/DSD/RP_MESSAGE - Message Class - Route Planning

The following messages are stored in message class /DSD/RP_MESSAGE: Message Class - Route Planning.
It is part of development package /DSD/RP in software component LE-DSD-RP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Transportation planning".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Data records blocked by user &1
002No data found for specified selection in table &1
003Incomplete data found for specified selection in table &1
004&1 locks could not be removed (help: transaction SM12)
005Data was not completely saved in the database
010No visit lists meet the specified selection criteria
011Visit list &1 is blocked
012The visit lists you want to select are blocked
013No visit lists were selected
014No visit list items were selected
015Visit list &1 will not be analyzed (not assigned to a route)
016Customer &1 is contained in at least two visit lists (&2 and &3)
017The ship-to party for delivery &1 is driver &2
018Route &1, visit plan type &2, transp.plan.point &3 not in tour master
019Tour with route &1 and visit schedule type &2 does not have any item data
020Could not read the visit schedule types from the database
021Analysis of visit list &1 (type: &2; route: &3)
022Speculative load &2 exists for visit list &1
023Visit list &1 has already been analyzed
024No visit lists have to be analyzed
025Selecting visit lists
026Checking visit lists
027Number of selected visit lists: &1
028Selecting speculative loads
029Could not select speculative loads
030Speculative load &2 is assigned to visit list &1
031Delivery &2 is assigned to visit list &1
032Identifying speculative loads without assignment to a visit list
033No speculative loads without assignment to a visit list found
034No deliveries for analysis of visit list &1 found
035Deliveries for the analysis of visit list &1 were found
036No item data found for visit list &1
037Speculative loads assigned to visit list &1: &2
038Speculative loads not assigned to visit list &1: &2
039Deliveries assigned to visit list &1: &2
040Deliveries in visit list &1 that are not assigned yet: &2
041No delivery types are allowed for dynamic transportation planning
042Number of rejected deliveries &1
043Number of deliveries passed on &1
044Delivery &: not an unconditional delivery for the same GR
045Tour master (route:&1;DocT.:&2;F-O No.:&3) is not assigned a tractor
046Tour master (route:&1;DocT:&2,F-O No.:&3) is not assigned a trailer
047Could not read the master data of vehicle &1
048Number of assigned deliveries &1
049Number of deliveries not scheduled &1
050Number of shipments created &1
051No drivers found in the master data
052No capacity limits defined for dynamic transportation planning
053Shipment & does not exist
054Error converting material &1 from unit &2 to unit &3
055No means of transport available, although deliveries are still open
056Delivery &1 could not be assigned
057Usable load [&1] exceeded for &2 - Occupied: &3; Free: &4
058Volume [&1] exceeded for &2 - Occupied: &3; Free: &4
059Number of stops exceeded
060Var. cap. [&1] exceeded for &2 - Occupied: &3; Free: &4
061&1: Delivery &2 assigned with delivery type &3
062Checking route data for shipment &
063Time limit [&1] exceeded for &2 - Max. time: &3; Transport. time: &4
064No driver's license category maintained for tractor &1
065No driver's license category maintained for trailer &1
066No driver's license category maintained for Driver1 &1
067No driver's license category maintained for Driver2 &1
068Generating shipment(s) for new customers
069You have not selected a default visit schedule type
070All deliveries were assigned
071Ship-to party &1 cannot be visited during the tour
072Not all ship-to parties can be visited in this tour
073All ship-to parties can be visited in this tour
074Tour &1/&2 for visit schedule category &3 and vehicle &4 is blocked
075Could not select the deliveries assigned to items in visit list(s)
076Deliveries assigned to the items in the visit list(s) were selected
077Number of rejected speculative loads &1
078Number of speculative loads passed on &1
079Speculative load &1 could not be assigned to a shipment
080Delivery &1 (del. type: &2) is not allowed in transport. plan. point &3
081Visit list &1 will not be evaluated
082Check of visit list &1
083Loading units exceeded in &2. Full: &3, Free: &4
084Delivery &1 not assigned, since VKORG &2 <> VKORG &3 of visit list &4
085Delivery &1 not assigned, since VTWEG/SPART in item <> data from VL &2.
086No tour found: VKORG data for driver <> VKORG for route/VP type &1/&2
087Delivery &1 not assigned as it is not a single-sales-area delivery
088Cust.&1 from VL &2 is assigned to deliv. &3 of ship-to party &4 -> reject
090Customizing: DSD tour status - shipment is not relevant for DSD
201Carrier & is not assigned to any customers
202Route &, sequence number & is not maintained in the tour master
203Driver & is not maintained in the driver master
204Driver's lic. categ. & of Driver2 does not match that of & tractor
205Trans. planning point & driver & <> trans. planning point & of tour &
206Driver & is not allowed for planning
207Driver & is blocked from & to &
208Driver & lock times from & to & in planning period start/end of trans.
209Enter a route for the driver/vehicle
210Vehicle & is blocked from & to &
211Object is not a trailer (vehicle type & in vehicle master)
212Driver's license category for vehicle & not maintained
213Object is not a tractor (vehicle type & in vehicle master)
214Trans. planning point & vehicle & <> trans. planning point & of tour &
215Vehicle & is not allowed for planning
216Driver's lic. categ. & of Driver1 does not match that of trailer &
217Vehicle & lock times from & to & in planning period start/end of trans.
218If you enter a Driver2, you have to enter a Driver1 as well
219Driver1 and Driver2 cannot be the same person
220Trailer without tractor not allowed
221The trailer and the tractor must be different vehicles
222Driver's lic. categ. & of Driver1 does not match that of tractor &
223Tour transmitted: F1: &| F2: &| M: &| A: &|
224Tour & cannot be proposed - status: &
225Could not determine visit schedule category from Customizing
226Route & is not maintained in route master
227Driver's lic. categ. & of Driver2 does not match that of trailer &
228You have to deactivate Vehicle Space Optimization (VSO) first
229Vehicle &1 is inactive or flagged for deletion
230You must first deactivate single sales area processes
231Driver &1 is flagged for deletion
232Driver &1 not found in master data
233Driver &1 is flagged for deletion in sales area &1/&1/&1
234Driver &1 in tour master (R: &2 V:&3 S:&4) is flagged for deletion
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