube is currently locked |
231 | You cannot assign more than one active version type |
232 | Record not found |
233 | |
234 | Planning line items copied from &1 |
235 | Planning line items not copied from &1 |
236 | Structure copied |
237 | Structure copied; save financial plan to copy plan line items |
238 | Structure not copied |
239 | Rescheduling for version &1 done |
240 | Rescheduling for version &1 failed |
241 | Resource master data created |
242 | Creation of resource master data failed |
243 | Snapshot version &1 created |
244 | Snapshot version &1 was not created |
245 | Resource type is assigned to resource or plan scenario |
246 | Maintain either cost or revenue key figure in transfer method Customizing |
247 | &1 (&2) transferred to cost elem/acty. type &3 for fiscal year &4 |
248 | &1 can be transferred for WBS &2 to cost elem/acty. &3 for fiscal year &4 |
249 | Unsaved data will not be available for planning |
250 | Rsrc. type &1 at &2/&3 not transferred; excluded in transfer method &4 |
251 | No log entry; data not simulated for the selected version |
252 | No log entry; data not transferred for the selected version |
253 | If MapCOVersion is set then unique flag is always set |
254 | Enter a version type |
255 | MapCOVersion is already assigned to another version type |
256 | Setting the status to &1 will disable further edits to the version |
257 | |
258 | Maintain currency conversion rate for &1 |
259 | Save the plan; status has changed |
260 | Length of &1 exceeded maximum allowed for &2 |
261 | &1 is not a number |
262 | No data transferred for transfer method &1; bid structure is used |
263 | Error in MRS transfer at &1 - &2 |
264 | This method is used for mapping output values for pricing |
265 | Plans have been updated with cost element/activity type |
266 | Cost element/activity type not updated for plan &1 |
267 | Staffed quantity not updated for plan &1 |
268 | Financial plans updated with staffed quantity |
269 | MRS system not available |
270 | CO version &1 is assigned to multiple versions. |
271 | This may result in inconsistencies. |
272 | Transfer strategy &1 is assigned to version &2 |
273 | This version type is not set as forecast snapshot |
274 | Transfer strategy assigned only with unique version type |
275 | Version type &1 with same MapCOVersion is assigned to plan scenario &2 |
276 | The extraction program does not support object &1 |
277 | &1: Quantity is not updated; &2 is not an Internal/External type |
278 | Maintain a number range for financial plans; see long text |
279 | Maintain controlling area / cost center |
280 | Enter a planning function |
281 | Enter a valid planning function from the list |
282 | Maintain mapping for output values for method &1 in valuation strategy &2 |
283 | You can only view data due to the status |
284 | You can only view data for this version type |
285 | You can only view data; you are not authorized to change plan data |
286 | Enter a valid version ID |
287 | Version &1 deleted |
288 | Enter &1 ID |
289 | Enter a plan scenario ID |
290 | Enter a plan type ID |
291 | Enter a start date |
292 | Enter an end date |
293 | Enter a currency for financial plan |
294 | Enter either E (commercial proj. structure) or O (bid structure) |
295 | Enter a valid plan scenario ID |
296 | Enter a valid plan type ID |
297 | Enter a valid version type ID |
298 | Financial plan &1 created |
299 | Duplicate entries found for some columns; refer to invalid line items |
300 | Financial plan &1 updated |
301 | Enter a valid status ID for the financial plan |
302 | Enter a valid status ID for the version |
303 | Version &1 created |
304 | Version &1 updated |
305 | No entries found for line items |
306 | InfoCube &1 is not in planning mode |
307 | Version &2 of plan &1 is locked by user &3 |
308 | Choosing a CO version will make this version type unique |
309 | Enter at least one parameter |
310 | &3 &1 for customer &2 does not exist |
311 | &2 &1 does not exist |
312 | No &2 exists for customer &1 |
313 | No financial plan exists for given input &1 |
314 | No transfer strategy for plan &1, version &2 in Customizing |
315 | Plan data transferred for plan &1, version &2; check the log |
316 | Financial plan &2 version &1 does not exist |
317 | Cannot transfer data; no transfer strategy for financial plan &1 |
318 | Planning node &1 deleted from plan &2, version &3 |
319 | Financial plan &1 archived |
320 | Cannot archive &1 &2; associated &3 &4 is not archived |
321 | Financial plan &1 is ready for archiving |
322 | Cannot archive financial plan &1; still within residence period |
323 | Financial plan &1 or plan items do not exist |
324 | Staffed quantity update failed for document number &1; &2 |
325 | Cannot archive financial plan &1; end date is in the future |
326 | Cannot valuate; valuation strategy uses an incompatible date rule |
