/CPD/PFP_MESSAGES - Financial Planning: Message Class for Plan Header

The following messages are stored in message class /CPD/PFP_MESSAGES: Financial Planning: Message Class for Plan Header.
It is part of development package /CPD/PFP_BO in software component CA-CPD-FP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "to be translated".
Message Nr
Message Text
000End date must not be earlier than the start date
001Enter a valid currency
002Enter a valid plan scenario
003Enter a valid plan type
004You can only set one plan type as default
005Set at least one plan type as default
006You cannot enter special characters
007Do you want to save
008Enter a valid class
009Cannot delete; selected resource type is used in other tables
010Enter a valid activity type
011You cannot move a superordinate node any higher
012You cannot delete a top level element
013You can only create one plan item at the superordinate level
014Object cannot be edited because it is locked by &1
015Text type &1 is not valid
016Cannot delete; selected plan scenario is used in other tables
017Cannot delete; selected plan type is used in other tables
018You cannot move this plan item to the superordinate level
019You cannot move this plan item to the subordinate level
020You cannot delete the default plan type
021Select a row with a document
022You cannot delete entries that have dependent entries
023Enter a plan scenario
024Select a plan before you proceed
025Enter a plan item ID
026Enter a unique version number
027&1 can only be used once and is already used in another version
028Key figure already assigned to another valuation method
029Select a row first
030Enter a plan version
031Selected plan ID does not match the header plan ID
032Enter only integer values
033Last available version of the plan has been selected for deletion
034Do you want to continue
035Do you want to delete the selected plan item
036The subordinate plan items are automatically selected for deletion
037Enter a version type
038Enter a valid-from date
039Enter a source currency
040Enter a target currency
041Enter an exchange rate
042Source currency and target currency cannot be the same
043Version with unique version ID copied; select a version type
044Plan ID is not valid
045Enter a combination for which valuation exists
048&1: Import failed
049Enter a plan scenario linked with a plan type
050Enter a valid field name
051Enter a valid UI field name
052Enter a valid resource type
053Enter a valid price type
054Duplicate entries are not allowed
055Enter a plan item description
056Sequence number already exists; enter another number
057'Level (From)' value must be lower than 'Level (To)' value
058Enter a sequence number
059Object type already exists; enter a unique object type
060Enter an object type
061Enter a valid profile
062Enter a profile description
063Enter a valid status
064Enter the next status
065Same status cannot be set as the next status
066Status does not belong to the current profile
067Action has already been assigned to another status
068You cannot set a status as both Initial and Close
069This profile already contains an initial status
070This profile already contains a final status
071Cannot set this as next status; it is a final status
072Cannot set this as next status; it is an initial status
073Plan ID already exists; enter a unique plan ID
074Enter a valuation method
075Enter an implementation class
076Implementation class does not exist; select from the predefined list
077Enter a pricing relevant field
078Select a value type
079Enter a value
080Enter a valuation strategy
081Field name does not exist; select from the predefined list
082Value does not exist; select from the predefined list
083Valuation method does not exist; select from the predefined list
084Enter a valid return value
085Return value does not exist; select from the predefined list
086Enter a key figure
087Key figure does not exist; select from the predefined list
088You cannot set a version type as both unique and default
089Default version already exists; only one default version is allowed
090You cannot assign the same valuation method twice to a valuation strategy
091Changes will be lost
093Plan version will be deleted
094Enter a valid commercial project ID
095Enter a commercial project type
096Select a period
097Enter a valid Application name
098Plan item already exists; enter a unique plan item
099This method is assigned to a strategy
100Specified date does not exist in the selected month
101You cannot enter date rule details for daily breakdown
102You cannot enter date rule details for custom breakdown
103Enter all details for date rules
104Plan type &1 already exists; enter a unique plan type
105Query does not exist; select from the predefined list
106Default query already exists; only one default query allowed
107Do you want to continue
108Default query is already set; you cannot set another query as default
109User exit class does not exist; select from the predefined list
110Error occured during Transfer. Try again later.
