/DSD/SV - DSD: Message Texts Stock Visibility

The following messages are stored in message class /DSD/SV: DSD: Message Texts Stock Visibility.
It is part of development package /DSD/SV in software component LE-DSD-SV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Saving not necessary: no changes where made
001Document &1 with type &2 is locked by user &3.
002Update of documents failed. For details see application log.
003The date &1 must be older than &2 days.
004Deletion of documents failed. For details see application log.
005Creation of documents failed. For details see application log.
006Reading of deliveries failed.
007Material &1 is not maintained in plant &2.
008Unit of measurement &1 for material &2 not maintained.
009Material &1 is not allowed for current reload.
010Deletion of the reload data is not possible, last change &1
011Deletion of the reload data is not successful, last change &1
012The deletion of the reload data is possible
013The deletion of the reload data is successful
014Deletion of the reload data is not possible, creation date &1
015Deletion of the reload data is not successful, creation date &1
016Plant needs to be specified.
017The current reload sequence &1 has aleady assigned plant &2.
018Sequenz &1, Material &2: Actual &3 <> request quantity &4
019Unit of measurement is missing.
020Material number is missing.
021Quantity is missing.
022Reload activity is missing.
023Creation of documents for reload sequence: &1, date: &2, time: &3.
024Reload data not found.
025Only display possible.
026Only display possible. The shipment & is already prepared for settlement.
027Reload process not possible. The shipment &1 is not yet planned.
028Delivery ist not created, because of errors
029Reload sequence &1, Status &2: The status is not 'S'
030Notify is not possible: No reload header data found
031Reload sequence &1, Status &2: Status is not 'T'(MI notified)
032Communication error RFC-Destination &1
033Connector-Destination not found -> Communication to Device not possible
034Creation of deliveries failed. For details see application log.
035Deletion of reload data queue on ME failed. Change mode not possible.
036The entry in ME notify queue failed.
037Deletion of Reload data queue failed due to existing upload queue
038Only display possible. Sequence notifying in progress.
039Reload not possible. Download of shipment &1 to ME not yet executed.
040No reload orders found
041No reload process possible. The shipment &1 is prepared for settlement.
042Deletion of reload sequence &1 failed.
050Error during creation of Appl. Log handle
051Error during adding Appl. Log message
052Error during save of Appl. Log
053Error during remove Appl. Log from memory
054Error during search of Appl. Log on DB
055Error during load of Appl. Log from DB
056Error during deletion of Appl. Log from DB
057No Appl. Log available
058No authority to display Appl. Log
059Download of reload data is not possible: No reload header data found
060Composition of the status &1 is not possible: No reload data found
061Sales document category &1 is derived, only C is allowed
062Plant &1 does not exist.
063Reload activity &1 does not exist; use input help
064If reload status "M" only activities with direction unload are possible
070Deletion of the Load Confirmation data is not possible, last change &1
071Deletion of the Load Confirmation data is not successful, last change &1
072The deletion of the Loading Confirmation data is possible
073The deletion of the Loading Confirmation data is successful
074Deletion of the Load Confirmation data is not possible, creation date &1
075Deletion of the Load Confirm. data is not successful, creation date &1
076Deletion of the Load Conf. data is not possible; unconfirmed sequence
077Deletion of the Load Conf. data is not successful; unconfirmed sequence
078No Load Confirmation data found for deletion
079The deletion of the Load Conf. data is successful with appl. log error
080The deletion of the reload data is successful with appl. log error.
100Completion date must be in the past!
101There is no data to be deleted.
102Data for Tour ID &1 could not be deleted.
103Data for Tour ID &1 locked by other user.
104Data for Tour ID &1 succesfully deleted.
105Errors occurred in Stock Visibility transfers for Tour &1.
106Please check the DSD application log for details.
107Errors occurred in Return Loading Note creation for Tour &1.
108No data found for this selection.
109Please limit your selection.
110Please select a line.
111Unloading document for Tour &1 has already been created.
112Unloading document for Tour &1 has not been created yet.
113Unloading document &1 has already been released.
114Errors occurred during release of Unloading Document &1.
115Please select only one line.
116Goods Issue not possible. Materials already transferred to Truck Stock.
117Vehicle needs to be specified.
118Vehicle &1 is assigned to Tour &2.
119Tour & is not available.
120Tour needs to be specified.
121SV-Event needs to be specified.
122SV-Status needs to be specified.
123Movement Type needs to be specified in line &1.
124Plant needs to be specified in line &1.
125Storage Location 'from' needs to be specified in line &1.
126Storage Location 'to' needs to be specified in line &1.
127Material Number needs to be specified in line &1.
128SV Quantity in MR or in MM needs to be specified in line &1.
129SV Quantity in Material Movement needs to be specified in line &1.
130Base Unit of Measure needs to be specified in line &1.
131MM Record is already processed.
132There is no Check-In data for Tour &1 yet.
133Function is not possible because Tour &1 is already completed.
134Function is not possible because Check-In quantities are zero.
135Tour Status &1 is not allowed for Tour &2.
136Final Unloading Document &1 has already been released.
137Creation of documents succeeded.
138Storage Location needs to be specified in Order &1 for Tour &2.
139MM record &1 &2 - Incomplete material movement must be canceled
140DSD related shipment &1 can only be deleted in overall status 'Planned'
141Error while setting Status &1 for tour &2. See protocol.
200Layout &1 does not exist for report &2
201List preparation carried out with initial layout &1
202You have no authorization for this transaction in plant &1
203The list is incomplete due to lacking authorization
204No list due to lacking authorization
210Stock Visibility is not active - function not possible
300Load. conf. data for shipment &1 and sequence &2 not found in database.
301Load. conf. status (&1) for shipment &2 and sequence &3 not suitable.
302Load. conf. customizing for transportation planning point &1 is missing.
303Only display possible. Data referring to shipment &1 are locked by &2.
304Reading shipment &1 and associated data failed.
305No delivery items found in shipment &1.
306No items for shipment &1 and load. conf. sequence &2 found.
307Reload sequence &1 for shipment &2 has wrong status (&3).
308Uom level &1 of counting group &2 is not defined.
309Uom &1 of material &2 not defined in counting group &3.
310Unit of measurement &1 for material &2 not maintained.
311Conversion error material &1 from uom &2 to uom &3.
312Material &1 has no counting group assigned.
313Target quantities changed.
314Enter quantities alternatively reasons on material level.
315Combination Uom &1 and counting group &2 is not defined.
316Counting group &1 has no materials assigned.
317Entry to counting group &1 and Uom &2 is already maintained.
318Only material level possible.
319No Loading Confirmation data available for tour &1.
320No Load. Confirmation data available on Counting Group level for tour &1.
321No Seal Numbers available for tour &1.
322You have no authority for execution of Loading Confirmation Maintenance.
323You have no authority for execution of Loading Confirmation Adjust Load.
324In counting group &1 differences arose. It was switched to materials.
325Please maintain reason to the material &1!
326You have no authority for deletion of Loading Confirmation Data.
327Execute Loading Confirmation before continuing with shipment &1
328Conversion of Unit of Measurement '&1' from SAP Code to ISO Code failed.
329Setting of shipment status &1 not possible. Check IMG of load. conf.
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