327 | Obj. ty. &1 assigned to transfer method &2 not relevant for transfer |
328 | &1: Maintain key figures (EAC/ETC/Actuals) in transfer method Customizing |
329 | Cannot copy financial plan; plan scenarios do not match |
330 | Select a structure element |
331 | Maintain prices for &1, &2, &3, and &4 in transaction KP26 |
332 | Error during currency conversion of material price |
333 | No workbooks available for change request; see long text |
334 | Employee master data created |
335 | Creation of employee master data failed |
336 | Status of financial plan &1 is reset to '&2' |
337 | Select at least one key figure to copy |
338 | &1: Cost element or activity type not maintained for &2 for &3 transfer |
339 | Error in valuation; fiscal year variant error: &1 |
340 | Maintain CO version before assigning transfer strategy to version type |
341 | Cannot delete; version type is read-only |
342 | Plan type changed |
343 | Error while changing the plan type |
344 | Plan type changed; save changes |
345 | Plan line items for employee &1 were deleted |
346 | Error while deleting plan line items for employee |
347 | Cannot insert new records; status of financial plan or version is closed |
348 | This is a next possible status for status &1; remove assignment first |
349 | Status is assigned to transfer method &1; remove assignment first |
350 | Version type &1 is assigned to plan scenario &2 |
351 | There are no financial plans for &1 |
352 | Next possible status is assigned; remove assignment first |
353 | Financial plans exist for selected structure elements; see long text |
354 | Cannot create; financial plan type does not match the comm. proj. type |
355 | Structure element of financial plan &1 is deleted |
356 | Structure element of financial plan &1 is not deleted |
357 | Default version type for selected plan scenario not maintained |
358 | Financial plan &1 does not exist |
359 | Bussiness object &1 is invalid for &3 &2 |
360 | Target plan &1 does not have version &2 |
361 | Source and target plans do not have same plan scenario |
362 | Cannot map; structure element &1 is already mapped to financial plan &2 |
363 | No log entry; data not Imported to the selected version |
364 | Enter only alphanumeric characters |
365 | Cannot link one or more structure elements; you are not authorized |
366 | You are not authorized to access financial plans |
367 | You are not authorized to access active financial plans |
368 | Plan version is not available |
369 | An active plan version is not available |
370 | Cannot create; one financial plan is allowed with the comm. proj. type |
371 | Cannot delete; financial plan &1 is also assigned to another user |
372 | Cannot proceed; contact your system administrator |
373 | Error in a parallel process for sending data |
374 | Cannot save reassigned business objects and plan line items |
375 | Mapping ratio is > 100 for (&1, &2) combination |
376 | Reassignment from &1 to &2 saved |
377 | &1 is not a valid object type |
378 | Some structure elements were not created. Input required. |
379 | Cannot reassign business object. Plan scenarios do not match. |
380 | Cannot reassign business object. Plan types do not match. |
381 | Cannot reassign business object. Plan currencies do not match. |
382 | Plan period is not equal to or within the target plan period. |
383 | Business object &1 reassigned from &2 to &3. Please save the changes. |
384 | Cannot reassign business object &1 |
385 | Cannot reassign business object. Version types do not match. |
386 | Version &1 is already linked with target version &2 |
387 | Select a source version |
388 | Bid item &1 is already fully mapped |
389 | Financial plan &1 with original bid values created |
390 | Plan &1 converted from bid structure to &2 |
391 | Plan item ID already exists; a new ID has been assigned |
392 | The structure is sorted according to plan item IDs |
393 | Do you want to delete the mapping? |
394 | Select create structure from reference structure |
395 | Select with line item from reference structure |
396 | Select reference version from refrence structure |
397 | &1: Cannot transfer; invalid scenario in &2 |
398 | &1: Transferred SKF qty for &2 in CO area &3 and FY &4 |
399 | &1: Transfer was not successful for the following: |
400 | Source and target plans must belong to the same controlling area |
401 | Cannot copy financial plan; resource types &1 do not match |
402 | Cannot copy financial plan; planning breakdown intervals do not match |
403 | Cannot copy; fiscal year variants do not match |
404 | Texts for forecast periods have been adjusted |
405 | Maintain fiscal year variant for the commercial project type |
406 | &1 does not lie in the fiscal year variant &2 |
407 | Fiscal year variant does not exist |
408 | Plan line items deleted; save the changes |
409 | Transfer method &1 is not relevant for transfer with version status &2 |