112You have exceeded the character limit allowed for field value entries
113You cannot edit this plan; it is locked by &1
114You must select only one query as default
115Select version to change status
116Enter a date rule
117Date rule does not exist; select from the predefined list
118You cannot enter special characters for plan item
120Enter a value for either cost element or activity type
121Enter a resource
122Enter a resource type
123Error during valuation
124You can only assign upto 20 succeeding statuses to a status
126Do you also want to map subordinate nodes
127Bid structure node is already mapped to a commercial project structure
128Do you want to map it to a different commercial project structure node
129Select a target node in the commercial project structure for mapping
130Enter a valid commercial project type
132This action will lead to irreversible transfer of data
133Do you want to continue
134Transfer process initiated
135Error in transferring data
136Change request is always unique to a version
137Change request has already been selected for a version
138Enter a transfer strategy
139Enter a plan item source
140Enter a transfer method
142Enter a characteristic
143Enter a target field name
144Plan item source is not in the list
145Characteristic is not in the list
146Transfer strategy is not in the list
147Select an update type
148Strategy ID is mapped to a plan scenario; remove mapping first
149Records copied
150Records not copied
151Plan header &1 deleted
152Plan header &1 is not deleted
153&1: Define CO version in &2 transfer method Customizing for WBS
154Forward slash(/) is not allowed
155Enter a valid character
156Select transaction currency
157Invalid scenario
158&1: Maintain cost element and activity type in Customizing
159&1: Enter either cost element or activity type
160&1: No work breakdown structure found for the project
161Plan direct quote for date &1 and source currency &2 is already defined
162Plan indirect quote for date &1 and source currency &2 is already defined
163Default version type already exists; only one default allowed
164Enter values for all mandatory fields
165Version copied
166Version not copied
167Version &1 deleted; save changes
168Version not deleted
169&1 transferred
170Either direct quote or indirect quote is allowed
171&1: &2 &3 &4 transferred
172&1: Date &2 for &3: &4
173Exchange rate cannot be saved with existing date and transaction currency
174Enter a valid date
175Data transferred
176Select a node from the bid structure
177No applicable data found for transfer
178Enter an exchange rate type
179Select a node from plan structure
180Do you also want to link subordinate nodes
181Selected plan structure node is already linked to a reference structure
182Do you want to link it to a different reference structure
183Commercial project structure is already linked to another financial plan
184Any associated planning data will be deleted
185Do you want to continue
186Only one &1 version is allowed in a commercial project
187Select version from plan structure
188Simulation process completed &1
189&1: &2 &3 &4 can be transferred
190Planning line items exist for previous periods
191Planning line items exist for future periods
192Line items copied
193Copy plan failed
194You cannot use special characters for rules
195You cannot use special characters for valuation methods
196Select a node from reference structure
197Enter a valid plan ID
198Exception occurred on saving timestamp
199&1: Maintain CO area in &2 transfer method Customizing for WBS
200Enter a service attribute
201Service attribute is not in the list
202This status is assigned to status profile; remove the assignment first
203&1: Document &2 updated for &3
204&1: Document &2 created for &3
205&1: Error while transferring data in &2 - &3
206&1: Cost element or activity type not maintained for &2 for &3 transfer
207&1: Error in &2 transfer for WBS &3; &4 not specified in the Customizing
208You cannot delete &1 version associated with this plan
209Version &1 created; save your changes
210Planning line items for version &1 copied
211Planning line items for version &1 not copied
212Planning line items copied; save changes
213Planning line items from &1 copied
214Planning line items from &1 not copied
215Save changes to replicate data
216Enter a numeric value
217Planning node &1 from plan &2 and version &3 deleted
218Error in UoM conversion for structure element &1 and material &2
219&1: BI update failed; request number &2 is set as closed
220No inconsistency found
221&1: Error in &2 transfer for &3; fiscal year variant error: &4
222Error in &1 transfer for &2; currency conversion error: &3
223&1: MRS update failed; plan &2 and version &3 locked by &4
224&1: Error while reading lock entry
225&1 cannot be changed since a line item exists for the financial plan
226Version not created
227Rescheduling for version &1 complete; save your changes
228Date rescheduling failed
229You cannot assign more than one baseline version type
230Cube is currently locked
231You cannot assign more than one active version type
232Record not found
234Planning line items copied from &1
235Planning line items not copied from &1
236Structure copied
237Structure copied; save financial plan to copy plan line items
238Structure not copied
239Rescheduling for version &1 done
240Rescheduling for version &1 failed
241Resource master data created
242Creation of resource master data failed
243Snapshot version &1 created
244Snapshot version &1 was not created
245Resource type is assigned to resource or plan scenario
246Maintain either cost or revenue key figure in transfer method Customizing
247&1 (&2) transferred to cost elem/acty. type &3 for fiscal year &4
248&1 can be transferred for WBS &2 to cost elem/acty. &3 for fiscal year &4
249Unsaved data will not be available for planning
250Rsrc. type &1 at &2/&3 not transferred; excluded in transfer method &4
251No log entry; data not simulated for the selected version
252No log entry; data not transferred for the selected version
253If MapCOVersion is set then unique flag is always set
254Enter a version type
255MapCOVersion is already assigned to another version type
256Setting the status to &1 will disable further edits to the version
258Maintain currency conversion rate for &1
259Save the plan; status has changed
260Length of &1 exceeded maximum allowed for &2
261&1 is not a number
262No data transferred for transfer method &1; bid structure is used
263Error in MRS transfer at &1 - &2
264This method is used for mapping output values for pricing
265Plans have been updated with cost element/activity type
266Cost element/activity type not updated for plan &1
267Staffed quantity not updated for plan &1
268Financial plans updated with staffed quantity
269MRS system not available
270CO version &1 is assigned to multiple versions.
271This may result in inconsistencies.
272Transfer strategy &1 is assigned to version &2
273This version type is not set as forecast snapshot
274Transfer strategy assigned only with unique version type
275Version type &1 with same MapCOVersion is assigned to plan scenario &2
276The extraction program does not support object &1
277&1: Quantity is not updated; &2 is not an Internal/External type
278Maintain a number range for financial plans; see long text
279Maintain controlling area / cost center
280Enter a planning function
281Enter a valid planning function from the list
282Maintain mapping for output values for method &1 in valuation strategy &2
283You can only view data due to the status
284You can only view data for this version type
285You can only view data; you are not authorized to change plan data
286Enter a valid version ID
287Version &1 deleted
288Enter &1 ID
289Enter a plan scenario ID
290Enter a plan type ID
291Enter a start date
292Enter an end date
293Enter a currency for financial plan
294Enter either E (commercial proj. structure) or O (bid structure)
295Enter a valid plan scenario ID
296Enter a valid plan type ID
297Enter a valid version type ID
298Financial plan &1 created
299Duplicate entries found for some columns; refer to invalid line items
300Financial plan &1 updated
301Enter a valid status ID for the financial plan
302Enter a valid status ID for the version
303Version &1 created
304Version &1 updated
305No entries found for line items
306InfoCube &1 is not in planning mode
307Version &2 of plan &1 is locked by user &3
308Choosing a CO version will make this version type unique
309Enter at least one parameter
310&3 &1 for customer &2 does not exist
311&2 &1 does not exist
312No &2 exists for customer &1
313No financial plan exists for given input &1