410 | &1: Error in struc. element &2; no resources planned for resource ty. &3 |
411 | Planning function for valuate or calculate does not exist |
412 | Error in method &1 for elem. &2: define period &3 for fiscal var. &4 |
413 | Error in method &1 for elem. &2: date &3 is not in fiscal var. &4 |
414 | Error in method &1 for elem. &2; map periods in Customizing |
415 | No elements in the structure; assign business objects to the &1 |
416 | &1: Error in &2, &3 &4 |
417 | &1: Cannot transfer data; no dates defined for object &2 |
418 | Data import for &1 initiated |
419 | &2: Object &1 is not relevant for data import |
420 | &1: Input value &2 is not valid for characteristics &3 |
421 | &1: Struc. &2: &3 period/s &4 does not lie within financial plan period |
422 | &1: Maintain controlling area in Customizing |
423 | Import process initiated |
424 | &1: Import/simulation was successful |
425 | &1: Remove fixed value of &2 from input fields in Customizing |
426 | &1: Data for network activity &2 imported |
427 | &1: SKF for &2: &3 imported |
428 | &1: Data for NWA &2, material &3 imported |
429 | &1: Import for NWA &2, material &3 failed; maintain &4 in Customizing |
430 | Data import &2 for element &1 initiated |
431 | Error in valuation; period shift for &1 exceeds the plan period |
432 | Enter a sequence number |
433 | Sequence number is already defined |
434 | &1: Data for network activity element &2 imported |
435 | &1: NWA: &2 Material: &3 currency changed; maintain &4 in Customizing |
436 | Import process completed |
437 | No import strategy for plan &1, version &2 in Customizing |
438 | Data imported for plan &1, version &2; check the log |
439 | &1: Plan currency &3 used for NWA &2; maintain currency in Customizing |
440 | Enter a version ID |
441 | Error: &1 |
442 | &1: MRS transfer failed; plan data locked for plan &2 and plan version &3 |
443 | Maintain UoM for entered bill of quantity |
444 | &1: Cannot import data from &2 for &3 in plan scenario &4 |
445 | &1: &2: &3 is not a valid UoM for resource type &4 |
446 | &1: No SKF defined for &2 |
447 | &1: &2: Cannot transfer multiple resource types to the same NWA element |
448 | &1 is not a valid UoM for resource type &2 |
449 | Creation of financial plan failed for index &; & |
450 | &1: &2 &3 &4 |
451 | &1: No Data to import |
452 | Organization id is not maintained in the commercial project structure |
453 | Country/Region master data for employee created |
454 | Creation of Country/Region master data for employee failed |
455 | Country/Region master data for employee created |
456 | Creation of Country/Region master data for employee failed |
457 | &1: NWA: &2 Early Start Date is Before Financial Plan Start Date |
458 | &1: NWA: &2 Early Finish Date is After Financial Plan Finish Date |
459 | &1: Import from &2 failed; method supports control keys PS01, PS02 |
460 | &1: Fixed value &2 in customizing does not match the planned value &3 |
461 | Structures are not similar; map elements individually |
462 | No data to copy |
463 | Activation of &1 failed |
464 | Program &1 is already running in another work process. |
465 | You are not authorized to change project data. |
466 | This import overwrites existing data, if any. Do you want to continue? |
467 | Cannot make adjustments because the workpackage dates are in the past. |
468 | Version ID contains &1. Enter valid Version ID |
469 | WBS Element &1 is not a planning element |
470 | Cannot change active version; it contains change requests |
471 | Cannot delete active version &1; plan data exists |
472 | Cannot delete active version &1; change request exists |
473 | Plan version copied |
474 | Save your changes first |
475 | Could not copy plan version; check error logs |
476 | Name space USR can not be used for work item customization. |
477 | Project was last updated by &. Please refresh or reopen the project. |
478 | You do not have authorizations for the selected structure element |
479 | ETC is filled for missing months |
480 | Could not delete version; deletion of transfer data still in progress |
481 | Could not delete version; deletion of transfer data has errors |
482 | To delete version, first delete data transferred to ERP |
483 | Deletion of transfer data initiated |
484 | Deletion of transfer data completed |
485 | Deletion of transfer data is not complete as it contains errors |
486 | No Actual data for the given selection |
487 | &1: Can transfer SKF qty for &2 in CO area &3 and FY &4 |
491 | Valuation is completed without errors |
492 | Financial plan &1 is not an execution structure |
493 | Note:&1 &2 &3 |
494 | Enter valid distribution type for switch plan type. |
495 | You do not have authorizations to display or plan on the structure |
496 | &1: Incomplete Customizing: provide key figures for cost, revenue, qty |
497 | Change of version type of '&1' not allowed until transferred data deleted |