314No transfer strategy for plan &1, version &2 in Customizing
315Plan data transferred for plan &1, version &2; check the log
316Financial plan &2 version &1 does not exist
317Cannot transfer data; no transfer strategy for financial plan &1
318Planning node &1 deleted from plan &2, version &3
319Financial plan &1 archived
320Cannot archive &1 &2; associated &3 &4 is not archived
321Financial plan &1 is ready for archiving
322Cannot archive financial plan &1; still within residence period
323Financial plan &1 or plan items do not exist
324Staffed quantity update failed for document number &1; &2
325Cannot archive financial plan &1; end date is in the future
326Cannot valuate; valuation strategy uses an incompatible date rule
327Obj. ty. &1 assigned to transfer method &2 not relevant for transfer
328&1: Maintain key figures (EAC/ETC/Actuals) in transfer method Customizing
329Cannot copy financial plan; plan scenarios do not match
330Select a structure element
331Maintain prices for &1, &2, &3, and &4 in transaction KP26
332Error during currency conversion of material price
333No workbooks available for change request; see long text
334Employee master data created
335Creation of employee master data failed
336Status of financial plan &1 is reset to '&2'
337Select at least one key figure to copy
338&1: Cost element or activity type not maintained for &2 for &3 transfer
339Error in valuation; fiscal year variant error: &1
340Maintain CO version before assigning transfer strategy to version type
341Cannot delete; version type is read-only
342Plan type changed
343Error while changing the plan type
344Plan type changed; save changes
345Plan line items for employee &1 were deleted
346Error while deleting plan line items for employee
347Cannot insert new records; status of financial plan or version is closed
348This is a next possible status for status &1; remove assignment first
349Status is assigned to transfer method &1; remove assignment first
350Version type &1 is assigned to plan scenario &2
351There are no financial plans for &1
352Next possible status is assigned; remove assignment first
353Financial plans exist for selected structure elements; see long text
354Cannot create; financial plan type does not match the comm. proj. type
355Structure element of financial plan &1 is deleted
356Structure element of financial plan &1 is not deleted
357Default version type for selected plan scenario not maintained
358Financial plan &1 does not exist
359Bussiness object &1 is invalid for &3 &2
360Target plan &1 does not have version &2
361Source and target plans do not have same plan scenario
362Cannot map; structure element &1 is already mapped to financial plan &2
363No log entry; data not Imported to the selected version
364Enter only alphanumeric characters
365Cannot link one or more structure elements; you are not authorized
366You are not authorized to access financial plans
367You are not authorized to access active financial plans
368Plan version is not available
369An active plan version is not available
370Cannot create; one financial plan is allowed with the comm. proj. type
371Cannot delete; financial plan &1 is also assigned to another user
372Cannot proceed; contact your system administrator
373Error in a parallel process for sending data
374Cannot save reassigned business objects and plan line items
375Mapping ratio is > 100 for (&1, &2) combination
376Reassignment from &1 to &2 saved
377&1 is not a valid object type
378Some structure elements were not created. Input required.
379Cannot reassign business object. Plan scenarios do not match.
380Cannot reassign business object. Plan types do not match.
381Cannot reassign business object. Plan currencies do not match.
382Plan period is not equal to or within the target plan period.
383Business object &1 reassigned from &2 to &3. Please save the changes.
384Cannot reassign business object &1
385Cannot reassign business object. Version types do not match.
386Version &1 is already linked with target version &2
387Select a source version
388Bid item &1 is already fully mapped
389Financial plan &1 with original bid values created
390Plan &1 converted from bid structure to &2
391Plan item ID already exists; a new ID has been assigned
392The structure is sorted according to plan item IDs
393Do you want to delete the mapping?