498 | Employment &1 not found for the date &2 |
499 | Controlling Area &1 not found. |
500 | Ledger version not found for Controlling Area &1 |
511 | The following objects of plan &1 contain errors: |
512 | &1: NWAE: &2 early start date is before financial plan's start date |
513 | &1: NWAE: &2 early finish date is after financial plan's finish date |
514 | No data for Valuation |
515 | Valuation process initiated; see the log |
516 | No log exists |
517 | Valuation not possible; error in import |
523 | When plan ID is provided, do not enter commercial project details |
524 | Forecast only allowed for comm. proj. struc.; &1 belongs to a bid struc. |
525 | Plan &1 does not have active versions; forecasting not allowed |
526 | Real-time forecast for plan &1 completed without errors |
527 | Customizing settings of plan scenario &1 do not allow in-period forecasts |
528 | &1 is not of monthly plan type; forecasting not allowed |
529 | In-period forecast not allowed as period-end forecast of plan &1 is done |
530 | &1: Procurement type not determined for network &2 and material &3 |
531 | &1 objects added to watch list |
532 | Objects deleted from watch list |
533 | |
534 | More than 200 objects in watch list; this impacts performance |
535 | No objects exist for this user |
536 | You are not authorized to access structure element & |
537 | No active plans exist for the selected objects |
538 | Some objects are not assigned to an active plan |
539 | |
540 | No objects to add to watch list |
542 | Enter an EAC value that is greater than or equal actuals of &1 |
543 | Prerequisite plan data does not exist |
544 | Selection deleted; save your changes |
545 | Enter In-period forecast status |
546 | At &1 level, distributed EAC value cannot be lesser than actuals |
547 | Enter an EAC value that is greater than or equal actual quantity |
553 | Cannot acquire a lock for plan &1 |
554 | Error while updating plan header dates for &1 |
555 | &1: Plan header start date updated to &2 |
556 | Plan locked for processing of import |
557 | &1: Plan header end date updated to &2 |
560 | Snapshot created; save your changes |
561 | Snapshot deleted; save your changes |
562 | Could not delete snapshot version &1; delete transfer data first |
563 | Plan &1 is locked by user &2 |
565 | You can view these messages in the application log: transaction SLG1 |
566 | Required details are: Object &1, subobject &2 |
569 | Real-time forecast for plan &1 ended with errors: |
570 | Combination of some statuses are not allowed |
571 | Forecast period &1 for plan &2 is not within the plan period |
572 | No Authorization for Data Access from cube &1 &2 &3 &4 |
573 | InfoCube name &1 is blank or too long &2 &3 &4 |
574 | Infocube read &1 &2 &3 &4 |
579 | Infocube write &1 &2 &3 &4 |
582 | To delete plan data, first delete data transferred to ERP |
584 | Transfer only allowed for comm. proj. struc.; &1 belongs to a bid struc. |
585 | Plan &1 does not have active versions; transfer not allowed |
586 | Error while reading comments from DataSource Object |
587 | Comments from the source DataSource Object fetched for copying to target |
588 | Comments from DataSource Object copied to the target version |
589 | Transfer for plan &1 initiated; check status in log |
590 | Error while writing comments back to DataSource Object |
591 | Copy of version completed |
593 | Transfer for plan &1 not done; selection stat. different from actual stat |
594 | Plan line item can not be deleted |
595 | Copying of plan version initiated |
596 | &1: &2 |
603 | Distribution type &1 is not valid |
604 | Parameter 'Copy Value' &1 is not valid |
605 | Copying of plan failed |
606 | Source structure element &1 is invalid |
607 | Key figure &1 is invalid |
608 | Characteristic &1 is invalid |
609 | Target structure element can be assigned to single source element |
610 | Target structure element &1 is invalid |
611 | &1, &2, &3 not valuated; enter transaction currency in planning |
612 | Reference object &1 is already linked to another structure element |
613 | Reference object deleted from bid structure &1 of financial plan &2 |
614 | No plans exist for comm. proj. &1; entry deleted from error log table &2 |
615 | No data found in error log table &1 |
616 | Plan &1 does not exist in error log table &2; &3 |
617 | No reference object assigned to structure element &1 |
618 | Commercial proj. &1 does not exist in error log table &2; &3 |
619 | Define resource type in Customizing |
620 | Define costing variant for &1 in Customizing |
621 | Specify the valuation date of &1 within the plan's start and end dates |
622 | Plan &1 does not have an active version |
623 | Ref. object is not linked to any structure element in plan &1 |
624 | Enter either financial plan ID or financial plan key |
625 | Plan hierarchy cannot be changed; PICM not active |