394Select create structure from reference structure
395Select with line item from reference structure
396Select reference version from refrence structure
397&1: Cannot transfer; invalid scenario in &2
398&1: Transferred SKF qty for &2 in CO area &3 and FY &4
399&1: Transfer was not successful for the following:
400Source and target plans must belong to the same controlling area
401Cannot copy financial plan; resource types &1 do not match
402Cannot copy financial plan; planning breakdown intervals do not match
403Cannot copy; fiscal year variants do not match
404Texts for forecast periods have been adjusted
405Maintain fiscal year variant for the commercial project type
406&1 does not lie in the fiscal year variant &2
407Fiscal year variant does not exist
408Plan line items deleted; save the changes
409Transfer method &1 is not relevant for transfer with version status &2
410&1: Error in struc. element &2; no resources planned for resource ty. &3
411Planning function for valuate or calculate does not exist
412Error in method &1 for elem. &2: define period &3 for fiscal var. &4
413Error in method &1 for elem. &2: date &3 is not in fiscal var. &4
414Error in method &1 for elem. &2; map periods in Customizing
415No elements in the structure; assign business objects to the &1
416&1: Error in &2, &3 &4
417&1: Cannot transfer data; no dates defined for object &2
418Data import for &1 initiated
419&2: Object &1 is not relevant for data import
420&1: Input value &2 is not valid for characteristics &3
421&1: Struc. &2: &3 period/s &4 does not lie within financial plan period
422&1: Maintain controlling area in Customizing
423Import process initiated
424&1: Import/simulation was successful
425&1: Remove fixed value of &2 from input fields in Customizing
426&1: Data for network activity &2 imported
427&1: SKF for &2: &3 imported
428&1: Data for NWA &2, material &3 imported
429&1: Import for NWA &2, material &3 failed; maintain &4 in Customizing
430Data import &2 for element &1 initiated
431Error in valuation; period shift for &1 exceeds the plan period
432Enter a sequence number
433Sequence number is already defined
434&1: Data for network activity element &2 imported
435&1: NWA: &2 Material: &3 currency changed; maintain &4 in Customizing
436Import process completed
437No import strategy for plan &1, version &2 in Customizing
438Data imported for plan &1, version &2; check the log
439&1: Plan currency &3 used for NWA &2; maintain currency in Customizing
440Enter a version ID
441Error: &1
442&1: MRS transfer failed; plan data locked for plan &2 and plan version &3
443Maintain UoM for entered bill of quantity
444&1: Cannot import data from &2 for &3 in plan scenario &4
445&1: &2: &3 is not a valid UoM for resource type &4
446&1: No SKF defined for &2
447&1: &2: Cannot transfer multiple resource types to the same NWA element
448&1 is not a valid UoM for resource type &2
449Creation of financial plan failed for index &; &
450&1: &2 &3 &4
451&1: No Data to import
452Organization id is not maintained in the commercial project structure
453Country/Region master data for employee created
454Creation of Country/Region master data for employee failed
455Country/Region master data for employee created
456Creation of Country/Region master data for employee failed
457&1: NWA: &2 Early Start Date is Before Financial Plan Start Date
458&1: NWA: &2 Early Finish Date is After Financial Plan Finish Date
459&1: Import from &2 failed; method supports control keys PS01, PS02
460&1: Fixed value &2 in customizing does not match the planned value &3
461Structures are not similar; map elements individually
462No data to copy
463Activation of &1 failed
464Program &1 is already running in another work process.
465You are not authorized to change project data.
466This import overwrites existing data, if any. Do you want to continue?
467Cannot make adjustments because the workpackage dates are in the past.
468Version ID contains &1. Enter valid Version ID
469WBS Element &1 is not a planning element
470Cannot change active version; it contains change requests
471Cannot delete active version &1; plan data exists
472Cannot delete active version &1; change request exists
473Plan version copied
474Save your changes first
475Could not copy plan version; check error logs
476Name space USR can not be used for work item customization.
477Project was last updated by &. Please refresh or reopen the project.
478You do not have authorizations for the selected structure element
479ETC is filled for missing months
480Could not delete version; deletion of transfer data still in progress
481Could not delete version; deletion of transfer data has errors
482To delete version, first delete data transferred to ERP
483Deletion of transfer data initiated
484Deletion of transfer data completed
485Deletion of transfer data is not complete as it contains errors
486No Actual data for the given selection
487&1: Can transfer SKF qty for &2 in CO area &3 and FY &4
491Valuation is completed without errors
492Financial plan &1 is not an execution structure
493Note:&1 &2 &3
494Enter valid distribution type for switch plan type.