626 | Cannot delete; structure element &1 is linked to a reference object |
627 | Provide financial plans and versions to retrieve data |
628 | No plan data found for plan &1 and version &2 |
629 | You can only view data for plan &1 due to status |
630 | Assignment not possible; status of reference object &1 is &2 |
631 | Deletion not possible; status of reference object &1 is &2 |
633 | Deletion not possible; plan &1 contains link to reference object |
634 | Workbook launch failed due to technical error; launch workbook again |
635 | Errors occured; could not delete ref. object from bid str. of plan &1 |
636 | Sync. report processing completed |
637 | Cannot map structure element again; data has already been replicated |
638 | Enter a valid version ID for financial plan &1 |
639 | You can only plan for change requests |
640 | Once you set and save the CR Relevant indicator, it cannot be changed |
641 | You must activate switch to execute functionality |
642 | Provide change request IDs to retrieve data |
643 | Business function switch /PICM/CA_CPD_PICM_1 is not active |
644 | Plan scenario &1 is not valid for &3 type &2 |
645 | Plan type &1 invalid for plan scenario &2, &4 type &3 |
646 | Enter a &1 GUID |
647 | Enter a reference object GUID |
648 | Enter a valid &1 GUID |
649 | Link between ref. object &1 and commercial project &2 does not exist |
650 | Cannot move to a subordinate level; reference object is assigned |
651 | Enter plan scenario value valid for commercial project type &1 |
652 | No plan data found for change request &1 |
653 | Cannot delete; structure element &1 is linked to a change request |
654 | Provide valid reference objects to retrieve data |
655 | No change request found for reference object &1 |
656 | No change requests found for the reference objects |
657 | Plan &1: Ref. object unassigned and plan deleted from error log table &2 |
658 | Invalid object type &1 |
659 | Reference object & is already linked to another struct. element in plan & |
660 | Rel. object &1: Provide input for rep. attr. REL_OBJ_ITM_DESC for key &2 |
661 | Enter GUIDs of reference object items |
662 | Reference object item &1 is not linked to any bid structure element |
663 | Rel. object &1: Provide input for rep. attr. REL_OBJ_ID for key &2 |
664 | No data found in error log table &1 for the given input |
665 | Enter a valid reference object GUID |
666 | Plan item &1 and its subordinates are deleted; save changes |
667 | Plan item &1 is deleted; save changes |
668 | Enter a valid &1 |
669 | Enter valid value for plan scenario &4 for &1 type &2 for key &3 |
670 | Plan type value &1 is not valid for plan sceanrio &2 for key &3 |
671 | Enter valid change requests to retrieve data |
672 | Data replicated |
673 | Error in replicating data |
674 | Enter the permitted value: O (bid structure) |
675 | &1 key &2 in plan header is not valid value for &1 ID &3 |
676 | No plan data found for plan &1 |
677 | Invalid Change request &1 |
678 | Change request &1 is not in approval process |
679 | Change request &1 is not in approval process for referece object item &2 |
681 | Cannot delete; structure element &1 is mapped to a execution project str. |
682 | This status is used in transfer method &1; remove assignment first |
684 | You can only assign ref. object &1 to bid structure element &2 |
685 | You are not authorized to change status of financial plan header |
686 | You are not authorized to change status of financial plan version |
687 | Document &1 closed |
689 | Project Definition already attached to Financial Plan |
690 | Nothing to report since employee not maintained for logged-in user |
691 | Automatic Transfer will work only when automatic mapping is allowed |
692 | Maintain the customizing for project definition |
693 | Doc. no. &1 is already closed; demand of &2 not transferred |
694 | Cannot proceed with forecasting as master project &1 is locked by &2. |
695 | Enter a cut-off date that is not in the future. |
696 | Forecasting initiated; check the log |
697 | Forecast is in progress. |
698 | Configure the method to update cut-off date for master project &1. |
699 | Enter a cut-off date within the plan period (&1 to &2). |
700 | Enter a cut-off date within the current forecast period. |
701 | New forecast period was not created; financial plan &1 is locked by &2 |
702 | For period KPIs, enter start and end dates after &1. |
703 | Enter a start date within the plan period (&1 to &2). |
704 | Enter an end date within the plan period (&1 to &2). |
705 | Enter a date that is after the previous period-end forecast. |
706 | It may take longer to calculate KPIs if the duration exceeds 31 days. |
707 | Cut-off date &1 is not within forecast period of financial plan &2. |
708 | We recommend only one baseline version for a plan scenario. |
709 | Enter a cut-off date after &1. |
710 | &1: Plan cost for &2 imported |
711 | &1: Plan revenue for &2 imported |