495You do not have authorizations to display or plan on the structure
496&1: Incomplete Customizing: provide key figures for cost, revenue, qty
497Change of version type of '&1' not allowed until transferred data deleted
498Employment &1 not found for the date &2
499Controlling Area &1 not found.
500Ledger version not found for Controlling Area &1
511The following objects of plan &1 contain errors:
512&1: NWAE: &2 early start date is before financial plan's start date
513&1: NWAE: &2 early finish date is after financial plan's finish date
514No data for Valuation
515Valuation process initiated; see the log
516No log exists
517Valuation not possible; error in import
523When plan ID is provided, do not enter commercial project details
524Forecast only allowed for comm. proj. struc.; &1 belongs to a bid struc.
525Plan &1 does not have active versions; forecasting not allowed
526Real-time forecast for plan &1 completed without errors
527Customizing settings of plan scenario &1 do not allow in-period forecasts
528&1 is not of monthly plan type; forecasting not allowed
529In-period forecast not allowed as period-end forecast of plan &1 is done
530&1: Procurement type not determined for network &2 and material &3
531&1 objects added to watch list
532Objects deleted from watch list
534More than 200 objects in watch list; this impacts performance
535No objects exist for this user
536You are not authorized to access structure element &
537No active plans exist for the selected objects
538Some objects are not assigned to an active plan
540No objects to add to watch list
542Enter an EAC value that is greater than or equal actuals of &1
543Prerequisite plan data does not exist
544Selection deleted; save your changes
545Enter In-period forecast status
546At &1 level, distributed EAC value cannot be lesser than actuals
547Enter an EAC value that is greater than or equal actual quantity
553Cannot acquire a lock for plan &1
554Error while updating plan header dates for &1
555&1: Plan header start date updated to &2
556Plan locked for processing of import
557&1: Plan header end date updated to &2
560Snapshot created; save your changes
561Snapshot deleted; save your changes
562Could not delete snapshot version &1; delete transfer data first
563Plan &1 is locked by user &2
565You can view these messages in the application log: transaction SLG1
566Required details are: Object &1, subobject &2
569Real-time forecast for plan &1 ended with errors:
570Combination of some statuses are not allowed
571Forecast period &1 for plan &2 is not within the plan period
572No Authorization for Data Access from cube &1 &2 &3 &4
573InfoCube name &1 is blank or too long &2 &3 &4
574Infocube read &1 &2 &3 &4
579Infocube write &1 &2 &3 &4
582To delete plan data, first delete data transferred to ERP
584Transfer only allowed for comm. proj. struc.; &1 belongs to a bid struc.
585Plan &1 does not have active versions; transfer not allowed
586Error while reading comments from DataSource Object
587Comments from the source DataSource Object fetched for copying to target
588Comments from DataSource Object copied to the target version
589Transfer for plan &1 initiated; check status in log
590Error while writing comments back to DataSource Object
591Copy of version completed
593Transfer for plan &1 not done; selection stat. different from actual stat
594Plan line item can not be deleted
595Copying of plan version initiated
596&1: &2
603Distribution type &1 is not valid
604Parameter 'Copy Value' &1 is not valid
605Copying of plan failed
606Source structure element &1 is invalid
607Key figure &1 is invalid
608Characteristic &1 is invalid
609Target structure element can be assigned to single source element
610Target structure element &1 is invalid
611&1, &2, &3 not valuated; enter transaction currency in planning
612Reference object &1 is already linked to another structure element
613Reference object deleted from bid structure &1 of financial plan &2
614No plans exist for comm. proj. &1; entry deleted from error log table &2
615No data found in error log table &1
616Plan &1 does not exist in error log table &2; &3
617No reference object assigned to structure element &1
618Commercial proj. &1 does not exist in error log table &2; &3
619Define resource type in Customizing
620Define costing variant for &1 in Customizing
621Specify the valuation date of &1 within the plan's start and end dates
622Plan &1 does not have an active version
623Ref. object is not linked to any structure element in plan &1
624Enter either financial plan ID or financial plan key
625Plan hierarchy cannot be changed; PICM not active
626Cannot delete; structure element &1 is linked to a reference object
627Provide financial plans and versions to retrieve data
628No plan data found for plan &1 and version &2
629You can only view data for plan &1 due to status
630Assignment not possible; status of reference object &1 is &2
631Deletion not possible; status of reference object &1 is &2
633Deletion not possible; plan &1 contains link to reference object
634Workbook launch failed due to technical error; launch workbook again
635Errors occured; could not delete ref. object from bid str. of plan &1
636Sync. report processing completed
637Cannot map structure element again; data has already been replicated
638Enter a valid version ID for financial plan &1
639You can only plan for change requests
640Once you set and save the CR Relevant indicator, it cannot be changed
641You must activate switch to execute functionality
642Provide change request IDs to retrieve data
643Business function switch /PICM/CA_CPD_PICM_1 is not active
644Plan scenario &1 is not valid for &3 type &2
645Plan type &1 invalid for plan scenario &2, &4 type &3
646Enter a &1 GUID
647Enter a reference object GUID
648Enter a valid &1 GUID
649Link between ref. object &1 and commercial project &2 does not exist
650Cannot move to a subordinate level; reference object is assigned
651Enter plan scenario value valid for commercial project type &1
652No plan data found for change request &1
653Cannot delete; structure element &1 is linked to a change request
654Provide valid reference objects to retrieve data
655No change request found for reference object &1
656No change requests found for the reference objects
657Plan &1: Ref. object unassigned and plan deleted from error log table &2
658Invalid object type &1
659Reference object & is already linked to another struct. element in plan &
660Rel. object &1: Provide input for rep. attr. REL_OBJ_ITM_DESC for key &2
661Enter GUIDs of reference object items
662Reference object item &1 is not linked to any bid structure element
663Rel. object &1: Provide input for rep. attr. REL_OBJ_ID for key &2
664No data found in error log table &1 for the given input
665Enter a valid reference object GUID
666Plan item &1 and its subordinates are deleted; save changes
667Plan item &1 is deleted; save changes
668Enter a valid &1
669Enter valid value for plan scenario &4 for &1 type &2 for key &3
670Plan type value &1 is not valid for plan sceanrio &2 for key &3
671Enter valid change requests to retrieve data
672Data replicated
673Error in replicating data
674Enter the permitted value: O (bid structure)
675&1 key &2 in plan header is not valid value for &1 ID &3
676No plan data found for plan &1
677Invalid Change request &1
678Change request &1 is not in approval process
679Change request &1 is not in approval process for referece object item &2
681Cannot delete; structure element &1 is mapped to a execution project str.
682This status is used in transfer method &1; remove assignment first
684You can only assign ref. object &1 to bid structure element &2
685You are not authorized to change status of financial plan header
686You are not authorized to change status of financial plan version
687Document &1 closed
689Project Definition already attached to Financial Plan
690Nothing to report since employee not maintained for logged-in user
691Automatic Transfer will work only when automatic mapping is allowed
692Maintain the customizing for project definition
693Doc. no. &1 is already closed; demand of &2 not transferred
694Cannot proceed with forecasting as master project &1 is locked by &2.
695Enter a cut-off date that is not in the future.
696Forecasting initiated; check the log
697Forecast is in progress.
698Configure the method to update cut-off date for master project &1.
699Enter a cut-off date within the plan period (&1 to &2).
700Enter a cut-off date within the current forecast period.
701New forecast period was not created; financial plan &1 is locked by &2
702For period KPIs, enter start and end dates after &1.
703Enter a start date within the plan period (&1 to &2).
704Enter an end date within the plan period (&1 to &2).
705Enter a date that is after the previous period-end forecast.
706It may take longer to calculate KPIs if the duration exceeds 31 days.
707Cut-off date &1 is not within forecast period of financial plan &2.
708We recommend only one baseline version for a plan scenario.
709Enter a cut-off date after &1.
710&1: Plan cost for &2 imported
711&1: Plan revenue for &2 imported
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